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568067 No.568067 [Reply] [Original]

Pro's and Con's of sharing banking accounts with your spouse?

>> No.568070
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>> No.568071

Pro: makes paying for things easier
Con: nightmare if you get divorced or she just decides to rob you

>> No.568074

Lets keep in open mind here. I want to know what the benefits are of sharing an account.

We have separates accounts but have discussed about the possibility of opening up a shared account for rent/mortgage and bills

>> No.568076

I think the only benefit is it makes paying bills easier

>> No.568077
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>getting married
>not just having casual sex with multiple women

>> No.568079

I already told you. It makes paying for things easier. In theory it also lets you have more cash FDIC insured, but if you have that much cash you're either doing it wrong or don't need my advice for how to insure it.

>> No.568102

Pros: nothing
Cons: everything


>> No.568452

pros: probably some obscure tax/benefits related thing
cons: she can take your money

have 3 bank accounts, a secret foreign account, "professional account" and a joint account

your professional account is liquid and deals with your investments, helps you move money around, if you wanted you could quickly wire money quickly to your foreign account or buy bitcoins and send them to an encrypted wallet, buy gold and bury it, etcetera

assuming you marry a good christian woman it shouldn't get to that point but you never know

>> No.568458

also bill clinton's legs are sexy

>> No.568461

I don't get all the younger generations thinking they have to share everything with their spouse they've been with for 2 months. My Grandparent's have been married for 60+ years and even they have separate accounts.

>> No.568476

I am wary about ascribing things to a change in values but I think it is the case here.

>we don't need a joint account, we trust each other

>why don't you want a joint account, don't you trust me?

>> No.568548

Don't combine them. Combined accounts make it damn near impossible to enjoy yourself at a strip club let alone have a full blown affair.

>> No.568632

If you're not sharing your accounts with your spouse, then you already fucked up and you'll inevitably be giving her half of your account in the future.

/pol/ had a great thread about marriage rates and someone had a chart showing that couples who kept their finances separate fought about money more and were more likely to get divorced.

Don't get married if all you want is a room mate that you have casual sex with.

Marriage is already a huge risk, but actively giving the woman an incentive to leave you is just retarded

>> No.568642

>both put in an equal amount each week to pay for shared bills
>can share expenses
>money left over can be used for dates and going out together etc.
>If you went all out it would potentially offer more power with regards to taking out loans or investing etc.

>she will spend all the spare money on clothes or shoes
>she will probably complain about why she has to put in the same amount as you when you earn more than her
>if she earns more than you she will complain about how she is pulling all the weight
>it's a stupid idea
>don't do it

If you aren't mature enough to be together but manage your finances separately then you don't deserve to get married. It's not that hard to pay for rent/mortgage/cars together and have the rest of your money as your own, and it certainly shouldn't be an issue of argument in any healthy relationship - but of course women don't know that.

>> No.568646

This. The answer is simple. Marry a woman who is frugal and good with finances. My wife is both and she keeps me accountable. It is 100 times easier to manage finances/plan/invest with a combined bank account and less stressful on the marriage because marriages only work with full transparency. If you need to hide purchases from your wife then you shouldn't be married to her. If you are constantly needing to tell her to stop overspending then you shouldn't be married to her either.

>> No.568648

I'm married and we have joint accounts.

- Easier to manage out/in flows
- We have each other as our support system for our expenses and we talk about our finances at least once a month to keep our head in the game

- I guess it would be that either one of us could just blow through it or just take it all out.
- Can test trust but if it has come to that then there's more to it than just "trust."

In all honesty - it's really a non-issue for us. It may be for some and as long they can do without a joint account then I don't see any issue with that as well.

>> No.568659

Beat answer ITT. But a rule of 'The money in the shared account can only be used for purchases that benefit both parties' can solve most of the problems. Assuming your partner isn't retarded.

>> No.568673
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get a load of this goy

>> No.568674

>give me your money to prove you love me

I don't care if other people are more likely to fight about money, most people are idiots but I'm not so I don't have to play by their rules. Seems pretty straightforward to me.

>> No.568677

tfw i have a joint account with my qt3.14 wife
she makes $160k at the hospital
i make $70k

it pays to have a super frugal wifey too

>> No.568733

How does it feel to be the bitch?

>> No.568750

>Assuming your partner isn't retarded.
Women are known to have swings in mood and judgement. Even the "stable" ones.

Probably better than shitposting in the scam section of a cambodian cartoon board.

>> No.568980

Only pro is if spouse makes more than you

Only con is if spouse makes less than you

>> No.568995

>getting married to anyone except a wealthy heir
you guys are trash with money

>> No.569006

lol someone's butthurt

>> No.569023


Marriedfag here. People saying their are only cons have either never been married or have no experience. It's actually very simple.

>both wife and I get paid
>money goes into our own checking accounts at different banks
>we pay our own shit, IRAs, purchases
>both have independent security funds
>both dump a few thousand into a shared checking
>this account pays our bills, food and co purchases. shared credit cards
>leftover money goes into shared asset accounts like home down payments
>have a credit card and amex we share

It's very simple actualy. If we divorced, the shared accounts would be paid off and closed, and the shared checking would be split. All assets (houses) would be halved. This way their is no confusing about someone paying more or less. We are equal in all regards. We also have access to our own security and money if needed.

>> No.569194

Wow, lotsa virgin faggots in 'ere.

This guy has it correct.

Both parties put an amount in the common bowl (ie: a % of each paycheck), and it's used for food, appliances, house, kids, etc. and all common spendings.)
If you can't trust your partner around with this kind of arrangement, then what are you doing with him/her?

Then you also both have your own personal accounts to spend on warhammer, restaurants, rhum, tea parties and animoo

>> No.569607
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>> No.569711

That is pretty much the same system my wife and I use. Works well.

I've explained it to other couples and they think we are crazy, but they are retarded and fight about money CONSTANTLY. So jokes on them.

>> No.569717

-Tax troubles are avoided
-Paying bills is easier
-Keeping track of household expenses and budgeting is easier
-Again, it allows you to avoid getting chewed up by the IRS in certain scenarios

-In the event of divorce you are going to get rectally reamed
-She can, in theory, rob you, but why are you marrying a thief?


Wut. My parents and grandparents had joint accounts and they often comment on how young people keep their money separate and how bizarre it is to them.