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56819874 No.56819874 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about times you have quit a job. Did it work out? Did you have a plan? Did you crash and burn?

How much money did you have on hand when you quit?

>> No.56819930

I quit on the spot several times. it always worked out because I had good reason such as the company I worked for was faking data. the next interviewer hired me after listening to my motive. the only time I couldn't bounce back and get a new job within a few weeks was when I quit due to being asked for my private medical records (vaxx status) at which point i dropped out of my 15 year career and never looked back. how dare they (and yes its every company in that industry even now 4 years later)

>> No.56819980

bump, worked at same place for 19 years and would do anything to quit, but have no formal education and only so much money (btc/link) set aside.

>> No.56819987

Nice unvaxed chads rise up

>> No.56820000

Retard, should have provided them with the medical records. If they gave you shit about being unvaxxxed or fired you you could have sued them

>> No.56820052

every time I would quit i would just stop showing up. did this to probably 10 shitty ass places. some places I worked at, I honestly don't even remember the fuckin name of the place because I would work for like 1 week, realize this is a horrific waste of life that isn't even 0.000001% worth it, and stop going. also did this for things like fedex. some fucking faggot waste of life "boss" or whatever faggot guy was on my ass telling me to hurry up day 2 unloading trucks even though I was definitely not a noob at that and doing fine so I said fuck that faggot and stopped going. Not getting bossed around by a fuckin retarded fag + they worked you like a horse. Amazon technically fired me because they have a point system so I ran out of points from skipping or being late so much. the longest job I ever held was my first job from 18-21 at kroger, but then they got some new boss at my store that was some asian retard whore and she fired me for being a few mins late too much even though I did that for 3 years straight and was consistently one of, if not the fastest cashier every month, or whatever. some other asian bitch failed me for "cheating" in college too in a fucking beginner programming class because she thought I just copy pasted with 0 proof, so I dropped out for a while and worked shit jobs for a while until I went back to a different school and graduated. this is why I hate asian women though and probably always will. anyway even though those 2 asian whores tried to ruin my life, eventually I made 500x more than I've ever even dreamed of being able to save up because of crypto. so fuck waging and fuck retard slavedrivers that try to fuck with you for no reason. worked at some game store which was awesome but I wanted to fuck my boss and she wouldn't have anything to do with it because I worked for her obviously. I quit and then started texting her again a few months later while I was working at Amazon and we started talking then fucking for years now.

>> No.56820056

I was a temporary contractor at the time

>> No.56820058

game store shut down like 1 year after i quit btw, couldn't fit that in because of the text limit. so staying there wouldn't have been a good choice anyway.

>> No.56820128

Yeah kind of

I got into a row with my boss (woman) and basically called her a fat cunt and just put my laptop on her desk and walked out. I tried the whole freelance route but it was hard to take a 25 yr old “expert” seriously. Only real benefit was I worked like 10 hours a week because I was lazy/retarded and could go to the gym 7 days a week and enjoy hobbies from my savings. After a while I got a job in recruiting for my field based on a small salary and commission. The bar for recruiters is low because it’s mostly retards who have no idea what their looking for. I on the other hand will net $180k in commissions because my job placement rate is absurdly high compared to my peers.

>> No.56820226

also had a kind of construction/development job where I got paid under the table like an illegal immigrant for like 7/hour like 4-5 years ago. was the most physically demanding shit job I've worked for dogshit pay so I basically quit after we finished renovating 2 buildings that I was working on for like 2-3 months I think. I got hired because of my friends bro, he is cool, but the guy we were working for was kinda weird and made some masturbation joke on day 1, then this other guy there would talk about how he wanted to fuck every woman that walked by, and then found out later the guy I worked for knew some bitch I fucking hated that got someone I know drunk and straight up raped him, even though it was a woman there's no questioning it was rape and the guy who got raped said she raped him. this happened years ago so what happened was she got him so drunk he couldnt even move and she was just on top of him. So after hearing that my (way older) creepyish boss was (somehow) friends with this bitch I fucking hated and just went to a party at her house or something, I just lost all motivation to keep showing up and quit.

>> No.56820989

Every time I've quit a job, I would work like a dog for 6 weeks and then quit and live on $3,000 for like 2-3 weeks and then commence a job search.
I did once have no "job" (paid under the table) for about a month and a half. it was actually a lot of fun

>> No.56821498

Each time I quit my job I didnt know what I was going to do, ive sort of been guided around work wise, always got in or suggested my jobs by family or friends. But its always worked out, every new job has had better opportunities to learn and made more money each jump. Each job I only stayed like 2 years too its sort of becoming a cycle now kinda think I should stop because I want to quit this job too despite it being a really good one.

>> No.56822046
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the pay was crap, I overheard a friend talking about another company that basically did the same thing and paid more, so I left, I think my former supervisor even cried about it while now I can afford a XOR bag

>> No.56822122

I quit an ESL job in Japan because one of the assistant principles was a gigantic cunt and hate a special hatred for me
I didn't even try to fit in to Japanese culture, which was never a problem, but it irritated him for some reason
most Japanese don't even want foreigners there, so they're fine with you not trying to fit in
Anyway, I left the country, had been there for a few years and was sick of it.
I simply left

>> No.56823457

I quit my job in an outsourcing company. Basically was writing firmware for some large Euro company and it was dreadful, like the thought of going back there was introducing bad thoughts within my head.

To be honest the job itself was okay but the company I worked for treated employees like trash even though every single one had a degree and we were paid pennies on the dollar. Colleagues were also total shit, the code was an ultimate intangible spaghetti with no comments or documentation and we were supposed to use libraries and other junk from the company we worked for, also without any examples, documentation or comments.

I didn't work a single day out of my notice but they had to pay me that last month even though I didn't work otherwise I'd sue. Anons if you work for a shitty company - interview in work time and fill job applications, go to your vacation, use up sick leave and get a doctors paper and after all of this when you return just quit the job. They can't do shit. You have to abuse the system otherwise you will be abused.

>> No.56823530

Not to fucking mention the client company managers - useless cunts that can't even operate Excel/Word. I would like to say some completely autistic shit that went out of their retarded mouths but I would be doxxing myself by doing this. The most amazing idea from the manager was to start the development of the firmware without even having anything to run it on lmao, it's basically just writing code for something that doesn't exist yet. You can't test or run the code at all because it's closely tied to the hardware.

>> No.56823594

I quit my r&d job at dupont a while back. Basically all science jobs are fake. As a white guy you're going to be a contractor. What that means is that you don't work for the company you work for a company that works for your boss. Basically I got pissed off that there were meetings about the contractors saying that we weren't supposed to get any information on the processes we were developing, the chemistry of the metal plating liquid we were using, or even what the goal of the project was. Turns out that it was because our names were never on the NDA or the project at all. So i got to work for them for a year, learn nothing and develop no skills. If you guys have any questions about the glass circuit boards that Intel is going to have in the next few years ask away I'll answer to the best of my ability.

>> No.56823904
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Is this pasta?

>> No.56823936

no I typed it out for the first time right there. do you think it should be one?

>> No.56824464

Every time you thought about quitting the past 19 years, you could have spent learning a new trade.


>> No.56824478

Wtf how

>> No.56824673
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Worked for an MSP for about 3 months, which is a company that handles multiple levels of IT management for other companies; basically out-sourced IT. I had maybe $15k total saved up when I quit.
They offered a free 3 week bootcamp which was fairly helpful, but then instead of hiring us full-time they hired us as "interns" and paid us $10.25/hr. Full-time with benefits was like $15/hr. I noticed several people who stuck around for the 3 week course didn't accept the offer -presumably over the terrible wages.

They had us assigned to teams based on their client's industry (medical, industrial, food, etc.) and each team handled 5-8 different clients. Each client could have a wildly-different tech environment. I remember one of the Tech 2's (the next-highest level than what I would be if I was F/T) had to sit in WebEx meetings with Cisco for an entire week to diagnose and resolve one of their client's network issues. I didn't want to have that much responsibility for several different company's IT; I can't imagine he was getting paid any more than $25/hr.

>> No.56824703

MSP work is OK.
Once you get out of L2, L3 hell if you work for a decent company you'll just be designing / uplifting business IT. It pays fairly well too, some places can be mid 6 figures if you're out of support hell

>> No.56824712
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Best decision of my entire life. My boss treated me like utter shit, the pay was really low and i honestly was ultra depressed. I had 10k at the time from some family inheritance or something and basically entered dexscreener and started learning everything i could about the ins and outs of the page. Then i started trading and oh my god did it make a difference

>> No.56824886

Yep, I'm aware of that. It's all about skilling up, getting certs, doing company projects etc.
The money at a higher position is enticing and the work is more dynamic.

>> No.56824898

> shitposting while wfh.
> get linkedin message
> "Hi anon, would you like to work for our company, we have xxxx benefits",
> ok
> quit my job and get a new one with 90% increase in salary
Im a 3rdie, so my expenses are really low earning in dolars,

>> No.56825402

I can relate to the feeling. I dont know why but my best friend became my boss and suddenly started treating me like i was dirt. Power corrupts people.
He made me hate my dream job

>> No.56825929

I quit at the end of 2019 and I move to Thailand for try to become a Pro mma fighter, but covid ruins all my plans, just before to reach my goal, and now Im broke and Im back to live with my parents and i put all the few money i got in to crypto

>> No.56826024

Two jobs I quit after a couple months, a few others on the after the first day or so (those were basic wagie garbage and one company that was super shady dealing with state employee pensions), and the longest I stayed at one place was 14 months. Looking for another job now, been where I’m at for 8 months and am looking to bail since there’s really nothing here for me. I steadily increased my pay every time, so there’s that. For me though I just get really bored after a certain period of time, I have a habit of being super gung ho and trying to advance yesterday whenever I start anything new, but the bureaucracy and/or limp dicked managers eventually fade it away there. I know its all the same shit at the end of the day and the only reason anyone is there is for a paycheck, but I can’t help it. I need to feel I’m at least advancing in *something*, otherwise it all feels beyond pointless unless I’d be making fuck you money as a trade off. On another note, if there’s one thing I learned about working its that the work itself isn’t even the problem most of the time, its the fucking people.
What recruiting company do you work for? I always imagined that to be wagie hell with retarded quotas and shit. Honestly I don’t think I’d be that bad as a recruiter, I’d at the very least not bullshit the guy I’m talking to and try to help them out since the plantation sucks for everyone. Then again maybe thats why I wouldn’t be hired as one lmao
Maybe not exactly circuit boards, but if true how bad is Intel? From what I can see they’re almost IBM tier irrelevant and running on fumes, only around because of boomers.

>> No.56826085

choose a coin and advance in acooming it

>> No.56826301
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I've thought about it quite a bit anon. But there's no escape for anyone. I realized recently that pretty much everyone I know who works a 9-5 experiences passive suicidal ideation. I used to think it was unusual to want to lay down in front of a train to not have to go to my job anymore, but it turns out this is probably the most common sentiment in America (just with the method of escape varying).
You can pretend like you're going to quit, but you won't. No matter how bad it gets. If you somehow manage to, you have maybe a few months of freedom before you're back in another job you grow to despise. The torture will continue. There's only one way out and I don't have the strength to do it.

>> No.56826379

it's called dca kek

>> No.56827306
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Basically since 2018 I haven't been able to keep a job for more than 2-3 months. I recently did my longest stint of 6 months or so. I actually really loved the place and work but I had to move on.

I made a good chunk from crypto and top that off with living with my parents. I can essentially work for minimum wage and still have well over a 50% savings rate.

I usually feel a deep sense of guilt working with people who are paid just enough to break even. It's really difficult to relate to people for me.

>> No.56827698
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i quiet quit - just stopped working and caring - skated like that for 6 months and they gave me the option to resign or they would fire me.
so i resigned.
fucking assholes didn't deserve me.
lucky me, a month later i found a more interesting job with a better team - yeah i took a 8% pay cut but i am still pulling down $20K a month and saving 50% of that.
also, i am due for a promotion in 3 months and i'll close that pay cut delta by 50%.
my commute is now 20 minutes a day and not 2 hours per day.
living well is the best revenge.

>> No.56827784
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>If you guys have any questions about the glass circuit boards that Intel is going to have in the next few years ask away I'll answer to the best of my ability.
Tell us more. How small can they make them? What applications were they exploring?
>mfw the glowniggers finally have audio bugs that won't show up on a metal detector just like in Harold Covington's novels