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56829548 No.56829548 [Reply] [Original]

They say a man truly holds dear only two women in his wife (okay besides his mom). Firstly, his wife. And secondly, his daughter. This is the most financially fulfilling aspect of life (as a man).
Your daughter will be the most precious thing in the world to you and you WILL be willing to kill for her. There's just something that clicks for you once you have your first daughter.

>> No.56829569


>> No.56829572

having a daughter is the most cucked thing you can do. Spend all your time, money and energy in raising a spoiled brat and by age 15 she will be bringing over nogs to your home when you're on a business visit

>> No.56829583

Bro you groom and support your daughter for 18 years so she can go fuck BBC and other shit in college and beyond. You are the ultimate cuck.

>> No.56829582

Basically all of you financially jaded faggots thinking you never want to have kids bore me to death. Once you see a little mini you it changes your perspective on everything. You are a changed man. You basically don't get to call the shots on your heart anymore.

>> No.56829592

This will never happen if you hug her everyday since you'll be the most important man with the most important opinion, FAGGOTS, you will marry her away to a GOOD man because she will VALUE your INPUT
Imagine that! Shocking I know!

>> No.56829595

>have kids
>Jews hold your kids hostage unless you subcum to their slave system
There’s no winning

>> No.56829618

Ultimate cope. Your selective caps writing style shows you are so passionate about proving you are not a cuck, but deep down, you know it is true.

>> No.56829623

i want to have kids retard not daughters
i'd rather have a fuckboi chad sons who I will buy a yacht for his 18th birthday and he will be fucking prime pussy(the stuff I missed out on)
>you will marry her away to a GOOD man because she will VALUE your INPUT
Imagine that! Shocking I know!
nope youre wrong. Parents dont have any influence on todays kids unless you renounce modern world and technology and homeschool here and live like the Amish
She will get exposed to snapchat, instagram and tiktok and start patterning herself after the roastie whores

>> No.56829625

Good thing I browse /pol/ and have endless videos and articles to show her what happens if she decides to become a mudshark

>> No.56829631
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Put me in the screen cap.

>> No.56829646

I have a son but what am i going to do with this fucking hypergamy.

>> No.56829665

welcome to biz please see the hobbit post

>> No.56829690

im 27 but if i had a 10 yo child, I'd enroll them in sports, martial arts, modelling, etc
Buy your kid a nice car once he turns 15 and drive him to school and his class girls would want to fuck him

>> No.56829714

>*Hits pipe*

>> No.56829725

Daughters are high maintenance but have less of a chance of being an utter failure

>> No.56829830

Imagine pouring all your heart, soul, love and time and resources into a daughter just so she can start sexting at and getting creampied at 15 by different teenage boys who just want to nut in her. Literally raising a human fleshlight.

>> No.56829883

The mind of women isn’t like a man’s. You tell her all the bad shit that will happen and she’ll just go “oh muh gawd that’s so kinky” and get turned on by it.

>> No.56829961
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Not tell, just show. Why do you think Twitter and other social media shadowbanned chimpposting so heavily? The facade is fragile.

>> No.56829996

it's crazy you can tell this is a nigger, jeet, or kike just from the seethe.

>> No.56830019

I too hold your wife and daughter dearly.

>> No.56830024

Yes the kike wants you to have fun with life, talk to women and breed how Jewish of me right !!!!!!

>> No.56830028

*hits pipe*

>> No.56830039


Yeah, you basically need to just condition her to view them as retarded and poor. Going for the "they're dangerous" angle is playing right into a trap.

>> No.56830083

this is a bluepill that you mistake for a redpill (this is why your id is blue btw)
women transmit much more DNA than men to their children, it's more than a 50:50 balance
and women are much more likely to reproduce
so having daughters secures your biological immortality much better than sons
as for the nigger problem, that stuff is a self-fulfilling prophecy. it's people like you who get their daughters to turn coalburners. there's a good chance you're a cuckold fetichist
in truth white women are the demographic least likely to racemix. and that's merely averages. when a man does a good job raising his family, there's virtually 0 chance of nigger relationship

>> No.56830116


I came to the same conclusion. Contrary to popular belief girls are less rebellious too, it's just that in the modern US dads are incredibly apathetic about their daughters and let them get raised by the culture. Honestly the biggest danger is letting her go to the wrong university, that's where someone else (with bad intentions) gets ahold of her mind.

>> No.56830291

No you idiot I was referring to the anon I replied to not you

>> No.56830355

are you fucking retarded?
women can't transmit your Y chromosome, your yDNA

>> No.56830520

Does this mean women can only give birth to female children?

>> No.56831180
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I hate women.