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56819898 No.56819898 [Reply] [Original]

If I am wrong, no big deal. It's just $250 bucks and most of you have spent more then that on memecoins. It was only $30 the first time I ever posted about it. It was just $50 the first time I posted this thread, and I see it since became a sort of copy-pasta. Thanks, anon.

"We propose a market where intelligence is priced by other intelligence systems peer-to peer across the internet. Peers rank each other by training neural networks which learn the value of their neighbors." -Bittensor whitepaper

1. TAO serves as both a reward for contributions and the 'key' for access to the Bittensor network.
2. No pre-mine, no team allocations, no VC seed round.
3. Stake TAO to network validators to currently receive 17.23% APY (potentially more depending on validator).
4. No fees to stake, no fees to un-stake, and no lock up duration.
5. Same supply as Bitcoin and follows a similar halving schedule. First halving in 2025.
6. Network has been operational for 757 days. 5,746,594τ has been mined and 5,132,519τ (89.31% up from 84.28%) is currently staked (30/11/2023).

There are 3 types of nodes in the Bittensor network; Miners, Validators, and Hybrids. Miners (also known as "servers") provide LLMs, and other digital commodities (sub-nets), to be ranked by their peers and the validators provide tasks to the servers and then reward them according to their performance. Servers can join the network by spending TAO. Spent TAO is recycled back into the mining mechanism, prolonging the halving.

Will you listen this time? I'm about to be blocked...

>> No.56820356

why are you doing this anon what's your motivation? Also I don't like to keep my coins on the website wallet. wtf

>> No.56820742

Can i use their service or is it beta?

>> No.56820774

>i posted the actual bottom
>i'm posting now at the actual top
that's my takeaway op

>> No.56820866
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1. Some of you are okay.

2. Use Polkadot Vault/Parity Signer.

I'm not selling. If it breaks support, I'm going all in. With the exception of bitcoin and maybe one meme.

>> No.56820912
File: 520 KB, 466x839, ethmaxis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and there are lots of apps in "beta" if that's what you mean instead. It's literally too much to type out here, check the main and community discords. Tons of development, I can't even keep up anymore and it's just beginning.

I understand that most of you can't find your own investments and rely heavily on "influencers".

I don't expect any of you to begin to grasp the fundamentals of this project but these posts are also for future reference. Do whatever you want.

>> No.56821215

Can I buy it at uniswap? I refuse to buy anything not available on eth

>> No.56822225
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I bought thanks to your thread when the price was at $50

>> No.56822937
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Holochain of this cycle, so I guess it will pump more but result will be same
I work in AI and shit is race to bottom in revenue, fundamentals are not "hard to grasp" it's useless af idea you cant make your coin based middleman for AI computation or ai markets need decentralization in ANY form or capacity
>I understand that most of you can't find your own investments and rely heavily on "influencers".
Posts fameous dumper shilling coins he bought at bottom

>> No.56823017

its not an erc20 you fucking retard go back i hate you fucking morons

>> No.56823256
File: 563 KB, 1284x1427, IMG_6100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant find this on uni or sushiswap???

>> No.56823351

nice words anon, but whats their yearly revenue?

or is it another ponzi coin with 0 revenue?

>> No.56823403

There is a wrapped version on uniswap.

>> No.56823495
File: 54 KB, 800x800, 1610115405341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misspelled $AGRS there frendo, #Taunet who will gobble up the entirety which is Bittensor as a snack @ a $35M MC instead of the overvalued $1.5Bill for a bunch of bs test-nets being outperformed by OpenAI

>But muh decentralized AI

Buy Agoras already, it's daddy AI