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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 256x256, Dogecoin_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56843356 No.56843356 [Reply] [Original]

If this shit was keeping up with Bitcoin it should be at 30 cents

>> No.56843377

the amount of entitlement.. to think that an ancient and shitty reddit meme coin should keep up with bitcoin is just astonishing to me. doesn't this pos have one of the more inflationary supply issuance schedules, or did they manage to change that in spite of Elon's wish it remain worthless?

>> No.56843386

litecoin is what you are looking for

>> No.56843394

Bought $100 bout a year ago and currently at $110 hahaha
Shitty ass coin

>> No.56843400

>keeping up with bitcoin

>> No.56843402

I agree. That japanese dog loves to shit on everything.

>> No.56843404

Dood buy my shitty dead meme from 15 years ago. You should have sold the second Elon bought and never looked back. Hopeless.

>> No.56843423

Everything Elon touches turns to shit. Just look at Twitter. It will still pump to around $1 tho, just make sure you sell because it will go all the way back down to 15c after

>> No.56843427
File: 137 KB, 1024x1024, fdfdOIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao I can't wait to dump my bags on you retards when we're at 20 cents in two weeks
Better luck next time kids

>> No.56843453

>second week December
>price: .0089
The only bags you will be dropping are full of dog shit

>> No.56843467

You will buy this dog shit at twenty cents and you will kiss my feet when you do it

>> No.56843508

I'm not buying shit. I'm waiting to sell the shit if it hits 1$ which will never happen.

>> No.56843524

When we hit 20 cents you will be convinced that $1 is confirmed. It will not be. That is when I will sell my millions of doge to 12 year olds and retarded indians from biz

>> No.56843552

My limit is 1$

>> No.56843580

I'm buying a house at 20 cents, how about you?

>> No.56843605

I only need two more doubles to get to a mill so I will be hunting for the next trade. Sweeping floors on cheap NFTs that I like. Maybe buying a swiss watch or swapping in my BMW for a newer BMW

>> No.56843663

This has been around since 2013
People shilling doge on 4chan in 2014 is what got me into crypto
Only newfags think its a "reddit coin"

Doge has also given insane returns each bullrun

>> No.56843666

Also "1 doge = 1 dollar" is a prophecy that has been around since 2014
and it actually has a chance of being fulfilled

>> No.56843672

Based and correctpilled
The reddit insult towards doge just shows naivety about what it really is

>> No.56843676
File: 22 KB, 799x201, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that this is the embed for this board
>and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Dogecoin.

>> No.56843744

Wow that changes everything.

>> No.56843771

Why will it pump? Can't see any reason for it to.

>> No.56843800

Hardly any volume, most alts are still dead. People gonr hold and lose what they have left and then they're gonr hold till next btc pump and realise their alts got replaced by new ones

>> No.56843836

there is a physical dogecoin being fedexed to the moon on the 23rd and a cube satelite funded by dogecoin that will livestream from space in january

>> No.56843838
File: 40 KB, 225x225, 1701008759845392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSA to everybody invested in DOGE... FINE is the next meme coin to actually explode (100x) and yes it's literally mooning right now and yes you will ignore this and miss it

>> No.56843892

drc-20.org has made me bank, Dogi such moon.

>> No.56843904

The meme is old reddit cringe, the appeal of it is peak normie reddit. The people who got into were normies who had no prior frame of reference for even beginning to understand bitcoin and why it was invented and had people's interest, people who didn't have the curiosity to overcome that so instead they just nihilistically gambled and made stupid jokes about how they were degens. It couldn't be more reddit than if it used the reddit alien mascot instead. I know how old the coin itself is. You're a retard for bothering to tip your fedora and say "AHKKTUALLY..." over such a thing.


>> No.56843962

I thought that shit was dead. Thanks for the heads up!

>> No.56844256

Bro it's a joke that someone made on reddit, and it already pumped and dumped, it's joever

>> No.56844348

Checked and it will be, and go higher.

>> No.56844602
File: 377 KB, 1080x2400, 1701564786101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good brehs

>> No.56845070

Doesn't really feel good until it's 25 cent. Solana is already up 4x, while this is barely up 50%.

>> No.56845095

>the original memecoin
>the 5th crypto ever created
>the coin that still does 1000x in bullruns
You will know my name faggot

>> No.56845097

doginals and other utility on the doge chain. tesla will take doge for cybertruck. doge is almost as old as BTC so it's lindy. meme potential. and the rocket like other people have mentioned. it's primed for a pump. the question is how high will it get before it dumps back down again

>> No.56845114

>Also "1 doge = 1 dollar" is a prophecy that has been around since 2014
This. It was just a joke in 2017 because it was so ridiculous. This bullrun it will blast past $1
Next prophesy will be 1 doge: $4.20

>> No.56845133

fucking embarrassing price action. Can't wait to sell the top and never buying this dogshit ever agiain. I don't even give a fuck if Elon integrates it into X, it will still dump massively for 4 years straight

>> No.56845275

Doge is going to $5. You can mock, but it is going to be one of the few cryptocurrencies accepted for property, vehicle and retail sales. Everywhere - from Manhattan to Mumbai - Doge is recognised, unlike 99% of the garbage you only ever see mentioned on /biz/

>> No.56846209

the power of memes and current events will shock the fuckers on this board. Doge-1 + doge passing + doge use cases everywhere = 75c minimum

>> No.56847037

AHKKTUALLY your tech shitcoin, whatever it is, is completely worthless. Literally all that matters is if normies will buy it. I got rich off doge and you're just salty
Also read god.pdf on doge, bet you don't even know what that is

>> No.56847318

The bullrun doesn't start until Doge is less than 30 sats

>> No.56847350


>> No.56847592

Wow I thought this coin would forever be useless. When is this planned to start happening? To bad I didn't get in early, I bought at 21p years ago.

>> No.56847844

I'm already for it, I bagged it when it kept dipping now the profits will speak volume for me.

Next, like this is Adlunam, not a memecoin but one which is the industry’s first NFT-integrated Engage to Earn seed crowdfunding & IDO launchpad using a Proof of Attention model.

Partnered with Shardeum

>> No.56847859

Youre gonna wake up onenday and realise all the shit you said was total bs and panic sell

Doge is a joke. Thats why it will pump.

>> No.56849019

All doggy coin niggers should die. You make the whole space look retarded. I hope none of you filthy jeets own LINK.

>> No.56849106
File: 169 KB, 1024x1024, 1701420301379696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doge and link are my 2 biggest holds

>> No.56849437

dogecoin was literally made by redditors and launched by redditors on reddit dot com, the only dogecoin community was r/dogecoin

>> No.56849450

Who cares? Why is reddit such a sore spot for you? Why do you cry about it all the time?

>> No.56850383

cry about it and remain poor or buy and enjoy the pump when it LITERALLY goes to the moon. name another coin that will do that.