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56857640 No.56857640 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto and tech stocks are mooning while the rest of economy is crashing and everyone has no money and everyone is maxxing out their credit cards to buy useless shit or groceries on 27% apy, what kind of dystopia/financial situation is this called?

>> No.56857659

normies doing normies shit while we're making bank on their back. Fuck em

>> No.56857671

a more sophisticated weimar

>> No.56857690

golden bull run. up only

>> No.56857695

This is a failing empire, anon. You are living through a major transition period for which there are many analogues in history that you can study. This particular one will be different, because we are in a technology era and it's a global financial empire, but the basic brushstrokes are always the same. People are jumping into liferafts while old institutions fail.

>> No.56857708
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Cyberpunk future. Making by night-trading internet coins is the only way.

>> No.56857716

I'm gonna tell you how it plays out. Its more evil than you think.....

You know how everyone's so shocked that these high risk assets are pumping while the majority of normies can't afford shit? It actually makes sense and I'll explain it here. See (they) will not allow the highest risk assets to be at at absolute bottom while normies have the most amount of money and inflation truly kicks back in. They need to skyrocket the markets BEFORE your everyday joe gets back on their feet, has a ton of money saved and the media is screaming inflation.

Once that hits, the markets will be overheated, your grandma will tell your family to buy stocks and crypto to avoid inflation as they throw their life savings into anything fearing the dollar is literally toilet paper at this point. As soon as that occurs, the market dumps and the goy are in an even worst position than before. America will genuinely be venzuela or weimar inflated AND everyone's life savings will have been taken from whoever pumped the market.

It's crazy everyone's shocked that the markets are pumping while no one has money when, if you think in the shoes of the "bad guys", it makes perfect sense. I'm not sure if anyone's going to listen to me or not cause it seems like every thread I post in gets 0 replies afterwards signaling bots, but if you see this heed my warning. I'm assuming if youre a real person here, you've been buying throughout the bear anyway and are fine.

>> No.56857724


>> No.56857726

That's why I put 90% of my disposable income into crypto and tech stocks. My net worth has rocketed almost 20x into the 7 figures after the pandemic started.

>> No.56857730

I'm not Jewish btw, just a incel outcast mathematician who thinks for himself.

>> No.56857739
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Every day under debt based fiat.

>> No.56857751

I appreciate your post anon. I'm planning on rolling my bull run gains into gold and property in order to try and sidestep the inevitable meltdown following the meltup, but what do you suggest? Also will always keep at least 1 BTC and 1k linkies forever, desu.

>> No.56857772

What you're witnessing is the destruction of the middle class, you either make it this run or stay poor forever

>> No.56857792

there will always be opportunities. the opportunity right now is to avoid getting gaped

>> No.56857801

It's only going to get worse. Get ready.

>> No.56857812
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Normies doing normie shit as they're used to do, nothing new under the sun, as far as I care ill keep holding my bags and keep playing Blocklords while I wait for correction and crab to start, kinda have high hopes on upcoming time

>> No.56857816

Correct. Monterey stock is at ATH >>56857739 yet markets are well below ATHs, very easy to scoop up the (relative) bargains while the wagie is worried about the nominal recession that will never materialize

>> No.56857853

Oh hey great an actual person. Sounds like you're doing fine desu. You're holdings sound spread out enough with some proper diversification in housing, crypto, gold. I personally just buy link kek. I mean crypto in general, if you buy any of the fundamental coins, you should be fine. I think holding some crypto, especially the "in it for the tech" tokens and not selling is smart. And I say this because crypto is supposed to be a hedge against fiat regardless of inflation, deflation, etc. The stupid narratives of it only being an inflation hedge is retarded. Crypto is meant to be a centralized economy hedge. In any failure of a centralized economy crypto goes up. Bank runs, political turmoil, inflation.

So anon you're doing fine to answer your question. I'd keep doing whatever you're doing cause your intuition seems good based on what you posted. I think one thing I do want to say as advice is don't get lazy. Theres so much demoralization out there to prevent people from making it regardless.

>> No.56857863

I don't know if this is *the* big pump or not but without any kind of mathematician background like OP has I always kind of suspected something similar. You'd want to bleed out the normies as much as possible and ramp up as much fear as possible before then funneling money in when they're already super negative on everything.

I'm middle class and high functioning autistic but I've been DCAing about $200 spread across 10 different tkns every week since Q3 2022 and I'm up massively so far. Pretty sure my portfolio just jumped 10k in the past week. Wish I did more, but I think with close to six figures in crypto now before the pump really gets going if 2021 was any indication I'll be able to dramatically change my financial status this run. I owe it all to this board which is absolutely insane to think about. Not fitting in with normies and having a hunger for anonymous esoteric discussions has gifted me knowledge, paranoia (it's not all good lets be real), and wealth that I simply wouldn't have had otherwise. Kind of wild to think of this as some sort of litmus test.

>> No.56857867

Acreage is kino, but property performs really poorly under expansitory regimes, personally I rebalance into gold (25:75 Au:BTC) during the bull, and rebalance back into BTC during the bear

>> No.56857900

Normies have been slaves for all time, the system of exploitation changes but the dynamic doesn't. Never forget that the median household income in 1970 was 235oz of gold

>> No.56857971

>I personally just buy link kek.
Fucking based. Thanks for your perspective anon.
Unironically ygmi.
>Acreage is kino, but property performs really poorly under expansitory regimes, personally I rebalance into gold (25:75 Au:BTC) during the bull, and rebalance back into BTC during the bear
This is valuable perspective. Fact is I've never liked real estate investing because I view the whole charade as a house of cards, I just want a few properties for my own use and some rental income (already have one but could use another). The gold/BTC balancing is interesting and might be worth analyzing further. Thanks anon.

>> No.56858010

Honestly I don't even remotely doubt this
What better thing to do than use normie money as exit liquidity just to crash everything and buy it back from them when they panic sell the bottom
Turbo wealth consolidation

>> No.56858011

The GME schizos have been saying this very thing since their thing happened in Jan '21. But you know, they've been strangely accurate on the bigger economic picture.

>> No.56858019

The Roaring 20s

>> No.56858063

thank u anon for ur post. i’m a real person and yes i agree with u

such a wild era man. seeing massive change in the world and making money at the same time is somehow tragic and humbling

>> No.56858093

We were the real jews all along.

>> No.56858109


>> No.56858128

As a real human being (and not a bot) I totally agree with what you said.

>> No.56858152

Keep your little bit of money in CDs and ETFs bitch nigga. Leave the better gains to the real ones

>> No.56859435
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FYI, Pajeet, I use my Tap card at the grocery store because it lets me flip cryptos into fiat on the spot.

>> No.56859458

Try GFSC regulated app solution for seamless access to a range of financial instruments; crypto, fiat, and precious metals. Thank me later.

>> No.56859518
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I'm just a normalfag, riding the anticipation wave for the bull run with Metis, XTP, RNDR, and Sol in my portfolio.

>> No.56859623

Last pump before megadump

>> No.56860708

institutional investors and fund managers pumping the market so retail can hold their bags, at the end of the day they need someone to buy. Look at the insider selling of the major S&P companies recently, these guys are offloading millions of shares.

>> No.56860735

old system new century toilet flush