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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 574x559, DEATH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56837199 No.56837199 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56838488

nice :)

>> No.56838649


>> No.56838702

Just don’t sell. If it’s not treat it obviously something important that they value a lot. Toad is an ecosystem token

>> No.56838714
File: 49 KB, 1186x613, 1701219744798408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not jeet. Picrel. Stop shilling this trash.

>> No.56838762
File: 93 KB, 627x1280, Alpha2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O$ is $shi
$Toad is $Treat
You are not gonna make it
If you have paper hand.

We will be on shibarium L2 our wallets will be snapshotted and airdropped l2 treat tokens and we are all gonna make it.

We have 2k holders
At 50k holders thats the 25x the holders
with metcalfes law 25x25= 625x
At 100k holders thats 50x50=2500x
From current mcap
500 billion stack = 3.7k USD times 2500x
= 9.2 million USD

Not even calculating the mania that will be created with toad vs pepe rivalry.

>> No.56838775
File: 900 KB, 429x200, fag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O is an abandoned farm with a deleted website and no dev but a tg full of baggies, try again fag.

>> No.56838810


>toad vs pepe rivalry

>Cucked by PEPE
>Cucked by PEPE 2.0
>Cucked by FINE
>Cucked by WOJAK
>Cucked by DBI
>Cucked by GROK
>Cucked by FROGE

KEK there is no rivalry

TOAD is a pump and dump scam and didn't kill shit

>> No.56838833


>Cucked by COMIC (aka Raspberry)

>> No.56838877
File: 193 KB, 1577x1682, ademkayser2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Adem kayser is a known biz shitter who is obsessed with cuckoldry and have real life porn addiction problems and self admitted severe mental illness. He lost all his link therefore blames biz for his wrong doings and shits everything from everest to toad to link by changing his ip.

>> No.56838883

checked who is raspberry?

>> No.56838900
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>> No.56838973

Go fuck yourself raspberry. I knew you were a faggot long before you robbed the soup treasury. I’ve already spoken with September. We coming you fucking nigger faggot.

>> No.56839005
File: 160 KB, 360x346, ComicRN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, Comic the NFT guy "hacked" you dumb niggers AGAIN? He already drained the contract of ETH a few months ago


>> No.56839061

This is a fun token toad has the funniest most retarded baggies I've ever seen on /biz/ and I've been here since 2018.

>> No.56839092

New ID same faggot. You can only do so much with jannie powers. Should’ve applied for moderator

>> No.56839145

>If you have paper hand.
>Esl pajeet shill thinks no one can see he is same fagging
You think by crying same fag in every shill thread you make you can conceal yourself sanjay?

>> No.56839558

Ummm you’re the faggot that’s posting from a new id each time. Everyone here knows it’s you. Touch grass retard it’s Saturday

>> No.56839797
File: 1.66 MB, 2560x1532, OLD SHYTOSHI'S f0f0 farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.56839836

DBI has a higher market cap than toad. LMAO I told you fags this was gonna happen.

Both are going to a billion mc, btw.

>> No.56839848
File: 89 KB, 402x300, 8CEEFF1A-16B4-4536-920E-7DCCFE1A0E22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You not having FUN that’s how

>> No.56841195


>> No.56841226

I have been hearing about these ecosystems for years, never run across one or know anyone that inhabits them, interesting that. Very interesting.

>> No.56841254
File: 32 KB, 474x571, 1695890083066776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me some hopium bros

>> No.56841343
File: 104 KB, 1080x1173, Screenshot_20231202-134530~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FINE just flipped TOAD which means everything is fine! Because It's obviously a secret message from shy telling us that this is fine, WGMI toad bros!

>> No.56841525
File: 202 KB, 1077x870, treat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mel Gibson Alpha >>/biz/thread/54887829#p54888194

Those who fumbled Shib early had a fair excuse as who could have known what the Doge killer was capable of.
Here have no excuse.

>> No.56841547
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>> No.56841608
File: 445 KB, 1080x1488, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice H logo. Toad capturing shiba inu is called Hikigaerukirā. Logo is familiar ? It looks like there is something is in his mouth ? Maybe its a toad.

>> No.56841664

Toad supply is 42069

June 06
Day 09

>> No.56841785
File: 161 KB, 1456x816, toad=treat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previously at early may Lucie thought toad was a copycat fake for using shib.io mail when somebody tweeted her about toad.

Then she changed views somebody must have informed her about toad.

Then she posted this on twitter
>pic related
She loves using Ai just like https://twitter.com/hikigaerukira

Shy himself said treat may not be called treat due to too many scams creating copy treats.

>> No.56841926

ok that's kinda crazy
would say now is a good buying time?

>> No.56841975
File: 88 KB, 638x845, toadowner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just slurped and doubled my stack

>> No.56841984

PM 3:33

Three upon three and once more ?

>> No.56842076
File: 57 KB, 926x731, TOAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're up 50x? ...Don't tell me you bought $TOAD instead of TOAD!

>> No.56842162

You've brain lag my little faggot.

Everything you posted was before the fucking ugly retarded logo when fucking Pandascammer was rotting in hell.

Now Shiba clearly distanced themselves from this shitshow, no more clues, no references, nothing, you're all alone my dear TOADIOTS, and you're gonna fail.

>> No.56842396
File: 117 KB, 591x1280, LPWALLET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logo change DOES NOT MATTER. Hiki with a toad in his mouth was a better choice if this was a pump and dump scam to lure more in. NORMIE FRIENDLY FIST LOGO is better if this was a stealth launch of treat if you do not want unwanted attention before its TIME. It is NOT a pump and dump it is a treat token and we will be on shibarium L2 network that is the form change.

Emotional paper handed insecure crying retards like you of course will miss. Noodles is that you ? LP wallet with millions of dollars and 7.7 trillion toad says hi.

>> No.56842727

wen moon?

>> No.56843175
File: 2.15 MB, 498x281, 1692782383618885.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>logo was a middle finger
>chart forms a middle finger with the help of shytoshis fofo wallet violently dumping tokens
>time for a new logo right after the middle finger pattern is complete
>community unanimously supports logos with shib in it, because "shib connections" are toads only selling point
>dev comes out of hiding to shut it down
>after months of absence, the only reason this motherfucker shows up is to get pissy and make sure toad doesnt try associating with shib like that
>instead, logo is changed to the same hand but with no fingers sticking up
>the literal scammers from shib continue distancing
>chart dumps and will soon be flat like the now closed and turned over fist
>toadies still think the middle finger was for pepe

>> No.56843722

What's happening with noodles? Main chat and cafe are both dead it seems like everyone is in hiding or banned.

>> No.56843825

He got fudded out kek

>> No.56843955

Noodles the noodle hands sold. SSX and Full of X wallets which he shills all the time sold multiple trillions it was probably him. Sacrifices have been made for 10000x. Good riddance he was probably gonna sell at 10x killing all our momentum. Frog soup Fud shook people out probably will return to normal in couple of days.

>> No.56844001

I'm poor as fuck and have been accumulating the entire time I've known about toad. Even I've almost got 800b at this point lol.

>> No.56844083

Frog soup hit was orchestrated. If you missed out on soups you’re now fucked. No more soups will be minted. The committee of 1850 have been chosen. Soup nazis will now lead this organization to the paramount of unfathomable success. Only and absolute mental case could make it this far in the game. That’s the way it was meant to be

>> No.56844089

Telegram same fag id switching shill is on full tilt trying to shill his rugged shit coin so you buy his heavy bags, next to rug will be the 10% wallet.

>> No.56844245
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>> No.56844345

Why is this board in love with this particular shitcoin? We have like an endemic colony of Indians here now that got fired from telegram shilling and stuck around and this is the coin you guys picked? shib and bone has been totally raped all year against every other coin, why would you pick this?

>> No.56844370

Cuz it gongo up

>> No.56844401

Because we just like the fucking coin, ok?

>> No.56844440

lol funny how Noodles just realized this shit was a farm and a scam.

>> No.56844527

Noodles got fudded out? That’s too bad. He was a key member early on. I wish him the best with X.

>> No.56845120
File: 447 KB, 629x454, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TOAD KILLER (TOAD) is a cryptocurrency that has been created by a mysterious team of well-known figures in the crypto industry who have a history of the space. The team behind TOAD is unique and they have managed and funded some of the principles of the memetokens space.

>The goal of TOAD is to demonstrate to the world that there is only one original project, and as their slogan says: "We already killed a dog" - so frogs and new memecoins are about to end when the king reappears. There's many hints on their launch and website that hint everyone who may be back of this mysterious project, specially when talking about killing dogs.

>The project has been launched with a stealth approach, much like the successful Shib project, and the team is relying on organic growth, with people discovering it and trying to unravel its mistery.

>They believe that TOAD is the determination to create something that stops this new fever and demonstrate all the new meme-devs who is the leader on this area.

>> No.56846286


cuz all the same desperate scizo nigger

>> No.56846964

kek baggies