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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.13 MB, 360x640, the jew fears the samurai.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56867231 No.56867231 [Reply] [Original]

This guy has 800 active patents ranging from smart contract management, execution, implementation, etc to hierarchical security keys or even verification methods of digital assets. Further he has 4000+ pending patents covering various other blockchain applications and methods.

To the people who believe this shit isn't enforceable are misinformed. All these pet projects /biz/ loves are run by companies. Companies can be forced to pay fees (or fines). Just because something occurs on a blockchain doesn't make it magic. For example: pick just about any token on ETH. The issuer of the token is typically some kind of registered business with an LLC (although not being a formal business is required to have to pay fees), they will be forced to cease and desist unless they agree to pay the patent holder their due for the rights to the method. Or in the case of these patents they could migrate operations to BSV and use the patents for free.

One of the most recent patents, this one in the EU (probably one of the most difficult regions to be granted a patent), covering smart contract management:


>> No.56867373


>> No.56867385

>active patents
that means working products being commercialized or at least used in some part

>> No.56867416

a wifi pineapple

>> No.56867456

copyright troll and fraud. It's hilarious that a guy so litigious would be put forward as an anti-jew.

Stephan Kinsella stomped him in a debate over IP btw.

>> No.56867469
File: 154 KB, 1102x1131, patent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means it's gone through the patent process. Found to be novel and non-obvious at time of filing and been granted.

Mind you the cost to be granted a highly technical patent like this in the EU can cost in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. CSW and nChain aren't doing this willy nilly and the accusations of "patent troll" is unfounded. Especially when we're talking about US or EU jurisdictions. The people issuing these patents understand the technology better than shitposters on /biz/.

>> No.56867586

Then answer this,

Why is BSV still at $50 or under?

>> No.56867620

>the accusations of "patent troll" is unfounded
they are founded, actually, in truth

>> No.56867629


>> No.56867663

His wiggle shows true mastery. First his opponent will think he has the upper hand then he snaps out of the wiggle to show his true form. I can only imagine his fury when he found out his technique has been leaked.

>> No.56867721

Patent fees are waived if the project is moved over to run on BSV.
Think long term lads, this is how ETH dies.

>> No.56867755

Tell me how it's a patent troll.

The point of a rigorous patent process is to in fact route out patent trolls or other attempts at fraud. During the patent examination public challenges are open and yet no legal challenges to date exist. The only places you'll see this is shit posts on here or twitter.

Again, the US and EU are the most expensive and difficult regions to be awarded a patent. From the low end of tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands and from a year or sometimes a decade of examination to completion. The example I gave took nearly seven years and easily a hundred thousand plus dollars.

Your accusations are laughable.

>> No.56867920

>copyright troll and fraud

>Stephan Kinsella stomped him in a debate over IP

Opinion disregarded. Economic purity is an impossibility. Ancaps are just as delusional as communists.

>> No.56867942
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It’s $52+ right now kike. Maybe because BSV has a globalist- Wall Street Silicon Valley w/ obvious (((govt))) reach - syndicate naked shorting it ?

Why is FTT pumping sir kike a lot ? A bankrupt exchange that owes billions to its own customers is pumping? Death to all jews

>> No.56867958

True no faggot would swing around a Katana on camera monkeys in suits
You would only find me doing such a thing wearing full armor on horseback to watermelons so at least people have a spectacle to my horrible waste of wealth

>> No.56868053

blackmailing people that do actual work is his modus operandi. it's not going so well for him lately. the day he starts defending himself on here of all places will mark the lowest point in his "carreer", we can agree on that. switching ids is right up his alley though

>> No.56868113
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That didn't address anything I posted.

>> No.56868168

All of his doctorates are from shithole colleges btw

>> No.56868214

ok, here is one of his patents:

>Abstract: A computer-implemented method comprising one or more instances of a challenge-response mapping operation. The challenge-response mapping operation comprises: from a submitting party, receiving challenge data comprising a secondary challenge, from among a set of multiple possible secondary challenges; inputting a primary challenge into a physically unclonable function, PUF, to generate a corresponding primary response; inputting the received secondary challenge and the generated primary response into a deterministic transform function in order to generate a secondary response, being a response to the secondary challenge, the transform function being a function of the secondary challenge and the primary response; and outputting response data comprising the secondary response or data derived therefrom.

apparently he deemed "mapping operation" to be a sufficiently scienc-y sounding term to vomit a bunch of nonsense around and submit it. do you want to see more? i'll post some more

>> No.56868268

where are the products, patentcel

>> No.56868271

here is a great one:

>Abstract: A computer-implemented includes sending a public key associated with a particular node in a cyclically-ordered set of nodes participating in a blockchain network to an initiator node; receiving, by the particular node from a node immediately previous to the particular node in the cyclically-ordered set, a first value based on public keys associated with each node from the particular node through to the initiator node; determining a locking value based on the first value and the public key associated with the particular node; and preparing using the locking value, a transaction arranged to transmit control of a resource from a source address associated with the particular node to a receiving address of a node immediately subsequent to the particular node. The control of the resource is to be transmitted responsive to satisfaction of an execution condition including supply of an unlocking value corresponding to the locking value.

that's not even grammatically correct. do you want to see more? you do? ok

>> No.56868283

>Abstract: A computer-implemented method comprising one or more instances of a challenge-response mapping operation. The challenge-response mapping operation comprises: from a submitting party, receiving challenge data comprising a secondary challenge, from among a set of multiple possible secondary challenges; inputting a primary challenge into a physically unclonable function, PUF, to generate a corresponding primary response; inputting the received secondary challenge and the generated primary response into a deterministic transform function in order to generate a secondary response, being a response to the secondary challenge, the transform function being a function of the secondary challenge and the primary response; and outputting response data comprising the secondary response or data derived therefrom.
basically a trillion dollar industry on this "challenge- response"

>> No.56868310

how much bourbon does someone need to consume in order to come up with this word salad

>> No.56868314

He eats lunch at places and likes to leave his home.

Thats my response to patent trolls.

>> No.56868371
File: 341 KB, 640x358, 69.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a method of creating a secure verification/authentication of requests in combination of unique hardware and software is vomit nonsense

>making secure ordered transactions in a blockchain where each transaction requires a special unlock/lock mechanism based on public keys is vomit nonsense

Same as the first you posted lmao

It'd be better to post the actual patent along with your abstracts there, no need to post duplicates though. Thank you.

Also you're proving my point that you don't know what a patent troll is, simply by showing you don't understand the advanced concepts of the patents themselves or the process in which they are examined. Thanks for playing.

>> No.56868438
File: 643 KB, 1080x1778, IMG_20231205_010334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the worst description of a compiler i've ever seen, even the 4chan code thinks this is spam lol

>> No.56868462

It's so vague and meaningless, he's just waiting for someone to actually make something he can point to and say it's a "mapping operation" then sue them.

>> No.56868519


>> No.56868527

>advanced concepts of the patents
like struggling with basic grammar?
>the process in which they are examined
i'm examining them right now, it's hilarious

>> No.56868595

oh shit, you thought he invented the first transaction and that was badass, but you've seen nothing yet:

>Abstract: A computer-implemented method of generating a second transaction for a blockchain. The blockchain comprises a first transaction comprising a first token and a first output transferring an amount of a digital asset between a second party and a first party. The first token represents a first amount of a token asset other than the digital asset, the second transaction is for transferring a second token representing a second amount of the token asset from [some more bullshit here]

you heard that right: he invented the second transaction as well. for the uninitiated, tge second transaction comes after the first. the mapping operation is implied, of course

>> No.56868605
File: 71 KB, 640x819, BITCOIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig Wright, AKA Satoshi Nakamoto, has absolutely NOTHING to do with the BITCOIN project.

>> No.56868680

>naked shorting
Loling at what your portfolio must look like. BSV, GME, AMC, BBBY... all great bets

>> No.56868750

You've failed to refute anything and continue to display your lack of understanding. Also fail to post any patent you've referenced, like a true brainlet.

>> No.56868760

ALL based on UTXO and nothing related to EVM. LINK, CANTO, ETH, SOL, XRP, ETC, 99% of crypto shitcoins, etc. are ALL unaffected. His patents apply to LTC, BTC, BCH, XEC, PIVX, NOVO, DOGE, ZEC and a handful of shitcoins not worth listing.

>> No.56868778

>fail to post any patent
i would link you to craigs patent on search engines, but i think i've seen enough. it was hilarious though, thanks. a common theme is slapping "first", "second" and "third" liberally in front of every noun to obfuscate the lack of substance. he probably has a patent on that as well

>> No.56868873
File: 25 KB, 305x461, IMG_4075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahah the cope from you retard jew deranged scammers

>> No.56868887

Good point. Actually brings more confidence to the patents. ETH's state based execution isn't scalable, even with PoS they won't be able to make it work. Further with PoS they've ultimately shot themselves in the foot as far as being classified as a commodity. It currently enjoys that status, but I seriously doubt it'll maintain commodity status in the future. All PoS without exception are securities. XRP's ruling is bullshit too.

>> No.56868930

I'm suing you for using the challenge response patent without paying royalties to Crag
see you in the Mumbai's courthouse

>> No.56868958
File: 132 KB, 1205x1153, IMG_3528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck start a shotgun Gregory

>> No.56868995

can't, that's patented too

>> No.56869023
File: 301 KB, 686x891, IMG_2867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t understand you with your kippah stuffed in your mouth

>> No.56869211
File: 83 KB, 582x500, 1578851782818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily for you, there's no patent on cope. As you will be needing a lot of it.

>> No.56869221

If he loses COPA it's fucking game over.

>> No.56869321 [DELETED] 

Lmao, complete fuckin non sense. The patent clerk should have rejected that meaningless shit

>> No.56869401
File: 876 KB, 868x1204, 1573676017185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CSW losing to COPA holds no bearing over the patents, which is funny considering it's "Cryptocurrency Open Patent Alliance".

Now granted they are attacking his Copyright of the Bitcoin Whitepaper. Wright didn't file a copyright over Bitcoin assuming he'd never get sued. That was always the plan. COPA is doing exactly what CSW has claimed he wanted since before ever filed for copyright, which is to prove he is Satoshi in a court.

Of course it's entirely possible he'll fail to prove he is Satoshi, if ordered to sign he fails to do so. He's going to attempt to assert his ownership of the Copyright with supporting documents. COPA will attempt to undermine the documents, the court will have to decide what to go with on that. I predict documents alone will not persuade the court and he'll be forced to sign. I have doubts as to his ability to do it myself.

In one hand, I believe he's totally correct about how Bitcoin functions. In the other, sign. If he fails the COPA case it'll damage BSV further and he'll lose credibility. Long term it might not matter due to patent enforcement. I'm hoping not to rely entirely on patents.

Highly technical patents like these involve teams of examiners with expertise in the field. I tire of you faggots.

>> No.56869457

craig has a patent on generating patents with markov chains, which itself is generated with the very same markov chain. at least that's what i hope, imagine typing all this gibberish out lol. those are just the abstracts though, the real thing is even worse, full of search and replace errors that make it borderline unreadable. can't fault the patent office for just taking the money of the trolls without reading any of their trash

>> No.56869465

He will not sign and will not win on the balance of probabilities imo. Too many fraudulent/tampered documents. If he loses copa when is the next big case?

>> No.56869717

he's signing you dumb fu.k.

>> No.56869776

>Too many fraudulent/tampered documents

That's COPA's assertion. That's never been decided by a court and COPA will have to convince the court they are forgeries. If they are unable to do that, then the case possibly ends there and Craig wins. If they're found to be legitimate the court could still ask Craig to sign.

I'd say there is a 10-20% chance of him winning without providing a signature. Personally, I want the signature. I'm tired of this discussion sucking all the oxygen out of the room.

>> No.56870004

That webm alone is enough to write a full psychological profile of this mongoloid. Look how sure he is that he's looking very cool, waving that sword around in a clumsy and incorrect way.

He's CLEARLY a narcissistic moron, the kind who just lies and postures and lies and postures and never does anything else. I've met a few IRL and they're all the same.

>> No.56870025

>heh... this guy thinks he can wield a katana...

>> No.56870250

Churcel cope

>> No.56870667

>while he (the real Satoshi) was creating bitcoin I was studying the blade

>> No.56871789

He is the biggest piece of shit in all of crypto, which is quite an accomplishment.

>> No.56871810

'just as' ?

more delusional anon, more.
It's 2023 and people still refer to Kinsella in earnest.

>> No.56871847


>> No.56871882
File: 3.07 MB, 2479x3504, pumpkin farmer cregs good grades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold! the genius of creg!
>inb4 he was too busy being satoshi to study

>> No.56872630

Ps get degrees.
Greg gets indicted!

>> No.56872638

i used to do that alot when i was 12

>> No.56872848

Patents are scams.

>> No.56872970

Fucking imbecile almost gauged his eye twice... What a fucking buffoon... xDDD

>> No.56873808

it's called patent mining and it's a well known tactic of scammers

>> No.56873973

he's not anti-jew at all. On his garbage blog he defends jews and he's against "anti-semitism"

>> No.56875123

That's a pineapple

>> No.56875313

>more retards who don't understand the patent process


>> No.56876131

he's not gonna sign because he doesn't have the keys and he's not satoshi. Also he's not going to force anyone to obey any of his delusional "laws"

>> No.56876204

What delusional laws are talking about?

I've already expressed my doubt to his ability to sign.

>> No.56876258

did you also expressed doubt about his ability to write a coherent patent summary? because he's struggling with basic grammar a lot

>> No.56876295

>Highly technical patents like these involve teams of examiners with expertise in the field. I tire of you faggots.

Take a long walk off a short pier.

>> No.56876460

then why didn't the examiners spot the basic mistakes that you'd get scolded for in grammar school? this leaves three possibilities: they are either incompetent, negligent or nonexistent. judging by the fact that all his patents follow the same pattern of ineptitude, my money is on the third possibility. do you want me to do a basic google search to verify this? i can quote another bullshit patent while i'm at it

>> No.56876503

I want you to fuck off because you provide no substance to the conversation.

>> No.56876555


>> No.56876991

>The people issuing these patents understand the technology better than shitposters on /biz/.
stopped reading here

>> No.56877206

you don't either so how about you kill yourself. That anon and other anons in this thread have BTFOed you so god damn hard I hope you never look someone in the eyes when speaking or being spoken to for the rest of your life. People around you deserve better.

>> No.56877260
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>> No.56877677

Lmao, get fucked bsv tardwith your old homo.

>> No.56878063
File: 24 KB, 400x400, Calvin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's my fucking money Craig!? You said you would fool some boomer judge into giving you bitcoins, but that hasn't happened yet. Give me back my money!

>> No.56878808

Dude these Jews have teams of Indians fighting their anti bsv battle. Don’t BOTHER these dumb kikes will lose their shorts soon enough

/biz/ USED to be a place where we people could shill cryptocurrency projects freely. /biz/ has become IDF headquarters for controlling their crypto scam shilling techniques .the ETH mafia are literal Silicon Valley tier WEF Jews

>> No.56880042

I'll ask again,

Why is the price only going down?

Maybe this time faggot OP can actually come up with an answer.

>> No.56880096
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Why did he do it?

>your no satoshi!!!!
This sounds bs.

>> No.56880178
File: 412 KB, 626x794, IMG_0274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey jewboy
See that post
Apparently the overtaking of the finance insurer from the international Jewish community takes longer than expected

>> No.56880423

The price has been rising since June. Also I don't control the market, so I don't know every literal input. Your question is asinine and unrelated to the OP.