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56813597 No.56813597 [Reply] [Original]

Moreover life after 25 is a sham. The only thing that matters is:
>Your looks from 15-23
>How fast you were at sprinting in grade school
>How popular you were in high school
>How many hotties hit on you at your party time summer jobs
>Whether adults said you were "gifted" and had "potential"
>If you were prodigious at a sport during school
>If you were better at drawing than your friends ( spatial IQ not)
>If you picked up math in middle school easily
>Had sex in high school especially with a teacher or popular girl

All """achievements""" past the age of 22 are utterly worthless and a cope for not having one of the above. Potential matters more than reality as dreams will always be superior to the real.

>> No.56813626

I had tons of teenage sex but am a loser now. It’s nice to reminisce about the past but I’d rather be successful now and lost my virginity later then be a chad in my youth and a loser in my adult years

>> No.56813632

ESL detected
If you want to convince anyone that you're not studying English from a tutor or Californian exchange assisted language teacher drop it.

>> No.56813655

OP peaked in high school and is coping.

>> No.56813664

fucking an 18yo at 18 < fucking an 18yo at 30

>> No.56813740

There's nothing sadder than someone peaking in highschool. You'll not only have a fat wife like other losers but when you were at your best you wore a tight seashell necklace lmao.

>> No.56813763


>> No.56813787

>t.trannies who think graduating with a CS degree and having 30K in crypto means anything

>> No.56813791
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Cool demoralization thread. I can't control the past but I can control my future. Kys, you clearly peaked in hs. Sage

>> No.56813807
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, IMG_2846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I cope with not getting to touch a pussy until I was an adult. There’s no cope that can save me

>> No.56813841

Why do retards like you get hung up on age? Getting old is the process of life. If you refuse to accept that then you are the literal definition of retarded.

>> No.56813907

Fornication is a bad thing. Stop beating yourself up for not having been a filthy libertine in your youth and embrace healthy, godly sexuality.

>> No.56813914

They’re depressed anyway, age is just the scapegoat

>> No.56813942

You can't live in the past OP, there is a life now even if you hate it because you peaked in highschool, give it your best shot so you can also be happy with your current self...it won't help you being stuck and constantly reminiscing about the past.

>> No.56813945

hey OP here, im on my ipad
im sorry im such a ginormous faggot i wont post this drivel ever again

>> No.56813971

This post was written by a loser in his last year of highschool desperately hoping he will turn it around in college

>> No.56814040
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mfw my both highschool and adult life are cringe

>> No.56814076
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cs degree and have 11k in crypto.

idgaf, cause the statists ain't getting my money

>> No.56814121
File: 808 KB, 1079x1211, GTmGuhH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not even demoralizing. Your demoralizing attempt is the most demoralizing. You truly think someone is stupid enough to believe one third of a life is all matters ? You're not even finished in the prefrontal cortex area !!


>> No.56814138

i can only imagine how pathetic you are if this is how you think lmao

>> No.56814143

The people replying to OP are bigger losers than the jdif shill himself. Be shamed.

>> No.56814149

>acitvate ze demoralization psyop

>> No.56814189

I was fat, ugly, had no friends, and was unathletic. Now I'm a multimillionaire and living an amazing "fairytale" life so highschool nostalgiooors can get fucked.

>> No.56814214

I was popular in school, good at math, got called gifted and was one of the art kids who was good at drawing. Life still improved dramatically once I grew up and left school. If you're not already rich by 22, then you're going to still be broke and/or living under the thumb of your parents. The ideal situation would be to have money at that age, but that's not the reality for 99% of people. None of that other shit matters

>> No.56814480

Idgaf, I did most of the things you described and I'm not happy with any, I just want to marry and I'm pretty sure that will not happen unless I change my life, I just wanna be happy, have something to give to my wife and not having to worry about being called a jeet on Beoble when people see my holdings kek

>> No.56814562

Kek, based

>> No.56814874

You're poor and a tard, no shit no woman likes you

>> No.56814879

Pursue your dreams anon, that's all you need to do

>> No.56814907
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I will fuck your wife and steal your crypto

>> No.56814931

You literally sound 12. At 25 you’re supposed to realize that life sucks and you have to be under your own liberty. I joined the Army at 18 fucked tons of women and did the most basic work and was able to immediately get out and be my own person. Got out and then got a CS degree, it helps if you didn’t immediately get pregnant or fat. But by 25 yeah you’re supposed to be starting to wake up to needing to be more productive in life to having a goal.

There is nothing wrong with living with your parents even until 30, but what you exchange is having a real life making real connections you couldn’t because you’re forced under the validity of someone who might not have your best personal interests.

If you focus on the glory of the past you quite literally start decaying.

>> No.56815235

I was trying to remember people from high school recently and I realized I couldn't even place at least 95% of their names
Going back to grade school it's all discarded
I can't imagine going through life reminiscing on playground races

>> No.56815240

Name 3 accomplishments. And no, getting a degree or a job doesn't count. I mean something exceptional. Are you a great man like Napoleon? Have you taken a leap of faith and did what lesser man refuse ala Raskolnikov? Are you a genius? Post your thesis. Doubt you're anything more than organic waste. Pathetic.

>> No.56815249

Instead you get a fight or flight response from talking to office harpies and office males who might as well be women judging by their actions. "Growing up" is inherently feminine

>> No.56815272

>>/r9k/ doomer post if I ever saw one
I lived what you losers would call a chad life for the first 25 years of my life, everything OP posted were a given. Now I'm a depressed 35 year old loser who's terminally online while all my friends have families.

>> No.56815274

>hurr durr just have the right genes or you are doomed

>> No.56815287

Uh yeah. Polcels always believe the same thing

>> No.56815601

1. Getting the highest capstone grade out of anyone in my graduating class in high school
2. Being the first in my family to go to college and actually use his degree
3. Fucked the wife of a master sergeant while enlisted in AIT
4. The ability to race luxury cars during the summer and owning motorcycles as a past time
5. I’m 6’4

an accomplishment is something you achieve irrespective of what they can win in life.

Oh you were the fastest 100m dash in high school? Try using that past 25 in an adult setting.

>> No.56815638

KEK know a guy who peaked in high school just like you faggot he got all the bitches and now he works at wingstop and is a brokie that reminisces about his high school days

>> No.56816242

If you only lived a “Chad life” until 25, your life is not Chad. Fucking retard.

>> No.56816410

>Educated at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, Cromwell was elected MP for Huntingdon in 1628. The first 40 years of his life were undistinguished and at one point he contemplated emigration to New England.

>> No.56816418

>high school
I can't even remember high school

>> No.56816461

my favorite thing about the OP is the obvious bitterness oozing out of all of his posts
this dude never had, and will never know what any of those experiences are actually like and all he can do now is project on the business and finance board of 4chan

>> No.56816513

Ok i don’t care about any of it, but being able to FUCK a master sarg wife IN the restrictive place that is AIT is a hell of an accomplishment

>> No.56816791

god created this world exactly for these superficial things and I bet hes so proud of it too. god is such a stupid fucking redditor

>> No.56816826
File: 34 KB, 736x717, 1577203524926646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 26 and I've never had sex. I was also the fastest sprinter in my grade school.

>> No.56816832

Don't feel bad, I didn't hit my stride till later either.

>> No.56816849

I have none of this, and I am pretty sure most of my ancestors weren’t exactly “top specimen” either, yet they had a wife
I am entitled to one to, because I am productive
Otherwise what’s the point of me contributing?

>> No.56817526

contributing to what

>> No.56817672


>> No.56817753

To society

>> No.56817764

Lol, you serious?

>> No.56817770

lmao, are you gonna run around like a teenager doing stuff for someone else's money?

>> No.56817828

op confirmed woman
men don't expire like your uterus, sorry

>> No.56817844

Niggers I literally said >>56816849
That there is NO POINT contributing when society refuses to provide you with something as basic as a family (that provided for generations before you)
Infact the only reason this culture of “defend women, children and tribe” developed was because of the fact that it provided them with those things in the first place.
When your nations hates you, and don’t want to provide you with a family; there is no point to defend it.

>> No.56818466

That's incel talk, stop getting your life values from early 2000s teenage movies

>> No.56818496

"Societety" isn't a person, you're not doing anything for it and it will never provides you with anything.
You work because you get paid, you'll keep working because you want the money, wife or not.
To get a wife you need to convince a woman that you'll make a good husband, that's it. It's not hard, most people eventually get married, for those who don't its most often because they don't want.

There is no place in which "society" just provides a wife. My grandparents are from a traditional islamic country, and even there to get a wife you need to convince both the girl AND her father that you'll make a good husband. Things are easier than in the west because women aren't spoiled by years of hookup culture before getting married, but you still have to put yourself out there and have people like you and want you. There's no magical society fairy that's going to reward you for being a good boy.

>> No.56818597

peak early and then struggle later? no thx, i's rather retire early and fuck bitches later

>> No.56820196


>> No.56820337

Age of consent is around 16 in most places. You can fuck a high schooler at age 70 if you want, if that is your definition of success in life.

>> No.56820389
File: 114 KB, 680x834, IMG_4597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you nigger, the only demotivator is you stupid pajeet for sure you are ETH holder and Vitalik boner praising nigger

>> No.56820871

you mean GloboHomo?
thanks for the taxes goy it will be well spent giving EBT money for people to stuff their bmws with while you toil

>> No.56820959

Heavily over-mothered.

>> No.56820992

Dude you lost trying to answer it. Lmao @ you.

>> No.56821027

Why is 4chan like this now, where is the love?

>> No.56821157

OP is a retarded quitter and The Boys is eyeslop garbage. Fuck you.

>> No.56821515

That isn't money, they don't want it lel

>> No.56821644

This is funny. Good job. I had an actual laugh.
Now go fuck yourself.

>> No.56822287

Good luck with your nightshift, maybe you can find 10 minutes to wank to your teenage memories in the restroom

>> No.56822316

Nigger can you read? Here this was me>>56817844

>> No.56822352

>there is no place
Yet for thousands of years, this was the role of society to provide a wife and instead expect me to die for it
It can’t? Oh then I am sorry that I don’t have any loyalty to it; or the people living in it anymore
You are right, I work to get paid, but that’s the extent of my “contribution” to it, unlike my father or grandfather who genuinely cared about the well being of neighbors.

>> No.56822385

Having teenage sex also makes you a loser. You missed out on having a meaningful marriage and wholesome future.