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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56801861 No.56801861 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56801877

They're gonna arrest another innocent man.

>> No.56801888
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have fun voting for this defecating pederast!

>> No.56801916
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They won't do anything because there's nothing they can do about it.
They can go against private actors if they're American citizens but... America effect web3? America actually gets their fingers into dex sites?
Lmao, sure.
The only way this gets regulated within their sphere of influence is if any and all crypto transactions between bank and cex are severed, and BTC keeps that from happening.

Can't have it both ways. You either get all the crypto or none of it, Sam.

>> No.56801920
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read, nigga, read!

>> No.56801924

every time you read about "crypto regulation" and "crypto enforcement" you must remind yourself that they're talking about CEX shit
they have 0 jurisdiction on any node operation
crypto was invented to circumvent these clowns and their rules
they're about to find out about that the hard way, when shit hits their fan and we go full "NOT-MY-PROBLEM", they're going to seethe so fucking hard it won't even be funny

>> No.56801927

>read, nigga, read!
See? Nothing happened.

>> No.56801971

>They waited 20 fucking years while doing nothing in the realm of sensible relevant "crypto regulation" because they're so fucking clueless and self-centered, underhanded, spiteful and vindictive in their own fiat clown money zero-sum game.
>Early crypto founders made continuous repeated honest efforts and inquiries about prospective future govt regulation. wanting to be within the law but not wanting to be overregulated too much too soon.
>when the fed goons finally decide to get around to it. it's all about demonizing, criminalizing and punishing everyone as much as they can.
what a surprise

>> No.56802119

Hell isn't enough for these clowns

>> No.56802138

Who TF thought a woman like Janet Yellen is a good fit for treasury.. I know old women like that and their whole lives have been spending other peoples money

>> No.56802143

they arrested someone named sergey nazarov whoever that is

>> No.56802170

She literally went to college like 60 years ago. She is literally going to be dead and all of us are going to have to deal with the effects of her "career" while she rests in peace on a dirt pillow

>> No.56802196

I cannot fathom anyone being this naive.
The financial institutions are not just gonna roll over and die.
Watch them impose a relatively brief time window after which cashing out from all but select few exchanges will be made impossible, and the rest brought under tight control.

>> No.56802285


Boomers are fiscally illeterate if the 4 recessions and totally not great depression we are living through are indicators of their "accomplishments".

>> No.56803445

Regulate deez nutz!

>> No.56803491
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Person 1: Selling land
Person 2: I have BTC or Gold which will you take
Person 1: Either or

Where is a bank involved?

>> No.56803496

Shitcoiners are fucked.

>> No.56805010
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this. and without question, its going to happen.
safemoon devs getting arrested was the indicator to look for.
so basically every single shitcoin thats ever had marketing regarding its "number go up bro just buy it'' strategy will be classed an unregistered security and NO, the devs will NOT be registering it as a security (ever) so it will never be traded again (and thats because the devs will be doing prison time for launching an unregistered security) lol.

the thing to remember now in this cycle is that you need to only be holding high value cryptos that solve big problems so muchso that the people who will want to buy them off you are guys like JP Morgan, Chase, Deutcha, HSBC, etc etc. because you need to start looking at your portfolio and asking yourself this question about every shitcoin u hold: "will JP Morgan buy my DogFartObamaCoomerSonic coins?" and if the answer is NO, then u need to sell them all while u have a market still there to sell in.

this is my /biz/ alpha contribution for the month of November 2023.
gl do you DD, and DYOR

>> No.56805346

>cashing out
This only affects people trying to deal in fiat with their crypto. For true crypto enjoyers there is no "cashing out" since the crypto IS the cash.

>> No.56805654

nothingburger. they pump these headlines out regularly to keep the goyim hivemind in a state of fear. US gov fud is the new China ban fud.

>> No.56806069

The state is involved in that you fucking moron.

>> No.56806090

They can go after centralized companies like Chainlink labs and Ripple