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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56789232 No.56789232 [Reply] [Original]

Is there market demand for a crypto-exclusive chatting service? I don't know if beoble is a good investment or not.

>> No.56789239

now that discord bans porn and telegram is 90% bots, maybe

>> No.56789241

Yeah it's called /biz/

>> No.56789250

the fact that you have to ask this question on a 4chan forum is answer enough for you

>> No.56789254

Friend.tech does exactly that about a year ago

>> No.56789260

cryptotards in your city looking for discreet sex
>>click here<<

>> No.56789264

the market demands the possibility to trade futures without so much protocol

>> No.56789267
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only if it's open to femboy traders and not insufferable nft pfp using attention starved faggots with no taste and too much inheritance money to throw at trash.

>> No.56789270
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i demand a new album by rage against the machine

>> No.56789289
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Frentech just imitates Telegram and little else. Beoble has your wallet integrated to your account, and servers can require you to hold a certain amount of a specific crypto to get in.
>Chainlink kool kidz klub
>Avalanche midjourney generating waifu operations chat
Etc. So it's cool to me. But idk if I should buy the ido or what.
Sadly it's open to everybody.
Me too anon, me too.
>System of a Down will never ever produce another album together
>The drummer is a chuddie
It's over.

>> No.56789290

I think it wouldn't be necessary if /biz/ were a little more exclusive, but having to read threads day after day of kids trolling is exhausting

>> No.56789292

thats what ETFs are your right?

>> No.56789299

And what would be the measure for this "exclusivity" Mr.Anon?

>> No.56789304

>Not board
This fucking nigga.

>> No.56789310

i've said it before i'll say it again.
biz needs an iq test as a requirement to post here.
one iq test to unlock the whole website up, actually.

>> No.56789314

I wouldn't mind sharing space with femboys if I can avoid the newfags who post daily "it's over" threads

>> No.56789315

and suddenly it becomes crypto tinder, "no anon you can't fuck me if you hold link"

>> No.56789317

>discord bans porn
they ban words they don't like, too. complete breach of privacy. can't even say nigga with my close circle jokingly because it's muh bad word and i must be educated even when talking with my niggas.

garbage platform.
also telegram is great, if you aren't in public groups. that's where the aids accumulates.

>> No.56789324

Not touching that dogshit with a ten foot pole. Beoble neither. You just don't know who the fuck is operating these and what they can do with chat logs.

>> No.56789326

>Beoble has your wallet integrated to your account
Now it makes sense, its a jew wallet scam, you log in and get yeet

>> No.56789333

sounds wonderful. maybe they'll stop posting in this fucking board so much and go circlejerk there instead. doubt they'll have many users considering it's like 20 faggots in this entire board still holding those shits but now that they are getting meager pumps during a fucking bull run (a total win for them no doubt) more soon-to-be cultists will join i'm sure.

>> No.56789338
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Only if it's open source, completely decentralized, encrypted, and uses a federation model for it's servers over centralized/propietary ones.

Otherwise, fuck off.

>> No.56789340

I doubt they ever will, it's just another social to raid, that's all

>> No.56789360

Pretty much. You can also deny entry to specific groups of people holding specific stuff so if you don't want inu fags in a server they can't get in. It's oke

It's a chatting service anon not a child porn sharing haven. Chill out.

>> No.56789366

people who think slurs are funny in 2023 deserve punishment and to get ostracized. grow the fuck up child

>> No.56789377

this would be a thousand times more interesting

>> No.56789384

thank god finally someone besides me noticed

>> No.56789392

the best investment is to seek jesus and give your heart to his cause

>> No.56789394

Yeah yeah stop playing the nice guy, fuck you, slurs are fine people are just a bunch of stupid crybabies

>> No.56789399
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>> No.56789446

Not really. Stop messing around like a retard and just buy bitcoin, faggot.

>> No.56790298
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that involves interacting with more humans, hard pass
I already feel very comfy looking at the VINU logo and watching the funny numbers go up

>> No.56790946
File: 25 KB, 565x278, messanger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the marketcap? OpenChat (on ICP) already does everything promised by the video here:

OpenChat is currently at a $27 Million MCap. ETH integration for ICP is right around the corner as well.

>> No.56791886

>white supremacist
I sincerely hope you enjoy your orwellian utopia faggot