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56812105 No.56812105 [Reply] [Original]

70% BTC, 30% to gambles (sell 1/2 at a 2x, let it ride through the bull). It's that simple.

>> No.56812280

>5 fig poorfag
>main hold is BTC
>second hold
>bought the top of a 10000x pump to pretend you had any gains with it
>the rest
>zero-bound garbage, an insult to memecoins

God, you're retarded. Enjoy your x1.5 gains by 2025

>> No.56812296

imagine having 75% btc in your portfolio

>> No.56812299

Can I have some? You aren't doing anything with it

>> No.56812310
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Do mine, sir

>> No.56812313
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what would you do differently? let's hear it

>> No.56812395

Your portfolio isn't bad. 2 bitcoin is great.

However, your alt choices are bizarre at best. Kaspa can pump another 10x in the bull, but GROK is a passing meme at best (another 10x potential, you might as well throw it into Kaspa at this point) and you don't have nearly enough money to get great returns off of TRUMP from this point forward.

If you don't have any cash left to burn, I'd say either sell 1 bitcoin to throw it all into TRUMP or sell TRUMP & GROK for Kaspa.

I'd rate your folio 5/10.

>> No.56812443

Hmm how would you rate:
A) 70% LINK 30% AVAX
B) 50% BTC 50% KASPA
C) 90% KASPA 10% TRUMP

>> No.56812461

I asked you can I have some? You aren't doing anything with it at all, I will return the investment
What do you care what I would do with something you aren't using?

>> No.56812468

Swap the btc to kas and our portfolios are nearly identical... except mine is much larger
This is the only time I've ever seen someone admit he holds Ada
I'd say it's fine for a risk averse crypto portfolio. This advice would shift it toward a make-it portfolio.

>> No.56812535

> A) 4/10 (sorry but this would be an even worse folio - AVAX might get a good pump if the gaming narrative stays alive and LINK will pump ok, but this folio really isn't better than the one you already have)
> B) 7/10 (this is a solid safe folio, not perfect but at least it's good consolidation and probably the best out of these 3 choices)
> C) 8/10 (you'd have a little over $9k in TRUMP in this scenario, which could net pretty solid returns if the election season looks upon it favorably (20x from here possibly); 90% in KASPA will pretty much give a 10x boost to your portfolio totals in the coming bullrun - thereby netting you a little over $1m if you're lucky)

Now, I wouldn't recommend you suddenly go for choice B or C immediately without doing your due research. If I had to choose of your 3 above, I'd go with C.

>> No.56812596

What makes you particularly bullish on KAS? I like that it's a new cycle coin and not on any exchanges but it just spooks me how much it's pumped within 2 years
I appreciate your analysis anon. Your logic is pretty spot on. With that said, what would you consider a 10/10?

>> No.56812633

Bro that's a terrible folio

>> No.56812656

The trilemma is solved with kas. Best devs in crypto. The hash rate keeps going up.

>> No.56812668

fake shill portfolio
one of the best I've seen recently. ether and cardano have good risk/reward currently.

>> No.56812677

A 10/10 folio would be one comprising entirely of new cycle coins (not exposed to a prior bullrun), one of each touching a different hype narrative (one RWA, one gaming, etc.), up to perhaps 4 coins at most. 3 would be better really. Also, at least a couple of the coins should be sub-$100m market cap to ensure at least a 10x if not a 50-100x (honestly though, targeting 50-100x is an extremely risky strategy that often backfires so it's best to go for the 10-30x coins that have a huge social media following to ensure potential pumpage).

I got burned badly by fomo in the last cycle and missing out on gems in the bear. I'm only passing knowledge based on what I've learned from my mistakes. Not an expert, but glad to help. I'd recommend talking to quite a few others before making a final decision, my recommendations could wind up backfiring on you as I can't predict the future.

>> No.56812690
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Let's see Paul Allen's portfolio.

>> No.56812713


>> No.56812721

>Look at that majority Bitcoin allocation. The tasteful non-biz alts. Oh, my God. It even has ordinals.

Also have 40 Bitmaps.

>> No.56812853

Hey anon idk what to tell you but you bought the wrong Bitcoin. The ticker is what ur lookin for if you want this “God” portfolio

>> No.56812963
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what do you believe the downsides are?
great advice, thank you.
What narrative would you say KAS plays into? TRUMP obviously leans into the election.
> RWA, gaming
Yeah I was looking into NXRA and DOMI. They seem fairly solid and new. DOMI launched when the bull ended Dec 2021, not sure if you see a redflag in that
yeah that one's pretty funny. Might as well just go for KAS for less risk same reward imo. Looks like it's been dumping nonstop since Aug too

>> No.56813024

60%btc 40% link, don't waste your btc on meme shitcoins

>> No.56813043

people said the same shit baout decred how it's "better bitcoin"

>> No.56813082

that will at most 2x

>> No.56813812
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You ain't seen nothing yet.
Raised link allocation. A little more than an Eth staking stack. Some BTC to round it up. And, finally, a collection of the finest shitcoins

>> No.56814881

challenge me
32 ETH
1000 LINK
perfectly balanced and all you would ever need

>> No.56814917

Did you buy any of that NSTK or was it all airdropped? I've bought 4k. Seems promising.

>> No.56815720
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I personally have a similar mindset to you. About 400k distributed as the picture shows. I'm nervous but hopeful for an overall 5x over the next year and a half.

Definitely not buying the late 2025 narrative. I think most of the run happens by latw 2024, early 2025 at the latest.

>> No.56815760
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Am I gonna make it

>> No.56815784


I think you'll walk away from the next bull run with about 450-500k if you actually sell when you get there.

>> No.56815813

This is what happens when you give retards money

>> No.56815969

total profit/loss 0% nice faked info

>> No.56816033

I bought 100k KAS and am up 4x on my investment already. It's been shilled on /biz/ since it was under 1c so it's your fault if you missed out

>> No.56816074

>I like that it's a new cycle coin and not on any exchanges but it just spooks me how much it's pumped within 2 years
The KAS pump is misleading. Fair launched coins start off being worth literally nothing, so when KAS launched it was worth like $0.0000001 because it wasn't a presale token with an ICO. This is in contrast to coins like ETH, which started off at $0.31 during its presale. If ETH was actually fair launched with no presale, then a rise to $0.31 would have been like a 30000x as well

>> No.56816417

It’s not bad but the true chadfolio is btc/link only

>> No.56816539

what would you recommend instead? 75% btc 25% eth? and then swapping eth for new low cap alts when btc breaks its ath?
Would you still buy kas at this point? or better off waiting for some late pumping alt in the bull run? Thinking I'll sell off grok and the two btcs for more kas and just keeping the trump coin, so it's roughly 90% kas 10% trump. Might also add in a new RWA and gamefi project to the mix

>> No.56816640


The only 10/10 portfolio is either all LINK or LINK/AVAX

>> No.56816655

>Would you still buy kas at this point?
Yes I just bought another 3k of them today. It will hit at least $1 in the bull run

>> No.56816663

Lol lmao even

>> No.56816717

>(coin with insanely good fundamentals) won't do another 5x in the bull market
have fun underperforming against ETH for yet another cycle, dumbass LINK maxi

>> No.56816737

>chasing a 5x when they could be holding a 500x coin that all the banks will have to use

>> No.56816747

>a 500x coin that all the banks will have to use
you faggots won't even break your 2021 ATH this time around. Get fucked

>> No.56816787

I don't track my cost basis

>> No.56816818

Link outperformed most coins last cycle and it's outperforming again. Sorry you missed the 3x gigapump and were too poor to accumulate a make it stack

>> No.56816827

why do you think this is a 10/10? Avax and link are VC backed. You're at the mercy of the VCs to not dump their coins so the price can rise. They aren't small coins either, so you're not going to see exponential gains. Avax has even hired posters to spam the board with cat girls.
what else do you hold anon? or just 100% kas?

>> No.56816856
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How long do I have to wait for my lambo?

>> No.56816864


>> No.56816865
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>Sorry you missed the 3x gigapump
>3x gigapump
nigger, are you serious?
>what else do you hold anon? or just 100% kas?

>> No.56816941

why is any bit of criticism something you'd shout fud? It's only to your benefit to reflect on the downsides and outweigh if the pros justify it. Overall it's a descent choice imo.
what kind of distribution do you aim for?
I'm considering something like
10 ETH
100 AVAX
250K KAS

And maybe swapping eth when btc hits an ath for new cycle gambles

>> No.56816994

Every alt gets one run, that's the rule. Only 55% of link holders are in the money at current prices, vs 83% for Bitcoin, 73% for ETH. Linkies are gonna have a ton of bagholders dumping on them before they even reach price discovery.

>> No.56817011

1 btc
32 eth
10k link
2k avax
??? xmr

>> No.56817063
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Give it to me straight, will i make it next bullrun?

my goal is 3 million (federal reserve notes)

my MAKE IT goal would be 4 million (federal reserve notes)

>> No.56817085

You’re really based

>> No.56817555
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Imagine having 75% btc in your portfolio nope, BTC is like your stock's long-time investment, if you want to profit in less period of time buy altcoins and some meme-coin. XRP, NXRA, DUA, and IJN are perfect buy right now.

>> No.56817623

28 trillion market cap?

>> No.56818439

All portfolios posted here will get you live comfortably in Eastern Europe, yet Amerimutts still stay and suffer for their kike overlords, can't make tihs shit up.

>> No.56818912

You're in good shape honey, however 4M I'm not sure that's quite a lot... Who knows tho

>> No.56818942

I have EU citizenship, which country should I move to?

>> No.56818983

Give me some of your kaspies

>> No.56818987

Don't sleep on projects building on the RWA. The likes of NXRA, RIO LEOX will melt on people's faces.

>> No.56819002
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>don't buy BTC
>instead buy this 30B useless redditor pump and dump shitcoin
37.5k per token amirite anon?

>> No.56819006
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I think I can get a 50x out of this until 2025

>> No.56819085
File: 287 KB, 1080x2520, Screenshot_20231130-130138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do me niggers, set to get back around £25k from Celsius whenever that shitshow ends

>> No.56819221

>Just uproot your family, move to the other side of the world where you don't know anyone, and learn a new language to save a few bucks

>> No.56819262


Billion, retard. Not trillion. KAS can do that.

>> No.56819485

Solid portfolio. It will be good to getting more projects like CYMI, COTI ZPAY etc.

>> No.56819542

>descent choice
Freudian slip

Anyway, isn't the wider market heading down? That will stop any bull run for the forseeable future

>> No.56819734

Kaspa plays into the L1 narrative, and that's ALWAYS a hype narrative every bullrun (there's always a new "eth killer" to show up and try to steal the show). As for DOMI, I was once a holder myself but I don't know, the alpha game still hasn't released yet and I fear a "buy the hype, sell the news" type of event, which will kill momentum. I'm personally in SIDUS, which also launched around December 2021. Technically, that's the start of the bear market but yeah it's still concerning since most of GameFi that launched around this time already had their initial hype pumps (means more bag holders that'll dump when it reaches near the top again). I guess as long as your token wasn't there during peak bullrun fever (November '21), you're good. Again, I can't predict the future and this isn't financial advice.

>> No.56820063

so what's your logic in going to alts right now while bitcoin dominance keeps going up? do you think it makes sense going 75% btc 25% eth right now and just swapping the eth to gamble on new cycle coins once btc breaks an ath? or is it just more profitable to always being in alts?

>> No.56820260

This. OP, you need to be speculating wildly.

>> No.56820274

If your portfolio has no ROSE, I don't know what to say.. Its a fucking no brainer but fudders keep fudding.

>> No.56820291

> sell 1/2 at a 2x and let the rest ride to 0.

>> No.56820295

what would you suggest? I was thinking
A) 75% BTC 25% ETH, then selling ETH for new cycle alts once btc breaks an ath. Selling btc mid 2025 and getting completely out of alts late 2025.
B) 60% KAS and then 10% to four new cycle alts with some sort of narrative behind them like gamefi, rwa, ai, new cycle meme etc)
*let it ride until it goes euphoric, then dump

>> No.56820825
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no. my kaspies

>> No.56820832

Not bad, at least you know what you want. My bags are filled with solid mid and low-caps. This bull run will see upcoming tokens in their glory and I'm not snoozing on Funarcade, a GambleFi that's way different from the rest in terms of versatility, lots of games, zero restrictions, and more.

>> No.56821254

everyone is thinking bull run due to halvening and ETF approvals, but the market is tied to the Nasdaq and CEOS are dumping stocks.
If the wider market falls, there is no bull run right?

>> No.56821364
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I'm losing money my basterds

>> No.56821609

I sold link during last bullrun and then bough some as I couldn't live without a link bag. So eventhough I'm not in the money on paper, I'm up I don't know how many hundreds of time. Wonder if other stinkers are in my situation

>> No.56821620

Dot has been very frustrating desu

>> No.56821680
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Not bad

>> No.56821692
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>> No.56821753
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High quality portfolio coming through
>anon you can't keep your shit on exchanges
I can and I will