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File: 245 KB, 981x1200, 47890453223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56869763 No.56869763 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone out here trading "what ifs" this cycle when Ethereum has fundamentals.

Let my tell you why $2.2k ETH is stooopid.

Ethereum now makes $2.7 billion in annualized profits - the only profitable chain - a P/E ratio of 98 - a slightly more than Amazon P/E of 75 less than Zoom P/E of 153.

Ethereum now has entire chains as net new buyers of blockspace this cycle - these are called Layer 2's - last wk five Layer 2 were the top 10 consumers of Ethereum blockspace.

Ethereum is deflationary this cycle - last cycle it inflated 3-4% per year and this cycle it'll burn around .5% per year.

Ethereum is now further solidified as a monetary instrument - a digital gold - value this as you will - if it had the monetary amplifier of gold it'd already be worth $22k.

Ethereum bond holders are now earning 5.3% per year - we call these validators - unlike other chains these are "real returns" not just nominal returns - ETH is the internet bond.

Ethereum is likely to get a spot ETF - it's likely only BTC and ETH will achieve this status this cycle opening the door to trillions in locked capital inflows.

Ethereum is now fully proof of stake and no longer burns energy to produce blockspace - for traditional ESG investors the ETF Ethereum will be the only one that checks the box this cycle.

I could go on.

ETH hasn't had its bull market run yet.

>> No.56869782

Has there ever been a verdict on this photograph?

>> No.56869785

"hilarious". fuck off with you copypasta

>> No.56869830
File: 88 KB, 1145x651, holySHIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH costs fifty (50, five zero) United States dollars to perform a swap. FIFTY. DOLLARS. This worthless shitchain can't die soon enough.

>> No.56869838

why swap on mainnet

>> No.56869860

>why use the blockchain

Why even fucking bother with a blockchain in the first place if you faggots are never intending to use it? Lightning Network (layer 2) and it's consequences have been a disaster for cryptocurrency.

>> No.56869863

why is she wearin her pants backwards like that? why his cock pokin out? is she doing it to protect her pussy from skelly entry?

>> No.56869889

>I want cheap swaps
>no, not like that
sounds like cognitive dissonance to me

>> No.56869900

Look at this try hard midwit. He still doesn’t know the truth

>> No.56870059

>too stupid to even understand what I'm talking about

>> No.56870072

>too stupid to make a coherent point
>just complains about things he didn't even create

>> No.56870105
File: 563 KB, 960x638, CzqTofR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup Ethereum is hilariously undervalued. I sincerely believe it can reach $15k+ at the top of the coming bull run. Ethereum is unironically "ultra sound money"

>> No.56870214

>amazing new technology called blockchain is created
>literally has no scaling ceiling
>thwart scaling anyway and force users to use third party settlement networks called """""""layer 2"""""""""

Sure the motivations for this are entirely pure. Although I suppose in ETH's case it's not actually capable of scaling anyway because the method of contract execution, but I digress.

>> No.56870249

>literally has no scaling ceiling
objective reality has disagreed with you, and every "scaling mechanism" has so far relied on permissioned sets of validators. if you want a swap that doesn't cost retarded amounts of money, which is what you specifically complained about, your option is to use a chain that no one uses, or to use an L2

>> No.56870280


>> No.56870283

Grt is the way

>> No.56870334

Blockchains that increase blocksize don't have issues. That isn't to say simply raising the blocksize is enough to get the job done. There's still bandwidth, storage, propagation, etc to tackle.

ETH is what 1300GB? With a max TPS of 30.

BSV is almost 10000GB and has done 9000TPS, but that's not a limit.

If you're not going to use the Blockchain itself, then you're defeating the purpose of bothering with one in the first place.

>> No.56870394

I'd rather use other L1s than move funds to L2s desu

Security risks aside, Moving funds/forcing txs on the L2s during the bull will cost retail north of $2000 on medium activity days considering Ethereum did nothing to improve scaling on-chain since 2021

>> No.56870399
File: 190 KB, 600x616, 1644711124044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ethereum now makes $2.7 billion in annualized profits

>> No.56870478

Everyone's talking about vitaliks cock but what about the chink having her pants back to front?

>> No.56870483
File: 177 KB, 896x896, IMG_3447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real institutional adoption is never going to happen on ethereum. Eth is slow way to expensive and super low throughput. It was sold as a world computer but basically all it’s good for is trading shitcoins and it’s not even good at that. It’s funny how retards think the revenue model for their shitchain is going to be charging extortionate fees for every little thing on their shitchain and somehow that’s going to work out. Actual adoption requires affordability of use and that will never happen because bag holders would seethe the second you try to make that happen.

>> No.56870498

Based, burn my bags

>> No.56870960

When swapping $50k this is trivial. What re you, poor?

>> No.56870982
File: 589 KB, 802x676, 1701061631190148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when BTC futures ETFs hit the market and despite futures being a shit hold the ETF was still the fastest to $1bn AUM in the history of ETFs, and then ETH futures ETFs were approved and demand was so anemic that ETH shit the bed for months? Pepperidge farm remembers.

ETH is a joke, "crypto tech" has no value as the marginal cost of it is zero, price WILL approach this in-the-limit, BTC's value is that it's BTC, the first, the oldest, the most compute intensive, it's network value, not tranny tech value, nothing but BTC will ever be BTC. There's still time, BTC is still sub-6figs, repent from your shitcoin ways and return to the path of enlightenment.

>> No.56871088

>futures ETFs
BTC futures ETF launched at the peak of bullrun while ETH's did at the bottom of bear

>> No.56871107

Hung vitalik

>> No.56871119

Why people with autism always have huge dicks?

>> No.56871286
File: 223 KB, 702x1013, 1700429307229845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC futures ETFs are larger than ever while ETH futures ETFs still have fuck all AUM

>> No.56872424
File: 151 KB, 1024x1024, _eba4f49c-39b7-4ee1-bd40-a9f2e25b9b07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember when BTC futures ETFs hit the market and despite futures being a shit hold the ETF was still the fastest to $1bn AUM in the history of ETFs, and then ETH futures ETFs were approved and demand was so anemic that ETH shit the bed for months? Pepperidge farm remembers.
>ETH is a joke, "crypto tech" has no value as the marginal cost of it is zero, price WILL approach this in-the-limit, BTC's value is that it's BTC, the first, the oldest, the most compute intensive, it's network value, not tranny tech value, nothing but BTC will ever be BTC. There's still time, BTC is still sub-6figs, repent from your shitcoin ways and return to the path of enlightenment.

Fresh pasta

>> No.56872546

Yes how to unpoor

>> No.56872591

eth might get screwed if the sec goes hard on the erc20 shitcoin casino, fees are unusably high and staking interest means inherent inflation.

>> No.56872618

no goy buy my centralised shitcoin instead

>> No.56872799

Kek i can’t wait to look back at this image in 20-30 years from the metaverse laughing my virtual butt off

>> No.56872873

They banged, I watched

>> No.56872891

thats just what happens to your trousers when you stand near a 5/10 slightly chubby singaporean girl

>> No.56872923

Eth is a security and will get sued by the SEC soon.

>> No.56873571


gas is the chemo keeping jeets off chain

>> No.56873837
File: 85 KB, 500x613, eth bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice thread OP, everyone not poor and retarded know facts you stated, notice how none is disproving any of your points but here's biz pajeet bingo card you can play while reading low iq comments
Most bullish thing about ETH was always state of ETH fud imho, literally nigger tire cope

>> No.56873936

not always the case, mine is only average or slightly below
admittedly my autism is only mild though