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56814679 No.56814679 [Reply] [Original]

After having a near death experience I have reduced how much I put in on my retirement. You can't enjoy your money once you're dead. At my peak it was $2000 a month

>> No.56814689

thank you for your blog, remember that Israel has no right to exist

>> No.56814700
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What an ugly ass kitchen.

>> No.56814765

>we need someone that can successfully dab on the basketball american audience
say no more famalam

>> No.56815075

you're supposed to pass it on to your hellspawn you selfish prick

>> No.56816614

I'll help them but not spoil them

>> No.56817008


What was it like, bro? Any sense that there's anything after death or eternal fucking darkness?

>> No.56817034

You’re going to need that money in retirement because inflation isn’t going to stop. You don’t want to be homeless when you’re elderly.

>> No.56817048

Nah I passed out and woke up in the ER. I'm surprised anyone found me

>> No.56817185

Tell us more

>> No.56817196

You can die from withdrawals, apparently

>> No.56817257


Alcohol or what? I’m struggling with addiction too

>> No.56817267

Alcohol and benzos so if you're highly dependent on it might wanna go to the detox center

>> No.56817471


Honestly sounds scary. I mean, it's good that there was no pain and it was like lights out. But fuck, imagine if that's it.

We all get the Tony Soprano fade to black ending and then nothing. You never knew what hit you.

>> No.56817492

thats like the one lethal combination when it comes to DONT mix drugs and alcohol. they act together to shut down your respiratory system

>> No.56817562

Yeah yeah, we can't all be little pussies with gay little lives that are worth living

>> No.56817584

I don’t enjoy spending money. I enjoy living my life without worrying about money when I need things. Playing tax games with retirement accounts gives me that freedom.

>> No.56817598

Don't know about that but withdrawals from either can be deadly.

I've never really cared about cars or clothes but I've been spending more money on food

>> No.56817619

Have children, as many as possible. raise them right. When they're starting out as adults, give them your money to buy houses, build their own families, get started in life. When you're old, they take care of you.

>> No.56817668

Why don't YOU have tons of kids

>> No.56817687

it was nothing and he woke up
it's no different than being born
so there is no death really

>> No.56817729

Why do people post this girl who is shs

>> No.56817741

I experienced eternal darkness once. It’s the worst feeling ever everything is dark and nothingness silent but your mind is there without even your head or body and all you think of is your loved ones.

>> No.56817742

I want her to look at me like this when I prematurely ejaculate

>> No.56817747

So should I just job hop in low paying job, max my Roth IRA, and fuck hookers in Thailand with whatever I have left over from my frugality?

I have this idea that I should settle for 2 week-1 month vacations until I die and have a comfy retirement but i also want to coom in thousands of girls across the world

>> No.56817750
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After death is judgement. And after judgement eternity. Hell or heaven. People who have near death experiences or 'died' and came back to life are not reliable, as the devil is very capable of such deceptions.

>> No.56817784

Actually it’s the intoxication of the two. Benzo and alc combo is literally the worst one for rec drugs

>> No.56817789

I'm still saving buy I'm not putting anything off till retirement. I'm enjoying most of what I earn. Imagine working your ass off in your 20s & 30s to just die before you're 40

>> No.56817796

Mixing booze and drugs is the best feeling ever tho

>> No.56817803

How to enjoy money? What to spend it on?

>> No.56817816

Food, bought a more expensive phone where as I used to just buy the cheap Motorola ones, I've travelled more, don't care about cars or clothes

>> No.56818227

retirement funds are fucking retarded, you can just not be a dumb consoooomer and have the money in your bank or regular savings account gaining interest, where you can withdraw at any time

i will NEVER have a retirement fund

>> No.56818253

>After death is judgement
tsmt, that's why you should be very afraid of Allah's judgment.
Stop praying to the false god (Christ) because he wasn't the god's child. God has no child.

>> No.56818305

Nobody knows what happens tomorrow. Enj0y today to the fullest but also bear in mind that investing is good for the future. That's why I'm also into some solid assets such as eth, atom, xtp and cro. Something as tangible as the crypto payment sector you know.

>> No.56818406

It's what you make of it. There is no darkness without light

>> No.56818416

>my sky daddy can beat your sky daddy up
The good news is, there is plenty of room left in your mental development. The bad news? It almost certainly won't happen.

>> No.56818465

I tried the combo once at a mates house, it made me jerk off standing up

>> No.56818478
File: 136 KB, 988x1536, F20eYwJXoAABLg8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If God has no Son then He is not Father. Jesus Christ Himself admitted He was the Son of God.

Your allah is the devil, mohammet was a false prophet who contradicted Christ at every turn.
Go back to r eddit. Go read something about first causes so you actually understand what God is and the reality you live in and the existence you have been given.

>> No.56818483

really sad that you had to almost die before you realized you have to live when you are young lmao, money means nothing when you are old. its over when you retire.

>> No.56818485

This is wrong. Evil is a deprivation if good. There was only good (God) and evil came when the devil disobeyed. Satan means adversary

>> No.56819039

Please watch this short video anon


>> No.56820608

i like her kitchen. I also like her. In my dreams I would have both.

>> No.56821404

>really sad that you had to almost die before you realized you have to live when you are young lmao, money means nothing when you are old. its over when you retire.

My high school and college buddies were all doing that. I guess peer pressure got to me