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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56855144 No.56855144 [Reply] [Original]

>$92,000 student loans
>$40,000 medical bills
>$9,000 personal loan

>> No.56855252

And f you.

>> No.56855263


>> No.56855299
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None, I don't partake in jewish usury.

>> No.56855301

$12,000 business loan at 3.75%
$1000 student loans at 5%?

Yes I pay the absolute minimums every month, how did you know?

>> No.56855828

Did you major in getting fucked in the ass? Why are you so bad with money?

>> No.56855909
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None. I just use my credit card for my bills and pay it off every month.

>> No.56855918

29k car loan

>> No.56855934

>Dental technically
>Grocers by the 20th of Dec

>> No.56855942
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>$800k mortgage

>> No.56856005
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Abandon ship, take 10k or W/E is left on our folios and run down to South America, if you manage to get some online job from gringos, you can easily live modestly for around 400$/month tops, then Id use my extras to get some BTC and Kava to have something back at least.

>> No.56856019

That was my honest reaction how could you possibly manage to get that high on debts.

>> No.56856041
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 856ddbb551ee7dac47ab5f8a8e3d2a49.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the way of American millennial condemned to fail

>> No.56856051

Property should be worth 1.1-1.2m when we get it valued after the renovations and it's in a top 5 suburb. Beats paying rent I guess

>> No.56856090
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100k combined, car personal/student paying the minimum every month, fuck them banks

>> No.56856162

How mutch would a decent rent would go for? not american, im assuming like 2k or so

>> No.56856237

$60k students loans
Don't pay them bc IDR/SAVE plan and won't pay it ever. Your tax dollars will pay it for me and there's nothing you can do about it hahahhaha.

>> No.56856302

Kek they would track him down until they get his ass back to the US

>> No.56856304

>t. living in (((hyperinflation)))

>> No.56856311

I could never accept living in murica unless I got like a free pass on taxes, thing that will never happen

>> No.56856318

Kek, what makes you think he's not gonna get tracked down by several federal agencies

>> No.56856322

I would love to drown in those tits

>> No.56856323

I've seen this pic, this is not the original, and I'm disgusted about it

>> No.56856341

70k personal loans with low interest
Used it to buy crypto last bull and now it's worth like 10k

>> No.56856372

Multiple mortgages and a car loan. So easily over 1 gorillion goybucks. Image not debt maxing before interest rates rose

>> No.56856569


>> No.56856765
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~8k, down from 21k a year ago

One cheque at a time bros

>> No.56856780

Based spreadsheeter. YGMI

>> No.56856839

If you have debt kys srs.

>> No.56856878

45k ish

>> No.56856942
File: 9 KB, 302x225, ck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$412k mortgage @ 2.75%
>$23k car loan @ 1.38%
>$16k credit card (0% APR until January 2025)
>$0 student loans (paid off $180k from 2016 to 2018)
Yah I'm a good goy

>> No.56856945


>> No.56857028

450k student loans
still got a year left

>> No.56857035

Dental school?

>> No.56857045

23k aave loan

>> No.56857049


>> No.56857055

I still don't understand why it's so much more expensive than 4 years of medical or pharmacy school.

>> No.56857082

seems to be common in this racket

>> No.56857095

>$250,000 home
>$17,000 car
>$600 credit

>> No.56857133
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>> No.56857137
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>> No.56857141
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$40k in medical bills i inherited that i am never ever paying. i dont give a fuck what the government says. i will never give them a fucking cent

>> No.56857143

$180,000 in a mortgage at 2.875%
$4,120 balance on the credit card that I can easily clear
$3,500 that is still interest free until March that's locked up in an investment earning 9% and will be paid back before I owe a cent in interest.

>> No.56857144

For real. My school's tuition was $30k per year when I went 10 years ago. Now it's like $42k.

>> No.56857168
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i haven't been in debt since i was 24, 37 now


>> No.56857694

Car 1: 14k
Car 2: 28k
Primary Residence: 535k
Rental: 68k

NW: 1.1MM

>> No.56857725

I completely respect it, and you probably have some high spends, but idk the point value in conjunction with the $250 annual fee doesn't seem to be worth
Good on your for crushing your debt load

>> No.56857762
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£42,000 student debt but I'm a Bong, and if you don't pay it back for 22 years, they cancel it.
5 years to go. Never paid a penny.

>> No.56857767

I've been doing this since I got credit and I just looked and have an 811 goy score
Literally paid zero dollars of interest ever

>> No.56857782

Aren't repayment amounts based on income? Does that mean you've been a NEET the past 22 years?

>> No.56857963
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I have $5k left
Overdue for the past 3 months, I owe $157...
I just want to be left alone

>> No.56857973

The points and annual travel credit are pretty sweet, usually gets me at minimum a flight and a hotel room every year, access to the lounge etc.

Amex rewards are superior to any Canadian bank's card as well (minus promotions)

>> No.56857975


>> No.56857991

About 100k stopped making minimum payments on credit cards last month. It’s pointless balance just keeps going up with this rates and BIDENOMICS is killing me can’t pay debnts

>> No.56858173

>t. The guy telling me how poor europeans are because he has 50k in lifesavings and 150k in debt