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56854871 No.56854871 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit...

>> No.56854883

It’s worth 0 you dumbfuck crypto baggie RETARDS

>> No.56854890

I love the smell of FOMO in the air

>> No.56854899

bitcoin is literally unstoppable

>> No.56854912

Lmao mad

>> No.56854918

Your bags are worthless considering what you've said

>> No.56854929
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40k breached
Grimdarkness threshold crossed

>> No.56854943


>> No.56854980
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>> No.56854991

pump it

>> No.56854999

>exponentially the best performing asset for 10+ years
>there's not even a close 2nd place

oh boy how will you even cope when it's millions per coin

>> No.56855071

You dont even understand the fuck huge ass amount of money that butcorn needs to hit 100k fucking retard.

>> No.56855094
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Bitcoin is a scam. It's completely fucking worthless.

>> No.56855110

It's literally not though, its worth 40 grand US each right now

>> No.56855120

you can't reason with silver/godbugs they've been waiting 10 years for a 5% pump

>> No.56855128
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>> No.56855131


>> No.56855136

Actually it sounds like you don’t understand market cap. It doesn’t increase by only 1 dollar per 1 dollar that flows in. There’s a multiple factor. Bank of America estimated this multiple to be 118x during this past bear market. That means if 10 million dollars enter, the market cap goes up 1.18 billion. And during a bull market and coming supply shock the multiple should be even larger.

>> No.56855151
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You can't argue against thousands of years of history.

>> No.56855162

yeah man Buttcorn is going to 1M hahaha
To ThE MoOn!!!!!!!111

>> No.56855170

literally no one wants silver in the real world except solar panel manufacturers, you've been bamboozled

>> No.56855179

>Buttcorn is going to 1M

>> No.56855200

market forces seem to be arguing exactly against old rocks, actually

>> No.56855204

Lmao lolbert retards are dependent on the government subsidized green energy market to keep the price of shiny rocks up you can’t make this shit up

>> No.56855213

do you guys not realize that Bitcoin is controlled by the CIA?
they're pumping now so they can raise money for a war for Israel.

>> No.56855249
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go back to your reddit retard and and enjoy flipping burgers tomorrow

>> No.56855271

Sometimes the CIA does something that is good. It’s rare but it happens. See: Pinochet

>> No.56855280

I realize that you are a coping moron whose every world view revolves around jews because you hopped on a bandwagon and don't have any critical thinking skills

>> No.56855291

Eventually everything will. What is your point besides baiting, faggot?

>> No.56855337

What send more practical in today's world? Final settlement in silver or bitcoin? If you sold your home for silver, you'd have to assay and pay for storage. Simply too much friction and why the gold standard ultimately failed.

>> No.56855353

It's over shiny rock stacker

>> No.56855388

They’re shills who are paid to fud to keep everyone broke.

>> No.56855394

Lolbert's invented bitcoin retard. Satoshi was an ancap.

>> No.56855407
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go back to pol

>> No.56855423

thousands of years of torment, finally escaped. the shiny prison is broken. goodbye metal worshippers, your demons have been cast down

>> No.56855503

i can't wait to sell some of my bitcoin to seething bobo's next ath