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File: 373 KB, 440x821, 1701081267939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56787478 No.56787478 [Reply] [Original]

Invest yourself in pic related and you're guaranteed to make it

>> No.56787513

what's with his eye, imagine that guy "looked" at you and told you he is the incarnation of god.

>> No.56787515

Looks Arab.

>> No.56787517

it surely didnt help me

>> No.56787577

Tell that to half of Africa, most of Latin America, and the Philippines.

>> No.56787592

looks gay

>> No.56787614

God knows everything, therefore he knows the euphoric feeling of cumming from being fucked in the ass. God is gay. Same logic for God being a pedo.

>> No.56787633

Based worked for me

>> No.56787719

The two sides reflect his human nature and divine nature.

>> No.56787729
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Yeshua was a brown man you fucking retard

>> No.56788547


>> No.56788679

I wouldn’t believe him until I saw him walk on water or heal a cripple or turn water to wine or feed 5,000 from a few loafs of bread and fish or rise from the dead all of which Christ has already done.

>> No.56788696

God is perfect and hates sin therefore your arguments are not only extremely childish and perverted (which says a lot about the state of your soul) but also wrong.

>> No.56789248

only the dead revive is impressive of those and they didn't even know when someone was really dead back then. but with those eyes he surely lacks stereoscopic vision, probably even has two images in his brain.

>> No.56789597
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Pic related

The absence of God is sin anon. Age is a social construct that has shifted through centuries. When humans died sooner it was important to breed quickly. However more time given to developement produces stronger people. Consider ants that breed in hoardes vs elephants that breed once every 4 years. As human live longer that age will gradually tick upwards and someday someone will be disgusted by the thought of 18 year old consent.

>> No.56789612

Kys jew snake he was a blue eyed aryan

>> No.56789636
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Repent and follow Christ.

>> No.56789766
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>> No.56789966

Quit listening to (((experts)))

>> No.56789995

Its literally shitsraeli kikr devils that reconstructed the image of Jesus to make fun of God, everyone that spreads this bs is essentially a jewish devil.
They will fry in the lake of fire, the real oven

>> No.56790149

Advent is coming blessed anon. What a great joy a savior is to be born to us. Amen.

>> No.56790173

his name is isa and he's a prophet of God not pagan "lord"

>> No.56790424 [DELETED] 

What does it mean to follow christ?

>> No.56790449

I tried brother
after pic related, my faith was restored
but Im in a (((sanctioned))) hyperinflated country and the holidays are coming up and I can barely pay my bills
at least Christ helped me not end my life

>> No.56790456

It means to go out and dedicate yourself doing the LORD's work and tending to your neighbors as you would family, both spiritually and physically. It requires an abnegation of earthy things and an iron disgust for sin

>> No.56790457

What does it mean to follow christ?

>> No.56790458

Right, and he totally didn't die on the cross for our sins -- despite the consensus of 100s of his contemporaries.

"Bu bu but the bible is corrupted!"

Your religion's founders disagreed on that opinion for the first 400 years

>> No.56790459
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>pic related

>> No.56790518

But if God is omnipresent. Then is he is also within sin. God has commanded killing despite saying though shalt not kill. You could say he told (us) not to kill, but he works through us. Explain.

>> No.56790567

Explain what, your flawed logic?

>> No.56790593

>won't make it till you die

>> No.56790874
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For a board filled with autistic people, you fucks are vauge about everything. Next you'll tell me that God created the universe.

>> No.56791454

This unironically worked for me. I put my total trust in the Son of God and it has changed every aspect of my life for the better. Its not easy, and the world and the prince and power of the air (satan) will attack you as you are being sanctified. Stay the course brothers. Repent and pray without ceasing for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

>> No.56791541

So your logic is that there was nothing but darkness and void and then it exploded and the universe happened. Sorry atheist but you cannot have nothing and get everything from nothing. Even physicists say that the big bang is visible still by a faint glow that our telescopic devices can pick up. The universe has rapidly expanded and become increasingly complex since the beginning, but there is a beginning and that is God. He is everlasting, unchanging, Holy and righteous. God created us in His image to live in his creation and to Glorify HIM. His Son Jesus Christ (GOD IN THE FLESH) came to save us from destruction and our falleness. Christ said "before Abraham was, I am." He will come again to judge the living and the dead and His kingdom will have no end. You must confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and believe with your heart that God raised him from the dead. We are saved by His grace through Faith. We do nothing to deserve it, it is through faith in Him alone that we are saved and will have everlasting life.

>> No.56792084

Christians will tell you that salvation by faith and not through works. Faith is still working but in the working of the mind instead of physical.

The angels dissentented because they chose not forced servitude under an authoritarian, but you seem happy with it. At what point do you decide the thing condemming you eternally if you don't love him might not be the best choice.

>> No.56792529
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>brownoid on a stick is le holy xDD
None of his contemporaries were around when the bible was written. There is 0 (ZERO) historical evidence he even existed.

>> No.56792685

Simple. If God, supreme creator the perfect and righteous and merciful supreme being who sent his Son as the unblemished lamb, the righteous savior and teacher. Why would you not want to live to the highest standard according to His living word? His promise is eternal life. Where else do you find such a promise and such a high calling/purpose?

>> No.56792805

Sin is literally just going against LORD’s will. The point of Job is that He knows and does stuff no human can understand and he is all powerful, so He gets to make the rules and we just got to suck it up and take it like a man

>> No.56792832

Christcucks are masochist retards holy shit

>> No.56792855

hide old believers threads
ignore old believers posts

>> No.56792860

based. christ is king and the holy catholic orthodox church is his bride.

>> No.56792865

King of jews

>> No.56792901

Book of Job is the earliest story from the Bible, so it’s the canaanites turned Israelites that are masochists. Which makes sense given its in Bronze Age Levant

>> No.56794223

Based. God bless you anon.

>> No.56794628
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can confirm. happy for you fren.
you won't all "make it" from betting on shit coins. you can all make it in the most ultimately meaningful way.

>> No.56794868

Christ spits on the Talmud. Press S to spit

>> No.56796905
File: 1.53 MB, 930x10000, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest yourself in pic related and you're guaranteed to make it

>> No.56796954


>> No.56796961
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>> No.56797055

Hell is essentially a choice of a man to be eternally separated from God. God will not force anyone to love Him. The problem is that humans have no love without God’s love, so hell is a terrible place.

>> No.56797421

Thread theme.

>> No.56797463
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why is this thread still up

>> No.56797579

Begone Jew

>> No.56797606

>he still believes in Space

>> No.56798326


>> No.56798467
File: 240 KB, 974x1209, IMG_0347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews get teeth kicked in by Roman chads
>Spend 2000 years without a homeland and persecuted everywhere
>Say “Fuck our old god, we’ll make a new one, with blackjack and hookers!”
>Succeed and rule over all major institutions with no challenge
>Live life with wealth and no risk of law
The problem with whites is that they cuck themselves by believing they deserve punishment for something instead of taking the universe by the horns. Then they’ll project when you don’t buy into their masochistic narrative. See: the entire modern era