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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.26 MB, 1808x3214, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56847988 No.56847988 [Reply] [Original]

And I went ALL IN on silver.


Because I realized it's the best hedge against inflation and the greatest investment possible and most importantly it's God's money.

So now I'm sitting in Church.

Yes I've finally decided to renounce my Pagan ways.

>> No.56848019

Good goyim.

>> No.56848023

>i threw away a 2-10x for a 40-50% gain because God told me so
Christcucks proven mentally ill once again

>> No.56848025

Figures a church goer would do something so stupid look at that idiot to the left in dress up

>> No.56848039

First of all you shouldn't invest just to "hedge against inflation", although selling your crypto was a good move. Secondly no church of Christ has those sodomite flags, so you are praying to Satan, not God.

>> No.56848040

What kind of church is this fucking travesty?

>> No.56848049

>selling your crypto was a good move
You really hate making money don't you?
But it makes sense, if you're dumb crypto is too dangerous for you to touch without rising everything daily

>> No.56848057

I just invest in things that have value, crypto is nothing, it doesn't exist, you have "rights" over nothing.

>> No.56848067

>jew candle
>tranny flag
>mormon chick?
what's going on here?

>> No.56848069

You're don't understand crypto, nor understand value.
The very core of crypto is ownership. come back when you learn anything about it and you might laugh at your own post.

>> No.56848079

Ownership of nothing

>> No.56848087
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>muh CBDC ver. 0.5
Have fun staying poor.

>> No.56848091

>trillion of dollars develop an asset class that deals in nothing
>hundred of thousands of machines work to do nothing and produce
>multibillion investments to into maintaining and running such machines to do nothing
>crypto does nothing
You're so foolish it's laughable, you neither understand how legacy finance works nor crypto, if you knew at least one you'd understand the other.

>> No.56848109

It's a big pyramid and a malinvestment of resources, but that doesn't prove anything. What can crypto produce to make our lives better? Food? Medicine? Machinery to increase production? NOTHING its a big pile of NOTHING.

>> No.56848116
File: 218 KB, 858x768, Paper is worthless .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trillion of dollars
Trillions of paper debt receipts. Fucking moron.

>> No.56848136
File: 279 KB, 1080x1695, 1694988709657938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun facts:
Silver is used in water purification.
Silver is used in medical implants.
Silver is required for all modern electronics.
These crypto nerds are already poor and they don't realize it.

>> No.56848138
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So you liquidated all your assets, and now what you planning to do? stock em up on Kaspa?


anyway up yo you sonny, In your place id still hold some BTC and kava just to keep some kind of lifeguard, but who knows.

>> No.56848143

Tell me how bitcoin is not neutral money and truly the closest to God's will in a globalised digital world.
>cyber attack
I won't address that the common goldbug argument is apocalyptic, but
If a cyber attack takes down bitcoin, it would take down the entire grid in the first place, there would be bigger problems to worry about
>It's a big pyramid and a malinvestment of resources, but that doesn't prove anything
Society is, and it's not malinvestment when the whole point is creating a free and open source version of finance.
>What can crypto produce to make our lives better?
Encrypted trustless transactions, just the basis of modern society without the tyranny of central banks
Wow you're literally saying why crypto exists and what it was built to fight.

This whole thread and answers just prove how deeply ignorant the average goldbug is.
I'm not precious metals are a hedge against a complete societal breakdown, but again, crypto is an hedge against that breakdown not taking down base infrastructure and simply replacing the power structure of finance

>> No.56848169
File: 425 KB, 992x660, Crypto nerds will seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder. Enjoy getting taxed to hell with your assets also being publicly tracked by the feds.
>inb4 muh monero
That's a honeypot btw.

>> No.56848174
File: 81 KB, 690x1200, F-Na9fnXIAAHqGf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mormon trannie fag?

Mormon trannie fag

>> No.56848193

Tax? Ideally you'll never cash out one day, it's just not mature enough.
Taxes are theft, and the state should give you a reason to pay it.

Crypto makes it just the more obvious if one day we'll pay for anything directly with it

>> No.56848201

Kay jeet, but ain't nobody buyin'

>> No.56848213
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You have to consider not all "anons" like that are actually stupid, nor are they all resentful bagholders in denial and lashing out, but rather they're paid shills.

They're writing what they're writing to steer people away from crypto into metals and especially silver. Their target audience is lowest IQ anons and people who've only heard about crypto but "feel" that
> "it may be too complicated for me... i don't understand wallets and addresses and exchanges, it all makes my head spin, and it's sort of scary"
and so on. That's who they target. That's why they write stuff like
>crypto is worthless
>you own nothing
>it does nothing
>bitcoin is going to zero
>it's a bubble
>it's a pyramid scheme
And so on, ad infinitum. They appear stupid yes, but it's it's carefully thought out and designed to appeal to stupid people who are on the fence about whether they should get into crypto or not, so they think
> "hey... maybe I don't have to buy crypto to profit... I could buy metals... I like what these guys are saying... it's like an easier-to-understand alternative for people like me..."
That's their goal: 1 more anon who didn't free himself financially, 1 less anon whose personal finances are protected from (((inflation))), 1 less anon getting rich, another one, another one, another one. Damage control is what it is, limiting the number of "nasty goyim" who buy and hold Bitcoin and Monero etc.

>inb4 they the metal shills begin kvetching because Monero was mentioned

>> No.56848269

I've been to a few utility sites and it looks like just about every connection on their equipment was silver plated(?). It would be interesting to see numbers on the amount of silver that gets used every year across different industries

>> No.56848325
File: 100 KB, 400x635, Idfonline_1108fc_11011851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes goy, keep buying numbers on a screen
Yes I'll be a good goy and not buy the asset with thousands of years of history backing it as money.

>> No.56848333

You don't understand why it can't work in the modern world, you really don't.
It's simply slow, and can't work in a digital world.

The only value of gold is scarcity and work.
Guess what covers bitcoin?

>> No.56848339

Satanism, he's omitting the silver he bought burns him and is melting through his floorboards

>> No.56848346

Why do you even try with these people they are so entrenched in their belief they will never give ground. It’s basic psychology

>> No.56848353

It's for those people confused about crypto and metals, it's for the lurkers, they can understand that crypto and metals serve two different purposes, sometimes crossing each other.

Even if you shout at the wind, someone with ears might listen

>> No.56848356
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Wasted trips.

>> No.56848362

Put away your fucking phone anon.

>> No.56848367

>leftypol pig meme
I understand who i speak with now, failure embodied

>> No.56848371
File: 42 KB, 720x389, Who+ing+cares_71995a_10973342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto and metals serve two different purposes, sometimes crossing each other.
Yeah I'll be sure to coat my CPU and PCI-E pins with Bitcoin, rabbi.

>> No.56848395

The value of gold if it was purely used in electronics, would be 1/10 of what it is now anon, don't be dense, if you knew about gold you'd know it, you really don't make any research at all even on the assets you love?

Eventually central banks will have to choose what to cover their paper with, that's why gold will moon by the end of this decade, but the other choices are crypto and other assets that can coexist in covering the new fiat.

>> No.56848398
File: 182 KB, 1080x506, 1699730586406432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I went ALL IN on silver
Based. W/ PMs you create your own bag. W/ crypto you become someone else's exit liquidity.

>> No.56848413
File: 81 KB, 650x420, 1693571251139083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Get a load of these seething crypto baggies.

>> No.56848414

>menorah and fag flags in the background

>> No.56848435

Oh shit anon i didn't notice.
This whole thread is a bait thread for both arguing and metal retards

>> No.56848463
File: 161 KB, 805x577, antisilver prop nothing new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 post by this ID
>fuds silver and christ in same post
>pic is from faggot satan church

why is biz getting so much /pol/esque traffic. fucking glowies and bankers need to die

>> No.56848481

most anons who support metal ownership always say 5-15% of your takehome in metals, not more. diversifying is good

anyone who is a maxi in any form is a fucking moron

>> No.56848491

>what covers crypto
entropy? like the most common thing in the universe. its not even backed by energy as you cant get energy back out of a crypto unit

i own both crypto and metals, metals are for building your wealth and preserving it; crypto is speculative and for gains only (gambling)

>> No.56848494

The advantages of a digital world. Having everything at your fingertips at the cost of never owning anything and it can be taken away at anytime with a button push.

>> No.56848517

>yes goy buy numbers on a screen
So your counter argument to that excellent post is: "no you!". That's all you had. That's so pathetic.

>> No.56848562

>what covers crypto
Depens which crypto, in the case of bitcoin work just like the reichmark did, unlike anything else in recent history, which is why jews don't want you to own it and fud the shit out of it.

>metals are for building your wealth and preserving it
For now, crypto is still at its infancy, as adoption increases volatility dies, and so does speculation.
Hey you can either own gold and live in a mud hut with other goldbugs, or you can own digital currencies that aren't issued by central banks and not eat bugs.
The choice is yours
>yes goy put all your assets in gold, eventually you'll buy yourself 1 coffee with it

>> No.56848572

Jesus was a prophet, not a son of G-d
Learn Quran

>> No.56848578

>most anons say 5-15% of your takehome in metals, not more
Yeah but those anons aren't who he was talking about. He's talking about the shills who are telling people to put most of all our money into silver, that we should focus on silver, to "stack silver to squeeze the comex" etc, who popped up on /biz/ and /pol/ in early 2021 at the same time as they created the plebbit boards r/wallstreetsilver and r/silversqueeze which grew out of r/wallstreetbets (GME related). Those shills. Who are simultaneously anti-crypto.

Huge difference between those sort of shills and traditional /pmg/ anons.

>> No.56848579
File: 57 KB, 1408x816, image_2023-12-03_110531297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ALL IN on silver

>> No.56848585
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>> No.56848592
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>> No.56848594

Actually silver and gold are about to break out pretty hard, and will moon in the following years.
Likely not as much as crypto though.

Central banks will hoard metals again, but aswell other commodities and crypto (see the ETF creation).

>> No.56848613
File: 512 KB, 808x793, 1682823834248365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fucking filename. You forgot to change it. Holy shit.

>> No.56848652

>It's for those people confused about crypto and metals, it's for the lurkers
>I'll tell you what I'm doing but make it look like the opposing side is doing it
Classic jew tactic.

>> No.56848672

>Depens which crypto, in the case of bitcoin work just like the reichmark did, unlike anything else in recent history, which is why jews don't want you to own it and fud the shit out of it.

that doesnt answer the question at all. you just blamed the jews and moved on
>it will work like the reichmark
what does that even mean, you mean fiat??

>> No.56848680

muhammad chokes on dick in hell currently

>> No.56848715

>it will work
*It Does work*
You work for a through a machine block, a block is completed, a transaction is made, the machine receives a reward in fees and protocol reward for completion of the block.
The end.

This machine isn't bound to anything other than the machine owner.
To change bitcoin you need to own 51% of the machines, therefore rules don't change unless majority of block producers decide it's fair to change the rules.

This is the most democratic and progressive financial system history has ever seen, it motivates research and investment, rather than simple hoarding of assets through pillage and war, even though eventually if bitcoin does grow large enough there inevitably might be kinetic wars to control large nodes.
War wouldn't be a business in this scenario though it would be a liability, no free money to pump into useless wars.

>> No.56848751
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>> No.56848752

how in the fuck does that have shit to do with the reichsmark?

you are just copying and pasting talking points now dude

explain to me how the bitcoin operates like the reichsmark

>Depens which crypto, in the case of bitcoin work just like the reichmark did, unlike anything else in recent history, which is why jews don't want you to own it and fud the shit out of it.

explain this. how does bitcoin operate like a reichsmark??

youre argument about bitcoin is incomplete, as your answer is "it is backed by itself".

i like crpyto for a number of reason but folks likeyourself who are all about it but cant explain shit are why people have so much FUD abut crypto

you dont know what you are talking about dude

>> No.56848781

nice shit spacing but here's the answer
>you work
>you receive x amount of money equivalent to x amount of work
>all the money circulating represent x amount of work


>you receive x amount of money equivalent to x amount of work
>all the money circulating represent x amount of work


>you work
>you receive x amount of money from x amount of work
>central bank says it wants more money
>makes more money and your work is devalued

>> No.56848808

Oh and to add to this let's say fiat backed by commodities instead

>you work
>your work equates to x amount of commodity
>you receive x amount of money that equates to x amount of commodity
>central banks says it wants more money
>they say they own more commodity than they actually own
>none can verify
>commodity gets seized and the peg breaks


>it says there's x amount of bitcoin
>every block checks if there's x amount of bitcoin in
>you can't cheat

>> No.56848821

All of you are fucking stupid and talk a lot. /biz/ is full of trannies.

>> No.56848824

Let me help you friend, silver has good data that is provided by a few different analysts but here is a small summary: 1. Industrial fabrication Expected demand in 2023: 576.4 million ounces (Solar Panels, Automotive, Brazing/Solder) 2. Jewelry
Expected demand in 2023: 199.5 million ounces 3. Bullion coins and silver bars
Expected demand in 2023: 309 million ounces 4. Silverware
Expected demand in 2023: 55.7 million ounces

Silverware/Bullion demand is going to record highs and will go even more when the world panics. Industry needs it since it's the key of electronics and efficient technology. Silver will got up quite a bit more in value than gold as it's required by industry in numbers that can eat the entire supply. Common All the silver mined in the world is only $25 billion? What a joke how manipulated down silver is.

>> No.56848835
File: 287 KB, 1080x871, Screenshot_20231126-223355_Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two words to the uninitiated: paper silver.

>> No.56848850

OP is big homo gay. Never put all your eggs in one basket. Divide your liquid net worth by 20 or more and invest in multiple different instruments. This is financial advice.

>> No.56848888

You are absolutely correct. The amount of digital/paper silver traded each day is more than half of the yearly mining supply.... This puts the illusion that there is plenty of silver on the market, but if we look what is happening to the COMEX vaults... More is moving to registered, but total vault totals are trending down.

>> No.56848905

>line goes up forever
You had 14 years nigger. Why are you little zoomers so retarded and pretending to be early in 2023?

>> No.56848908
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Checkin out those quads fren :)
If you own 350toz of silver you own 1% of the global supply if it were divided amongst an equal amount of the population. It's easier to become a 1%er with silver than any other asset.

>> No.56848921
File: 299 KB, 690x596, 1700030687377630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redditor is a complete and total retard
Nothing new here

>> No.56848922

Or I can purchase physical versions of digital goods and own them. I can buy a DVD instead of buying a digital movie on Amazon that can be removed at anytime. Is it slower? Sure, but I don't have to worry about everything disappearing like I do with the ever encroaching digital world of goods.

>> No.56848923

And to back this up, just check this discussion between these 2 anons

Precious metals simply cannot work as reserve currency because humans are monkeys, and monkeys will keep monkeying.
If you want a perfect system, you need a system with no petty vulnerability that's completely impartial and accessible to anyone on a global (and offworld even) market.

>> No.56848934

>on Amazon
You keep repeating that you don't understand crypto, let me spell it out for you.


>> No.56848945

> This is the most democratic and progressive financial system history has ever seen, it motivates research and investment, rather than simple hoarding of assets through pillage and war

14 years old and Bitcoin is still just a gambling mechanism that hasn’t solved any problems.

>> No.56848955

Who are Bitcoin maintainers?
Who are Bitcoin miners?
What are ISPs controlled by government entities who can just turn off your access if you’re fucking with crypto?

>> No.56848973

>trust me bro, no one can take your crypto

>> No.56848983

This is valid, and I have invested in both cryptos and PMs. Now that the FCC took over the internet in USA, they can control all the transactions, data and everything. Just because it's more secure, it'll be easier for them to cut off your access to barter/trade/buy/sell.

But i'm not saying that Gold/Silver need to be a currency to go up in value. The fact that technology needs it, and this demand will cause need so there will always be a value to stacking silver with almost no alternatives. There are infinite many alternatives to crypto.

Silver will go up in value as humans and technology scales, crypto is more speculation. I'm playing with both. Actually mining crypto still to heat my house :D. Still I recommend getting some physical gold/silver assets. Make money on crypto then flip profits for shiny.

>> No.56848986

>it's just one bad apple bro, the government would never take it, they can't track it on a public ledger.

>> No.56848995

>but the banks are totally invested in it, they would never cut of your access

>> No.56848998

yeah what the fuck is going on in OP's pic? Is that really a synagogue?

>> No.56849006
File: 497 KB, 640x802, IMG_4636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto bros please tell us how you’re going to confirm blocks with carrier pigeons and smoke signals across the world when the public internet gets turned off?

>> No.56849017

And when will that be?

>> No.56849052

Within 15 years the Internet will be heavily censored and only a pleb version will remain for the masses. Its already in motion.

>> No.56849082

Whenever the WEF/UN want to create another false flag and create panic so they can size more power and never let go. Just like Covid, they are trying to get more fear going for the next election to have more lockdowns and mail in ballots. They will use crypto to pay for the money laundering, ballot trafficing and voter fraud. So make money off they pre-election money laundering, and then cash out for gold and silver when they get caught. When they riggers do get exposed, they will try to burn it all down so this is when we make $$$. With all the new digital hate speech laws, if you say the wrong thing such as "money is fiat" and "banks don't have enough in their vaults to pay back deposits" and that "taxation is theft" you might be denied your internet access. so yea... our internet can get shut off easily and government around the world are working hard to make it so.

>> No.56849111

I've seen someone unironically suggest using ham radios if crypto becomes inaccessible due to power loss or legislation.

>> No.56849190
File: 585 KB, 786x738, 1581706959871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw in the 1%
Still mostly in crypto and cash however

>> No.56849405
File: 1.89 MB, 1080x1920, 45264356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you guys buy gold/silver junior mining stocks instead and make 20x?

>> No.56849406
File: 2.55 MB, 966x1304, xxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>YFW you realize fiat is back by moar than just paper...

>> No.56849411
File: 2.54 MB, 400x361, 1685923861546895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing. Fucking IDF Online filename structure. The jews really are the ones behind the silver shilling.

>> No.56849432

>You forgot to change it.
Is this board functionally retarded
anon named the image idfonline, because it shows that the idf shills online
why is this so complicated for you?

>> No.56849468

I get physical silver and gold but why physical copper? Last time I checked premiums were horrendous

>> No.56849470

>t-that's not idfonline's file name scheme, a-anon just named it idfonline and put some totally random numbers after that and the result was it just accidentally happened look like their file name scheme


>> No.56849502

I guess I was wrong. This was probably an image from /pol/ or something and IDFonline found it and posted on their website as an example of anti-semitism. Anon found this on google images and downloaded it.

>> No.56849520
File: 3.69 MB, 1184x1502, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>In case of emergency you break glass, anon.
>>How much blood can we squeeze out of these old stones?
>>Hoarding metals stifles innovation and progress. I really wish more of you anons would sell.
>>I learned this year that each bitcoin is 4 boxes of pennies. Do you want the chinese fucks to take your pennies or would you rather pay your mortgage with them? Which gets taxed more? The pennies or the bitcoin?
>>Why are cars, and tech, so expensive?
>>Raw materials are either scarce or abundant.
>>They cannot be both.

>> No.56849609

so its backed by work, which is what energy? if i spend a bitcoin do i get the energy back out of it?

what was value of reichsmark again??

>> No.56849699

If i spend a silver dime do i get back the oil burned to extract it?
What the fuck is your argument retard?
No you don't get energy back it's not storage of energy it's proof of work.
Because bitcoin isn't covering bonds yet, so it's early
>what is web3?
>why is there a push to web3?
The entire world is moving there, you'll be left behind whether you like it or not.
You can either resist and die, going 100% on metals or resist and adapt sustaining those web3 projects that move towards freedom, or just comply to the future corponet and eat bugs.

>> No.56849729

I'm not the one that will need to turn in my good boy digi coins for daddy govs CBDC when the banks and govs give you the choice of comply and hand them over or have them erased

>> No.56849942

>have them erased
>what is a wallet?
Yeah to erase anything they'd either need a 51% attack or extort it.
Unlike gold bitcoin can't be seized without someone's consent or stupidity.
>whoopsy i lost my keys :^)
That's all you need to do to to not have any of your assets erased or stolen.

You're too dumb to understand that though

>> No.56849987

>The entire world is moving there
lmao wat, no they're not

>Unlike gold bitcoin can't be seized without someone's consent or stupidity.
They don't need to seize they can just make it impossible for you to use it.

>> No.56849994

>mining stocks instead and make 20x?
You mean loose a shit ton. Silver and gold have no couterparty risk. Imagine having your investment go to zero over a wrongful death lawsuit or some other bullshit.

>> No.56849999

Gayest thread I've ever seen on /biz/

>> No.56850009

>forced meme
>mass replying

>> No.56850013
File: 170 KB, 512x537, 1696681101394133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're grasping at straws to make an argument against physical silver.

>> No.56850068
File: 3.04 MB, 2006x1814, burnishedbatboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this board functionally retarded

moron, the file was named based on the meme content, it didn't come from Tel Aviv dumbass boomer
That person is supporting PMs too so you're just extra retarded.

>> No.56850100

>no couterparty risk
So? lmao
im here to retire, not merely make a 4x

>> No.56850173

>no they are not
Yes they are, you're just stuck in normalfag vision and can't see the obvious subtle pushes.
>They don't need to seize they can just make it impossible for you to use it.
Oh yeah, like issuing an etf?
By shutting down communication systems globally?
Good luck with that doomer

>> No.56851200

Reminder that silver immediately smells like a stinky butthole if it touches any air and moisture

There's a reason why it's usually the second worst rank in videogames. There's a reason why gold is the third worst. There's a reason why platinum is almost the highest tier PM in ranked videogames.

It's because the powers that be are training younger generations to value platinum above the others, the last remaining value that ass smell silver and piss colored gold have value are boomers and once they go the tarnish free and heavier than gold metal, PLATINUM, will be #1.

>> No.56852226
File: 82 KB, 224x223, 1620207026430235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solded all my metals slowly over a few months to go all in on Bitcoin with leverage thanks to kraken and kinetix. Two sides to the same extremist coin, OP. See which one wins, in the end. Praying won't give you any advantages by the by.