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File: 74 KB, 745x605, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56796274 No.56796274 [Reply] [Original]

"I hate Chainlink, and so should you. Why? Becuase my opinions are based in facts and logic, that's why"

>> No.56796280

Honestly? Fuddies are based, the chainlink team would still be in “stealth mode” if it weren’t for the fud memes of these shitlords

>> No.56796282

note the 60 followers after 7 (yes, 7) years on Twitter

>> No.56796305 [DELETED] 

LOL no

>> No.56796310

I'm not a link fuddie, but I still hate chainlink

>> No.56796322

When someone has to tell you that their opinions are based on facts and logic, it means their opinions are not based in facts and logic


>> No.56796328

But is your opinion on Chainlink based on facts and logic?

>> No.56796346

It's based on the fact that link is globohomo trash that I mostly regret holding for so many years. But as more time goes by I know I can't sell because the second I do it'll finally fucking go to $1k, so I'm stuck married to this cursed bag.

>> No.56796348

>opinions are based in facts and logic
Based fudster

>> No.56796352

Most of LINK fuddies are people who got burned or bagholders lol. Can't blame Chainlink for those reasons. If you sold at the right time, you'd love Chainlink. Same goes for every other crypto

>> No.56796374 [DELETED] 

You would think someone whos opinions are based in factsand logic would have at least 100 followers after 7 years...

Thats like 15 followers a year LOL
I got 15 followers just typing this response

>> No.56796382

>caring about “followers”
Ngmi, are you a woman, per chance?

>> No.56796385

Is it this sperg? >>56712833
Which one is the light mode twitter screencapper? I like looking at these ill freaks like animals in a zoo

>> No.56796387

I don't care about followers, it's just 61 followers after 7 years is embarrassingly bad. But it seems "embarrassing" and LINK fuddies go hand in hand

>> No.56796403
File: 69 KB, 744x406, masterbater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "premiere" LINK Fuddie. Straight up tells you he has mental illness. And thanks to sleuthing, also seems to have a masturbation problem

LOL where do LINK fuddies come from?

>> No.56796410 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 1566x664, Untitledkkknnnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets burned bad by link
>hates link

Makes sense

>> No.56798271

Bump for awareness

>> No.56798441
File: 908 KB, 900x841, 1606594843842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend years making dumb fat- and betray- memes instead of actually meme-ing the fourth industrial resolution.

Never forget these traitorous anons.

>> No.56800258

I remember when fudchads got the staking V0.1 lockup period changed from 2 years down to 1.
Shill cucks are willing to bend over and spread their ass for any reason. We need fudders to keep the betrayers in check