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56844106 No.56844106 [Reply] [Original]

>have two narcissistic parents
>want to spend time with them since they're both vaxxed and their health is shit, probably not just vaxx but they eat like cattle, bread and coca cola
>debt ridden
>spanked me as a kid or slapped me across the face, sometimes for no reason like because I said the word "damn" (but they'd swear in front of me or call each other names)
>still love them
>they're debt ridden too, dad has had a heart attack
>still want to visit them for Christmas, plus get to save on rent
>want to stay until my birthday so that's almost 3 whole months
>It's my 2nd day and dad is telling me to quit my high paying job, work as a teacher here in the small town and stay permanently
>mom constantly telling me to cut my hair
>they're pressuring me to live with them as a 30 year old
>He's sending me ads for jobs that pay less than half of my current gig
>older brother already told me he's the whole reason I live in that city/country, since I visited him once and decided to get a job and stay there, but I barely see him and I live on my own and pay my own rent, even then he wants me to feel like I "owe" him just because he was the initial reason I moved there
>I'm the only one who bought Christmas presents, all 3 of them are so broke they told me they got nothing
>dad keeps telling me about how he has minus 20 dollars in his bank account and mom is on welfare
>never received any financial support from anyone

How do you financially deal with this situation? How do you deal with boomer parents, especially when they mistreated you and now they're clingy, aging and sick?

When I was a toddler they were out partying but now I have to move back home, never have a gf, eat goyslop, stop going to the gym? Why do they expect so much when I have repeatedly told them I am living a good life on my own, they are a bad influence on me and I do not wish to live with them long term?

>> No.56844166

your parents are clearly morons, but if it were me I'd try and sling them a couple of hundred bucks a month just to put my mind at ease.

>> No.56844200

I'm not sure whats worse you, your parents or the fact you felt the need to share this bullshit.
Or the fact I just read it and replied... ffs

>> No.56844231

I just started my business. I need time to get it up and running. Also I paid some of their mortgage with my student debts, about 4k in total, I never got that money back nor do I want it but still. It has a financial impact even if minimal

>> No.56844247

your parents are low iq retards and so are you for even considering their requests

>> No.56844257

I just needed to vent a little bit, and it all seems to revolve around money. I feel pressured, and guilty and sad about where they are in life

My dad doesn't care about me. He's just scared of my narcissistic mom so he wants me to stay here to deal with some of her outbursts. My childhood with them was full of tears and threats and yelling and now that I'm independent they want me back with them?

I just want them to be happy but I wish they'd stop suggesting I live with them. I want to buy my own house and be at a comfortable distance from them

>> No.56844267

My mom said "you're at least staying for your birthday right" and I think it'd be nice to celebrate it since last year, we didn't
But I've told her I'm bouncing 2 days after that and she said "don't set any definite dates for leaving yet",

>> No.56844278

they don't know what they do anon.

you do.

help them as much as you can up to the point of not jeopardising your future. i know that's vague, but it's a direction. how you go that way is up to you. you're probably smart enough to make a calculation that's enough to not really harm you yet enough to help them and make a small difference.
going on what you've told us, don't reckon you need to move back home.

forgive them anon. you recognise they are narcissists so they can't do differently.

>> No.56844309

Thank you anon. Great advice, appreciate it

>> No.56844346
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They want to use you like a resource and are incapable of loving you or having any kind of reciprocal respectful relationship. Just stop associating with them. DO IT. Or stop expecting some sort of magic advice exists which can make them less parasitic on your existence and happiness.

>> No.56844387

Family is a stronger bond than any other. If you really are the better man then you will go there and treat them with love and kindness.

>> No.56844392

They want your shit and want to make you like they are afterwards
They will not change, visit, stay max 3 days (general rule), don't give expensive gifts but a lovely token and then live your life

>> No.56844395

maybe it won't be so bad staying with your parents, OP?
I'm 30 and live with my parents and give them money every month to help out
don't fall for the meme of having to live on your own, there's nothing wrong with living with family.
the way I see it is, I'd rather pay rent to my family than to some landleech

>> No.56844400

Based and molypilled. Don't associate with these users anon. If they want to drain you now, think how bad it will be when neither of them can work and have medical bills stacking up. That's probably what their thinking about, not you.

>> No.56844408

OP has identified that they are narcissists. He knows the relationship will be parasitic.

There are alternative value structures then 'quid pro quo' and 'zero sum game' . To imagine a world where every relationship that's parasitical would end and all relationships would trend towards one of reciprocity is to ask for something that you would regret asking for. Man is broad anon. Broad.

...nothing but riddles. Here the boundaries meet and all contradictions exist side by side.

But they don't know what they do, and anon does.
That's his responsibility and his burden, but simultaneously his privilege and his talent. They came and come together. It can't be any other way.

>> No.56844438

Mollyjew encourages OP to abandon his family, what a surprise.
There are ways to deal with people in your life beyond running away.

>> No.56844479

>"Running away"..
This is supposed to be some sort of ethical slight aimed at people who disassociate with their evil parents for their own good. But there is no moral argument behind it, it's a totally empty guilt trip that serves only to enable immoral scumbag parents who want to eat their own progeny.

You wouldn't be able to come up with any effective way of "dealing with" the situation that is OP's parents, without it being a compromise on your own mental health and vitality.

And if you were lucky enough to have good parents, you have zero empathy for those who were not so lucky. The idea of getting your own parents out of your life triggers you, so you irrationally seek to impose your personal choice on others in a different situation.

Typical low IQ polfag Molyneux disrespecter..

>> No.56844495

Can I get some Molychad redpills? Where can I see his work

>> No.56844558

''for their own good.''

there's more to life than that anon.
IN SPITE OF makes for a greater man than BECAUSE OF.

>> No.56844560

About 20:10

>> No.56845034

This is good advice, but:
>how you go that way is up to you
It must not entail you moving back to live with them under any circumstances. Do not do this.

>> No.56845078

>maybe it won't be so bad staying with your parents, OP?
If they're actual narcs this is a very bad idea.

>> No.56845110

Huh a fucking jew

>> No.56845117

Better than living with a cunt widow mother who’s trying to kick you out just before Christmas

>> No.56845169

Just stop talking to them Anon. I think deep down you know this is the way. When they text you and they're like "come home sometime" just say sure, "sometime!" and then you never do

>> No.56845234

If I were your parents, I would put all my money in KAVA before I die, so there are only 2 options, you become rich or you become homeless. There is no middle ground

>> No.56845238

I am not interested in the health of your parents anon

>> No.56845239
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I am 100% sure that the second one will pass

>> No.56845288

>running away
bull fucking shit, some people are unsafe and that's about more than just physical violence

>> No.56845291


>> No.56845714

Everyone does things for selfish reasons. Parents always thought they would love the capable child more, but by the end most realized that it's the incapable one that they feel closer to.

You have to weigh the options, are you serving them better being around them or apart from them.