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File: 63 KB, 1200x800, TOPSHOT-ARGENTINA-ELECTION-RUNOFF-RESULTS-MILEI-xgw1f6w6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56795702 No.56795702 [Reply] [Original]

>Literally promising to dismantle the Argentina central bank before getting into office.
How much longer before they pull a JFK on this white nigger?

>> No.56795703

14 days.

>> No.56795716

lol no

>> No.56795719
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>> No.56795737

>dismantle the Argentina central bank
>creates some new turbojew central bank with another name
>goes into synagogue

>> No.56795824

He is literally an Israeli asset and Judeophile. He isn't going to do a damn thing to change the status quo.

>> No.56795836
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>> No.56795901
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trannies like yourself are out in literally 2 weeks

>> No.56795940
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Think again, poltard. Just because they come off as "based" doesn't mean that they aren't yiddish.

>> No.56795968

I am an ancap, not a natsoc tranny.
Also you forgot to switch IP, OP

>> No.56796001
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Literally doesn't matter.
The fact of the matter is that there will never be a true rebellion against central banking without it being some controlled opposition psyop funded by the said same exact bankers.

>> No.56796016

cope, seethe, dilate /pol/ack

>> No.56796067

>white nigger
Who's gonna tell him that this guy's no goy but, ironically, the third option?

>> No.56796082

Good post, excellent gif.
Haha, Mises. He deconstructs everything except his God--mammon/money.

>> No.56796184

Money is not the issue, without money people would kill for other things. Problem is corrupt and dysfunctional justice system. Or in short government.

>> No.56796268

Sanctifying money with the nonaggression principle makes an anarchist into libertarian cuck. I never said money was the problem. Any "ancap" want to split the hair of anarchist and libertarian for me and tell me about your 'tism (not your autism, the other one)

>> No.56796313

hes WEF and they've used Argentina for testing before

>> No.56796320


Latino isn't a distinct race. Genetic results show they are just a mix of different white, black and asian ethnicities. Some of which are clearly more white than others. Obviously there are arguments in the scientific community about what makes someone a certain race or ethnicity, but unless you're a total left-wing brainwashed retard with an agenda, there are clear distinctions between ethnicities and races that can be determined through genealogy.

Javier is clearly white, even if he has traces of other ethnicities in his dna (like everybody else, including you). You race obsessed faggots don't even study genealogy or anthropology. You'd think you'd at least study the things you're obsessed with.

>> No.56796358

You do realize the foreign policy of Argentina doesn't matter right? His statements make no difference other than saying he would rather be the United States' amigo rather than be a BRICS bro. It's why he's nice to Trump despite not having much ideologically in common with him. How do you poltards still pretend that Israel/Jews is the key to literally everything? His position on Israel/Palestine doesn't fucking matter and he knows it. Are you not actually curious about other subjects? Grow up.

>> No.56796367
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not all kikes are bad

>> No.56796379

>Economists are obsessed with money!
>He... he deconstructs things!
Holy shit you are stupid. Like I said, the poltard doesn't know anything that isn't directly to do with babbling about jews.

>> No.56796499

>white as snow skin
>blue eyes
>not white
lol who is white then? This is whiter than hitler

>> No.56796514

>completely unaware of native americans
>u dun even study da genealogy
Lol shut the fuck up.

>> No.56796521

Human action is about economics and heavily implies a legal government system. Do you not appreciate that it's kinda dialectical with the commie shit at time. It's politics determined by praxeology but with a dogma of the free market and anti violence. It's for cucks

>> No.56796526

Thought he already backed down from that.

>> No.56796534
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>His statements make no difference other than saying he would rather be the United States' amigo rather than be a BRICS bro
lmao you stupid fucking retard. he has already gone back on that promise and is now considering whether they should join brics or not. this is what you get every single time with kiked candidates. they dont do anything with their time in office other than suck jew cock. just like trump, who moves with a glacial pace in regards to everything except israel, didnt achieve anything except what he had promised to jews.

>> No.56796544

Like I'm not saying his digs at central banks and the Keynesian and commie mumbo jumbo isn't valid. I'm just saying that antiviolence /nonaggression principle is a dogma that hinders meaningful human action like liberation. I guess if he didn't drink his own coolaid he would of assumed that revolutionaries know that systems like his would be trashed anyway so there's no point including it. But it doesn't make up for leaving a hole in his whole praxeological axiomatic heuristic or whatever you'd call it. Anyone who believes otherwise will find themselves in a spiritually cuckold position.

>> No.56796547

being white isnt only an appearance thing. slavs look white too, but they're inherently niggers. south americans are NOT white.

>> No.56796551

jewed nazi retard

>> No.56796554

Dos semanas más

>> No.56796556

Fuck off jew slavs are clearly white and you just trying to make “white” category smaller and smaller and marking more infightings

>> No.56796567

>nooo you can’t support this right wing candidate because he doesn’t cry about muh Palestine like a tranny. Enjoy inflation and trannys for Palestine
Fuck off, people aren’t beholden to make sacrifices for Palestinians. Arab-Firsters you should go move to Gaza if you care so much

I will continue to vote for anti-immigration, anti-tranny, anti-global warming hysteria, anti-inflation candidates even if they don’t care about muh Gaza.

>> No.56796576

only north western europeans are true white, but they're a dying race with the mass importation of niggers. slavs act and think like chimps, just like south americans.

>> No.56796585 [DELETED] 

only j*ws and their "inclusiveness" will consider him as white

"everyone is white, goy!"

>> No.56796586

Right wing pro-white Christian wins
>NuPol = :(
Left wing pro-Muslim Commie wins
>NuPol = :0


>> No.56796590 [DELETED] 

nobody except you said a word about palestine. yourse obsessed, kike.

>I will continue to vote for anti-immigration, anti-tranny, anti-global warming hysteria, anti-inflation candidates even if they don’t care about muh Gaza.
you will continue to vote for kikes and not get any of the things you vote for

>> No.56796623
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Ancaps are based

>> No.56796624

Muslim-Firsters keep seething about him and claiming he’s a Judeophile because he doesn’t such Arab dick like the last Argentinian gov. Already been posted several times.

Arab-first types should move to Arab countries. Palestinians have never given me anything, why should I tolerate inflation for them

>> No.56796656

What's the difference between ancaps anarchists and lolbertarians?

>> No.56796676

libertarians want a minimal state, ancaps want to abolish the state and have competing security forces enforce rights

>> No.56796706


>> No.56796767

I get the feeling that you are a little fucked in the head and lost in your delusions, but I will bite if you have any real argument against why people should not be able to use money.

>> No.56796817

I wrote out how his axioms for human action / praxeology make his assertion for the existence of a libertarian state and a maintenance of a free market economy ironic elsewhere in the thread. You're handing out non-sequiturs; I never said that people should not be able to use money. If you are not a bot, all the best.

>> No.56796821

here the one with the dubs:

>> No.56796826

Hey thanks that's pretty simple actually, and so ancaps versus anarchists is I guess nothing but a vision for the future? I'm an isismist by the way; as in whatever is is.

>> No.56796850

Oh no

>> No.56796874

I assumed that because you blamed mises for "sanctifying money", as if doing that is particularly wrong because money is evil or something.

This is pretty pathetic take because without non agression principle all you get is chaos, often what people take for anarchy while anarchy does not mean apocalypse but just other things taking place of the state, in the case of anarcho-capitalism the market.

It is still not clear to me what is your beef with mises or anarcho-capitalism and your incessant usage of buzzwords and lack of ideas make it pointless to read and respond to your posts. I mean no disrespect.

Not entirely true the libertarianism is a philosophy of ethics, anarcho-capitalism on the otherhand is the logical outcome of what libertarianism applied to economics. For example an anarcho-capitalist is not concerned with abortion, a libertarian is. And some libertarians do completely want the state gone, some want a minimal state they are called minarchists.

>> No.56796887

>talking about
okokok when is he gonna be DOING something?

>> No.56796904 [DELETED] 

White are the defender of capitalism. He want to destroy the central bank which makes him a communist. i.e. he is nonwhite


Tl;dr fuck you kikes

>> No.56796909

I'm literally using the vocabulary in human action, down to calling communist theory "mumbo jumbo", you would know if you read it. Enjoy the show cuck.

>> No.56796923

I read some of it and understood the idea, unlike you.

>> No.56796931

>if someone doesn't give a shit about moslems you automatically shouldn't vote for them here vote for the Greens and tranny-commies who suck islamic dick instead!
no. Besides his stance on Palestinians, give me a good reason why I shouldn't support this guy over other candidates.

>> No.56796935
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he is actually doing sum sum

>> No.56796981
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4chan has been taken over by midwit redditors. This place has gone down the shitter since 2016.


"Native" Americans have asian genetics. Again, look at their genetic code. They weren't separated from their ancient ancestors long enough to cause a significant difference in their dna to classify them as a separate race.

Again, go look at the genetic code of most Latinos. They are basically just "native" American (asian) mixed with Spanish and Portuguese (white) dna. The darker ones are the descendants of slaves brought over during the transatlantic slave trade.


An AnCap is an Anarcho-Capitalist. They want to totally abolish the state and leave it up to private courts and security forces to effectively establish common law throughout society.

Libertarian is a big-tent (catch-all) phrase that is used to describe anybody that is a registered Libertarian, or somebody who promotes AnCap, Minarchist, Objectivist, or Classical Liberal political views.

An anarchist generally means an anarcho-communist, or an anarcho-capitalist. Although I would argue that neither is actually anarchist and they are both bastardizations of what true anarchism actually is.

In my opinion, the only true form of anarchism was described by Max Steiner. Look up Max Steiner on Anarchism on YouTube if you want a quick summary. But, true anarchism should be anti-collectivist, anti-corporation, anti-government and anti-contract. Basically, it's total individualism with no rules whatsoever and no rights, or laws. It's the only philosophically consistent form of anarchism. Since both AnComs and AnCaps believes in social contracts, or property ownership through deeds, neither are actually anarchist, because both of them require an enforcement mechanism (aka the mob, the state, or the corporation).

>> No.56796986

based jew giving people what they want

>> No.56797006

>neither is actually anarchist and they are both bastardizations of what true anarchism actually is.
I mean, these are just ideological principles, not rulebooks. Obviously full-scale implementation of anarchy requires the dissolution of government entirely. But that's clearly not a long-term solution because inevitably, humans will once again centralize power around a hierarchy. Leaning toward anarchy vs authoritarianism just means a weaker state rather than no state. It's just a concept for framing policy decisions, not a live or die religiously held belief.

>> No.56797053

This is intuitively what I felt anarchy was. I don't have a problem with anarcho-capitalism but I was always weirded out by their make-shift 'corporate state', which is why they get along so well with libertarians who require a sanctuary for the operations of a market; that is their statism that is called for by Mises (as great as an economist as he was). DESU I don't understand communism, I guess anarchocommunism means 'people will get on'. I think that anarchism can but does not necessarily require social contracts etc, I wouldn't want to preclude them for everyone because then you're being ironically unidividualist... in the end I'm one of those anarchists who asserts we're indeed living in anarchy right now. We're all perfectly free. My arguments are generally attempts to liberate people from making money centre to politics, because it becomes a dogma even for the self-proclaimed anarchists. As you said, anarchy is not about contracts and so byebye money. Thank you for your suggestion, I read for my job but will get round to Steiner before arguing on the internet about anarchy again. Only anarchist material I've read actually is Bertrand Russell and well lol...

>> No.56797069

Stop narcing on our searching for ideals!