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56814510 No.56814510 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/. Have a long-term astrological project going and hope to make some money. How to protect my IP?

>> No.56814555
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My project essentially combines an ephemeris with an aspectarian and focuses on lunar arcs. It is kind of technical, and for the intermediate to advanced practitioners. I’ve put a lot of work into it and don’t want to get screwed by unscrupulous characters. This could be my ticket out of wage slavery.

>> No.56814588
File: 140 KB, 1200x801, 4C228371-4292-42E1-A3FF-A2D5CB394D99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve looked online to the copyright office, but it seems kinda complicated. Anyone have experience with the process? Or anyone interested in the art and science of astrology? I’d be happy to answer any questions.

>> No.56814626

One shameless self-bump before I let this thread die.

>> No.56814655

how well does it work?

>> No.56814751

It is very accurate, if that’s what you mean. Each card shows lunar and planetary aspects to the tenth of an arc minute.

>> No.56814787

It is more accurate than any online tool, and has all the info for all aspects in any given lunar arc. Each card has about three days’ worth of aspects, and gives a great snapshot as to what is happening in the skies. Shows times, aspects, signs.

>> No.56814830

To be clear, the project is a series of cards. Thirteen cards equals thirteen arcs per month, with a total of around 140 cards per set.jwk

>> No.56815314

>nice a astro shitcoin ill bu-
Oh it is cards... get a copyright lawyer if you want a real answer highly doubt you can IP protect with free info. That shit takes paperwork and the jew fees that come with it.
By design so you consult lawyers, good luck

>> No.56815355

if there are "cards" then you will have copyright on them
you could also publish book or course and both will be protected by copyright


I strongly suspect that in this line of business having your own "special method" is key differentiator, same as for example in investment gurus or personal trainers, you could offer paid certification, but without big costly marketing push no one gonna bite

also how do you think copyright protects you? it's NOT automatic, the police will not gonna use violence on people who infringe - no, no, it's up to you to sue them and it's costly

and who you gonna sue?

that broke weirdo who did a photocopy for his practice?
pointless waste of time

or the fake company from alibaba who will offer the exact copy 50% cheaper as soon as you gain some traction?
never gonna win with scammers

I would invest in marketing and brand recognition instead, copyright protects the big player

>> No.56815370

how can i turn this into buy/sell signals

>> No.56815383

checked. but what >>56814555 and what >>56814830

>> No.56815397

>register the cards and the rulebook like it was a game
If someone takes the concept and revolves it in a different way it will be hard to prove he stole from you tho

>> No.56815804
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Thought this would be a dead thread. Thanks for the advice, /biz/. Some of you are all right. Guess I’ll lawyer up and hope for the best.

>> No.56815862

Lunar arcs do not have any audience really. If you want to sell this product, I recommend creating content that tells people why they need it. if you can do so convincingly, it'll sell well. Otherwise, create the product and look up how to fucking copyright you lazy twat.

>> No.56816116
File: 59 KB, 1254x836, D94405DC-E21C-4357-BC85-4B048ACE606B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be a lot of fun at parties, Anon.
Stay salty. Here is your (you).

>> No.56817226

Lunar arc has a big audience on milady twitter