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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56804379 No.56804379 [Reply] [Original]

>Solves inflation

>> No.56804387
File: 458 KB, 512x512, defec2703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally clogs the markets

>> No.56804393

fucking businesses decided to start being greedy the moment he got into office.

>> No.56804411

they better listen or else Corn Pop's gonna have to step in and show these corporate fat cats what's what

>> No.56804417

There’s no reason for prices to drop with rates this high and gas prices still up

>> No.56804436

>artificial inflation
it's only transitory though

>> No.56804451

gee i dont know still not under our 2 percent goal

>> No.56804464

>delete USD
>issue NUSD with nice paper and crypto derivatives + incentives for national trade
Problem solved

>> No.56804539
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I genuinely doubt this man's mental capacity sometimes

>> No.56804549

Why can't the President just cancel all American debt? Doesn't he own the Federal Reserve?

>> No.56804550

>accidentally admits that official govt inflation metrics don't capture the costs consumers are seeing

>> No.56804564
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>tfw you say high gas and food prices are a sign of economic recovery, even though you also blame it on Putin and racism

>> No.56805324

He was always intended to be a one-term president but no one wanted Kamala or Newsom so they're stuck.

>> No.56805334

Everyone from giant corpos to small mom and pops have an extremely pessimistic view on the American economy thanks to the incompetency of this country's so-called leadership.

>> No.56805341

I genuinely doubt "Joe Biden" is even real. The real Joe Biden may have been dead for years, or else they wouldn't bother with all these creepy green-screen or CGI stunts.

>> No.56805348

that's not a factory assembled, mass produced, molten salt reactor running off of thorium.

>> No.56807180

...powering atomically precise manufacturing using captured carbon as a feedstock with clean water as waste. im glad you get it. so few do (not counting a lot of fucking chinamen).

>> No.56807204

The chips isle in my store is so overflown, that there is an entire wall next to the mark down section of name brand bags and a big sign saying "EVERYDAY LOW PRICES" with no price tag. There are also multiple cardboard displays of name brand chips. Nobody is paying $7 for a shrinkflated bag of chips.

>> No.56807468

Dag nabbing! Lower prices on iphones and bath towels now, Jack, or or mummble bumble stumble rumble

>ignores energy, food, housing, transportation

>> No.56808378

US citizens to Obiden:
Stop sending our money to Israel and Ukraine. Now.

>> No.56808394

Da da Ivan.

>> No.56808407

you may be onto something. oh well, still paying thousands of dollars to see a doppleganger music artist perform satanic rituals on stage filled with stinky meatbags all repeating lyrics the songwriter didnt even write themselves. me? im american and i do this.

>> No.56808413

You might think this is stupid but it literally works on dipshit superficial leftists

>but he TOLD THEM to lower prices! it's a corporate conspiracy

>> No.56808429

Maybe he should drone strike an office building to show that he's serious. Works when dealing with Arabs. Its worth a shot.

>> No.56808474

Wait a minute, lower inflation mean prices don't go up as fast, not prices go down. And the MSM told me that delfation is bad, so why is the president demanding it?

>> No.56808494

gg miserable kike
two shekels have been added to your account.

>> No.56808650

Depending on the office building, I might consider voting for him.
There’s this one place at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave that’s been terrible for inflated prices.

>> No.56808750

>hey bucko I turned off the money printer so that means you need to drop prices NOW
>wait what do you mean "supply"? Doesn't turning off the printers reduce the supply?
>oh right, Ukraine and Israel
>Cornpop was a bad dude

>> No.56808775

No, those metrics are correct. The prices on the shelves are what's artificial.

>> No.56808778

If you don’t think businesses haven’t been raising prices to pad margins using muh inflation as an excuse then you’re a fucking retard

>> No.56808780

retarded, MSM, literally who journo: dosent understand Slowed Pace of Inflation ≠ Deflation, in other news, water wet

>> No.56808825

So you're telling me there's a wide open opportunity to make literal billions (if not trillions) by undercutting all retail giants via dropshipping at this very moment?

>> No.56808902

>The prices on the shelves are what's artificial.
honestly it's hard to imagine stupid niggers like you can exist in our supposedly modern civilization yet here you are

>> No.56808914

>muh profits
roman emperors blamed profiteering too, even punished it with death

meanwhile their economy literally evaporated around them and they just didn't get it

>> No.56809049

>gonna have to step in

I read this as 'sleep in' and thats probably more accurate

>> No.56809064

Biden.... we haven't had deflation... the prices just go up more slowly now

>> No.56809864

Keep sucking that capital cock


>> No.56809939

You know, I’ve never actually seen Joe Biden with my own eyes

>> No.56810005

It's funny how fucking retarded people are.

>Start with $100
>Inflation is 5% in Y1
>$105 now == $100 of last year
>Inflation "drops" to 0% in Y2
>$105 still == $100 from Y0

Inflation is the rate of increase. You need NEGATIVE inflation in order for prices to go down. Lower but still positive inflation numbers just means a lower rate of increase.

>> No.56810043

Price controls are the final stage before collapse. Hopefully corporations don't take the bait, they increased their prices in the first place mainly due to the price of energy skyrocketing under Biden (you can thank the original Keystone pipeline shutdown for setting all of this chaos in motion in the first place), but there are also opportunistic corpos out there who take advantage of "muh inflation" to price gauge past the orbit of Mars - aka greed.

Price controls are a communist tool, never forget that. You can goodbye to free market capitalism if Biden gets his way.

>> No.56810055

No seriously, cabals artificially pumping prices creates legit arbitrage opportunities and renders businesses so prone to catastrophic failure that lethal force is necessary to keep the charade going. Hence the mob.
If there's ever a situation where there is supposed price fixing and no mob going around breaking legs on top of that, you can make a killing by undercutting. Especially in the modern age via dropshipping.
Could even go so far as to argue that success metrics for global dropshipping could be used as a proxy for gauging true inflation vs price fixing.

>> No.56810156
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Inflation is monetary expansion, inflation causes prices to rise, rising prices aren't inflation anymore then "rising ships" are the tide

>> No.56810329

sometimes it's hard to read sarcasm in a post, but the one you replied to was dripping with it.

>> No.56810623

Sorry Joe, that's not how free markets work.

>> No.56810817

Inflation slowing down means prices don't climb as fast, tho.

>> No.56810915
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>So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now Jack where were we?