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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56834044 No.56834044 [Reply] [Original]

I've never seen so many house for sale and apartment for rent signs in my life. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.56834152

The majority can't afford to buy at these high rates, so sellers are stuck. Then you have tons of people who panic bought in 2021 when houses were at obscenely high values, and now the prices are tanking, so they're locked into a negative equity property because they can't accept that no one will buy or rent for what they originally paid for it.

>> No.56834200
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No new meat in the game.
Only people buying are either buying with cash or are first time buyers and receiving financial assistance from family.
t. Renter with old dreams of buying a home since 2019. RIP me.

>> No.56834205
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>> No.56834208


dont be a buyer in a sellers market

simple as

>> No.56834217
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>No new meat in the game.

>> No.56834221


>> No.56834591

Blackrock is buying for twice your asking price right now and the market is catching on to "I can get whatever I want" pricing. Blackrock is also converting all their acquisitions into rental properties. They are accepting an insane loss in the short term in order to set up an unrivaled rental empire in the long term.

>> No.56834603

Only thing missing here is that most people that bought in 2020 at record low interest can’t and won’t sell because they can’t afford anything more. Every one is in a jam. Boomers keep posting high prices and they sit for months/year. I love it. I hope they get what they paid for them and nothing more.

>> No.56834610

People keep saying this but I’ve never seen a source.

>> No.56834619
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It only goes up, don't worry Zister

>> No.56834749

It took me longer to write this post than it did to find a source.


>> No.56834813

>Blackrock is buying for twice your asking price right now
No they aren't. Housing prices are dropping.

>> No.56834872

airbnb dumping

>> No.56834875
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Zoinks, Scoob, I think we're in for it now.

>> No.56834901

So they're back down to prices from 2 years ago. And will continue to drop if rates are kept high

>> No.56834905

people can't afford it, retard

>> No.56834924
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>back down to prices from 2 years ago
0 change in 2 years in this meteoric market is abysmal desu famalam. That's like a 7% loss if you use CPI numbers.

>> No.56835100

Stop saving the dollar, they have produced too much of it. There aren't actually as many rich people as people think, this is inflation. It was all inflation. The dollar is going to get absolutely fucked in a very short amount of time when people see the interest rates go up and realize that everything the Fed can or will do makes it worse. Do you understand? We have lost control. You are running out of time *seriously* because the next time they QE which is going to be pretty soon, what i just said won't just be conjecture, people will actually be able to see them printing money and then bonds getting killed, which is going to force them to print more. Seriously people are going to realize the golden goose is dead, people are waking up to what we did here.

>> No.56835104

Everyone is broke due to hyperinflation + high interest rates. The easy times are over friendo. The virtually "free" money from absurdly low interest rates has dried up. This is just the beginning of the return to the mean. Properties can not maintain values that aren't sustained by a subsequent rise in wages.

>> No.56835223

It really depends on where you live. Blackstone (the largest fund doing this) specifically say that they focus on growing areas that aren’t willing to let go of single family zoning.

If apartments are coming up near your house, Wall Street won’t want it but a real estate developer may.

>> No.56835328

institutional investors own a whopping 3% of single family homes.

>> No.56835380
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Which institutions are we talking about

>> No.56835401

its too late anon it was over from the start

>> No.56835421

where is this? prices are still crazy in high density areas

>> No.56835433
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we're in *that* phase of the cycle.

>> No.56835437

I am not in the US but an East Euro shithole and this is my take from the entire situation. Here house/aparment/rental prices went up 3x in last 15 years (mby more). Ppl here will often complain about immigrants in USA regarding the rising rent/house prices, yet we have no immigrants, in fact the country loses about 1% of population a year due to ppl leaving or dying (old population too, average age is like 46 or something). Not to mention that a lot of new apartments are being built each year. With the current rates NO ONE can afford to buy a home with credit and even with it - the current high interest rates mean that in the end you pay ofd 1 home for yourself and 1.5 of the same home for the bank. Until you pay off the banks part of the loan you do not own anything, the bank does.

Here the price increase is mostly due to boomers/Gen X think the only way to save money from inflation (if you rent you literally pay them the mortgage) or money laundering. Compared to 2022 housing purchases fell down by a whopping 60%. Prices are lowered by 2% maybe and this is literally nothing considering that we're talking about something that actually has expenses for the owners if they do not sell it/rent it out - bills + taxes + repairs etc. We should all continue to boycott the boomer housing fever and bleed their money dry until they go bankrupt. Housing market needs to crash 50% at least, both in the East and West - houses are not a luxury and they cannot be held for longer periods of time because they generate a pretty big loss.

>> No.56835439

>you WILL own nothing
>you WILL be happy
what part about that do you not get?

>> No.56835443
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houses are still at inflated prices near me.

>> No.56835445

If they convert them to rentals, then they're not single family homes, are they?

>> No.56835463

I already own nothing, my salary is 2x the average one and I can't afford a decent used car, yet alone a home. I'm not happy at all, I still have to live with my parents which have a kindergarten tier of boomerlike intelligence. They think that buying a home/car is very easy, they have no grasp over mathematics behind everything and it's probably the reason they never had a lot of money. I still have to pay them rent (yeah, I hate them secretly and my life too).

>> No.56835504

But to be honest I would be okay with this if I was truly happy and if everyone else (including Klaus) owned nothing. It's definitely a better situation than the current one where I own nothing, boomers own everything and where I'm not happy at all, so WEF gets a thumbs up from me.

>> No.56835533


>> No.56835537
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that's the biden defecating magic, beauty!

>> No.56835541
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when i was around 11 years old i watched The Drew Carey Show, a sitcom in TV. his character was called a "catch" by the sexy brunette because he was employed and a homeowner in cincinatti ohio. it was a boring granny house but it had a garage where he did hobbies like brew beer, hang with friends.

anyway, houses have always attracted pussy up until the point where they get you to sign on the dotted line of a marriage contract, then gradually the love starts to fade. then she starts catching feelings for whatever badboy she sees. soon she goes on "girls night out" dates. or she complains that you never take her anywhere. i'm not speaking from experience, never been married, never been cucked, but it seems all too common to get your shit together only to have some bitch fuck it up. it's also clear that inflated RE houses are directly caused by women having more buying power. we're at peak gynocentrism and peak feminist takeover. even women who don't have careers, who aren't moving up corpo ladders, are making 100K+ per month through online ways (and yes i know the avg OF slut doesn't make more than $200, but there are plenty of twitch streamers or just outright hookers who clear over $20K per month).

pic rel is the sexy brunette, 20 years later, with a creepy plastic surgeried face. still would of course.

>> No.56835958

Checked and nice subtle racism, my favorite kind

>> No.56835988

anon is right, that always spells the end

>> No.56836114

Stop posting this you cock

>> No.56836124

List price != Sale price

>> No.56836191

They're exit rugging you stacy, at the top.

>> No.56836260

checked for top

>> No.56836353

You live in an area that was severely over priced. My city is still more extensive than 2020 and approaching 2022 levels again.

>> No.56836508


>> No.56836561

i bought in 2012 at 3.8 nigga

>> No.56836578
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This is only a thing because Blackrock et al. are artifically jacking up rents by colluding and warehousing. It's a Potemkin market. At some point people will realize what's going on and start squatting en masse. Their size will be their undoing as just shacking up and collectively telling the cops to fuck off becomes the norm.

>> No.56836632

Consumers have been clamoring for years for affordable housing in choice locations (near good jobs, schools, etc.) to start families or impress chicks.
The market has spoken, take the L

>> No.56837088

This article is from 2 years ago you double nigger. Enjoy your overpriced molded box that you will never pay off lol.

>> No.56837161
File: 196 KB, 640x800, RIP in peace Spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hormel lost billions in the last quarter and are YOLO'ing and jacking up their prices even further LMAO clown world. can't wait to see how this shit pans out

>> No.56837343

>long term
upkeep is a thing

>> No.56837360

I literally grabbed the first non-reddit result after googling it. Here's another source. It still took me longer to type this post than it did to find this stuff.


>> No.56837381

Capitulation is just starting.
Institutional investors are exiting the markets where rents are starting to fall. They may still be holding assets in super low inventory markets, but in places where inventory is picking up, the corpos are selling. This is going to drive those markets down faster. 2024 is going to see a 15%+ drop in a lot of markets around the US.

>> No.56837390

Try 20%.

>> No.56837604

Oh wow some literally who wrote an article about how black rock will be renting all their single family homes they bought in 2019. Some insider information there for sure. What they will do most likely is dump those properties because they can afford to sell even at lower price because they are corporations.

>> No.56837821

can poor fag invest in blackrock ?

>> No.56837945

it's not 2009 anymore John

>> No.56837983
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you can buy fractional shares, anon. i wish i had already, but bought disney shares instead. now i realize that blackrock literally just uses disney as a tax write off. disney will never amount to shit on purpose because of them. sony and netflix animated flicks now are what disney used to be. but still, not buying blackrock (BLK) at the top. that would be even more dumb than investing in disney. i have had sony shares for a while and they're starting to inch up finally. they're films and games are improving and it seems they're putting all that blatant wokeshit on the wayside

>> No.56838293

He said eastern europe not western russian

>> No.56838485 [DELETED] 

fuck this maltese jew. sits indoors all day playing worlo and still looks healthy af. prolly makes his gf coom very hard with those juicy negro lips. fucking genetic freak.

>> No.56838530
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what we need is a GIS data base map to show exactly where all these properties are that are owned by Blackrock and the like

>> No.56838532
File: 85 KB, 674x960, jahy is mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooooooo not my Spamerinos!!!!

>> No.56838634


Observing this
Deluded boomers posting 500k rotten sheds in boomerville dying area and no jobs
"Developers" asking 500k for commieblocks in the middle of the meadow with 1hr commute to buy groceries

The only place of interest are areas with expanding infrastructure.
That in current demographic and economic contraction is literally one city in the state
Prices there are absolutely parabolic

>> No.56838661

Nah, other country, Poland has a better salary:property price ratio

>> No.56838662


>> No.56839338
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Build public transit and sewage and the developers will flock to whatever Nowheresville small town or rural area you choose. Could just be as simple as commuter rail to the nearest job hub. Can't be busses, has to be something it would take actual effort to dismantle.

Picrel also even though he's wrong about immigrants, who are scapegoats who've been blamed every generation no matter what the country's circumstances were. Even when they have a negative effect on living standards, it's not a cultural issue (ie their fault) it's a numbers issue (ie the fault of the people incentivizing them to come). Otherwise dude is spot-on.

>> No.56840909


>public transport

You can only pick one.

>> No.56840932

Sort of this.
Rates make it impossible for buyers to buy.
Bagholding mentality makes it impossible for sellers to sell.
The only people winning are the banks

>> No.56840957

>commuter rail
Ew. We have cars to commute with.

>> No.56841005

>capping a spic ramblings
how the internet has fallen

>> No.56841126

This is a housing thread on a business and finance board and you are so OBSESSED with the pussy you're not getting you somehow manage to shoehorn it into your abomination of a post. Take your weird incel rants elsewhere buddy.

>> No.56841180

>tfw my dad bought this house for 100k 30 year 2% fixed interests rate in 2012 (the previous tenents killed themselves in the living room)
>tfw now its "500k" and in a pretty shit neighborhood
>hookers down the street from me
>people asking me to sell them drugs
i fucking hate Los Angeles sometimes and I can't wait for the housing market bubble to pop and the house is worth 200k and we can sell it and move states.

>> No.56841949
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Good Luck,


>> No.56842261
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Cool, maybe I can move away from my shit city and parents in less than 5 years.

>> No.56842551

i literally found a house exactly like this
>owner bought in june 2021
>listed for sale 11 months later after putting in a new a/c and hot water tank
>on market for a long time now and price has finally dropped to what they bought it for

>> No.56842683
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yikes. risk-on has resumed due to soft Fed speak?

>> No.56842992

I'd still be well above water. suck it rentoids

>> No.56844063

Niggers and women always spell the end

>> No.56844102

Niggers itt post shorts or get fucked. $rez or anything similar. Yes, I'm a hooooomer, I'm a millennial boomer, and you zoomers are fucked. I was fucked when I was your age. Get over it. And gfy and kys

>> No.56844776


>> No.56844943

Buy bitcoin and hold, faggots

>> No.56844988

>half a million USD for a abandoned shack with a flat roof few centimeters over your head

>> No.56845042
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This, rents are connected to wages. Not RE prices. If wages do not rise to meet rents then rents must come down. People can not rent what they cannot afford. Crazy idea I know.

>> No.56845131

but it's a Hot Home just 1 hour away from Hollywood, anon. don't you want to live near the movie stars?

>> No.56845584
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Eventually some of the 2% NEVER SELLING HODLers will be forced to move b/c divorce or being ordered back to the office or just wanting to fucking move and get wiped out

And think of all the sorry people who have signed up to live forever in whatever shithole HOT! city they were in in 2020.

BILLIONS must suffer because the government is retarded with money

>> No.56845675

>The only people winning are the banks
Nigga, how are they winning if majority of people are paying a 2% interest rate for 150-250k instead of a 8% on a 500k goyshack?

>> No.56846239

They refinance.

>> No.56847522

>have limited supply of houses
>prices too high, demand constrained
>prices go down
but what IF!
>import literal millions of people per year
>have them fill the gap. If they can't, sponsor them through section 8 through taxpayer money.
>You buy votes AND make your donors (real estate investors) happy at the same time. Middle class white dudes weren't gonna vote for you anymore
>Housing bubble NEVER pops

we've had this dynamic in Europe for decades, Americans are about to find out some shit lmao
Get ready for housing prices = 50 years of net income
I'm sorry lads better get a passport

>> No.56847731

It's joever...

>> No.56847757

True, it's the same here too (also in Eastern Europe).

>> No.56847762

Buying a used car is not that hard, if you live with your parents, and don't spend money on other shit, just safe for a year.
But you're right about houses.

>> No.56847791

>Build public transit
Americlaps are allergic to that.

>> No.56847845

first make sure the basics are taken care of then yeah btc