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File: 251 KB, 1905x999, cb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56860123 No.56860123 [Reply] [Original]

And I'm sharing it with /biz/ today. The tool tracks coins launched in the last 24h, sorts them by market cap, and auto-deletes them 24h after launch. I also made a bot that sends buy signals.

It's basically like CMC, but for coins launching today. I spent a month in the dev hole to get this working for myself to do auto trades but figured fuck it let's share it.

Getting the new pairs and prices was easy (you already get that through dextools), but filtering them was hard. So through personal observation of rugs and their characteristics over a few weeks, I made my own filtering algo.

TLDR: Out of like 500 coins launching daily on uniswap, my tool filters them down to 50-100, and only 5-10 really blow up every day. The tool auto ranks those at the top. I get maybe 1 solid gem per day.

>buy signals
These trigger only above $250K mc, so I don't end up buying low-level rugs and can get some money out if they go down. So a buy signal will need to meet like 3 different conditions: Launched last 24h, over x market cap, over x price action recently. It sends signals in real time while it's pumping. These are actually quite rare.

A few days ago I caught gfy at $400k mc and it went to $17M.

Here: coinblow.com

>how it werks
Go read docs.coinblow.com if you're a nerd

It 100% automated, runs on it's own/auto adding and deleting rugs. It can flag a token as a rug at any point during the day, especially as market cap goes up the filters hit harder. The telegram bot is not yet memory optimized so it won't be as stable as those on the desktop version, but it'll improve.

There's 40 autists in the tg right now all from /biz/.

>auto trading
Not yet. I don't trust myself with other people's funds until I get a security expert on team. Could happen in the beta/v2 version. Also it only works for ETH now so I plan to add more networks.

>> No.56860173

looks good; can you do pancakeswap?
i don't endorse buying shittokens though

>> No.56860190

this is dope man - thought about caching data so every time someone visits it's not a seperate query? mine is taking a while to load any data

>> No.56860198

Thanks for sharing, anon.

>> No.56860203

This, thank you anon.

>> No.56860205

Explain this to a retard like me: So basically, I press 'Buy signals' and buy the coins that are listed there?

>> No.56860262

you could integrate the TokenSniffer API to display if a coin is a honeypot or not worth the trade

>> No.56860276
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Impressive, anon

>> No.56860289

what are you building this with

>> No.56860297

Where you are going to make money on this is by getting people to use it and having shitcoin Devs think they need to be featured to pump. They will come to you and pay to get listed, make sure you have a backdoor to manually add them and don't take spare change. They will talk about how much you charge so you'll be screwed if you only accept a couple hundred quid. Good job anon

>> No.56860305

it's not rocket science eth has an api you hit the nodes with to scan for new pairs. you can get new token drops with all the metrics in 10 lines of code.

this anon has cleaned it all up though and shitfiltered it which is 90% of the work nobody wants to do.

>> No.56860307

I salute you

>> No.56860309

>There's 40 autists in the tg right now all from /biz/
hey that's me I'm one of those autists kek

>> No.56860335
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I can do BSC easily and plan to integrate it soon.

I do server side rendering so I'm not sure why but it's an alpha so expect bugs

Those buy signals will trigger conditionally (i.e. the 3 main conditions are met assuming it passed rug checks) and disappear if the conditions are not there. It's all automated

On the tg bot another thing I forgot to mention is I made it run calculations and share bot opinions. I gave the coin a surge rating based on the way it's going up (1-10).

Under bot opinion if you see a shield emoji it means watch the fuck out for liquidity, and if you see a bag emoji it means it's likely going to stay stable.

>> No.56860373
File: 2 KB, 138x46, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I wish I wasn't too fucking poor to trade with ETH comfortably.
Anyway, as far as I understand the difference with DexScreeners new pair section is that you're trying to filter out outright shit? Are you using tokensniffer or moonarch APIs?

>> No.56860376

Looks good, bookmarked it, thanks

>> No.56860410
File: 744 KB, 1024x658, unnamed2-1024x658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Np <3

actually this started as a /biz/ project kek. I made a site called 4chan coins which was like a blog where I'd list upcoming coins, but mid convo we talked about building a tool like CMC because by the time a shitcoin lands on CMC it's already too late. You know, what if we made a website that only lists tokens launched last day so we can get in early.

So I spent more than a month building this and improving the filtering algo and now I feel like it's worth sharing. When I saw that all the top ranked coins happened to have dextools verification (meaning they paid .5 eth to dextools to add contact details), I knew it was working and it's not by coincidence.

>> No.56860645

Aww…you love code…thanks for sharing

>> No.56860750

>this anon has cleaned it all up though and shitfiltered it which is 90% of the work nobody wants to do.
Yup. Was building that for myself and it's still not perfect, but now it saves me a shitton of time and manual research. All that matters is the top performers of the day, instead of buying "live new pairs" shitcoin rugs you visit this once a day, see which ones popped that day and never miss out. Then you hope one of them stays pumping for more than a day, or you catch a pump midday.

I could make it superb if I installed auto trading, so say I let you set your own conditions. For ex. you wanna buy at $200K mc, cash out at $600K mc, and repeat on loop. So instead of wasting money like sniper bots buying hundreds of rugs that launch daily, you only buy when certain coins hit your desired parameters.

The only problem with this is I could easily build it for myself but if I have some backdoor and a hacker steals all my users money, I'd have to kms. So right now it's "observe only" and do manual trading yorself, but if someone comes through and bankrolls this so I can hire devs I'll 100% integrate auto trading that'll be a money printer.

>> No.56860797

Thanks mate what's the tg?

>> No.56860830

It's literally on the website. Fucking pajeets I swear

>> No.56860839

top g biz hero of the year??
ive been checking merv tech but it never came back

what other chains can you do... solana?

>> No.56860879

what has been your success rate screening these though? ill keep an eye on the top performers in the coming days to see how it performs 1 day later.

>> No.56860906

I will keep my eye on this. Hoping for the BSC implementation.

>> No.56860910

very nice
a bsc integration for poor people would be sweet

>> No.56860962

Well done Anon. You have what we call 'gumption' around here; you'll go far in this world. Put me down as a requester of BSC and other chains as well.

>> No.56861037

okay just aped into GRINCH because why the fuck not. seems like something the normies would gobble up.

>> No.56861157

cheers bro, see a lotta TG bots and token popping up with something like this and you're here giving it for free. WIll check it out.

Kinda a personal question too. But for the average joe is it worth doing degen trading? I've just been going down the rabbit hole and realising I'm basically competing with wallstreet fellas and MIT guys who do this as a game for extra change. Is there any hope? And if so any directions you could steer me in to pick things up? Assuming all the fundamentals are there.

Kek posted in wrong thread lol.

>> No.56861325

yeah tools like this should work

>> No.56861372

Damn I was just talking about a site that does this last night with my friend and how we'd find it nice and ez-pz to keep tabs on the winners and losers if we could watch them in real time. dextools is too limited for what we want and this looks closet. thanks anon i'll be checking out your sweet creation and seeing how it performs today.

>> No.56861456

Does it auto-update with new coins or does it only refresh the current ones and you have to reload the page manually? anyhow good work OP.

>> No.56861498

Doesn't work

>> No.56861533

its free bc its useless (erc20)

>> No.56861663

it does, no need to refresh.

>> No.56862365

bump because this is something cool that deserves to be seen, even if it's in an early stage

>> No.56862574


>> No.56862590
File: 394 KB, 1024x1024, _8e831d70-bf21-4c0b-8ca1-55093fa2c43a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been using it to watch various token's that pop up and if I actually had spare funds available atm i'd have made some decent profits on a few tokens already. sites useful and with a few more qol upgrades and some tweaks it'll be damn nice. im book marking it to keep coming back around to.

>> No.56862594


>> No.56862650

same here

>> No.56862891

Holy fuckin bump! Thanks OP!
You said you're getting about one gem a day. How many of the top 10 are you buying daily?

>> No.56862907

very interesting

>> No.56862911

based OP.

>> No.56862932

unfathomably based. Thanks anon

>> No.56862933
File: 171 KB, 1024x1024, _61919164-ca48-4cff-9f6c-b93980ee4d07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a matter of time before I have another spare $200-300 to get started and this site will come in handy once I do. Even 20-50$ profit can get someone going into more tokens and profits. Looking forward to testing this more once I have funds to spare.

>> No.56862972

I'm waiting for OP to have the time to add more low fee chains like arbitrum or bnb
eth fees are gay

>> No.56862989

Good shit OP, what tech stack are you using?

>> No.56863005

wow! such a totally organic and absolutely non botted post OP! congratulations on your useless tool that warns you when a scam has already pumped so you can buy it and get dumped on! you're a fucking genius

>> No.56863020

I strongly dislike eth fees and also remember when eth fees at $5-10 was expensive. of course thankfully its not the 100-200$ gas fee era. that shut down my investing for months when it was going on. And when I did have money I lost a bunch paying high gas fees in what later turned into shitcoins or some aight profits.

>> No.56863196

Thank you so much bros. I haven't seen sunlight this past month working on this.

what has been your success rate screening these though? ill keep an eye on the top performers in the coming days to see how it performs 1 day later.
I said this in the TG just now but I'll say it again as far as how I use this.

Basically I first pop open their dextools and check their website (.5 cost to dextools) so if they don't have their contacts up, I assume it's a brokie team that will rug and don't even consider buying it. Then I check out their telegram and twitter to see if their community active. Before I buy I run a tokensniffer check as a last measure. I get in around $300-500k mc with a small bag.

I noticed these past few weeks Elon Musk shitcoins seem to pump a lot, if the devs do a good job and capitalize on a new tweet it shoots up fast. And once every few days you get a decent "infrastructure" project launching like a dex, oracle service, or something cool. Also, gaming coins tend to go into the millions mc fast.

>But for the average joe is it worth doing degen trading? I've just been going down the rabbit hole and realising I'm basically competing with wallstreet fellas and MIT guys who do this as a game for extra change. Is there any hope? And if so any directions you could steer me in to pick things up? Assuming all the fundamentals are there.

One thing you can do with this is check those top tokens, there's often good projects appearing out of nowhere daily. Look for stuff that's not a meme. Every day it's refreshed so you can stick to solid projects and hold them long term.

>> No.56863214

fuck you

>> No.56863298
File: 131 KB, 1024x1024, _ff4dfdc7-3ca7-47b7-b942-abf62e486e46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem anon your web site is super useful. As I said in my one post if I wasnt broke currently i'd have already made profits off some of the coins on your site. I bookmarked it and plan on coming back around to it again more to utilize in hopefully making profits when I have money. Great site I hope it continues to get worked on and you add more qol upgrades and features. And eventually you add more networks like people want. for now tho im super grateful for the eth network to work with since thats profits just waiting to happen. A drink and thanks to you for making this site I will greatly enjoy the profits it will provide me soon.

>> No.56863327

As far as filtration, it filters at every price level based on every metric: time created, market cap level (different filters at different levels), mixed liquidity/mc ratio (for ex its got a super high mc and low liquidity), price fluctuations, transaction counts at every level, buy/sell ratios, and it sort of comes together so genuine coins stay on the list. I used to have fake whale honeypots ranking at the top and learned to filter them. Now all the top ranked seem to be decent by default.

I've been using it to trade and adding different filters this past month just seeing how shitcoins behave. Even for small stuff like say it's existed for a few hours and there's no recent trading, it flags the token as a rug and removes it. I mean, what kind of coin gets low trading volume on day 1?

I'd say 90% of tokens launched daily just end up filtered at some point during the day, and then its easy to sniff out if something is worth buying. Some days, like on the weekends there's nothing worth buying. But you never ever miss a good coin

>> No.56863537

also a suggestion. If possible have it list the tokens volume its currently trading at? I might help with sorting what coins are still getting decent volume after 10hrs or so

>> No.56863603

I second this

>> No.56864073

some of those buy signals can be turned into sell signals. like it for $HRC about 5 hours ago. Gave a buy signal and then it collapsed by over 60% afterward. Granted I get it the the signal removes itself if downward volatility persists, but it is somewhat valuable to do something with the signal.
Its a good website overall onetheless to filter out which coins are hot on the markets for a viable lotto ticket.

>> No.56864080

how many sources do you have?
did you programmed the api for each source by hand?
why would this tactic be better than a regular screener analyzing various technical indicators and making signals?

>> No.56864220

yeah, some of the replies are pretty pathetic and overdone. very cringe attempt, op

>> No.56864293

Kek has pumped 3x since that screenshot. This is gold.

>> No.56864308

do you exclude scammy tokens with high sales tax and so on?

>> No.56864316

and ofc thanks very much anon for doing this work

>> No.56864576

I have a dashboard tool too but it searches through new telegram messages that hit my accounts. It works well but there are a lot of low cap shit rugs

>> No.56864623
File: 611 KB, 200x200, 200w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow a good thing on biz

>> No.56864698
File: 113 KB, 951x957, grinch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you OP

Riding GRINCH until Christmas

>> No.56864723

so how much do you guys actually gamble on these shitcoins?

>> No.56864844

I'll throw between $200 and
$500 into meme plays. I got SHIB spring 2021 and turned $400 into 10k thanks to /biz/. This is just fuck around money on metamask, my real portfolio is on a hardware wallet and doesn't get traded at all.

>> No.56864907

Thanks love you

>> No.56864945

I always go all in and don't sell when I'm in profits then lose everything and wait for next airdrop to set me up again. Recieving my next airdrop on Dec 20

>> No.56864962
File: 68 KB, 1024x1024, GAeaO3kXMAAEJ7x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dog bless you. Could your servers handle if I shared this?

>> No.56865031

legend thanks

>> No.56865100

kek getting listed on MEXC

>> No.56865294

Amazing tool anon! I'll reach out on Telegram, I have some people that may be very interested in putting some money for some real development for this tool.

>> No.56865497

No the way he will already make money is by buying first and then sending out the signal once he bought..

>> No.56865760

this shit is easily gamed and eventually all liquidity is pulled
this is the equivalent of playing slots on stake

>> No.56866310


>> No.56866322

this. people are braindead here. or 90% OP's bots

>> No.56866353

Checked and really? I haven't been doing well on eth shitcoins lately, so I used this to pick 3 coins (to just watch) and that was one of them. I guess I should go ahead and buy already lol.

This is a pretty amazing creation. The TG bot is just icing on the cake.

>> No.56867530

I didn't bump the thread man, I honestly didn't expect /biz/ to be bullish on this and thought it'd get 2 replies.

You can check the group went up from 40 members to almost 100 today and that's real people who happen to like this shit.

Agreed, but sell signals are dangerous on day 1, a coin can crash 80% and be up 10x the next hour. I don't want any bearishness on the site kek want to keep it all green

No, I don't look into their contracts rn, would take up too many resources with the amount of shitcoins I'm handling. Might integrate the tokensniffer api in the future but it's capped at only 500 sniffs a day from what I see even with their $900/month plan.
Another insane filtration method is if they have contact details on dextools and dexscreener. Only legit coins do. If those sites reach out to me I'll integrate their verification.

>this shit is easily gamed and eventually all liquidity is pulled
It's not because you can see all the top movers and close to zero complete rugs in top performers.

If you're a conservative trader you can just visit the site once a day and see if anything catches your eye, so you pretty never miss out. Not saying everyone should gambe in the casino.

But there's a way to game this data if your'e smart. For ex. you could set it to buy at $100k mc and cash out at $110k, compounding the 10% over and over. Or just buy a bag of the #1 performing token of the day and check the bottom line a week later.

>No the way he will already make money is by buying first and then sending out the signal once he bought..
Actually gonna change the bot tomorrow to say "surge signal" instead of "buy signal" and put up disclaimers so doesn't look like it's shilling the token. That should be more like a "check this shit out" type signal

>> No.56867700

Genuinely appreciate this tool. Don't listen to haters, keep refining it

>> No.56867889

Ty. This type of comment means a lot bro.
The main legit complaint today seems to be >no bsc so that's probably coming soon

>> No.56867908

ok.. just wondering. it seems risky. >>56865760
I've been burned by various random shitcoins. I might try it though. Is now altseason?

>> No.56867909

nice op. it would be even cooler if it could only show coins that present no security risk

>> No.56867945

I won't use this, but nice work and thanks for sharing, good man.

>> No.56868002

Btw, you should create donation wallet.

>> No.56868055

Buy a trip, make a token eventually and shill it on biz a few days before shilling it on shitter and whatnot.

>> No.56868139

Thanks OP

I'm still learning how to put tools like this together and I can only imagine the dev hell month you've been going through.

If only more threads were like this, instead of shilling pajeet rug pull projects

>> No.56868284

I'm not gonna shame OP, but it's quite easy, just use API and libraries, don't invent the wheel...

>> No.56868543

well you havent made it have you

>> No.56868554


>> No.56868607


WTF is this glownigger tracking nonsense?

>> No.56868629

You are welcome, kid, I guess.
Also free bumps for OP.

>> No.56868926

Looks good, nice work man.
Wouldn't bother listening to all these 3rd worlders requesting BSC...just keep focusing on the real shit.

>> No.56869202

F this pos ETH platform I just lost like $300 on gas fees

>> No.56869261

Look only for shitcoins that have their contract renounced with a service like unicrypt, means the dev can't alter the contract in any way

>> No.56869273

MILEI for example

>> No.56869657

lol this is why i just stick with coins on CEXs. OP, you better implement L2 coins as well for this to be viable. I learned my lesson the hard way spending 1.5ETH on gas to sell back in 2020

>> No.56870224

is it possible to put the tokensniffer score in one of the columns? 90% of these tokens are scams

>> No.56870326

I love you

>> No.56870847

Cool but can you actually make money with this

>> No.56871218

Maybe I should have bought that Kek yesterday for at least 5k :/

>> No.56871237

Was it on this screener tool site as a buy signal yesterday?

>> No.56871277

thanks OP, this is based as fuck. hope you make it this cycle

>> No.56871437

Looks amazing OP. Is the "upcoming" segment a WIP?

>> No.56871462
File: 168 KB, 1024x1024, _5bb71429-657e-4b43-a841-bf6144ebf248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I'll try it out

>> No.56871477

I've been using the tool and it's been incredible. It's currently not pulling data. Do you have enough Chainlink to update it as often as you were?

>> No.56871481
File: 316 KB, 1712x1073, RUGGED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold the 8th place in top performers. You should add a column or filter that shows the time since the last transaction.

>> No.56871494
File: 1.50 MB, 498x259, thats-bait-no-text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welcome to the botnet, idiots.

>> No.56871502

it's 90-95% scams but i did a 2x (inc fees) on the 1 ETH worth of shitcoins i've traded today, you gotta dyor

>> No.56871504

and don't get greedy

>> No.56871533

Nvm, it's explained in the documentation

>> No.56871648

>It's currently not pulling data. Do you have enough Chainlink to update it as often as you were?
I'm making an upgrade to filtration now and changing the tele bot to go 500k and up in case autists get rekt too much on these. There'll be less frequent signals, you might get 5-10 a day but at least it'll be for the best coins of the day.

>I'm still learning how to put tools like this together and I can only imagine the dev hell month you've been going through.
It's the most fun thing I did man, you're extra motivated when you build shit you'd wanna use yourself. I had to do everything solo even the graphics design work lol.

Love you too

There's a tokensniffer link for every one next to the etherscan button under "Contract". Tokensniffer charges out the ass for API calls so i just integrated their base url and put that as scam check in the tg bot. Btw even tokensniffer can be wrong, they only update their token score every 30 minutes.

Thanks bros

>Looks amazing OP. Is the "upcoming" segment a WIP?
Those coins under Upcoming should be added manually by me, say someone knows a coin is launching in our community, I can just update it. That part can't be automated. I just gotta grow the tg to be in the know.

>and don't get greedy
Agreed. I wouldn't buy anything but maybe the top ranking shitcoin of the day and take profit instantly unless their team is pulling weight. The good news is there's infinity shitcoins and you can use this to sort of narrow in on the best ones every day. If you pick a good one it's likely to pump days and weeks after. And "good ones" seem to be those that go to multi-mil mc on the first day.

>> No.56871693

is it down?

>> No.56871717

So far only KEK seems to be holding up well with a 10x.

>> No.56871731

I think it shouldn't be popular.

>> No.56871741

I just added some more filters and took it down for about 30-50 mins. Also changed the tg bot to raise the signal threshold to 500k and add disclaimers. It's back now.

It's at $7M now, and it was the top performing shitcoin all day yesterday. It seems if you stick to the top performer of the day the casino goes easier on you.

>> No.56871851

>The only problem with this is I could easily build it for myself but if I have some backdoor and a hacker steals all my users money, I'd have to kms.
auto trading is problems. just make an api that spits out the metrics and a python buy/sell bot is easy enough. web3 is supposed to be easy and for the most part it is; programming for web3 is not solidity. it's literally tens of lines of code.

your can make your metrics proprietary; nobody cares if your signals are legit. and there's all kinds of ways you can sell it.

and on that any signals this thing generates would have to be backtested. generally auto-aping into shitcoins is not profitable to begin with; too many rugs even after you apply filters. for every 2-5x you have 10 that go to 0. and eth gas fee's are no joke either if averaging out lots of bets is the strategy... and it is

>> No.56871876

>why would this tactic be better than a regular screener analyzing various technical indicators
TA on what lol, there's no candles on day 0.

>> No.56871903

>Tokensniffer charges out the ass for API calls
fair enough, it's a great tool as is for short term trades

>> No.56872093

>auto trading is problems. just make an api that spits out the metrics
That ain't the problem, already doing it. It's more like storing private keys client side so they're not sent to my back end server and intercepted, nad how I'd handle those sessions. I haven't even tried testing something like this yet but gonna do it soon with my own funds and check the results.

>fair enough, it's a great tool as is for short term trades
Agreed. Picked up on gfy early, yesterday the first signal when I activated the bot was for kek at 600k mc and now it's up 10x. Today top shitcoins seem to be crazy frog (meme), ordinals (telegram bot), and paper (paper trading telegram bot) and I checked their dextools and websites, they're all verified with legit teams. So I think my tool does what it was essentially designed to do, finds the top shitcoins of the day and ranks them at the top saving shittons of time on manual research. Still needs to be refined a lot technically for scale.

>> No.56872243
File: 106 KB, 1566x1160, err.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I see. trying it few hours already but no luck

>> No.56872254
File: 236 KB, 1895x963, app.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wipe your cookies and then refresh it, it's been 2 hours since I restarted it

>> No.56872275
File: 138 KB, 1618x1275, err2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cleared cache, cookies, but still doesn't work

>> No.56872283

did you try in incognito ?

>> No.56872289

yes, same results

>> No.56872322

Can you try visiting on your phone? It's strange because it worsk for me

>> No.56872339

tried right now, not working

>> No.56872357


>> No.56872413

Don't know bro, my gay server may be ip blocking you. Tried a data mobile connection so it's not the same ip to make sure?

>> No.56872425

So what is a good indicator for a potential gem? I think you should first check liquidity, see if it's atleast +100k. Then check Dextools if they at least have a website linked there.

Anything else?

>> No.56872433
File: 103 KB, 960x518, SatanKlaus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dope AF, Anon. I appreciate all your time in the DevHole. I hope you prosper bigly, and everything rolls your way.

>> No.56872447

>So what is a good indicator for a potential gem? I think you should first check liquidity, see if it's atleast +100k. Then check Dextools if they at least have a website linked there.
spot on dude, this is what I do
>Anything else?
Check if there's some twitter narrative being set and how hype their tg is. From shitcoining so long I can sort of tell if the founder can pump the coin based on their tweets. These coins pump based on narratives like if something's coming up ahead (burn, tech release, partnership, announcement, etc). If there's none of that it dies down fast and everyone moves on to the next shitcoin. Hence you literally get 1 solid project a day out of a sea of shit. Some days not even one.

>> No.56872468

>Dope AF, Anon. I appreciate all your time in the DevHole. I hope you prosper bigly, and everything rolls your way.
Made my day man

>> No.56872502

I got "message: 'Network Error'" r u blocking VPNs?

>> No.56872525

Oh I see now, yeah I got same error...
I'll try diff VPN and let u know

>> No.56872538

I am still getting this error, but I am not using a VPN

>> No.56872549

>the next billion dollar memecoin is $4chan
>created pepe, doge, wojak and more memes since 03
>combines them all in one memecoin
>$4chan is defi renounced wt no devs
>current market cap $3million

do you hate money anon its been 7years since we memed a president into office time to make the most memeable memecoin ever and get rich doing it

CIRCA 2024

>> No.56872568

I put zero restrictions so I'm not blocking you, but I have event listeners in case your internet connection goes down. You gotta have stable internet so it doesn't trigger it. If your internet goes down it'll give you that error

>> No.56872597

Dudes it's missing CORS header :D

>Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://coinblow.com/ethupcoming.json.. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). Status code: 200.

What browser you use that allows CORS? I know how to disable it on FireFox, but I just curious, coz any modern and updated to latest browsers will block your API calls...

Nevermind all of this... it's just start working :D did you fix it?

Also, can I just hit https://coinblow.com/superspacealiens/api/data/ and get data via api? Is it ok for you?

>> No.56872655

Yeah go ahead man, it's alpha so I don't care unless it crashes the server. It's public.
You can also use another third party api like 1inch, geckoterminal, dextools, dexscreener for price feeds.

>> No.56872670

I mean I'll probably make changes so I wouldn't build an app on this while those services will likely give you good data at the same endpoints for a good amount of time.

>> No.56872675

ty much. that looks epic so far.
I was only thinking about gathering all the data, but u just did all the work, ty much

>> No.56872683

Do you have release page, where I can check for updates if something changes?

>> No.56872748

it's finally fixed by itself, thanks anon

>> No.56872755

Not yet man, I'm all over the place because I'm doing all this shit by myself. My main focus rn is not fucking people over with these signals so I haven't really thought through the backend stuff much.
I'll likely wipe all this in a few days for a massive update and bsc coins. I would totally not build an app on it but use it rn if you want. And if you're serious then get data from established sources so I don't mess up your app.

>> No.56872778

got it ty much. Yeah I'll use it for myself ty

>> No.56872781

AI Image generator at only 130K MC

>> No.56872930

If you're building some trading bot dm me on tg, I'd try it out

>> No.56872984


>> No.56873031

totally organic chart there. fuck off, retard

>> No.56873096

Great work anon. Are you interested in volunteers to help you add features? Im a JS/Swift programmer w extra time on my hands.

>> No.56873607

did a little paper trading and followup on the top tokens in the app and it does print out good numbers
once again, good work OP

>> No.56873652

please just implement it into freqtrade instead of trying to reinvent the wheel with auto trading. freqtrade already has all of the shit you are going to spend months coding into your project.

>> No.56873847

Same. Id be looking at about 10x rn with my picks from yesterday. This is an awesome tool. I don't even care about the tg bot calls. Just having this list that filters out the worst of new shitcoins makes it feasible to find new projects without digging through social media or anything.

OP: thank you man! Like others have said, id probably wait on the bsc tokens, or maybe just try adding an arb page before you start scraping the bottom of the shitcoin barrel lol.

>> No.56873966

Do you mind sharing your address you use to trade?

>> No.56873971

Imagine walking into a casino with 500 slot machines. Someone hands you a list of 30-40 machines that are most likely to pay out that day. Each machine on the list has information about it relating to it's likelihood of a win. If you find the best few from that list and play them, you've increased you chances of walking away with more money and you may even hit a jackpot. That's what this is: a list of only the "better" machines each day. OP has also included a TG bot that alerts when a particular machine starts paying out.

So yes, you can make money, but only if you sort through the list and play.

>> No.56874244

Willing to sell the source code? I've been looking to implement something similar to this, but that takes it a step further and includes social signals.

>> No.56874275

why not work together with OP?
>by your powers combined

>> No.56874601

curious op have you had any success with it?
seems lucrative but risky at the same time
either way I have bookedmarked and saved for future.
If you ever do a paid version make sure the biz boys get a free version :)

>> No.56875007

>Great work anon. Are you interested in volunteers to help you add features? Im a JS/Swift programmer w extra time on my hands.
Please stay in the group, I'll likely need some help when I build a risky feature. And thanks for offering help.

>I've been looking to implement something similar to this, but that takes it a step further and includes social signals.

I'll tell you one of my fav filters. You divide the market cap by the liquidity and filter them if it's 20<. That weeds out like 30-40% of tokens.

By social sentiment you mean like using machine learning to test sentiment with twitter posts about a ticker? With the amount of coins you'd be handling daily and twitter api restrictions/pricing, it probably won't pay off. Unless you filter the pre-filtered list (ie top 10 every hour) and then run analysis for those coins before you trigger a signal, which is a good idea. You assign them a rating based on the amount of mentions and positive words.

I think sentiment analysis would be a better feature for existing coins over say $20M market cap that still have potential. These new coins won't have as many mentions, and a lot of that price action is coming from FOMO momentum and not fundamentals.

>Same. Id be looking at about 10x rn with my picks from yesterday. This is an awesome tool. I don't even care about the tg bot calls.
It's better if you don't trade these at all, there could be a 2-3 day gap between a unicorn pump like the gap between $gfy and $kek that came yesterday. Those moonshots that go from zero to 10m come every 2-3 days, but you just need a daily glance at the list to know when it's coming. Today it seems like a bad day for shitcoins.

>Imagine walking into a casino with 500 slot machines. Someone hands you a list of 30-40 machines that are most likely to pay out that day.

100% this.

Thank you for namedropping this. You might've saved me weeks.

>> No.56875056

I'll just leave this here discord dot gg/H7uUApQA

>> No.56875080
File: 72 KB, 1081x349, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone here buy any of the top 5 in today's list?

>> No.56875186

>curious op have you had any success with it?
Yesterday on kek, I saw this was an elon musk play and boughted. 4.5x. Few days ago on gfy. I've traded a grand total of 3-4 coins these past few weeks because I don't fomo much and most of them don't look good to me.
There was one more decent project today, Ordinals Bot or something, they had a telegram bot and went over $1M but it got filtered after the 6h dropped over 50%.

Eod at least this is based off real on chain data, not like that ethtrending group where you can pay some guy to "trend". It's unbiased and we'll see how effective it is in a month. I'm off to touch grass

>> No.56875220

thanks OP, go rest a bit you deserve it

>> No.56875337

I hear ya. I'm trying to get out of the habit of holding shitcoins too long is all lol.
RektElon looks very promising.

>> No.56876006

RektElon 3x since I posted this and somehow i missed that a shitcoin Ive been bag holding since spring just pumped again. I'm taking it as a sign kek.

>> No.56876071

Ansolutely great stuff youre like the only other coder on biz, whats the telegram? Id love to join thanks

>> No.56876136

>I'll just leave this here discord dot gg/H7uUApQA
Fuckoff shill nigger 200k my ass
We are working people not richfags

>> No.56876422

TA on regular charts, as opposed to his "0 day" strategy

>> No.56876656
File: 753 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20231126-174742_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a shill for CrazyFrog

>> No.56877359

can you explain how you can tell if a shitcoin is likely to pump just by glancing at it?

>> No.56877541

Only on mainnet? Can you add avax c-chain?

>> No.56878615

> TA on shitcoins

>> No.56879296

don't get baited, quick look at this shit and most of these projects on the site are honeypots or scams/rugpulls. just look at dextools/scanner on sales and check the timing. if something is too good to be true, it is.

>> No.56879425

it's just a filter app anon, not a "safe ape" app
you still have to dyor
I find it useful for when I'm looking for a quick flip

>> No.56879468

literally all of these are honeypots, the trades have cooldown or you just cant sell. most goys would fall for this but you are not gonna get this goy. nice try though, u are a shill for this as well seeing as u posted 9 times praising something u havent posted proof of use with anything.

>> No.56879572

shill? to what end?
what the fuck would I gain?
OP made something and shared it for free. what did you do?
>proof of use

>> No.56879855

So here is one example that I'm looking from the list of yesterday: https://www.dextools.io/app/en/ether/pair-explorer/0x6af47a1876a1979e520270ed4747dda58f8c9f07
How is it honeypot?

>> No.56879934

Site stopped working again

>> No.56879964

Yeah weird is that error in malformed header, but the API link works, so it's not blocking IPs. I bet something in the JS that build API call from client side

>> No.56880118

Brow try to remove domain name from api call in the api.js:

import axios from 'axios';

const SERVER_ENDPOINT = '/superspacealiens/api/data';

I think this should fix it.

>> No.56880134

this one actually is a honeypot
I bought some and now I can't sell. I checked tokensniffer, I tried reading the code to by best ability before buying, but I still missed it
I'm not even sure how they did it, there's no explicit way to pause trading that I could find
maybe some high IQ anon can have a look and help me understand it

>> No.56880290

I see that pico amounts can be sold (someone just sold 0.9700 DREAM)
I tried to sell 500k DREAM right now and I get "Slippage to low" errors on all the dexes no matter how high I set the slippage
I actually would appreciate if someone could explain how they did this

>> No.56880304

>meaning they paid .5 eth to dextools to add contact details
How you know that coin devs payed dextools .5 of eth? Where is that verification shown. I can't find it.

>> No.56880323

that's how much it costs to list your website and all the other info on dextools
chek their site, it's listed on there

>> No.56880335

impressive, very nice
let me know if you need help scaling up this bad boy

>> No.56880348

There's an antiwhale function in the contract. Any buy above a certain threshold makes you a "whale" according to the contract. Which in itself is not seen as a honeypot by honeypot detectors, since you can still sell, but only a fraction of a cent.

>> No.56880380

and this limit is forever? am I stuck with holding this shitcoin forever without actually being rugged?
well shit...

>> No.56880459

kek, I even said it earlier in this thread here:
and yet you bought. This one was obvious even to me just by looking at the chart.

>> No.56880464

How they rug without disable it? Like they can't convert it any other way, except contract

Btw OP I fixed api.js in the live edit, but now api hitting 404 :D

>> No.56880513

>and yet you bought
yes I did , I don't actually care about that money
I knew it's a gamble, we're talking about literal shitcoins here kek

>> No.56880546

wayt... what happens if I just move the tokens to another wallet and use that to sell? will that still be limited, even if I didn't use it to buy them?

>> No.56880556

What amount you trying to sell and is it more than this one: https://scan.dextools.io/en/ether/tx/0x09a71b24046307698f4ce2242d79462e0429644861c7a9f666b54d4dbbc1ad05 ??

>> No.56880589

>What amount you trying to sell
500k tokens

>> No.56880606

Thanks. Got it now. I thought that it can be checked on blockchain directly. But still, there's probably dextools eth address that all devs sends .5 eth to it. Also, what if token is listed after 48h on dextools and you already filtered it out with your algorithm?
I made similar tracking tool, but it tracks eth coins on CMC. This is last result from 10 day of tracking: Out of all tracked tokens taken on 27-29.11., 25 tokens decreased more than 25%, 12 got 2x and higher and 40 got on average 30-40% increase (some got 90%, some 0% and some 30% etc.)

>> No.56880607

I got fucked by a similar rug called novai. Felt like a retard, it was a very obvious rug but trusted tokensniffer instead.
Stay safe bros.
Good job op btw. Wanted to create something like that for a while but never had the time. What subgraph are you using? Uni substream?

>> No.56880740

so they can on/off protection on the contracts or how the one that I posted sold 1m?

>> No.56880759

no idea man, I'm trying to figure it out myself, but I'm not really a coder

>> No.56880772

try lesser amount maybe... but it's doesn't make sense

>> No.56880786

also if you know where they store source code... post it I'll take a look

>> No.56880795

yeah I know. I tried asking in their TG and got kicked

>> No.56880934

what error you getting?

>> No.56880939

OP here. I'm being servercucked due to usage I guess. Will try to get it working again in a couple of hours. I need to upgrade hosting

>> No.56880973

do u have cache enabled for the api right? or hosting doesn't care?

>> No.56880976
File: 2 KB, 285x55, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel on dextools
uniswap doesn't give any details
kyber gives this in details
>cannot estimate gas; transaction may fail or may require manual gas limit
I tried setting manual slippage to super high values and still get the same
you do you anon, I trust you

>> No.56881054

can't see anything weird in the contract code, can it be issue with uniswap? Try to also ask them

>> No.56881116

I tried uniswap & kyberswap and both give this error
what else can I try?

>> No.56881138

you tried this one right: https://support.uniswap.org/hc/en-us/articles/8643879653261-What-is-Price-Slippage- ?

>> No.56881163

yeah, I went from 5% to over 50% slippage with no results

>> No.56881264

oof then I don't know how they did it.... maybe I'm blind but I don't see any sus in contract code...

>> No.56881302

yeah, I know what you mean...
it is what it is, I just wanted to understand how it works
thanks for trying to help anon

>> No.56881421

last retarded bet is, try to sell some amount that they have in history, like `6,790.00` see if it passes
I'm also trying to understand this lol

>> No.56881449
File: 15 KB, 447x438, 1634670740854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today Pajeet OP scammed a bunch of newfags
Um BASED????

>> No.56881479

Thanks for sharing bro

>> No.56881495

Are all antiwhale coins an immediate avoid?

>> No.56881585
File: 265 KB, 1135x1145, 1701824081159520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone notice just before the site crashed all those coins the bot called just mooned 2x

>> No.56881847

Tax modifiable on dextools audit check. Also just look at the chart and buy/sell order patterns. Nothing but buys and only sells from certain contracts. You need to be good at pattern recognition when scanning thru the order sheet.

>> No.56881886

*Certain addresses

>> No.56882126

Will you make a discord? I'm also working on an analytics tool for shitcoins of this caliber, you might find it interesting. We could link up and decide if we sneed it or feed it

>> No.56882248

this dude bought and sold the token
I noticed that most sells come in pairs, but I can't figure it out... and the tx above contains 2 actions
how the hell does this work?!?!?!

>> No.56882435
File: 168 KB, 1915x835, doesnt work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleaned the cache, erased the cookies, tried incognito mode, tried Firefox and Chrome, even tried anonymus proxies (am in Europe).

Nothing works. It keeps loading up indefinitely and nothing ever appears.

Can someone explain wtf?

>> No.56882445

OP mentioned there might be too many requests for his current server load

>> No.56882453

Ah, I see. Will try again in a few hours, thanks.

>> No.56882468

biz bros..we are fucking BACK

>> No.56882884

Also try different web browsers. this thing half works for me in brave but works great for me in chrome and edge. so that could also be a factor. I know extensions and stuff can also fuck with it. so see if those are also messing with it.

>> No.56883080

I opened the page and it's been stuck on discovering new tokens for awhile, how long does it usually take?

>> No.56883131

server is down, OP will buy a bigger one

>> No.56883173

Oh right I should have just read a few posts up

>> No.56883245

website loads but not the coins for me. been 5mins now

>> No.56883460

Are you the blackswan anon?

>> No.56883972

been looking for something like this for a while, really well done, thanks

>> No.56883997

If you want to capitalise on new trends maybe you can try looking at enabling this service for newer chains like arbitrum and solana, bsc's original draw was that it was cheap to launch and buy coins compared to ETH but these days there are many more options.

>> No.56884949

Restarted now, was down a few hours.
Check now. Looks like there's nothing good today, the top coin is some meme poking fun at that twitter dude. So the server downtime might've saved some money.
Me too man. I think /biz/ likes it because of that, you build something for private use and then share it and tons of people like yourself find it useful.
I wanna implement it because it's the second biggest shitcoin casino by tlv and there's probably more activity there with less volume. Because bsc is an exact evm copy of ether, I got it working on localhost with a few line changes while drunk. The problem is I don't know how bsc shitcoins behave and if eth filtering will apply to those or be effective until I give it a try. But bsc could be better for making shittons of trades without losing money on gas.

>> No.56885078

How many people are you planning on rugging OP?

>> No.56885109

Why the fuck is it so expensive to do a swap for these shitcoins? I just want to put in like $30 but then the gas fee is like $40. How the fuck can I spread across multiple shitcoins if the fees are so high?

>> No.56885171

Hey OP, as you mentioned before, today looks like it's all shitcoins. What are your general thoughts on for example $SOURCE.
This one looks the most appealing out of todays top performers in that it at least has a nice website and is marketing itself as something serious.
Curious as to your thoughts on this one in particular.

>> No.56885208

Is this shit you guys buy or is OP a secret jeet?

>> No.56885215
File: 9 KB, 401x145, Screenshot 2023-12-06 015947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56885283

OP is not shilling anything. He's just exposing data. Use it however you want.

>> No.56885329

Read the whole thread, I get it now.

Good shit, OP.

Please add a trollbox.

>> No.56885342

Yup, I don't have control over these shitcoins aside from filters I can set to auto exclude them from the list based on certain metrics to avoid scams. That's the whole idea behind it. Been using it a month and bought maybe 3-4 shitcoins grand total even tho I saw hundreds pump. If I'm not feeling it I know another one will come the next day.

>Hey OP, as you mentioned before, today looks like it's all shitcoins. What are your general thoughts on for example $SOURCE.
I can't tell you what to buy bro, but I checked it out. Here's why I'd hold off:
>Site shills the token directly and links don't work.
Okay but I'd avoid a site where the main attention grabbing link is their token and not their service/dapp/usecase. I want the token CA to be hard to find to know its some legit shit, it kinda lets me know the team isn't in for a quick pnd.
>Only 80k mc.
Does this even have the strength to pump to 500k or multi mil. If not the team prob doesn't have marketing funds so I'd wait out see if it pumps then check their socials and consider gambling after.

>> No.56885375

Noted. thanks boo-boo

>> No.56885385


>> No.56885400

Anyway guys I saw dextools release a new Api V2 where I can fetch socials, if the token team is not brokies and they paid .5 eth to dextools to add their website/tg it makes them more legit, so I'll change the bot to send their website directly or put a risk warning if they haven't. The bot isn't functioning now but it will be soon.

>> No.56885477

Nice work OP, thank you

>> No.56885496

Yeah fucking right OP you aren't the creator of all these coins. Nobody fucking wastes time making these stupid graphics on your site that aren't meant to make DMT addled apes ape. I've been watching this shit on etherscan and nobody can sell your crap except the wallets selling bags. Prove it otherwise you fucking niggertier dirtbag. There was an actual pump and dump scanner dev on here a few days ago. You're just a fucking scam.

>> No.56885574
File: 29 KB, 570x160, Screenshot_20231206_111213_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up my first coin using this. Picrel, creates 1 hour ago. Looks legit, at the risk of sounding like a street shitter shill.

>> No.56885592
File: 8 KB, 300x138, Untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda sus

>> No.56885601
File: 226 KB, 1010x830, Screenshot_20231206_111739_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah first thing I picked up as well. Took the gamble.

>> No.56885610

>tokens are unclogged

>> No.56885674
File: 107 KB, 743x768, IMG_1782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I buy these coins? I’m a fucking retard with these shitcoins. Not a boomer but I’ve been in crypto since 2017 and only ever used binance, GDAX and goybase.

>> No.56885741

just bough more LIX

>> No.56885819

Don't overdo it. Might be a scam still

>> No.56885864


>> No.56885983
File: 25 KB, 417x201, links.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made a big bot update. In case a token meets surge criteria, I fetch Dextools API for their website/telegram and then directly link their socials.
The cost these project team pay is 0.5 eth /$1k+ to add those, so if a project is over say $500K mc and lacking this, it's sus as fuck.
Now you can directly click "Telegram" and it takes you to their shitcoin group.

>> No.56886029

any chance on filters for column data? tyvm

>> No.56886231


A rare occasion when OP delivers, thank you.

Any chance you can do the same for BSC? ETH and uniswap fees are through the roof. I've purchased $225 (0.1 ETH) worth of a shitcoin to play with and had to pay $16.5 in Transaction fees, fuck that.

>> No.56886318

Was a fucking honeypot as you can see liq terminated and other anon call it. But, I can't figure out how they did it...
Means all these filtering is meh

>> No.56886334

yeah, I saw
can't figure it out either, but fuck it, on to the next

>> No.56886526

I just paid 30 for $200 and it rugged down to $50. Essentially $20 after fees.
Fuck you Original Pepe

>> No.56886536

This is the best thing happened to biz

>> No.56886556

OP might need to make a new thread soon, this one's getting close to the limit
I enojy the conversation here, so can you make a new one?

>> No.56886573

This turned out to be a honeypot by the way. Luckily only put in 50. On Dextools it passed the detection somehow since it is displayed as not a honeypot.

>> No.56886652

there's a million ways they can do it to avoid the basic detection heuristics from dextools etc. (erc20 is the pieciest of shit standard of all time probably)
ruggers are probably making 10-100k a day from shitcoin casino bettors

>> No.56886922

Good work OP, Doing gods work.

>> No.56886994

This is really cool OP and I'm gonna spend some time looking at this making sure I don't get scammed too often cos im a total noob to shitcoin buying. It looks like a lotta these top performers look really sus. LIX and SPK look really fucking scammy despite having websites and twitters.
When legit coins starting off come along do they usually look more legit and professional so early in the creation phase?

>> No.56887160

>Id be looking at about 10x rn with my picks from yesterday
Gamefi got all my attention. FUN, ILV, GALA for the moon ride

>> No.56888315

Is it down again frens?

>> No.56888320

fuck jannies for ruining biz you fucking pieces of shit roodypoo ass

>> No.56888402

>Okay but I'd avoid a site where the main attention grabbing link is their token and not their service/dapp/usecase. I want the token CA to be hard to find to know its some legit shit, it kinda lets me know the team isn't in for a quick pnd.
lol damn i do the exact opposite because im lazy and hate looking up contracts, especially on shitcoins where theres often multiple with the same name/ticker

>> No.56888426

how does this even happen? what are you just trading doge and ltc all day? what do you think when you read threads full of people talking about tokens youve never heard of??

>> No.56888913

>aped into dream cuz it seemed ok
>checked coin sniffer after
>lost $500

>> No.56889511

>This is the best thing happened to biz
Lol only /biz/ is in the know
>OP might need to make a new thread soon, this one's getting close to the limit
We can make another, but we also talk in tg.
>When legit coins starting off come along do they usually look more legit and professional so early in the creation phase?
It depends because there's so many shitcoins and how they pump also depends on the shitcoin devs. We're gambling. But since we raised the threshold to 500k for surge signals, it only sent like 2-3 since yesterday, and pretty much every one of those has 2xd. 250k threshhold seemed to bait into 50/50% rugs, even tho it was a better entry. I am learning and refining this in real time.

>> No.56889923

Toasting in epic bread

>> No.56890718

you can do TA on anything retard

>> No.56890787

damn I wanna buy $40 worth of gemini but that fucking garbage gas fee being 35-40$ really puts me off from it. poorfag tier and barely scrounged funds together

>> No.56891042

I'm waiting for OP to add bsc shitcoins to the list

>> No.56891062

that is going to make alot of mofos some serious nickels and dimes in profits

>> No.56891084
File: 30 KB, 500x500, laughing-emoji-cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$Gemini, the bot printed a 6x

>> No.56891135

>500 new coins a day
Flavor of money laundering.

>> No.56891179

dumber than fuck

>> No.56891232

Is this really legit anons?

>> No.56891348

yup, there was at least one gem per day in the list so far. don't ape without dyor tho, it's not perfect and there are still honeypots and scams in there.
but if you pay attention you can get in really good shitcoins from it

>> No.56891624

Every swap fails

>> No.56891650

> i can see from the three 1 hour candles on this shitcoin with $40k liquidity that were forming a bullish head and shoulders delta formation

>> No.56891667

and what about honeypots?

>> No.56891691

Why not extend it to a month and have stricter filtering criteria, surely most shit doesn’t pump within a day

>> No.56892060

some still get through, but OP keeps improving it
always dyor before buy

>> No.56892524

I saw a bull flag play out on a 2 hour old shitcoin before

>> No.56892952

100% this. Testing with real people helped. If it wasn't for based /biz/ autists buying in at 250k and telling me half of these rug, I wouldn't have raised the threshold to 500k . Now that it's 500k the signal is triggered like twice a day and seems to work better.

>> No.56892984

OP is samefagging hard shilling for this crap

>> No.56893045

This, sociopaths and jeets own this board now

>> No.56893437

thank you OP, what a based tool

>> No.56893465


>> No.56893484

I just read for the memes and green text and arguments. I’ve already made a bunch of money on goybase listings. Sold all in May 21 and haven’t bought back in.

>> No.56894002

yeah and my question is specifically how does it compare to doing TA on liquid assets, "regular charts" the opposite of illiquid bsc shitcoins

>> No.56894057

Even the ones that allow you to swap are stupid. Paying $80 gas for a $10 swap Ethereum is trash for lowcap speculators.

>> No.56894194

Who does that

>> No.56894321

Not me on that particular one. I did lose my $30 gas trying to buy that MILEI coin that's blowing up. We need a BSC coinblow asap.

>> No.56894819

i don't want to demoralize here but i was testing this during peak crypto and even then it wasn't profitable.

there's too many rugs that bypass filters and it's difficult to backtest for; there's not exactly an api you can hit for candles of every shitcoin that rugged, you have to scan the chain yourself.

with gas fee being 10% of the trade (probably more) you can't afford many bets to be wrong either.

there aren't enough candles for TA at this level so the only strategy you have is trailing stop loss. you have to figure out what the rug % is, and then what the typical ATH is on the coins you ape in to; set your TP around that; and hope you hit enough to pay for your rugs and gas; and you just won't.

people have even tried to make "on chain" bots that do this on their own. you can make a self sustaining bot that lives off trading (or rugging), like a virus on chain; if it was profitable, it isn't, and anything like that would just be exploited and have its logic exploited, and bags drained near instantly.

there is still no substitute for human decision making; you have to make calls yourself at the end of the day

>> No.56894898

>there is still no substitute for human decision making; you have to make calls yourself at the end of the day
But how you do calls in that case? By rolling dice?

>> No.56895130

Is it profitable to become a serial rugpuller? I mever hear about anyone getting caught.

>> No.56895141

Autogen trading bot on this scraping dev sites, 4chan and reddit posts against these coins for trading decisions

>> No.56895154

Hey OP could you also make us an address creator or eveb a wallet creator which interacts with specific cheap websites on Polygon, BSC, Algorand, etc? basically I want to farm airdrops. Just add a notice "It's possible certain airdrops might blacklist if caught multiaccounting, use at your own risk."
I'm still angry how much scammers profited off airdrops just because they use hundreds of addresses.

>> No.56895229

its literally defi prison. jpmorgan has an exit strategy.

>> No.56895242

Op my dick is so hard at the thought of building multi agent swarms using this website. Building a trading bot is a license for money and u need to do it

>> No.56895419

>I mever hear about anyone getting caught.
kek caught by whom? the internet police?

>> No.56895453

Good info, thanks anon. Yeh I've been in crypto for a bit now and I don't have the technical expertise you have but it's apparent that 99% of new coin listings are scams or fizzle out in hours at best.

>> No.56895644

Noob question... what's TA?

>> No.56896582
File: 441 KB, 2189x1222, astrologyformen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lurk 2 years faggot.

>> No.56896986
File: 28 KB, 865x395, Shitcoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I managed to do tonight. Just a test run. Should have sold earlier on some and one I shouldn't have bought at all. Held way too long on the losers when it was obvious I should take the loss and move on. Thanks OP >>56860123

>> No.56897075

Anyone know wtf is Gemini AI ?

>> No.56897085

Shitcoin that tries to steal oxygen by using a popular name.
Gemini is a new AI thing google released.

>> No.56897173

moon cycles made me hilarious return on BTC through 2020

>> No.56897288

BSC or Solana Coinblow would be acceee. Gas fees are tough.

>> No.56897534

You are absolutely based for testing all these at once. Gemini printed most tho wish you caught that 12x at peak. I don't know how effective trading all of these is but maybe you can try it out more and we can refine it. Did those last 2 go way down? A 50% return daily compounded seems nuts to me, but would not be surprised.

>> No.56897570

This. But the market is irrational. Grok has 0 relation to Elon Musk's grok and went to $100M+. These devs perfectly timed that 30 minutes after the Google announcement and it exploded. One anon in the group bought the 3 variants with $500 total and said he was up $40K at the peak yesterday.

>> No.56897653
File: 932 KB, 1280x1280, 1697013350082909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the comments it looks like it is not a nazi's phishing scam

i wonder if that assessment seems correct to others.

>> No.56897715

how would it phish?

>> No.56897863

Unfathomably BASED

>> No.56898348


>> No.56898522
File: 194 KB, 2088x908, 24hchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changed the bot again:
>Sends 1 message after that initial surge to 500k, flags it as a new token
>Sends updates every hour if the token is over millies mc and still moving with unicorn potential
Server actually seems stable now too since I made some changes. If they are dex verified on that initial message, they seem to move higher, but we're still learning.

>> No.56898527
File: 381 KB, 1024x1024, _aa43bf69-26b8-4369-b096-ec703ab0547d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet to see more updates anon. glad its getting more work. keep it up and thanks for this sweet site

>> No.56898549
