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56861872 No.56861872 [Reply] [Original]

Genuinely want to know how to cope with not buying Bitcoin in 2012. I was told by a high ranking military veteran that if I buy 100 I will be rich in 5 years and I did not buy 100 Bitcoin. I bought 15 and then deleted the wallet from computer without creating a backup. How do I stop crying each night?

>> No.56861890

>How do I stop crying each night?
what a faggot

>> No.56862144

We all have regrets, what are you going to do, cry every night like a little bitch for the rest of your life?

I was a NEET back in 2012 and used to watch Max Keiser's show on RT in the daytime when he was saying buy bitcoin, I bought during 1st bull and then spent most of it on drugs and consoooming instead of HODL because I thought $300 for fake internet money was unsustainable. Then I came back in 2020 and last bullrun i sold what turned out to be $325,000 worth of shib for $3000, thought i was smart at the time for getting a 20x on a dumb dog coin. Still only have a 5 fig portfolio and still a wagie. Some of us are just not meant to make it anon, at least we can be rich in spirit or some such cope.

>> No.56862203

>How do I stop crying each night?
*whispers* kill youuurrseelllfff

>> No.56862256
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I knew about Bitcoin when it was under $0.50 from /g/ and didn't buy any. My cope is that if I had bought back then I would have sold it early so it wouldn't have really mattered if I had made a few thousand on it. Only now that I actually understand it can hold through the pumps and dumps.

>> No.56862257

You blew it. You ruined your own life. You threw it all away like the arrogant, sniveling weasel that you are. Don't you get it? It's never going to get better. It's going to claw away at your soul for the rest of your short life (the stress and regret will undoubtedly wear on you and expire you faster) and you can never make it right.
Holy kek, you're an absolute loser. Even the stupidest third worlders on this board made at least a few hundred thousand back in the last bullrun.
It's so over, no amount of cope or hard work will ever fix this.
What an absolute fucking weasel you are.

>> No.56862298

Suck it up.
I was going to buy some back when exchanges weren't even a thing and you bought it off some website with paypal.
I decided not to, now I have less than 6 figures net worth.
I don't cry about it.

>> No.56862319

Nigga just buy them again, if you were able to buy 15 bitcoins some time ago you can do it again

>> No.56862451

It was 100 dollars, I can buy .00000015 for 100 dollars but it won’t feel the same

>> No.56862470

Your problem for holding dollars

>> No.56862529
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But the thrill of pinning the weasel?

>> No.56862565

is this a reference to that sam hyde guy scamming all those peoples? his girlfriend was interedting to say the least! :P

>> No.56862568


I knew about bitcoin in 2008 before it was deployed. I told several people, they laughed at me.

I unfortunately forgot about it until 2013. Stay focused and don't let the cheese distract you.

Best thing you can do is read the bible daily, learn as much as you can about this world, stay frugal and humble, don't involve yourself with the affairs of destructive or fraudulent individuals, but if you must be around them, keep a standard for yourself and draw lines. Some people are just lost and confused testing the waters while others have chosen continuous path.

>> No.56862599

why are you so upset that he fumbled his own bags?

>> No.56862626
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>sam hyde
Shit where have I heard that name before?

>> No.56862715

I knew about it when it was 150 USD but I only used it to buy weed and amphetamines on the dnet. Stop crying bitch. It's still early af. You will keep crying and others like you when 6 digit btc will be the new norm never again to see 5 digit. So buy now and accumulate slowly. And the 1 million meme is just that a random meme in reality 10+ mill is very plausible.
I'm a poorfag from a shit country and I only have 0.2 btc now which is way more than enough to make it in 10 years if I simply HODL. You will outperform 99% of altcoin gambling addicts and swing traders simply buy buying BTC in increments over time and NEVER sell. This is just a fact. You just need patience.

>> No.56862812
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Bought at $15

Not only did it just make sense to me - an independent piece of software that survived on its own and doubles in value randomly.

But I also had to deal with a decade of everyone around me from blue collar workers to intelligent programmers rolling their eyes and literally talking about me behind my back because I was clearly an idiot to invest in a pyramid - this lasted years and years literally everything calling me retarded.

I am the guy who went on /b/ and made the only thread - when bitcoin hit 100 dollars for the first time.

If you heard about bitcoin a decade ago , could literally look at a chart of it doubling in price every few months and then exponentially - if you didn’t - you are literally a fucking retard when it comes to observing simple patterns.

I say this to help you.

If you are anything like OP your only hope is to be loyal find a woman have kids and keep your head down and do your best to live a good life and help your community.
M you were never meant to drive lambos I don’t think but that’s ok lambos are shit anyway. Just work on other aspects of your life it’s ok I’m retarded in other areas of my life

Hope this helps


>> No.56862823
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you short-sighted niggers will stay poor until you zoom out from those 15m candles and recognize the 4 year BTC-halving-driven macro cycle and its intersection with global black swan events.
DCA until June of 2025, then sell it all mid-November when the blow off top happens. Covid fucked the last cycle - the next one will be the rebound.
Screen cap this now so you can cry over it in November of 2025 when you don't follow the best advice you've gotten since 2012.

>> No.56862824

don't ever say this shit about yourself ever again

>> No.56862849

I had 10 of them back around 2016 but I spent them as fast as I could on the dark web

>> No.56863059

just incase this was demotivational its not,

Look if you want to be le pro investor and have a lambo just UNDERSTAND that you are WAY BEHIND THE CURVE

So just work EXTRA HARD

and youll be alright anon