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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56830878 No.56830878 [Reply] [Original]

>29 years old
>850k net worth (including illiquid assets like house/car)

Is it over for me?

>> No.56830895

Yes. You need 1 million USD Liquid by 30 (not including home value) to make it.

>> No.56830898

>2 years younger than me
>almost double my net worth
Yeah I think you're good.

>> No.56830906

wish I could nuke America

>> No.56830913

Sage & hide humblebrag threads

>> No.56830914

I'm a 18 year old (haha faggot jannies can't ban me) and I have 10trillion USD. what do bros? will I ever retire?

>> No.56830928

Gamble it all on a memecoin and hope for a 1000x. It's your only shot

>> No.56830931

do us a favor and aim for chicago or nyc or any other post-apocalyptic uninhabitable hell hole

>> No.56831009

Put your 850k in a certificate of deposit (you can find some for about 6% year return in some banks) get roughly 50k a year just from that. You can retire basically anywhere that isn't too retardedly expensive to live. If you want more money use your free time to study an IT path and get work for several years doing that. Depends on your personal wants and needs, and your own definition of "making it"

>> No.56832159
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nah, as long as you can have a job and make money, it's never too late
besides we're close to xmas, the lucky month for everyone, I just hope to have at least 2 weeks of vacation
maybe we can even see the shiny santa, the black and with wheelchair one kek

>> No.56832211
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mom died at Christmas

>> No.56832230

>lucky month for everyone
I was fired on christmas

>> No.56832235
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Are you still a virgin?
If you are then its over, you are destined to be a multi millionaire virgin wizard in his mid 30s like me in several years.

>> No.56832629

Dude just have sex lmao