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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56794461 No.56794461 [Reply] [Original]

Then everyone will acknowledge we were right all along about everything and we’ll finally get to own a home and have sex! Thank goodness I didn’t buy when all the hoomers did in 2021.

>> No.56794491
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You do know Americans have fixed rate mortgages right? So if you already have a mortgage your payment doesn't change

>> No.56794528

my mortgage payment is $800 per month in a town where you can't find a 1 bedroom apartment under $2k/mo

>> No.56794565

Are you retarded?

>> No.56794584
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Not really. Its actually going to be worse. GFC 2.0 will involve all the banks running out of liquidity. Getting a home loan, or any loan really, will be next to impossible. Home sellers will need to cut prices to even get people to qualify for loans.

>but muh cash buyers
Most of that cash comes for lending against other assets to avoid paying taxes. Good luck getting liquidity out of assets during a liquidity crisis.

>> No.56794587

Just bought a house 4 months ago, 2000 sq feet 4 bed 3 bath, in Columbus Ohio. Monthly payment only $1900. Probably couldn’t have even gotten cheaper if I waited longer and this was with no down payment.

>> No.56794598

>lending against
I meant borrowing against.

>> No.56794605

Fiat conforms to the world

But the world conforms to Bitcoin

Hyperinflation is natural

>> No.56795089

lol my bags are up like 80% since house prices peaked. Anyone who fomo bought is retarded

>> No.56795125

You do know he's being sarcastic and laughing at all the stupid faggot bears who shit up /biz/ for 2+ years about the impending home crash when what ACTUALLY happened is rates AND prices went up such that rentcucks will now NEVER own a home while home owners have fixed below-market debt for 30 years LOL

>> No.56795177
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I was looking around for houses because I'm spending 2k a month on rent in austin.

What the fuck am I supposed to do with this? HUH?! A million fucking dollars? I have 750 credit score and this is fucking cancer. Put 20% down (60k on a 280k home)? Still paying MORE than the principal in sheer interest.

>> No.56795230

yeah austin is fucked that's why i kept my savings and rented another year but now im way up on my downpayment

Also why are u paying 2k a month in austin bro how nice is your place im living in a shit shack downtown for 1600

>> No.56795375
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I own a home and have a salary of 150k/yr and I still haven't had sex.

>> No.56795397
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When are those NIGGERS at Standard and Poors going to update Case Shiller?

>> No.56795442

Aw yeah because the 30million shitskins the jews handheld over the border are just going to live... In the great outdoors j guess.
Idiot. The population is going up, its always going up because fucking retard jews. More people need more housing. They can't build it fast enough, and until the population takes a massive hit, expect it to keep going up.

>> No.56796903
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>1200/mo taxes on a $350k single family
shiggydee, diggydoo

>> No.56796918

I don't think that's realistic. The Fed's number 1 mandate is to prevent a deflationary crisis

>> No.56796964

It's insane. I have no idea why Texas voters put up with the property tax jew.

The state Republicans recently reduced property tax and what did the cities, counties, and school districts do? Immediately increased the tax to take 50% of the state-level reduction in new taxes.

>> No.56797665

... while being locked into their gay cardboard shitboxes for 30 years unless they want to take a haircut of 30% wiping out their entire equity

>> No.56797848

Nah, I'm going to rent this one out when I buy my next one.


>> No.56797855
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Because anyone who votes for the Duopoly is a fucking moron.

>> No.56799190

because there is no income tax.

>> No.56799314

Yep. On my 3rd home now and the mortgage is paid by the rental income from the other 2.

>> No.56799408

are you inthe big short movie dancing around a pole?

>> No.56799975

That by itself is not a good reason to have property taxes that high; I live in another state with no income tax, and the property tax on a $350k house would be about $400 a month in my county. Our sales tax rate is lower too.

>> No.56799989

I have so much USD to scoop up cheap homies. Cant wait!

>> No.56800016

>You do know Americans have fixed rate mortgages right? So if you already have a mortgage your payment doesn't change
>your payment doesn't change but your wages still go down

>> No.56800028

>I have so much USD to scoop up cheap homies. Cant wait!
>I'm going to buy as many bags filled with bundles of old sticks instead of a forest, how smart am I!!

>> No.56800078

>rents bundle of sticks which paid off homes
Yea, stay poor buddy boy

>> No.56800123

texas is over 60% latino, not 60% nonwhite total, fucking 60% is just latinos
in total it's like 30% white and half of those are elderly

high property taxes are actually an excellent way to recoup the huge cost burden of latinos who generally don't pay any form of income taxes, withholding taxes, etc. either because they're illegal or because they're working for cash or because they're income-poor as fuck and have no tax burden (obviously talking federal taxes)

yes many of them rent but that just means the landlord is passing on the cost of the taxes

>> No.56800347

which state

>> No.56800380

The feds can create liquidity out of your ass. Helicopter Ben is still with us in spirit.