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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56847963 No.56847963 [Reply] [Original]

What does this graph mean?

>> No.56847973

Clouds on the horizon

>> No.56847985

Means you bought the top ans can't sell because delusional

>> No.56848002
File: 122 KB, 1097x671, moneyprintergobrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56848037

it means the banking system is once again propping up the economic "health" of the western world, trying to avoid a massive recession (depression) that will cost them all of their power and influence, which is a natural and necessary aspect of free-market capitalism.
in essence, in an ultimate sense, they struggle in rebellion against God and His natural order, His money, gold, His decree for the proper manner in which credit/debt shall be handled, as laid out via multiple examples throughout the bible.
but to the inhabitants of that system and those it has co-opted, it's more tactical, it's about hiding the fact that they've been fucking children, so that the masses don't revolt and murder everyone in a suit and tie.
have a nice sunday

>> No.56848038


>> No.56848058
File: 113 KB, 1224x764, fdi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Means the global economy is about to be fucked

>> No.56848179


It means that if interest rates are raised right now then more banks collapse due to owning too many shit bonds and needing to raise capital.

We just need a market buying event and an increase in interest rates.

>> No.56848188

To my understanding of the economy if you can force the banks into having to sell those bonds then you can feasibly buy a house again.

>> No.56848352

Great chart, starts with 2008 twice. A+.

>> No.56848360
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kek, looks like 10k is fud!

>> No.56848365

It means a bailout and your desperate post mean you gonna cope so hard. MUCH HIGHER.

>> No.56848370

Looks like a weird time period. 11, 14, 17, and 20 all double up

>> No.56848456
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That crypto should a massive adaptation and banks should rot in hell and die, fucking jews that's why I can't buy a house this time fucking impossible.

Rather put all my money on BTC and kava and wait for them to unavoidable fall

>> No.56848483

bonds getting destroyed. Bonds are normally where you put money in instead of sitting on cash. However, if you're a bank you use your customers money. It all goes well if they keep their money in the bank. But if people run up and start cashing their accounts out, the bank needs to get money somewhere. Usually they get the cash by selling the said bonds. Except now the bonds cratered and if they sell, the money the banks get is not enough to return to their customers.

>> No.56848509

it means nothing because the central bank guarantees that the bonds are worth what they actually would be at maternity.
the real question is what will be caused by this market disortion and how can we profit?

>> No.56848590

>bank holds tresuries
>Fed raises rates and stops QE
>causes the value of their treasuries to drop
>It's fine, as long as they hold them to maturity they will get their money back

>> No.56848993

it means this: >>56848590
it also means that every fiatcel has lost their money

>> No.56849932

>it means nothing because the central bank guarantees
this is basically saying that a 9999%APY shitcoin that self-replicates is guaranteed by its smart contract, because it will give you the correct APY (worth nothing)
same cope as the FDIC
>"we can just print the rest!"

the US dollar is 100% a shitcoin

>> No.56849943

I don't hear the music anymore.

>> No.56850424

>the US dollar is 100% a shitcoin
did you just notice? what i said is reality but it will cause a rift somewhere else. if you figure things out you can profit

>> No.56850454

Idk man if I get to live in a real country instead of an eastern euro/asian shithole that's a decent trade for bankers being monsters in their personal lives

>> No.56851533

the music has stopped for 2 years now
but it's election year starting January

>> No.56851579
File: 128 KB, 1024x1024, 1696382859739398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonds wrecked deposits, central banks had to invest more aggressively at higher risk positions to keep afloat. Theres no downside risk, thr government will just bail out their losses if they grenade

>> No.56852237

something something commercial real estate

>> No.56852706

that's another thing I didn't even think about
how much are MBS down from the start of the tightening cycle to now?

>> No.56852766


>> No.56852778

Doesn't this kill banks?