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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5681670 No.5681670 [Reply] [Original]

Feast on this stinkies


>> No.5681742

yummy thx op

>> No.5681755
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>Note: Numbers are completely made-up and are not representative of a released network

>> No.5681808

delicious linkpool mmmm

>> No.5681873
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you guys know that they can take your linkies all away if your pool chief is an asshat. Maybe other circumstances. Ever thought about that?

>> No.5681911

>Hold Link for a year, suffer through hell and back
>Made it
>Linkpool owner steals it all

>> No.5681942

>hurrr people can scam and steal from you
No shit.
This applies to literally everything that ever existed.

>> No.5681969
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me linkies no one take or kill

>> No.5682111
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no, it's by design that "problematic" nodes get punished and then sergey takes all your linkies to buy more burgers. Don't tell me this doesn't open a completely new attack vector. Some asshat just puts up a more reliable node than yours, and it's all over. There won't be even time to say goodbye to your linkies, for for nazarovs's sake.

>> No.5682177


just stake your link to a reliable node. Someone start a Whites only node. No pajeets, no chinks. Sergey would love that.

>> No.5682224

Read the white paper. You only get penalized under specific conditions regarding misbehavior as laid down in the SLA.
There has to be foul play for a node to lose their Link.

And I'm sure a Link pool would have an agreement (smart contract) of its own to safeguard Link poolers from foul play by the node.

>> No.5682261
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>a Link pool would have an agreement (smart contract) of its own to safeguard Link poolers from foul play by the node.
and..and would there be another smart contract to safeguard this agreement from foul play?

>> No.5682292

That doesn't make sense, trenchskull.

>> No.5682311

I wonder how much link a node can get up to before it is no longer beneficial. If it turns out to be very little all this hard work on linkpools will be worthless :(

>> No.5682349

>I wonder how much link a node can get up to before it is no longer beneficial.
Pretty sure that would depend on how much other nodes are staking.

>> No.5682354



Fucking kekd

>> No.5682389
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This >>5682224

this will discourage a node from piggy backing other nodes by just copying their answer.

their test for this is pretty cool, literally just read the white paper

>> No.5682420


Thats the best case scenario isn't it. When every node is fighting for the tiniest possible advantage they go well beyond the point of diminishing returns and hoard unimaginable numbers of link tokens.

>> No.5682423

>and..and would there be another smart contract to safeguard this agreement from foul play?
Quantstamp could do that.

>> No.5682465
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and what if I make a random number generator service oracle node, and always return 4 (by fair dice roll)?

>> No.5682479

The Chainlink network is going to be a free market with competing nodes.
That's one of the key advantages of the decentralization.
Can't wait for mainnet release.

>> No.5682498
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How can I, as a dumb NEET find data valuable enough to setup a node for that people will use? I'm really motivated to be a important part of the Link cause. I'm sitting on a ton of Link and want to actually use it for it's intended purpose.

>> No.5682509

so, will we get extra links during the testnet or no?

>> No.5682533

Linkpool owner can't steal shit, it would be an open smartcontract. The only potential issue is that they are not reliable enough and the node lose its stack

>> No.5682614

>How can I, as a dumb NEET find data valuable enough to setup a node for that people will use?
Look up PSD2.
In 2018, banks are going to be forced to render their internal data available to third-party providers.
It's almost unbelievable that this is happening right when Chainlink is going to go live.

>> No.5682615
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>The only potential issue is that they are not reliable enough and the node lose its stack

>> No.5682626

Once the mainnet is online assignments will be generated from customer requests. You'll literally just have to pick and choose what data you think you can provide.

>> No.5682678

it is as if SWIFT and BNP Paribas has worked together with Chainlink

>> No.5682711

PSD2 is an EU directive, it has nothing to do with Chainlink's connections.

>> No.5682772

do you even realize what smart contracts are good for?

>> No.5682778

>In 2018, banks are going to be forced to render their internal data available to third-party providers.
I thought EU love banks. Why are they doing this?

>> No.5682854
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yes. Have you ever heard about Gödel's incompleteness theorems?

>> No.5682897
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>tfw your link stack will let you never again work a day in your life
COMFIEST of holds.

>> No.5682981

Just google it. There's tons of info out there.

>> No.5683041

who's making the /biz/ node we can all stake to.

Other than the node operator fund-funded nodes /biz/ collectively unironically quite possibly controls the most LINK among people that have a chance of coordinated action. A few /biz/ nodes would be comfy af

>> No.5683043

no i am not a mathematician nor a logician. but from what i understand from the wikipedia article it means that some things can be assumed to be true without being proven (some mathematical axioms for example) - given the system in which these axioms are used is already strong (or established) enough.

now what does that have to do with smart contracts?

>> No.5683121
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>> No.5683358

Now a good time to buy some link?

>> No.5683399


yes it just dipped, hurry, it's supposed to be $1 eoy, easy 2x

>> No.5683419

it looks like it is still going to drop a bit

>> No.5683423

Get in around 4050 (dont know the equivalent with ETH, I trade with BTC)

>> No.5683462

its fluctuating between 4093 and 30 ish

>> No.5683473

This is why quanstamp is coming to the moon with us

>> No.5683497
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>> No.5683527

You won't be "finding" """"valuable"""" data, you dumb fucks.

>> No.5683590
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>some things can be assumed to be true without being proven
no. Some things *are* true and can't be proven true. But that's only one side of the coin. Some things *are* false but can not be falsified. Very dangerous. It means that *any* system has a weak spot, and if touched, everything is going to blow up. :D :D :D

>> No.5683618

Is there a minimum amount of links we can stake. I only have 3800, bc in poor. Debating selling all of my other coins to get more

>> No.5683625

I want to transfer from coinbase to gdax to binance right for no fees?

>> No.5683687


nigger i don't know, I was just being nice. the time to buy was a month ago when everyone was shilling it.

>> No.5683704

Im not on my comluter to check the indicators but 4050 seems like a really good buy, unless it crashes that is.
I think its getting support now to reach 6k
4025 ish is the bottom in that case, 4050 is an easy and good buy in point

>> No.5683725

this just in: BTc is going up again...

>> No.5683761

No minimum needed
But what else are you holding that is this promising? Get safe bets (eth?) and LINK

>> No.5683813

Why not coinbase to binance directly?

>> No.5683826

okay, got it thx.

but then that is true for every system in the world and therefore having your link staked in a LinkPool smartcontract wouldn't be any riskier than keeping them in a wallet or having fiat in your bank account.
furthermore just because we assume (or even know) that every system has a weak spot, does not mean that weak spot can be found in a reasonable amount of time.

what makes you think that a trustless smart contract would be more vulnerable than something else?

>> No.5683831


Make sure you transfer eth from gdax, not btc

>> No.5683833

there is a trasnsfer fee

>> No.5683874


>> No.5683932

>missed the dip

>> No.5683941
File: 111 KB, 655x977, fuuuugggggg^fuuuuug^fuuuuug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but then that is true for every system in the world
absolutely. The solution is to have infinitely many safeguards, one after the other, protecting the previous system. :D :D :D

>> No.5683950


it really doesn't matter right now. I sent 1 eth out of coinbase last night and it was 30c. Just be wary in case the network gets fucked again.

>> No.5683990
File: 179 KB, 1600x905, they are coming for LINK!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5684040

Thats true
Eth is cheaper and faster

>> No.5684139

Its gonna go down again...

>> No.5684252

that 3800 will be $380,000 in 2018

>> No.5684361

ETH will cost you 30 cents in fees and 5 minutes to transfer, BTC will cost you 30 dollars and 48 hours to transfer.

>> No.5684407

Dude I get my first paycheck at this job in 2 weeks
Why could it not wait

>> No.5684734

>safe bets

Sorry, EOS is going to flip ETH in 2018. Easily

>> No.5684943

its all good mane

>> No.5685787

If people use ethereum for a smart contract and use chainlink to pull the data wouldnt that be a double layer fee making mart contracts more expensive? Could this hurt ethereum's value

>> No.5686386

whats the recommended time period to be watching charts? 15 mins? 1 hour?

>> No.5686458
