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56811670 No.56811670 [Reply] [Original]

i study international relations with economic subjects, could easily stay part time and extra year and get a double. but i hear people say if you dont have your career path started by 30 or have skills accumulated by your 30 its over and you should just volunteer at a church or something

>> No.56811749

yes, it's over. i finished my masters with 30 and never got a real job after.

>> No.56811771

masters in what?

>> No.56811776

no, there are no guarantees whatever you achieved already either.
life is a constant struggle, embrace it or perish.

>> No.56811781

MBA&E. it's a real M.Sc. from Europe, not Hindustan.

>> No.56811810

Why has it taken you so long to get an undergraduate degree??

>> No.56811817

Employers can’t age discriminate so instead they ask for recent graduates, you might be able to fool them into thinking you’re younger and more malleable… and tighter…

>> No.56811820

we're back?

why cant you get a job in this field?

>> No.56811833

i went to uni first doing science for a few years, didnt really have a plan. i dropped out and worked hospo for a few years. covid hit, no job, found my calling with politics and econ so decided to study. now i hope its not over for me

>> No.56811847

well i would still be a recent grad, just older lol im pretty tight also

>> No.56811851

You should have stuck it out with science and hospital. What are you gonna do with politics/econ? Run for mayor?

>> No.56811860

Took me 7 years to graduate with my degree at 27. Felt like shit back then but now making six figs wfh. Average lifespan has increased. It’s not over until you’re 45. Even then it’s still possible to make it if you receive a large inheritance.

>> No.56811875
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Nah anon it isnt over yet, just need to keep to keep finding chances for you use all what you learn to build a trade.
Also there are still good and profitable shit on this market.

Sol has already pumping
XMR has always been good>
IQT is currently holding a Massive event on The red village.

use this information wisely.

>> No.56811877

hospo as in working cafes

i would love to work in think tanks or be a staffer for politician. i do journalism on the side so i think that could hopefully open doors for me

what was your degree? 7 years is also a masters or something right?

>> No.56811901

Bachelors of Computer science lmao. I slacked off hard in my math courses and had to keep retaking them.

>> No.56811916

interesting did you work at the same time? i need a better work study balance

>> No.56811920

it shouldnt be if youre not outdated physically or mentally, and thats got nothing to do with age

>> No.56811925

thats what single moms say lol

>> No.56811931

the good positions are given to friends and family. If I apply to positions it's always 100x of people in front of me. I don't want to do a shit job with shit pay. I have a side hustle paying for my food and housing.

>> No.56811940

>31 last year of uni, but at this age is it over for me?
>i study international relations with economic subjects

>> No.56811943

>xmr has always been good
it's good to see monero shills still exist. don't know why you still vouch for this dogshit for anything other than quickly doing anonymous transactions but good to see you doing well bro.

>> No.56811949

>tfw 23 soon to be 24 yo doomer
I still have a chance right? A few years left to hit 30 right I"m still early to study shit right?

>> No.56811963
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>the red village
amazingly fitting name for anything shitcoin related to be honest. almost too on-the-nose.

>> No.56811969

Last 2 years I worked part time at a call center with flexible hours and wanted to commit sedoku. I also worked graves for 2 semesters snd slept through all my courses. Put me a year behind. I graduated with $30k student loans. Paid it off in 2 years and now debt free.

>> No.56811970

The ONLY thing which a uni is good for is nepotism/making connections. You're an absolute retard if you just go for the education/paper.

Your best bet to get a job is get a job WHILE being in uni, internship at the very least. Speak to every professor you can, try to get as much connections as possible, get in extra uni activity/clubs which aren't anime watch clubs but student nepotism clubs and you'll notice all of them get similar positions through similar connections. Milk it as much as you can, a single letter or connection from a uni professor will help you far more than any amount of studying you can do, ESPECIALLY in something like "international relations with economic subjects"

>> No.56811978

in this episode of spot the schizo, we have brain failing typos

>> No.56811985

Don't encourage people with no capital to invest in crypto asshole.

Though op can always grow weed and read on certain websites how to sell it properly to minimize risks. Weed is pretty much a cheatcode into getting a small fortune perfect for investing. Though if op is 30 and hasn't learned anything thus far I doubt he's smart enough for that.

>> No.56811989

knowing things is fun :D but no fr, i wish it wasnt like that but unfortunately, having a degree is not worth for shit anymore unless you want to be a cagie for the rest of your life

>> No.56811995

Is it fun working in computer science? Currently 30 looking to learn a skill. Will I be able to make roblox levels with that degree?

>> No.56812007
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>> No.56812014

All that matters is someone hooks you up with a decent job regardless of degree or whatever. If you're a white male is basically impossible to get a job otherwise unless u wanna do trades or be a nurse.

>> No.56812017

learning a whole new skill at 30 can be hard i hear

>> No.56812018

>no papers and no connections
>oh well i guess my only option left is selling fucking weed to niggers
why do you larp as if you had any real advice to give?

>> No.56812341

maybe i am back

its pretty easy to get government jobs in my city with my degree, i know biz dont like international relations degrees but maybe its not over for me

>> No.56812408

Conjure a resume that makes you look like a shitskin ivy leaguer fag and you have the same amount of brain cells a real one would have

>> No.56812420

interesting, what would that look like roughly

>> No.56812560

>i dropped out and worked hospo for a few years.
you worked on hary potter sonic?

>> No.56812775

Im finishing my degree at 34. Who cares what anonymous chuds think. We can do very well regardless.

>> No.56812844

you are joining the normie cattle wagie herd with your fancy degree at 34. man o man. you did very well indeed sir lmao.

>> No.56812967

Thats a meme from zoomers and blackpillers who think life ends at 30

In reality you have four DECADES between 30 and 70. So if you havent gotten a job at 30 or if you dont like the job your in at 30, what? You just throw your hands in the air and say "well guess ill just spend the next 40 years doing nothing!"

Realistically, you probably want your shit figured out by 40. At 40 brain crystallization has well set in and your now getting kind of old to be fucking around

>> No.56813356

fuck you're like me. graduated at 28 when you guys were shitposting about shiba inu. stayed away from crypto throughout 2021 because of how happy i was. achieved fuckall. missed out on generational wealth

>> No.56813542

what degree? and how long were you studying :)

>> No.56813561

It's only over if you've given up. don't listen to 4chan faggots. this whole website is a demoralization psyop filled with crabs in a bucket.
>/pol/ jews control the world and browns will replace you
>/fit/ it's over if you're under 6'
>/biz/ 26 and only 800k nw, should i kms?
keep moving forward and change your attitude. you're about to get a degree and you're somehow disappointed. celebrate the goal and make a new one.

>> No.56813575

Chemistry. I started in 2019 and took a year off to build a library in the mountains.

>> No.56813579

Finally, a real poster and not a faggot from tel aviv. Only genuine advice in this shit thread.

>> No.56813591


>> No.56813602

>in reality you have four DECADES between 30 and 70
you have one decade between 30 and 40, at 40 you have to start regularly getting checked for ass cancer and stuff regularly, with age cumulative damage rots even the most well maintained teeth, have you ever seen a 50 year old with good healthy teeth? didn't think so. then it's completely over.

>> No.56813639

just do a 7+ day fast retard

>> No.56813657

college always triggers tradies. enjoy breaking your back fixing pipes carlos

>> No.56813937

Bro took 13 years to do a useless degree

>> No.56814247

Don't listen to anything the nasty little apes say. Most people's "opinions" on how a life should be played out are speculative at best, or at worst an attempt to keep others lower on a hierarchy than them. Keep pushing forward, don't stop trying to improve your life after finishing your degree, and life will improve. BLOCK OUT THE NOISE.

>> No.56814251

I graduated at 31.
Now 36.
Have a well paying job, house, car, wife (she is 26) we are going to have children next year.
Ignore the doomers, it's never too late.

>> No.56814268

lmao i have a bachelor in IT. and i don't even work anymore cause i have 21 bitcoins.