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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 248 KB, 1080x1080, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56862618 No.56862618 [Reply] [Original]

What the fucking fuck went so hideously wrong with this piece of garbage?

>> No.56862638

nothing. 20-30 year hold. the great reset will be clicking on all cylinders by 2040 trust me.

>> No.56862641

It's a business based out of the Cayman Islands run by a fat Russian philosophy major.

>> No.56862657
File: 80 KB, 381x1024, FE48A439-1461-4372-AF48-CE70A08BF989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The token has to remain low or else it becomes unusable. Nobody wants to settle transactions by spending $200 for 1 LINK. The price of a cup of coffee was not a meme.

>> No.56862673

this, if you're a low time preference investor you can go gamble with BTC or ETH

>> No.56862679
File: 105 KB, 1024x666, 24C87625-20EB-4A95-A290-DE13E05C5192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can expect $25 BRIEFLY at the peak of the bullrun but this will not last; there is a reason Sir Gay keeps dumping his premined stuff. $15 is already a huge problem for the chain.

>> No.56862692

Some people made FUDing it their life

>> No.56862695

I wouldn't say it went "hideously wrong". We just never got our ETH moment which we were all so sure we'd get. It went from 10 cents to $50 in just a few years. You would have a hard time finding that anywhere else. But we thought we were getting way more because ETH set a precedent which made no real sense and was a byproduct of there being really no other choices to invest in at the time.

>> No.56862848

shitposting aside, this

>> No.56863032

But muh 18 decimals?

>> No.56863048

Are you a bitch? Because you sound like a bitch. Get a grip

>> No.56863120

90percent of the people who invested on it early sent their tokens to celcius , bancor and LPL GO FIGURE

>> No.56863863

>there being really no other choices to invest in at the time
of course, now there's Band and Quant and other unreliable dogshit we can buy kek

>> No.56864001

Token not needed

>> No.56864059

>he still doesnt know
The token is not needed

>> No.56865326

Banks are slow as fuck, on my mobile app i still have no crypto options. That should tell you everything. 10 to 20 more years. We got fucked.

>> No.56865475

might sell all my link for some shitcoin like kas at this point

>> No.56866503

straight to the point, set your expectations accordingly (low)

>> No.56866521

Can someone explain to me why fuddies obviously samefag every single thread they make?
What's the point when it's so obvious? Fuddies really are the most desperate cucks on biz by far.

>> No.56866557

Well when there's 10 ChainLink (ticker: LINK) threads it's easy to piss you faggots off

>> No.56866574

>bargaining stage

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH Couldnt happen to a more arrogant collection of assholes. Karma bitch

>> No.56866599

>HODL my fellow gamestoppperz

>> No.56866613

>invoking bat
stinky linkies are so unoriginal

>> No.56866632


>> No.56866797

Pools closed based aww miss out shucks!


>> No.56866814

paying 350k salaries to 50 HR roasties

>> No.56866877


Isnt the rate lower than bank interest?

>DUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE youre le Bulgarian!!!!!

>> No.56866887

this, it's for fulfilling his ultimate findom paypig dream

>> No.56867400

>my example is a raging fud troon samefagging his own thread because he knows no one cares enough to bump it
>"u-u guys are mad tho!"
lol cope, faggot

>> No.56867412


>> No.56869075



>> No.56869168
File: 187 KB, 1500x1500, vitawoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumps every month
>charges you for gas and tax fees
>dev is literally called serGAY
>a lot of nerds on biz are shilling it

unlike VINU that

>pumps every month or two
>tax free
>devs have cool names like Elemont
>not so many people on biz knows about it

>> No.56869337

Nothing. Everything is on track.

>> No.56869371

That's just a new tax every company is forced to pay by our jewish masters think of it like taxes paid ahead

>> No.56869786

My point more being there were less than 1,000 coins total at the time and of those about 995 were total dog shit. Now there are 2 million+ coins and at least a couple hundred are "reasonable" prospects

>> No.56870492

Sergey. Seriously he’s the reason. Never wants parabolic price movement, just a stablecoin. Get rid of him and you get your bull run

>> No.56870528

Then why didn’t he just create a stable coin you goof

>> No.56870557
File: 177 KB, 777x349, 1699240301931890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's working as intended, link is a gay homosexual findom token, it's why gensler isn't going after CL, sex work is real work!