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56784646 No.56784646 [Reply] [Original]

only use case of crypto is ponzi pyramid, prove me wrong

>> No.56784663

society itself is a ponzi pyramid, prove me wrong

>> No.56784672
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Think fifth dimensionally for a femtosecond:
1) Hyperbitcoinization eliminates parasitic economic transactions by enforcing positive sum gaming
2) Increasing BTC value pushes us closer to hyperbitcoinization realities
3) Increases in value of BTC translates to DIRECT increases in worldwide economic efficiency by granting greater economic influence to positive sum actors

BTC bootstraps itself being both safe haven, a politically, cryptographically, and financially fixed unit of account, and risk asset (liquidity sponge) this creates a positive feedback loop under expansitory regimes. As futures where BTC gains value outperform futures where it does not (by granting greater economic influence to positive sum actors), BTC will gain value in all realities which operate under fiat/debasement systems. Bitcoin is an inevitability.

>> No.56784687

bitcoin will only work if its price increases infinitely, which is impossible

>> No.56784710

>price measured in a currency with potentially infinite supply can't go up infinitely

>> No.56784716

The exact opposite, the use case of crypto is getting out of the biggest Ponzi scheme ever created in history.

>> No.56784733

Buying drugs on the Internet

>> No.56784736

so why don't they make a Bitcoin Part 2?

>> No.56784750

It's actually really useful for sending money to people that are not in the same country as you. It's a lot easier than going to the bank to do a wire transfer

>> No.56784812
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False. There is no means to guarantee more BTC by merely possessing BTC. That is, the real value of BTC after hyperbitcoinization only increases if the world is wealthier (Efficient. Wealth, on a systemic level, is efficiency: more from a given input). BTC therefore flows towards productivity as the only way to acquire more BTC is through positive sum economic transactions, while brutally punishing parasitism, increasing global wealth/efficiency exponentially.

>> No.56784817

Crypto is dependent on electricity and web 2.0, if you don't own gold/silver then you're poor.

>It's a lot easier than going to the bank to do a wire transfer
There are many ways to send money internationally without going to your local bank, retard.

>> No.56784874

i can send my friends in other countries money without getting cucked by the pre-existing monetary systems in place

>> No.56784908

>2 more weeks and all technology will disappear!
An oz of gold buys 2 tons of wheat flour now, you think you'd get even a 50lb sack for your shiny rock in a collapse scenario? BTC + ton of vacuum sealed food + guns out preforms gold under all eventualities

>> No.56784949
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Ok so if the Bitcoiners are going to just shoot the goldbugs for their gold, what are the goldbugs going to do to the foodfags?

>> No.56785009
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>2 more weeks and all technology will disappear!
I know you think you're high IQ but you're not.
Our society and our technologies are incredibly fragile.
>solar activity fries the grid
>China invades Taiwan and takes over control of all modern semiconductors
>1 world government deems public Internet too dangerous and makes it a permit-based privilege
There are so many fucking timelines that make crypto worthless its hilarious.
Meanwhile gold and silver are just stores of value by themselves. They don't need electricity, free Internet or "maintainers" that keep the code safe.

>> No.56785727
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the purpose and function of haircomb is to destroy commercial banking as we know it

>> No.56786161

Shiny rock fetishist is dumb, shocking. In an actual disruptive event gold will vastly underperform food and guns/ammo
>1 world government deems public Internet too dangerous and makes it a permit-based privilege
kek. Boomer-rockfag is a statist slavemind, of course. State is a memetic parasitic you dumb fucking smoothbrain, it can't act contra to economic will for any meaningful timeframe, a timeframe that's constantly shrinking given the ever increasing speed of information dissemination.

>> No.56786755

true ,yikes

>> No.56787061

>i'm retarded
>prove me wrong
no i'm good