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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56808411 No.56808411 [Reply] [Original]

Is biz unironic proof of dead internet theory? 4chan is supposedly one of the most visited websites on the entire internet, now accessible to billions of people, but here on biz it feels like there are 10 actual humans who are regular posters, and we're flooded by literal bots with most threads dying after 5 replies. Then some will tell you all crypto discussion has moved to twitter, so I check twitter, and I see big accounts with millions of followers getting 5 replies and 4 of those will be bots with phishing links. Youtube comments, reddit, same thing.

Where are these supposed billions of human beings on the internet?

>> No.56808431

This is proof that we have a lot more pumping to do, and soon, and the IQ level of the posters increases as the number gets lower. Because of delayed gratification

>> No.56808443

Most subs on twitter are bots. I have a shitty account and I have 100 followers, 90% are bots.
The main issue is that grifters and low effort posters are just extremely noisy and drown people with actual good insight.

/biz/ has been saturated by bots spamming dogcoins last run too.
I think these days most of crypto discussion happen on telegram channels when people who met each others over the last run are sharing stuff.

>> No.56808447

>traffic dead
>volume dead
>economy frozen
>bitcoin still on a bull run

Next catalyst we're going $100k+

>> No.56808464

It’s a bear market retard

>> No.56808486

if the bots were as pervasive and useful as one would assume then even your real human threads would get bot replies to keep you engaged. but with how the bots are set up now they only run their script in their own shill threads and just drown out human threads, leading to humans thinking they are just scribbling barely visible chicken scratches on the board that resembles a fully scripted newspaper. whatever it is its depressing as fuck and one would have to wonder who really visits this board for anything besides being paid to shill shit they dont use themselves. who actually comes here that isnt a shill?

>> No.56808501

First off, 4chan itself is undergoing the process of enshittification that has affected all mainstream social media sites, jannies and mods are actively destroying this website by permabanning the best users and making the captcha even more inconvenient to solve.
Second, feds monitor this site and try to subvert it.
3rd, >>>/biz/ was never good, even at it's peak it was filled with arrogant assholes
4th, it's now filled with Pajeets and scammers
5th, most of this site's userbase are no coiner Chads who didn't fall for the crypto scam
6th, people are getting redpilled that the economy is fake and gay
7th, we're in a depression worse than the Great Depression

>> No.56808512

>Where are these supposed billions of human beings on the internet?
they are using telegram, twitter, instagram, reddit, facebook, quora, etc, but mostly just other languages

8 billion humans, but 11 million americans who use 4chan about 4% of which hold crypto puts that to 160,000, which means that of the 160,000 4chan users who hold crypto, only about 4% of them are uncertain or autistic enough to discuss crypto, the rest are on anime boards

>> No.56808541

Yet the average biz portfolio has tripled in the last month or so, curious.

Haven't noticed the board getting smarter... less dumb than at the top but the actual smart biz of 2018 hasn't come back.

It cannot possibly be this simple/obvious... can it?

>/biz/ was never good
Biz has been one of the best things to have happened in my entire life. The few real, smart anons here are more precious to me than some of my own family members although I'll never meet them or know their names. We have shared a very special bond/journey together. If you can see through the shit then biz can be a very special place, which is why it saddens me to see it turn into a ghost town.

>> No.56808550

>Muh10same people
Why do you faggots always say shit like this you’re worse than pol

>> No.56808576

Look at the catalog, most threads barely get ten replies

>> No.56808611

I've noticed the same thing

>> No.56808623

Look at threads like this
nonsensical gibberish, blatant bot thread, not a single human reply, this is some cyberpunk nightmare. Bots aren't doing shit. It'd be even deader without these bot threads.

>> No.56808729


>> No.56808811

I feel more and more people move to walled discord and telegram groups.
Hard to discover any good ones and terrible for finding information unless you read every single post every day.

>> No.56808821

Yes I've been noticing this so much lately. Does any site have good traffic anymore? 4chan is so fucking dead now, twitter is locked down to shit for new accounts, rdt is just a chinese bot site, ftmsc/eightcan are gone.

>> No.56808864

>/biz/ is Ghost town
I think most people lurk and on top of that the activity here only gets crazy during the months of pure bull euphoria

>> No.56808894

new threads are made to slide threads with valuable information

>> No.56808903

>he has never interacted with a female before
you think the bot behavior on an internet message board is a nightmare? even with how shitty it is now you get more engagement out of it than dealing with a cunt. now THAT is sad. should be going all in on girlfriendGPT coz women will never improve.

>> No.56808919
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when people start inventing retarded schizo conspiracy theories to explain the bear market, you just KNOW the bottom is now in

That's it






>> No.56808935

push this shit into the archives

>> No.56808946

4chan is not one of the most trafficked sites anymore OP, it dropped out of the Alexa rankings years ago. You’re living in the past, 4chan was THE largest “social media” site in existence around 2005-2008 if I remember, now it’s actually and unironically a sekrit club and not even Alexa ranked last I checked. Everyone uses the sanitized corporate websites now and the internet population has exploded with normie phones.

>> No.56809273

This board always gets slow during bear markets. Only the true believers stick around, and they're the ones that eventually make it. The moonboys and e-whores jump in at the top and get fleeced. When they start coming here you'll be complaining about all of the reddit refugees changing the board culture, but you'll be more entertained.

>> No.56809645

Average person lost everything a while ago. Most of people who tripled their portfolio like you say did not sell the top either or were already well off it didn’t matter to them.

>> No.56809769

>but 11 million americans who use 4chan
highly doubt

>> No.56809799

Is it smart to sell some of my holdings when we reach /biz/'s 2018 ATH?

>> No.56809841

Newfags, remember this time. This is the best biz will be for a while. Because when the bull market starts it will get flooded with pajeet trash 24/7

>> No.56809842

linkniggers killed this board

>> No.56809869

>I don't lurk but /biz/ is dead! OMG OMG OMG
Kill yourself.

>> No.56809927

Funny how whenever I post this it gets absolutely no replies, thus proving my point. Just more proof that I'm deliberately targeted.
OG biz will never come back in the GPT era. If you thought '21 was bad, next year will prolapse you without lube. But it's okay, early holders will make it. Anyone who bought at 16k already made it, just trust the plan.
Also, I agree that this board is probably one of the est things to ever happen to me. Hell, this shithole Indian province WAS my life for a while.
Incredibly true. I just want it to go to 1k so they shut the fuck up at this point. I'm convinced that most posts on this board are either bots or larpers, but the linktards are 100% legit schizophrenics living on oats and noodles to be able to accumulate as much as possible and most of them would just off themselves if that shitcoin died because they ruined their lives accumulating it. It's the only thing that explains linkie behaviour.

>> No.56809994

We're still in the "disbelief rally" stage of the investment cycle so normies still aren't convinced to jump back in yet. You still have bears floating around here saying retarded bot shit like, "10k is programmed, it's in the code bro!" and most importantly, many are still demoralized after the Luna crash + FTX collapse from last year - many of them lost their entire life savings to these debacles. If we get another full blown bullrun, don't expect to be AS euphoric as the previous one since the demoralized probably aren't returning ever gain, but there will be new normies to buy our bags.

As for biz's issue, it's mostly power hungry jannies collaborating with whales to censor the real gems around here, while only promoting "biz approved" shitcoins that were already exposed to a prior bull cycle(s). That way, they can prevent others from becoming rich while enriching themselves. The board is empty because like I said in the previous paragraph above, many are still demoralized.

>> No.56810076

Yeah, the internet died a while ago. This should be well known.

>> No.56810090

This is saying /biz/ still gets 6500-10000 posts a day. Figure 70% are either pajeets or bots. So 2-3000 human posts a day. Probably around 500-1000 unique posters/ day? Or are 20% of posters making 80% of the posts? However many unique posters/ day there are, there are probably three or four times as many lurkers, if not more. Yeah it’s not a crazy number considering you don’t need an account to post here, but also consider that we don’t really show up on Google at all and threads are only archived for a short period so there’s not much to index.

>> No.56810146

> it feels like there are 10 actual humans who are regular posters
At most, 50. It’s the same people across the entire board. You can easily spot samefags across different threads.

>> No.56810314

forget the math and just look at how these dumbass zoom zooms talk to each other online. less than 1% of them can even write out a post like yours. your material is that of a paid shill. organic people talking on the internet is just shorthanded broccoli head code, "fr fr no cap" shit and emojis. the written opinions of 99% of people are worthless garbage.

>> No.56810326

Even worse is a lot of those anons are the most active posters on other boards as well.

>> No.56810339

True, it's just like the stats for alcoholics. The top 1% of posters probably make up a significant chunk of 4chan's footprint overall.

>> No.56810429

this board is like 50 people, and then a bunch of latvian bots paid pennies to shill shitcoins

>> No.56810638

I remember people saying that biz sucks during the bullrun when the last bullrun was happening. Now that the bear is here biz sucks more than ever. I would rather have bull biz than bear biz. I don't know how anyone can enjoy this desolate board rn.

>> No.56810672

And this is what crypto will become as well

>> No.56810725

>but the actual smart biz of 2018 hasn't come back.

i just get banned for advertising every time i try to make an extensive thread on a coin showing all the relevant data. theres no reward for effort posting because you're not allowed to discuss coins that the jannies that dont have bags of

>> No.56810874

You got it all backwards, +95% of what you read is typed up in real time by humans. They are the ones that shitpost, spam shill threads and contribute to the degeneration of the internet.
Almost all post of insight is bot-made, it's the few insightful people in this world that make bots to amplify their voice and try and spread their knowledge; unfortunately it get drowned out most of the time.

>> No.56810950

Please elaborate or help a fag out and point to a right direction for more digging. Because while I do think you're right I'd like to know more. It's very difficult to think there is billions of people and that doesn't correlate to what I'm experiencing in the internet.