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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56862598 No.56862598 [Reply] [Original]

Long time no see biz. It has been relatively quiet about this project lately, but from my time lurking in their socials, it becomes very apparent that the team behind this one has not abandoned it yet, especially with their new "flightpaper" getting published to the updated website.

The team has introducted an updated roadmap that pertains to the project post-arcade lauch and it has some interesting foreshadowing:

"both the token to play and the ticket to win." This is pretty straightforward. Their game economy will be powered using Aviator as the native token.

>Prize Wall
Almost all modern IRL arcades have this. What is unique about this are the two things I iterated in the image. "top three scorers for EVERY game on the platform." This essentially incentivizes players who want access to exclusive merchandise for either personal use or resale to play the less popular games on the platform, creating a niche of trying new games that may have flown under the radar previously. Wallet addresses getting whitelisted... it took me a minute to wrap my head around this one, but what Aviator is essentially doing is linking your "profile" in the arcade to your wallet. This will start to make more sense later on in this post.

>The Hangar
"both digital and physical goods" goes on to iterate gaming consoles tokenized as NFTs can be redeemed... thinking deeper into this one, being able to mint an NFT using your "tickets" or Aviator Token that can grant you an item in real life... or you can sell that item... this creates incentive to both gain access to the prize wall and an outlet for spending tokens on speculative items such as limited run consoles, shoes, etc. instead of only speculating on token value itself. "Partner Project NFTs" meaning that the sky is the fucking limit because any company can host their exclusive merch here and get access to a market with an ungodly high barrier to entry.

>> No.56862606

>Mile High Club
"an exclusive club to the top players on the Aviator Arcade platform" So this team is not only NOT going to sell what is basically the most exclusive NFT you can get... but they also turned it into a coupon and an access key? This reminds me of in-game acheivements that unlock specific quest lines or that you can display on your profile to let everyone know you are, in fact, the best there is. "Sponsorships and Early Access" here we go with the partners again, and what looks like a Pudgy Penguins game, so not just merchandise but companies looking to sponsor players/developers? Granting alpha access to games? And the only way to get one is to earn it or buy it from someone who has...?

basically a burn portal with a twist, cool, donating to charity too, cool. 25% off the arcade forever? Alright you have my attention. It's this little nuance here that really brought the future of their project into clarity for me. "This mint will utilize the upper limit of mintable assets using Base Contracts, effectively giving these NFTs an unlimited supply." It's this sentence that connects to their mission "we are redefining the relationship between the out-of-touch gaming industry and the players" that really brings this all into perspective... and it's genius.

This team has continuously iterated that they have "long term plans" and that the arcade is a "proof-of-concept" in AMAs, discord, and telegram... They are using the arcade to showcase how big players can integrate game assets and physical goods on the blockchain. I bet they're trying to tokenize game license keys. Imagine being able to buy and sell used digital games

>inb4 jeet scam
The team could have abandoned the project after it sank from 5m to 600k, but instead have updated their website, published the whitepaper, and continue to be active on socials. Anyone calling Aviator a scam at this point is a street shitter peddling their own shitcoin or someone fudding to get a better position

>> No.56862741

I thought of the mile high club as more a trophy, but the utilization of NFTs as access keys to things instead of just whitelisting to other projects is exciting. They were playing with this on Solana and Polygon, I guess Aviator is bringing it to Base

>> No.56862950
File: 75 KB, 1024x1024, photo_2023-10-06_13-56-38 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said it before and I'll say it again - /biz/ will be too late on this because they think it's another scammy project.
Check the official trademark on sky bridge and the registered company.
Actually read the newspaper.
Join the discord or telegram, talk to the devs.

Last time I'll tell you that this is ez money.

>> No.56862984

You can lead a horse to water lol

>> No.56862990

no one gives a shit about your token, it will never amount to anything

>> No.56863029
File: 64 KB, 390x336, 1693685599128226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based avi poster
i read the whitepaper yesterday and it tied up a couple loose ends for me about what theyre trying to accomplish
they actually have some cool ideas going on here and the guys running avi have been great. im a little worried about over-ambition though
>arcade platform
>bridge to base
>sending out both digital and real life prizes
>whitepaper mentioned paypal integration to onramp easier
it seems like a lot and they keep revealing theyre working on even more, but i guess theyve been handling it all well so far

ive been bringing it up here for a while too, i hope at least some anons start looking into it
i learned about avi here and the first big pump was from being posted here, so im sure theres a couple around

>> No.56863126

Agreed, I guess it all depends on the timeline. I don't anticipate seeing everything on the roadmap when the arcade launches, we will just get the arcade and the bridge to start I'm sure.

>> No.56863197

Where's your token? Kek

>> No.56863280

Suicide stack ? Make it stack ?

>> No.56863315

10m = .1%
100m = 1%

>> No.56863382

i think circulating supply is only something like 60%, so it might be a little less
6-10m range
60-100m range

we need a holder rank chart if avi threads ever start getting more active, my autist brain loves that kind of shit

>> No.56863738
File: 1.68 MB, 1024x1024, suckmydickbiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit token will make me more money than you could ever dream of. But please, stay poor.

I can't wait until they ramp up marketing and community engagement in 2024. I'm pretty sure they have it all planned out.

>> No.56864190

Good afternoon guys, core team member here!

Glad to see the engagement and appreciate someone actually reading the flightpaper! I can confirm that the bridge will be first, then the arcade. We posted the roadmap to give users a better feel for the future of the project and how the arcade can be implemented. Our idea here is to get users accustomed to smaller transactions and interacting with a platform while having assets in their wallet. A lot of NFTs get tossed aside or they have no real value other than that of art or hype. The arcade shows how you can tie existing NFTs into new contracts granting additional utility to some that may have had none to begin with.

It has been a huge learning experience on the development side. We have awesome community members that ask plenty of questions and give feedback, such as color scheme on the website ,any dead links, or just overall "you might try doing it this way."

Aviator is a community oriented project and we value everyone's input. I hope to see some of you using the "Suggestions" thread in discord or you can always shoot us an email!

Fly high Aviators!

>> No.56864415

Wtf.. this surprised me on how much details and features they will have on the platform. It seems they are shooting to be a game changing product for WEB3 gaming.

Glad I got my bag, will load up so more tomorrow. Way to go team on the work you’ve been doing

>> No.56864544

Sounds promising, do we know anything about the devs?

>> No.56864550

Next time post a TLDR so I don't have to lmao

>> No.56864664

The team has some OG SHIB team members. They have the experience to make this blow up. Looks like they are just building and not looking for a pump and dump. Which is refreshing to see

>> No.56864667

this team not only promised things, they deliver ! New Website and the awesome and detailed Whitepaper. Im looking forward to the Base Bridge and finally the real product , the gaming platform. Get ready to read about Avi everywhere. I heared this Team has ex-shib devs , so they know a lot.

>> No.56864771
File: 199 KB, 1024x1024, checkoutthegamejamtoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ex shib defense team afaik, only the good beans, none of the scammy shit.

For everyone looking to dig deeper: check the medium articles and the twitter AMA's.

Overall, team seems incredibly trustworthy and semi-experienced.

Making some great moves and some mediocre ones, learning in the process and being real about it.

Got my bag, now let's get it in 2024.

>> No.56864819
File: 42 KB, 400x331, 1693322045245545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bridge will be first, then the arcade
i heard the games from the game jam are going to be used to make a kind of public beta for the arcade
is the bridge going to be first before that beta, or before the full launch?
i guess it makes sense to have the bridge to the chain running before the platform on the chain

>Ex shib defense team
ex shib threw me off at first and i know it turns some other people off too, but i remember stixil and some of the others from early shib and they were good.
they clearly learned a lot about how to avoid being coy and dodgy on purpose, shit was so fucking obnoxious with shib
the defense team was always the only good and transparent part of shib, and then they got kicked out for pointing out how the new leads are sketchy freaks kek

>> No.56864961

What is the MC compared to Shibs all time high?

Do we think they can do it again?

>> No.56864993

I wouldn't compare it to Shib, compare it to other gaming projects reaching 150m-400m mcap last run.

>> No.56865045

It appears that the platform and bridge will be here prior to the actual bullrun. So that bullish. With this being a low MC it seems like a great gamble to bet on

>> No.56865049

Buy an ad you piece of shit