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56860841 No.56860841 [Reply] [Original]

Does any still use Spotify?

>> No.56861137

i had 42000 listening minutes in 2023

>> No.56861155

I keep chaining free 3 month trials. Never giving them a cent of my money.

>> No.56861168

I use my parents family account. I have mid 6 figures in crypto.

>> No.56861172

women do

>> No.56861181

I don't really see an alternative that's better

>> No.56861184

Yes /thread

>> No.56861220

I use Apple music, but can't use it on desktop. The only time I ever paid for spotify was in order to use it on my PC but even then I decided it wasn't worth $10/month

>> No.56861246

Yes. On PC with spotiads

>> No.56861266

yes it's fucking destroying the music industry. Ever wonder why everyone has been playing the same fucking songs for the last 10 years?

>> No.56861282

I use Spotify when I have to be around normalfags that don't like the music I normally listen to. Road trips, parties, work etc.

>> No.56861297

retards that never lived in the 2000's and dont understand how to google "youtube to mp3"

>> No.56861308
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What does that have to do with Spotify? No one listens to that trash any more than they go to Marvel films and if they do they're normies and as dull as a brick anyway.
Popular music and film taste is how we separate the lemmings in social society from the rest.

>> No.56861319

Sure everybody is a NEET with enough time to convert 1000 YouTube videos to MP3 (and lose 90% of the quality in the process)

>> No.56861332

this, is more popular than itoddler music by far

>> No.56861345

Why do you need a "workforce" for an audio streaming service?
All you need is a handful of nerds to maintain the thing, and one or two normies to secure licensing deals.

>> No.56861354

I did that for a while but YouTube compression sucks, it's annoying, its slow, and modern phones act retarded when you feed them raw mp3 files instead of use an app. So I might as well use the service. It's all about convenience. Maybe if video games and film services weren't so SHIT, and they prioritized good service with convenience, people wouldn't pirate. Convenience and good pricing wins.

>> No.56861380

I keep getting recommended podcasts by browns. I have never listened to a podcast before. I assume they have full time staff trying to make people listen to non-White people attempt to speak.

>> No.56861383

Customer Service
Server Maintenance/Infrastructure
UI/UX design

Now you have a huge team so you need

Spotify is public so now you have shareholders to please and growth is not an option it's expected

>> No.56861401

Apple Music is better

keep coping poorfags

>> No.56861403

>What does that have to do with Spotify?
Payment models. Record labels get no fucking money from anyone other than established artists and bands, indie artists/bands can't get any money to support their lifestyles. Entering the music industry now involves scaling a massive wall at the starting line.

>> No.56861425

Spotify and FF14 are the only subscriptions that I have
And if I was to quit one it would be ff14

>> No.56861433

Making music isn't hard, one in three people off the street can play a instrument. That's astonishing given the modern dopamine addiction tiktok attention span paradigm.
Not only that, there is TOO much good music out there. The market is oversaturated, good artists go undiscovered because it is so oversaturated. Not that its a free market, it's manipulated by jews. So fuck off with this dead industry bullshit

>> No.56861447

everybody i know uses is subscribed to spotify, but i guess i only talk to employed people who aren't terminally online

>> No.56861449

I use whatever gives me deals. Right now Apple gave me 3 months for the price of 1, so that’s what I’m using. Spotify never gives shit for deals. Apple is constantly giving me free months.

>> No.56861471

>Not only that, there is TOO much good music out there. The market is oversaturated, good artists go undiscovered because it is so oversaturated.
This is a retarded read of the industry.
There needs to be new stuff coming out, refreshing things constantly for younger generations. Instead we have all the millenilol bands on repeat forever.

>> No.56861485

Never paid for a single song or album in my life.
Never will.
Simple as.
>t. 37 years old

>> No.56861494

Now you can, check Microsoft store. Apple music is also way better in my opinion.

>> No.56861501
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Every day

>> No.56861503

>growth is not an option it's expected
a bizarre form of permissible delusion

>> No.56861524

All the music I listen to is on average 4 years old. Some of the best albums I've ever heard came out this and last year

>> No.56861525


he based

>> No.56861529

I hate being on my phone 24/7. So I got myself an old-school mp3-player, sd card and downloaded all my fav music one afternoon. Additionally you can add audio stuff you can't find on the corporate internet and listen to shit before you go sleeping, because you don't look at this shitty blue light you sleep in easier and are more relaxed over the day because you don't get suckered into consooming shitty content, even though you just wanted to listen to that one song or speech or stand up special. FUCK THE CORPORATE INTERNET and yes your gf likes my blue eyes and pirate look.

>> No.56861538

From new artists?

>> No.56861543

I don't make the rules society plays by. If I did you'd be back in your shit hole country and off my fucking board, brownoid.

>> No.56861549
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I use Spotify but I refuse to pay for it
I use Spotify forks on my phone and Spotify web browser on desktop

>> No.56861578

bump, how to do this? i bought a few paid accounts from the dweb but eventually it stops working

>> No.56861632

What's new to you?
2017 debut album, 2023 album of the year
2009 EP 2010 debut album, 2022 album of the year
Old band reformed and released new album 2022
Band formed 2006, 2021 release

Those are four separate bands that released music listened to by millions that is lightyears better than boomer rock.
No I'm not going to give you the direct examples, you wouldn't like them anyway because I know how you fucking think, and you don't deserve it.
Even electronic is better than ever.

>> No.56861658

Best electronic music is either on SoundCloud or bandcamp. Spotify is horse shit for the masses. But generally agree

>> No.56861669

Yea, 10 dollars a month to listen to just about every song ever made on demand is a good deal.

>> No.56861677

>2017 debut album, 2023 album of the year
This is the only one that really counts.
Regardless, Spotify is a highly destructive force for the industry. The payment system basically ensures that record labels can't make money taking chances on new artists, and indies can't support themselves.
Like you can cry about how 'ackshually music is better than EVER' but that's not how it is in reality.

>> No.56861703

I would do this, expect that there is no point right now, since I only listen to music at home on my laptop.
I guess if I started to work out, do cardio then I might consider converting few techno 2 hour long music tracks.

>> No.56861710

Play shows and stop crying, faggot. To be a musician you actually have to PLAY music. Anyone can post shit online. I dropped $25 on tickets and $50 on a CD and a shirt at the show I went to last month to see the band you quoted. Git gud pussy

>> No.56861735

... and also suck the front man's dick, you toxic asshole!

>> No.56861770

It doesn't matter when nobody can find you and you have no way to make money and can't in this environment. 95% of people don't search for new music anymore, they depend on algorithms. Spotify gives you NOTHING, and there's no incentive to change the payment model because they're pretty much the only game in town.
The industry and the artform desperately needs a rival service that actually pays the artists their fair share.

>> No.56861837

>nobody can find you
I found them just fine because they are the best. If this is your problem maybe you aren't good enough for this oversaturated market. Online listings are basically ads to come see you play.
>actually pays the artists their fair share.
back to your neet fantasy of releasing one breakthrough album and never working again. You are a court jester, you play a lute for a living. If you were good you'd be playing for the King and not in the slums tavern. But if you don't play you don't eat. Suck it up or fuck off so I can listen to actual musicians (on Spotify)

>> No.56861848

95% of ppl are not interested in art. They will consoom AI slurp from virtual influencers soon. The other 5% will find niche services as it is now. People have just bad taste and we hipster snobs should accept it and move on with our lifes. That said Daniel Ek will get raped in the ass by some AI DIY music company and I'll watch and enjoy his fall.

>> No.56861853

This. My gf has been subbed for years

>> No.56861860

I'm ditching it as soon as I get a server running

>> No.56861881

so imagine youre a new artist and you get 100,000 streams

you made 0 cents, and actually you owe the distributor a few bucks for the trouble.

now your competition is guys who also make zero dollars from streaming, but theyve been around for 20-30 years, or theyre just not tyring to making money/its a life style grift for them. its not really a business anymore, you have to start out rich to do music and will 99% lose money

>> No.56861892

Goes to zero
These things are luxuries upon luxuries that people just don't fucking need.
When faced with the grim realities ahead of us. Many will shed these things like a bad habit

>> No.56861897

As you see here. This cunt tries to make music taste a status issue. People like that are psychological 3th graders. Good and new music taht actually makes you feel something is still around and a lot of those ppl living their dream, playing in clubs and bars all over the world and fucking rebellious girls with defined taste in music while mainstream faggots suck the kings dick on Spotify. All good

>> No.56861932

>theyve been around for 20-30 years, or theyre just not tyring to making money/its a life style grift for them
Skill issue

>> No.56861946

>I found them just fine because they are the best. If this is your problem maybe you aren't good enough for this oversaturated market. Online listings are basically ads to come see you play.
>back to your neet fantasy of releasing one breakthrough album and never working again. You are a court jester, you play a lute for a living. If you were good you'd be playing for the King and not in the slums tavern. But if you don't play you don't eat. Suck it up or fuck off so I can listen to actual musicians (on Spotify)
I don't know why you're assuming I'm a musician. I can't hold a beat to save my life. I am a fan and its impossible to ignore that we're currently in a stuck culture that has not evolved over the past 10 years. Services like Spotify is one of biggest and most destructive contributors to this. Bands that could have spent a year touring and then a year off to rest and work on a new album are forced to tour 24/7/365 in order to support the lifestyle. Music is turned into content to be added to the gristmill in order to game the algo system.

>> No.56861969

Look harder.
Amazon music is by far the best. I used Spotify 10 years ago.

>> No.56861994

I made those assumptions because you whine like you aren't getting your piece of the pie, but I forgot millennials like to step up to bat for imagined groups. It's like an extension of being offended on someone else's behalf. I maintain not finding good new music is a skill issue. Your taste sucks or you can't use a search engine properly. Two of those four bands I used as an example were recommended to me by Spotify. I've seen 3/4 live.

>> No.56862009

Amazon regularly lagged behind on new releases I was anticipating, and often didn't have entire albums of bands I like. Some of those albums aren't even new, we're talking early 2010s.

>> No.56862011

so do i probably hahahahahaha

im poor

>> No.56862012
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Imagine not having local copies of your music. inb4 it helps me find new music yeah so does the rest of the internet for free lmao

>> No.56862021

They do, I don't because I can just torrent shit, but they do

>> No.56862038

the amount of bugs in Spotify is disturbing

>> No.56862103

>I made those assumptions because you whine like you aren't getting your piece of the pie, but I forgot millennials like to step up to bat for imagined groups. It's like an extension of being offended on someone else's behalf. I maintain not finding good new music is a skill issue. Your taste sucks or you can't use a search engine properly. Two of those four bands I used as an example were recommended to me by Spotify. I've seen 3/4 live.
>me me me me
This isn't about you, it's about trends and forces in the industry and economy. Those artists whose names you jealously guard like a little goblin can probably barely pay their bills.
And it affects me by generally making music worse. Trash music promoted everywhere, bands that make good stuff either quitting or just releasing a slow drip of singles and collabs to game the algo, etc.

>> No.56862225

Same, but for me its kanye west and the recommendations + easy high quali Audio downloads for offline and integrated easy car spotify audio app

>> No.56862267

I don't understand the scale of some of these tech companies desu

>> No.56862385

>gate keeping music that's probably gay anyway

Muh album of the year!

>its probably gay

>> No.56862522

This guy wanted to buy Arsenal but Kroenke didn't let him
I like him for that, he would probably better than Kroenke

>> No.56862579

they dont have the weeb music i listen to, i torrent from nyaa

>> No.56862640

fuck spotify and fuck their GAY AI that recommends GAY music in auto playlist
i waste hours per day to skip GAY music on spotify that GAY AI recommended me, their algorithms are completely GAY and written by TRANNIES
Give me option to BLACKlist GAY music from my feed

>> No.56862936

I had 72000 listening minutes in 2023

>> No.56862982

F-droid has a privacy front end with no ads you can even download songs

>> No.56862987

you are a poorfag. If it wasnt about money spotify is the most convenient option

>> No.56863004

will look into this thanks anon

>> No.56863194

Spotify is the cheapest option in my third-world shithole of a country, being the equivalent of $2 p.m. Apple is at $3.29 currently, and our dollar exchange rate isn't conducive.
I also use audiophile headphones HD660s, so I tend to hear artifacts in music if it's from dodgy sources encoded from 82Kbps lossy files.
I love music so, using evil Spotify is the only option for now, until Deezer comes back to our country...

>> No.56863250

You call them tech illiterates but you don't even know about the huge loss of quality that happens when something is uploaded to YouTube, multiply that by two because you're converting it again to download

>> No.56863253
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Those are rookie numbers.

>> No.56863279

I canceled prime and went back to my iPod classic and aux cable. I also own 500 records and 2 turntables so that helps.

>> No.56863291

This thread is an excellent example of why I hate /mu/ and /mu/tants

>> No.56863307

Yessir, amazing how it works

>> No.56864861
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I've been using cracked Spotify Premium for 7 years on both mobile and desktop. I have never paid them a dime and I never will.

>> No.56865021

Imagine all the roastie bloat

>> No.56865035

umm your spotify is retarded

>> No.56865059

yeah, but only cause my friend has me on their family plan for free

>> No.56866226

I used to. But I use bandcamp now since they actually give musicians a cut when u buy albums as opposed to fucking renting music from the spotify kikes.

>> No.56866247

I pay $6/mo for SiriusXM.

>> No.56866422

Imagine being so poor or such a Jew that you can't afford $11 / month for a quality product

>> No.56866475

YouTube (free and ad free, has EVERYTHING)
Local files

>> No.56866547

yes crate what listening!

>> No.56866587

>quality product

>> No.56866620

I boomered out and just got youtube premium so I can watch youtube on my tv without ads

>> No.56867415
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>uses "Simple as"

>> No.56867451


A youtube account only for music and yt-dlp for syncing playlists is all you need

>> No.56867637

Spotify actively promotes jewish artists and satanic shit over everything else. They are just another arm of the Kike Cartel

>> No.56867765
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Yes I do.

>> No.56868936

>paying for music
wut lol

>> No.56868968

Yeah, it’s great. It’s the only subscription I have besides Amazon prime.

>> No.56869481

Download your music and play if offline. The storage for thousands of hours of songs is nothing, and you don't have a corporation trying to manipulate you through the most direct emotional connection we have with the world.
>but music is expensive
It's free if your IQ is over 90.

>> No.56869639


I suspected this had to be the case. I just get music off youtube, free sites and pirate. Utterly no interest in that desu.

>> No.56869653

Amazon Music isn't integrated into my Tesla though

>> No.56869667

Rutracker is, has been, and will always be better

>> No.56869679

>multiply that by two because you're converting it again to download
Who's tech illiterate?