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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 219 KB, 2560x1400, genshh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56819891 No.56819891 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me bizbros, why arent you investing in this?
under 2m mcap - IoT, Oracles, custom tech, rn testing out nodes.

>> No.56819978

this is a chainlink board sir

>> No.56819985

Wtf they do IoT, oracles AND custom tech??? Gotta buy a bag right now

>> No.56820854
File: 32 KB, 851x942, FB_IMG_1700644686398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn looks interesting, also why is its name banned. I got banned for literally no reason kek

>> No.56820980

god i remember how many insufferable pricks shilled this on biz before, saying how their oracles were better than chainlnks lol.

and now they come back scurrying out of the woodwork

>> No.56821530

>1 billion sergay chainlink shitposts a day
>1 good project post per week

anon... i dont know what to say

>> No.56821759

I upon investigation, it would seem their oracles are indeed better than links.

>> No.56822051

I lost interest after devs kept swapping liquidity pools and switching blockchains.

>> No.56822245

sad but true. skipped

>> No.56822294

They only swapped chain once. The new contracts were because the tokenomics were gimmicky and that doesn't suit a blue chip token

>> No.56822321
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, IMG_0503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only real k3nshi

>> No.56822346

is it dead? why is the chart not pumping while everything else is?

>> No.56822410

you have to buy it for the chart to go up. if you just sit there looking at it it wont do shit

>> No.56822438

This. Great game, terrible shitcoin

>> No.56822675

the team should do buybacks and raid twitter to generate hype, also eth trending & get KOLs

>> No.56822783

I think all this token needs is a little push desu. Tg is active

>> No.56824382
File: 102 KB, 797x612, kns node validation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not participating in the KNS node validation beta
imagine being this gay. i lost faith in this until they actually started delivering some fucking concrete proof that theyre actually doing something.
someone once said that the devs put max points into science/intellect and zero into charisma/marketing. pretty accurate desu. still kept my bag for the last year and a bit tho kek and glad i did
just buy a bag you fucking faggots

>> No.56824515

dude even chainlink can't make money why the hell would I invest in this shit

>> No.56824540
File: 250 KB, 1887x911, 11977996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that jannies took this away from you

>> No.56824549

>was trending on dexscreener for half a year
>got massively boost on biz
>got name-banned (good since if the jannies hate it means its good)
>slept on biz
Shhh don't tell them now

>> No.56824552

P-Please do the needful ser

>> No.56824663
File: 236 KB, 493x253, kfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah we arent too worried about not getting your $50 buy. we all know the potential of this bluechip in the making

>> No.56824883

You are the oracle nigga

>> No.56825095

This web design if fkn jeet chink shit. Fuck off you pathetic subhuman nigger scammers

>> No.56825107
File: 1.96 MB, 2732x1850, 209832E2-0446-416A-A4AC-5FCA57B84110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.56825254
File: 60 KB, 484x797, n4u2w06b77x61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got like a week ban once for just asking WHY this coin is banned. I still don't know the answer.

I mean sure, it's a jeet shitcoin, but theres dozens of jeet shitcoin threads at any given time. Why does THIS specific project make jannies so aggro?

>> No.56825373
File: 7 KB, 241x209, 162357956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its been trending for a week now
Based dexscreener W

>> No.56826169

Because it also competes the TheGraph and has its own Internet of Things set up

>> No.56826721

I made over $4,000 off this coin at the beginning of the year. The reason it's name is banned it because it was being shilled relentlessly and JANNIES A HUGE FAGGOTS THAT ENFORCE RULES IN RETARDED WAYS, LIKE WHEN THEY THINK TALKING ABOUT CRYPTO AIRDROPS IS A FORM OF BEGGING FOR FREE MONEY.

Anyways, might be a good buy.

>> No.56826897

I'll never forget jannies yeeting stealth launched olympus dao spinoff that consequentially netted me a 15x. Jannies are actually clinically retarded.

>> No.56827055

Damn this thread is still alive, biz is fuckibg dead af loool

>> No.56827079

This coin is gay, so seems like a good fit for op

>> No.56827491

Is it true that Elon mentioned these guys on X formerly known as twitter

>> No.56827576

Swedish company. Developers wife worked with ICP core team. Main dev is genuinely a genius.

>> No.56827578

quite the filtering...

>> No.56827583

ironically cause they are not scammers and are focused on development and not pumping bags. That can be a negative or a positive relative to how Indian you are.

>> No.56827594

Jannies are indian scammers who want you to lose.

>> No.56827653

honestly nannies here are Redditors holding big babs of Link and are terrified of any oracle project getting traction other than Link here. Add that the paid Link chillers this board is kind of done.

>> No.56827658

my spellcheck is off its meds today.

>> No.56827826

I lost soo much money on this shitcoin. I should have known with the lead dev name being pooya

>> No.56828156

Maybe next time consider buying low and selling high?

>> No.56828159

>why arent you investing in this?
It's not necessary for Bitcoin.

>> No.56828224

No it is not faggot retard. Simply saying something does not make it so. This is not a chainlink board because /biz/ is not stupid enough to fall for that. Maybe a bunch of youbare gonna fall for it but your hubris and arrogance are only going to further fuel the impending lolz from your inevitable, stinky demise. Kys but dilate first

>> No.56828287

it would truly seem that is the case.

>> No.56828337

check again

>> No.56828374

Jannies bought their bags finally? Is that why thread is still up? How about unblacklisting the word then

>> No.56828424

buy kenis :DDDDDDDD

>> No.56828434

ITS UP 20%!

>> No.56828483

Yes it is. Deal with it newfag

>> No.56828666

Fuck you I lost $2k when you cunts shilled this in the last pump over half a year back, it never fucking recovered.

>> No.56828738

yes she can, suck my kenis

>> No.56829071

I'm not familiar with this token, but I still hope for a recovery so people can make money. Diversify your investment for better options anon. Consider looking into DUA and participating in their ongoing airdrop through their smart wallet.

>> No.56829216

maybe you wanna blame the nannies that blocked anyone even mentioning it?

>> No.56829375

I'm gonna save these for when it reaches $1

>> No.56829400

imagine missing out on the next Biz 10000x solid project cause they changed the chains. What a colossal faggot.

>> No.56829403

You guys phased out the "full Swiss team" shill point? That was the funniest thing about this shitcoin, with the devs being Pakis from the uni of Islamabad who now reside in Switzerland lmfao

>> No.56829580

>head dev is Iranian.

There fixed your lies

His wife worked with core ICP team. Muh pakis...seriously though. What scares u aboit this project? Why fud an Oracle project with working tech under 2m mc
Surely there are some actual scams u cpild be attacking. U making us all bullish mate.

>> No.56829763

>4 browns and a woman
Good shit anon. I was pretty sure the "coffee roasting" lead dev graduated from the University of Islamabad, but he set his LinkedIn profile to private (probably because you fags kept doxxing him here last year).

Pouya graduated from Shahrood Uni in Iran by the way, not as prestigious as University of Islamabad but still pretty good, mashallah!

>> No.56829773
File: 80 KB, 990x597, Pouya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.56830287

Y>tries to fud a team as jeets but manages to make them look like relative white supremacists against half the Polygon tier teams in crypto.

Well done newfag.

>> No.56830362

I repeat
>4 browns and a woman
>>manages to make them look like relative white supremacists
Pick one, retard.

>> No.56830459

You are fucking useless. I swear I dont get the reddit thinking to attack under 2m mc gems while hyping 10bn projects here. You faggots ruined my board.

The sweet part is im rich as fuck and I guarantee u arent and wont be. Gonna biy some more KNS now for the giggles xause I can. Offically this board is done. CT has the alpha for making it chads. Leave the redditors to die in their self made gay graves here. Lol. Bye

>> No.56830546

Kek. Imagine being this buttmad that your $20k volume shitcoin is getting laughed off this board. Now fuck off back to Xitter, faggot.

>> No.56830615

Who even fuds a sub 2m cap in 2023? Who literaly cares to fud a project on biz? N

Chads just wanna make money kid. Go find some alpha if u think this isnt it. This isnt college debate club. Thx for bumping thread though. Like I said this board is over. Never thought it would go down so hard. Sad. Get ur ass on twitter gay boy

>> No.56830636

No one cares about you buying jeet. Feel free to keep shitposting

>> No.56830880

>switched ID again
Look at the angry roaches coming out of the woodworks! Only jeets rely on shitcoins like this to make them rich, don't forget that you disgusting bottom feeder.

>> No.56832540

This coin went absolutely insane when it was just a BNB coin, no reason it can't do the same thing now that its on right different chains.

>> No.56832601

jannies are NOT trannies! all fields! XD

>> No.56832894

Imagine what kind of a threat this must be to someone. Never seen a project banned on biz in 7 years ive been here. So fucking early. The filter is on. Only the smart will pass and get in this early. The majority of u will buy after the first 250x...lmao.

>> No.56833023

what's the circulating mcap?

>> No.56833028

This project is giving me old school biz vibes, like bullrun vibes. I haven’t aped into something for a while, but I am aping hard here

>> No.56833097

Their forum and twitter seem dead but the CEO is active on tg. They have quite a few partners in pipeline from what I've read and are getting the project decentralized. Also making a L1 for a
corporate customer. Ignoring the obvious 100$ jeetstack shills, I got a bag cause Poojah seems like a smart guy and knows what crypto is about, the same feel you're feeling.

>> No.56833171


>> No.56833201

thanks, cg says that's fdv tho

>> No.56833259

Not buying your jeet scam coin. Kys

>> No.56833262

Most of the tokens are in circulation. They don't plan on selling team tokens since they get financed from dev work for customers. Just check the tg and stop trying to get spoonfed.

>> No.56833295

same for me, getting really comfy fr fr

>> No.56833445

such an obvious shill, lol. You're being paid for this dude, at least put some effort.

>> No.56833845

It smells like curry in here, but I feel like the token could be ok

>> No.56834855

Korma or masala?

>> No.56835066
File: 169 KB, 1711x657, 112323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my node running as well, im vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalidating k3nshibros

>> No.56835130

the fuck is that gay ass thing

>> No.56835422

Not for midwits like you
Buy kenis :DDDDD

>> No.56835515

whats the sui/make it?

>> No.56835890


>> No.56836523

Kami 15m
Emperor 10m
Shogun 6m
Daimyo 3m
Oni 1m
Samurai 600k
Shinobi 300k
Ronin 100k
Peasant 60k
Merchant 30k
Salamander 10k
Bamboo 1k

>> No.56836865

thanks sir yes coin is gei sir

>> No.56837051

It was constantly shilled here like 7 months ago. Shit was fucking annoying.

>> No.56837291

8M mcap ATH is not insane lmao

>> No.56837351

unironically you will make insane gains and that is why I fucking hate crypto

>> No.56837606

Ass clown. I was here we couldnt get barely one thread up before jannies deleted it. Imagine being on this board where 1 in 3 threads are Link to complain about a project that u cant even type thw word. Kek

>> No.56837725

It’s like a 5x from here. This could do 500x.

>> No.56838142

This is unironically the coin i've held for the longest time. Since may 2022. Hard to find a comfier hold in the market. Devs might not be great at marketing, but they are honest and most of all smart as fuck with tech.

>> No.56838163

only oracles i know are LINK, PYTH and SUPRA.

>> No.56838231

invest in other oracles anon.

>> No.56838285
File: 85 KB, 400x400, whoopsie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i jus farded n shidded my pantsu frens

>> No.56838303
File: 48 KB, 778x579, 1BAAA045-54E1-439A-96E0-539E225E4734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets go kenisbros!

>> No.56838522

Yeah and we rode a 12x as a result on the old contract when trading fees lifted, my dopamine receptors still haven't recovered and it's going to happen again

>> No.56839680

As opposed to the shit that's been shilled here every day, for the last couple years?

>> No.56840245
File: 55 KB, 794x522, investmenttoken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forum: completely dead
>crypto valley corporate member startup yearly fee: 500 CHF
>what happened to their investment token narrative?!? where are the lockers
>why do pouya and henry work together at Equip: Rent Sports Equipment
>Pouya and Kevin worked together at Nidecker Group as Full stack Devs/PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHER

i smell iranian curry

>> No.56841053

I don't think they're a member of crypto valley anymore

>> No.56841193

absolute brainlet detected

>> No.56841494

it's still on the website, so another fail on their end if they don't remove it.

the website is top 200 but the project itself is 3000+

>> No.56842649

Great news anon, you’re early to the next biggest thing

>> No.56843037

Why do these little details matter to you so much anyway? Like the dev has a day job, big deal

>> No.56843085

90% of all top 100 tokens started with a founder who had a day job. Some were office cubicle cucks. At least Pouya is a machine

>> No.56843385

the DePIN narrative will send this shit to 100s of millions

>> No.56843763

>wen the best fud they got is actually positive.

Unfuddable. Bullish. This shit will pull a 10000x this cycle.

>> No.56844035

lmao at the dumb fucking $tinkies fading this project. I will shit on your plate and you will eat everything and lick the scraps when this project gets to $1b market cap and above.

This is not a jeet meme niggercoin, it's a bluechip with a low marketcap.

I also fucked your mother last night and regret it because she is brown like you. Fuck her and tell her I want my 5 rupees back. Even though I will now make it, ripping me off is unacceptable at any cost.

>> No.56844862


lmao suck the farts out of my asshole linkniggers.

Sir-Gay tongues my anus

>> No.56844887

WOW, this is an amazing low MC gem! I just spend a couple hours reading the WP and the telegram group and I am beyond impressed. They already sound like a 100 MC project and once they get everyone up and running, this thing could be in the bills during the bull run! I totally aped in and I think this is the one that will allow me to retire. Thanks so much!

>> No.56844914

fucking sarcasm troll. You are gay and stupid. Enjoy your 5% per year stinky gains nigger.

>> No.56844931

this altcoin got dumped theres no hope except for sparks coin

>> No.56844970

Lmao 2% retrace after a 30% pump. This is just the beginning. At 1% of links mcap it will be at 90M (40x from here). $KNS is a unicorn

>> No.56844990

Love this game. nothing like doing my weekly prayers with my okram representative while my slaves hide in their quarters

>> No.56845637

wait until you see the chart from today on wards to the middle of 2024

>> No.56845878

Its just the beginning
Ads cummin
They fear the samurai

>> No.56845962

has the team actually said this? theyve been notoriously useless at advertising/marketing so far. they even go as far as to deny that it's necessary. id like to see some actual marketing

>> No.56845994

Yes they said it and i saw the first ad yesterday presented in a 20k+ Crypto group.

>> No.56846034

okay thats unironically based. dont suppose you have a link to the group? surprised they didnt announce this in the chat (unless i just missed it)

>> No.56846126

Crypto News & Tech Updates telegram.
was the first i saw

>> No.56846407

So anon, you’re saying marketing has begun? The two week wait is over? Incredible news

>> No.56846432

Anon look at my ID
Chip blue prebull

What more can i say

>> No.56846462

Even the digits showing Power.

432 hz Bro healing frequency

>> No.56846888

Why can't I buy? it says it has not enough liquidity

>> No.56846891

arbitrum, not erc20

>> No.56847132
File: 101 KB, 1104x589, BE489FC0-8AF1-434F-B2C5-F1EF37B73591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chart looking bullish. This is your sign to ape in with full force