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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56877430 No.56877430 [Reply] [Original]

Seems there are only 2 viable investment options at this point:

1. Gambling with your paycheck
if you're lucky you can retire early, if not you're fucked

2. Putting as much money as possible into high dividend stocks, high yield bonds etc.
if you start early, enjoy your 3 day work week in your 30s because of you passive income. sure you can't retire but you dont have to work yourself to death for mr. goldberg

>> No.56877829

>sure you can't retire but you dont have to work yourself to death for mr. goldberg
I'd much rather just work 2-3 days a week for my entire life then work 5 days a week and retire.

>> No.56878151



>> No.56878278

Once you have a paid off house, you can effectively retire. Just work easy part-time jobs to pay the bills, and keep your reported income low enough so you qualify for foodstamps and obamacare. No more high-stress, high time commitment job needed. Then you can coast until social security starts paying

>> No.56878320

how much would you allocate to a paid off home? I'm assuming buy it in cash.
Also, what kind of job usually lets you work part time but still high paying? like coffee shop or just something within your career? I'm a computer engineer but pretty much every job at my company is full time

>> No.56878445

Buy it in cash. You don't want a high-paying part time job, because then you won't get the completely subsidized Obamacare plan, plus you can't get a maxxed EBT card. Take an easy job serving coffee, bartending, whatever. If you're a "career-oriented" achievementfag this probably sounds bad to you. The whole reason I worked a high paying job as long as I did was to buy a house in cash, so I could go back to being a lazy piece of shit and do the bare minimum work-wise. Never felt better

>> No.56878514

>Take an easy job serving coffee, bartending, whatever
do you think this is better than just working remote? I currently work remote and I might work 1-2 hours a day and rest of it I'm just on call if a server goes down or whatever, else i'm on /biz/ or playing guitar etc. Another thing is just working a few months of the year and taking a leave of absence or finding a new job. Not sure if the part time job benefit is the social aspect though

>> No.56878550

3) get a job and DCA Bitcoin for ten years, retire and enjoy 18 year olds swallowing your cock until you die. If you lose your keys you can always just kys.

>> No.56878563
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all investment is gambling

>> No.56878589

yea that's what I've been doing. Every paycheck goes into it. 25% of my money I'll put into 2-3 shitcoins to flip back into btc. So far just at 2.5 BTC though