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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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568175 No.568175 [Reply] [Original]

Oh fuck oh fuck

>start business
>all legit
>realise that raffle winnings are tax free
>set a raffle ever year for my entire wage
>win it every year
>haven't paid a cent in tax in 12 years
>get visit from police
>they want to interview me in regards to tax "oddities"

..how fucked am I?

>> No.568177


>> No.568180

Between Gaddafi and a frail white child molester with a mustache in general population in Detroit City Penitentiary. Closer to #2, enjoy federal prison.

>> No.568181


You are fucking retarded beyond words, and you deserve the incredibly painful, and expensive lesson you are about to be taught.

>> No.568198


get on first plane to third world because of lax visas. you are looking at decades of jail time, if you aren't just thrown into a dark interrogation room drugged and put in a secret detention center indefinitely which has happened to a few of my buddies.

Get the fuck out, this isn't a drill

>> No.568202

OP you're a really smart guy

>> No.568230

Time to go live in Africa for a while. Like the rest of your life. Either that or enjoy a few years in jail with a free asshole expander.

>> No.568245


OP, if this is real, what the fuck are you doing still posting on 4chan.

Learn arabic. Get to dubai. ASAP.

>> No.568252

In what country?

>realise that raffle winnings are tax free
*Up to $500 dollars in most places that use English speaking law.

>> No.568255

>>realise that raffle winnings are tax free
What country?

>> No.568257


>> No.568258

Ignore them, OP, theyre only winding you up.

No, with a team of good lawyers on your side, I figure, if you can immediately pay the 12 years back taxes, plus the fine, and penalties (be about ca. 100% on top), you might only be looking at 12 months or thereabouts, -/+ another 12-24, maybe - you should be out again in around, say, 8-18 months, or so, assuming you survive The Pen?

Thats asssuming you *can* afford good lawyer team(s) tho - if not, you be indeed fucked.

>> No.568263

>having money for good lawyers
>going to jail at all
That's not how it works.

>> No.568264



>> No.568265

Yes, it is.

>> No.568277

Lol if this isn't a troll you're stupid as shit. It's easier to run a crooked business and pay taxes than it is to run an honest one and evading taxes. Government only cares about its cut.

>> No.568288

I dont see anything wrong with it. I have been running a non profit IT company for about 8 years and have not paid taxes. All my money goes to the churc. I have 4 members and we meet in my backyard every thursday.

My board members are all members of my church.

You literally don't have to pay taxes.

>> No.568313

>running an illegal lottery in australia


>> No.568326

All winnings are tax free in Ireland.

Which begs the question, why the shit aren't we a gambling mecca?

>> No.568342


Confirmed for bullshit. I'm also from australia and if there were any "oddities" you wouldn't get a visit from the police, you'd first get a visit from the ATO (our version of IRS). Police only get involved after the ATO investigates the "oddities", interviews you and decides how much you owe them, and refers you for prosecution.

>> No.568350

This. The police have literally nothing to do with tax investigation or prosecution.

>> No.568354

OP, forgot to mention, Statute of Limitations - like, if it was say, only 10 years maximum back taxes they can pursue you for (and they have a sense of humor), you could save yourself a couple of years here, result. They don't usually have Statues of Limitations on taxes tho, nor are they noted for their humor either, but, hey, its worth a shot - man as Lucky as yourself, why, you be a born winner, Dude!

And, in the event of non-bullshit (unlikely, but..) - do not, for the love of christ, even dream of speaking to either Police, Tax Authorities or Traffic Wardens without speaking to a lawyer first, seriously. The time for worrying about whether or not you can afford one would be around a decade and a bit ago, in this case.

>All winnings tax free in Ireland.
- yeah, Google & Amazon certainly noticed. The EU is gonna string you lot up by your Oirish balls for this nonsense, one day, tho ;)

>> No.568356

>Statute of Limitations
Huh? If you don't declare your income, the limitations period doesn't even start. You can't fraudulently hide a crime and then shield yourself behind a statute of limitations.

>> No.568398

This is pretty damn funny

>> No.568485

You fucked up OP. Move to North Korea

>> No.568708

Leave country NOW

>> No.568737

I thought this was to good to be true as well. Won 30 grand on the pokies, told my accountant and apparently its tax free because if they could tax winnings than you could claim on losses for tax retuyrns pretty neato. Except i think theres a limit. Forgot to ask him does anyone here know?

>> No.568751

No, you don't have to pay any tax on that if you are in aus.
>CGT Exemptions: winnings or losses from gambling, a game or a competition with prizes
Source: ato.gov.au/General/Capital-gains-tax/CGT-exemptions,-rollovers-and-concessions/Exemptions/
It's also not income taxable. Gambling is not considered a profession, it's treated as a hobby or recreational activity. It's viewed by the ATO as good luck, not income.

>> No.568752

Now if only they would be that kind with my speculative share trades and forex gambling.. Such is life!

>> No.568754

I kek'd.

I know Churches don't have to pay taxes in a lot of countries, but I wouldn't have thought it would be so easy to prove you are one. If you have gotten away with this than it is truly a massive loop hole in tax law.

>> No.569216

>realise that raffle winnings are tax free

What planet did you say you were from?

>> No.569218

Tippidy top kek. Sucks to be you, OP.

>> No.569224

If this is real, the federal government is going to do what they do best. They're going to fuck you up.

>> No.569232
File: 15 KB, 300x197, 103948578389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better lube up your asshole, a pack of niggers is coming to rape you.

>> No.569247

>hurrr theres no crime in being a bad business man

you will only go to jail op if you DO NOT pay the money you owe them.. they only WANT the money you OWE them

>> No.569274

Ok OP its time to try and hide why you didn't pay taxes.

Donate the 12 years of tax to a charity (set up by you) and forge receipts.

Or you could do what they did in breaking bad and pay a hooker to pretend to be a really shit accountant for you.

>> No.569284

Exactly, they want you to pay, you don't bring in any money when you're in jail.

>> No.569318

forex spread betting is tax free for me her in uk :) jelly fgt?

>> No.569321
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1393808033410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you do, private prison is megabux.

>> No.569323

mind explaining the process in detail? I am soon to own a hairdressing salon, would this be possible to do through my type of business? are u paying what you would anyway to the church or are u somehow keeping 100 percent of your income? thanks.