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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56801699 No.56801699 [Reply] [Original]

So I have to find a new job because our business just went bankrupt. I don't have a degree, but I have taken around half the required classes for it, (it's in business and I've been thinking of switching over to criminology). I did all kinds of work at my previous job though; everything from human resources, customer service, and storage. I'm also good with computers and well-read. How do I make a good resume that can help me get a non-shitty job? Something that pays well and is relatively chill. I don't want to work for some retarded, demanding manager that's going to be on my ass all the time. The more time I have to myself, the better. Basically, what fields of work should I aim for with this info in mind?

>> No.56801802

Back to lebbit

>> No.56804628

you should instead switch over to faggotology if you catch my drift.
because you're a faggot.

>> No.56805043

What would you do with that though? isn't that more of a theory and research degree?

>> No.56805711

Tbh I feel like any job could be a shit job due to lack of oportunities, thats why I'm always having a scape boat and some side earnings, for now, im just focusing my holdings on BTC, Sol and some random shit as beoble happens to be

>> No.56805726

Just quit your fucking job and build your own shit and/or die trying that's the way it is, no bitching on 4chan

>> No.56805747

beoble could unironically help with networking if you dont suck at social interaction. maybe if you can do some social engineering even.

>> No.56805755
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You get to larp as a movie detective investigating crime scenes where some nigger got shot in the head while dealing crack cocaine or whatever. It's kinda cool.

>> No.56805756

Daytrading crapto and slinging shitcoins isn't having a job, friends.

>> No.56805769

>good with computers
get an IT degree. the memes about it being dreamy and you not doing anything is a joke, you will work and you will earn a little over minimum wage, but it is really comfy if you like being around computers and like stuff relating to hardware. knowing a tiny bit of how networks work, it's very intuitive nowadays.

>> No.56805782
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This! Jobs are a scam and society is built on you being miserable for the gain of 400 total families world wide! You are nothing but a cog in a machine that will keep working until you get too old and rusty to keep moving! Do crypto, sell weed and go live in the forest!

>> No.56805787

doing anything related to law enforcement fucking sucks. takes too much time, shit pay, constantly talking and interacting with insane and highly unpredictable drug addicts, etc.

>> No.56805789

based. this is the dream.

>> No.56805806

Miles better than anything where you interact with normies. Miles better than a braindead office shit job. MILES BETTER than anything related to the government or public work.

>> No.56805813

Right right, I didn't get the memo, we must become entrepeneurs and start 3 businesses and hire 90 pajeets to do everything for us... Or something along those lines. Right.

>> No.56805818

Have fun going bald by 30 and dying of a heart attack shortly after bro.
Unironically? Yes.

>> No.56805835
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I know!

>> No.56805893

Uh you happened to go quite so far anon

>> No.56805897

Fuck me i love veronica

>> No.56805924

You don't really have to get a Degree, just get enough pratic knowledge to fake your way in and teach yourself some shit while at work

>> No.56805931
