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56876216 No.56876216 [Reply] [Original]

I just got hold of 25k and planning of spliting it like this
20% BTC
20% ETH
40% Alt coins (SOL, KAS, ADA and some other, havent decided yet, maybe HBAR o AVAX)
10% SHIB
10% CAKE

So, Anon what do you think? What would you change?

>> No.56876225

you should buy something of actual value

>> No.56876254

100% BTC

>> No.56876278

Diversifying in crypto doesn't make sense because everything moves together. They're all the fucking same, it's like diversifying by having 20 oil companies, you're just 100% oil.
>80% equal weight btc/eth
>20% shitcoins if you must, throw darts, it doesn't matter
>no dog coins
>NO dog coins
Good night

>> No.56876750

50% Avax or NGMI

>> No.56877043

Place funds into upcoming projects like Funarcade, these are the next big multiples.

>> No.56877383

40% BTC
40% KAS
10% XMR
10% BCH

>> No.56877398


>> No.56878729

BTC & ETH are big boys only desu. Stick to alts - these will give you the most profits.

>> No.56878850

All BTC and ETH. Heavy on BTC since ETH is proof of scam. Don't touch any old alts. Get new alts like celestia. Buying last cycle alts like like buying OMG, FUN or XRP in 2020. Shits already mooned and maxed out its market cap.

>> No.56879834
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dont buy hbar nor avax. pumped, past their prime, dead in the water. too little shib and cake too. wait for blocklords and go higher with cake, stake that if you want. the rest is pretty good, nice folio.

>> No.56879857

Can you provide three valid points to hold Kaspa at this point in time?

>> No.56879864

This pretty much. Zero dogcoins. No shib, no doge, no anything.
Dooooon't care, don't.

>> No.56879868

buy weapon stocks op, wars all over this bitch of a planet.

>> No.56879880

Only if blockchain games becomes profitable again, somehow. Seen weirder things happen in this clown market. Otherwise blocklords will be another ido to take advantage of and little else.

Cake is gay.

>> No.56879886

80% btc 20% whatever is in the top 10. Ur welcum.

>> No.56879916

spoken like a true dog coin hoarder

>> No.56879933


>> No.56879962

you lost me at shib and cake but the rest was good

>> No.56879987

you had me until you shilled your shitty as game fucking fuck off

>> No.56880054

It all moves together WITH bitcoin. If bitcoin is good, all others are good for the most part. Bitcoin is not good, others won't be good for the most part. Some pump harder than others. There's a reason The top 30 changes every year.

>> No.56880072

if you split your money that way you will not make a profit on any of them

>> No.56880078
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i just want to make enough for netflix and hbo+ by playing silly little games. is that too much to ask for? fuck

>> No.56880081

it is true, it is useless to diversify because if the BTC goes down, absolutely everything goes down.

>> No.56880088

nice shill jeet

>> No.56880094

and that is why the only real currency in this market is the BTC, the rest are just alts for poor people.

>> No.56880103

>Hbar or Avax
You don't deserve my constructive criticism of your shitty folio nor do you deserve my recommendations.

Enjoy getting rekt. Maybe you can join these communities and make 90 shill threads for both a day with them later down the line.

>> No.56880110

lol like fucking hat if its not that are you trying to shill link to us

>> No.56880113
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>> No.56880115
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poor people will soon come back to play axie and other games and axs/jewel/blocklords will all mega pump anon. you just wait. this happens every cycle

>> No.56880137


>> No.56880584


>> No.56880876

I’m all in on TOAD. See you niggers never

>> No.56880917

only right answer

>> No.56881102


>> No.56882226
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You salty Linkfags are going to miss SHIB again lol