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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 400x400, cs2_finance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56813683 No.56813683 [Reply] [Original]

There is this rumor running around that Valve is planning to launch its cryptocurrency project. My friend told me that they are planning to bring NFTs to CS2. What do you think?

>> No.56813741

it's been shilled here, it is cs2 finance

>> No.56813758

Stop a think for second why Valve would have any interest at all in using NFTs in CS2. What would it accomplish?

>> No.56813772

WUT WUT WUT Am I hearing correctly that my holds now become NFTs?

>> No.56813799

Probably nothing, but if they are predicting an incoming bull run and broad acceptance of NFT technology, they would be forced to incorporate NFTs inside CS2.

>> No.56813816

what if they make an actually fungable token, instead of NFTs

>> No.56813828

cool another project from them that fits their child casino product
evil ass company

>> No.56813875

Well, I don’t care if it’s evil. The only thing I care if it prints

>> No.56813894

LOL nft's are dead. Valve wants nothing to do them

>> No.56814097

For now, but What if there will be another bullrun?

>> No.56814104

any of yall mfers got that there valve index?

>> No.56814133

>what if they make an actually fungable token, instead of NFTs
They will never let a corporation mainstream monero. It would also crash bitcoin to a 100$

>> No.56814178

i think it's stupid too but it would open up the market, creating more opportunities to launder money through them, putting the price up and creating more profit and buzz for valve

>> No.56814370

It’a coming without doubt

>> No.56814485

What if they actually made HL3 instead of stupid nft bullshit?

>> No.56814523

what if they make HL3 NTFs half a decade before launching HL3

>> No.56814641
File: 26 KB, 185x299, Screenshot 2023-11-29 190357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is your friend this nigga perchance?
in all seriousness if they take that move they will lose a lot of goodwill and such. but who knows, they could normalize nfts a little bit, maybe. ubisoft failed and squenix failed because both are already hated companies but valve has a lot of rep with gaymers. i know blocklords is trying to launch on steam, and if that goes through ill believe this conspiracy theory a bit more.

>> No.56814662

I hardly believe Cs2finance turning into a NFT gateway

>> No.56814677

half life 3 comes out first than an nft game on steam

>> No.56814686
File: 314 KB, 756x407, 3eht1c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... consider this.
Valve knows users resell items using third parties online. They have to. It's big shit.
Why not rather than hinder this, enable it by making the items tradable on dex, using crypto infrastructure for dapps for item trading. Everything stays legit because of the transparency and prices can do as they may on and off the game.

I don't think Valve would get into crypto. There's an inherent taboo to crypto that I don't think they would feel safe living with.

>> No.56814687

weapons in cs2 are another damn speculative market, the last straw would be if they turned them into NFTs

>> No.56814693

I hardly believe NFTs and crypto games are dead.

They just need real studios to get fucking innit, and no fucking nobodies or garage chimps on their old mother's laptop.

>> No.56814697


>> No.56814699

Like if you buy an AK, you also get delivered an AK to your house?

>> No.56814703

OP is just shilling his shitty website to buy and sell skins with crapto. Steam is never allowing nfts that's for nigger competitors like Epic. Blocklords IS in epic to begin with so stay in your hood.

>> No.56814706
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>> No.56814707

me. waste of a thousand dollars, the novelty wears of kind of quickly. vr porn is really fun though.

>> No.56814718

The last time video games mixed with the crypto world, things went pretty badly.

>> No.56814725
File: 12 KB, 400x300, 1609195012985019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very much this.
>accomplishes nothing
>overcomplicates the market with extra steps for no reason
>brings in a lot of bad reputation to their pristine IP and the #1 game marketplace in the world
>also brings in insufferable, annoying cryptobros
Such a retarded thing to do. They will never.

>> No.56814728

Heh, that was me. Sorry.

>> No.56814739

NFT games being accepted on steam is way more realistic over them themselves getting their hands on the technology to begin with. That would shut down yet another door for Epic to gain market share, but that's about it.

They are a business and they've done a lot of shady shit before, this would net them a handful of bad new headlines and videos from gay influencers but that's about it. Nothing will come out of it

>> No.56814754

It's also a lot of work for them by them and verification for any third parties and partnerships and goddamn. For what, to make little Timmy and his friends rich?

>> No.56815234

GTA 6 is going to use crypto than why not cs2?

>> No.56816159

Valve is NOT doing this.

>> No.56816205
File: 5 KB, 183x275, lynn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my uncle is CEO of valve and i confirms it is true

>> No.56816234


>> No.56818078

so it's finally coming, nice

>> No.56818084

No they wouldn't. Shut the fuck up and put a bullet in your head

>> No.56818096
File: 13 KB, 608x313, 0zqe49ixheja1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your supersecret cryptocurrency.

>> No.56818115

Maybe they should make CS2 playable and not the broken pos it is.

>> No.56818377

Imagine if Keys would be nfts

>> No.56818418

fucking samefag, this is the cheapest jeet shill attempt i have ever seen on this board. you unironically should get fired no matter how little they pay you because you're so terrible at what you're doing.

>> No.56818440

>Get 5% of fees on what would assuredly be hundreds of billions of volume
Haha, yeah they would never.

>> No.56819531

No. They make way more with their closed marketplace approach. You are fucking retarded :)