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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56828211 No.56828211 [Reply] [Original]

>Billions will die just two weeks after taking the vaccine
>We will never be allowed outside again without a mask and we will own nothing
>They are taking away our freedom and want to make us transgender i bet the jews are behind this!!

>> No.56828214

just the right people to miss out on the bull

>> No.56828216

That is an accurate description of how internet-dependent young men without social skills think.

>> No.56828219

Kek /pol/ incels

>> No.56828245

We never said 2 weeks. We said the georgia guidestones call for a 96% culling of the world population and that the vax was likely related to that.

>> No.56828254
File: 124 KB, 1024x1024, u9-y08t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conspiracy theories and incel culture are being spread by the government to distract people from buying LINK.

>> No.56828261

Seems like OP missed the bottom.

>> No.56828279


>> No.56828291

>the vaccine will stop the spread
>Masks will stop covid
>This is the most serious health event since the Spanish flu and the black death
>The vaccines are safe and effective

>> No.56828302

>Billions will die just two weeks after taking the vaccine
A lot of people have died or been injured due to the vaccines. Even now, hospitals are filling up with people having a bad response the to latest vaccine (this so-called 'white lung' thing)
>We will never be allowed outside again without a mask and we will own nothing
Many people still wear their goymuzzles, and almost everyone went along with allowing the state to impose totalitarian measures. What do you think happens next?
>They are taking away our freedom and want to make us transgender i bet the jews are behind this!!

>> No.56828315

holy projection. it was more like covid cucks thought billions would die if they didn't wear a cotton mask while they were riding their bicycle and bend over for big pharma forever. greasy bureaucrats suddenly became saints to them, Fauci was like their pope despite him being a corrupt fraud who gave money to the lab that leaked the virus

>> No.56828318

Do you see any COVID around? Dumb magacel

>> No.56828329

The stats don't lie (also I only heard about it, never saw it)
Chinese pandemic soon, get hype. Glad I bought unvaxed sperm so I can lose all my money early

>> No.56828330
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some 4chan chuds showed up to protest at my church and indeed they're as dumb in person as they are on >>>/pol/

>> No.56828333

I can't believe vaxxies still cope like this. Just accept you got conned, if yer lucky you didn't permanently fuck up your immune system. Learn from it and move on. Don't fall for the next psyop so easily.

>> No.56828367

Yes? Its huge here again, but this time none cares anymore

>> No.56828396

>crickets chirping
Did anyone invite you to this board? Did anyone ask you for your opinion? Do you see anyone interested in your opinion? Thought so.

>> No.56828418

>I'm forced to be here and attack all the chuds(gay jewish word that came from gay dysgenic jews and used by gay ugly jews)
No you aren't, retarded gay tranny. Go back to "your" church boomer.
They are doing the right thing.

>> No.56828432

thanks for turning this into a whitepill general

>> No.56828448

>social skills
most normies don't have le social skills they just babble about stupid crap all day
your point is invalid as is your mind

>> No.56828675
File: 51 KB, 544x680, signal-2023-11-30-21-33-36-633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i bet the jews are behind this!!

>> No.56828688

it is actually the nibiru pyramids where tha aliens come from

>> No.56828695

>permanently fuck up your immune system

>> No.56828788
File: 542 KB, 482x530, IMG_7232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most normies don't have le social skills they just babble about stupid crap all day
your point is invalid as is your mind

>> No.56828793

>nah, but yes the jews are literally behind it and brag about it openly you can literally Google search any trans organization and look at the leadership all by yourself they aren't hiding a thing

>> No.56828815

Think how much trouble we would have saved if we'd have gone into full lockdown, borders closed, for a month. No need for jab, no need for PPP, only one stimulus check.

>> No.56829094

OK vatnick

>> No.56829305

Yep, you can thank republicans for that. Trump is on tape saying he doesn’t want to do that because it would hurt the stock market, and thus his re-election chances. Total piece of shit.

>> No.56829335

That wouldn't have changed the outcome

>> No.56829357


>> No.56829360

Chad with thinker brain here
He's right you're a turbo faggot

>> No.56829366

thank you republicans for not putting us in full lockdown, leftoids deserve to be tortured to death and their wives bulls castrated

>> No.56829397

There was no need or justification for those things anway you fucking bootlicker.

>> No.56829443

All of this, but unironically

>> No.56829500

>Even now, hospitals are filling up with people having a bad response the to latest vaccine (this so-called 'white lung' thing)
You're a fish jumping out of the pan and into the fire. Yes Covid is fake. Yes vaccines are unneccessary and can cause serious side effects. No there is not a global pandemic of vaxxies dying off. Poltards accused the government of counting people with comorbidities as purely Covid deaths. Have you ever considered the possibility that vaxxies have comorbidities too? There is no mass vaccine death wave. Take your fearmongering back to pol.

>> No.56829563

wait are you acting like the covid response was appropriate? I actually don't want to share a society with you commies

>> No.56830062

I know a multi millionaire who said his son died after getting a shot

>> No.56830096

Tired of unrelated /biz/ thread like this shit. Hope you get permabanned nigger.

>> No.56830199
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we don't have flags here