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56781289 No.56781289 [Reply] [Original]

>women are making more money than men and surpassing them in every field
>pic related
Why the fuck are they like this?
What more do they want?

>> No.56781305

they want their hymen back so this time around they can pair bond correctly

>> No.56781765

I think that without children/family and only work to fill their time, they are quickly becoming aware of the pointlessness of it all. The question then becomes why they are MORE unhappy than men, which goes back to the fact that being a woman is social easymode and they've never had to do anything to get attention or be liked. Being unpopular and unimportant is the default state for males, so we've developed coping mechanisms like hobbies, true friendships, and developing autistic obsessions with certain subjects. You develop these strategies early in life and unfortunately I don't think most women will be able to at 30 when their social appeal starts wearing off.

I've been telling my wife this for years now, but she just realized it for herself today-- that she doesn't really do anything. She has no hobbies or productive activities to fill her time and we don't have kids (yet), so her options are either to hang out with me or waste time in the form of empty, passive activities like watching TV. Like no shit you're bored and unhappy when you have nothing productive or valuable to live for. This is something that's just self-evident to men.

tl;dr women mostly vapid and empty, but you didn't need me to tell you that

>> No.56781782

Women want to raise children. Yes, this is a generalization, but it's true.

>> No.56781788

they want to be housewives and just stay at home waiting for a man to come back and fuck them, even if they don't know it.

>> No.56781796

Because it was all a trap, the girl boss shit is a lie and they are paying the price for defying natural law. Simple as, women are designed to make babies and nurture. Live long enough and you will find this is the truth

>> No.56781802

incel detected

>> No.56781870

Happiness isn't a condition that arises once you check all the boxes of the physical things you want. It's a condition that arises once you have all the things that allow happiness. It's a condition of mental completeness, and the qualifications are mental as well; fellowship, family, purpose, goals, hope, charity, connection, all of these are what makes people happy. Jobs, money, praise, leisure... These do not.

>> No.56781897

It's not a condition, it's an emotion. You don't need a reason to feel an emotion. If you did, they wouldn't be called emotions. Most people lack the understanding to follow through with this however.

>> No.56781908

women are retarded, more news at 12

>> No.56781937

They want really good dick but also one that actually sticks around.

But in 2023 all the boys/men are sissified and conditioned to never talk to girls, and the only remaining "Chad" stereotypes are fuckboys with a guarantee of single motherhood.

>> No.56782085

Men are more capable of adopting the life of a lonely childless autist with vidya and anime. Women?? Haha they don't have that option and you know it.

Nature ALWAYS finds a way. Always.

>> No.56782106
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>> No.56782107

women are turning into men and most men are turning into a neutral/sis gender.

actually i think women have such good lives in 2023 that thier dopamine recetprs are comepletly fuked

>> No.56782118

children, they want children

>> No.56782122 [DELETED] 
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all of women’s problems can be fixed with a nigger dick gently placed in their ass. women love bbc

>> No.56782130

They weren't biologically designed to be hunter gatherers aka working. That's the biological task for men, not women. Women were designed to take care of the nest (home) and nurture the young until they're old enough to move out of the nest.

So yes, traditional masculine and feminine roles have their purpose. Feminism has been the cancer that has been destroying the western world slowly and very painfully.

>> No.56782132

They're simply not empowered enough. They need more independence.

>> No.56782409

Lot of incels ITT, here's an actual solution to this problem:
Yes women are finally free and thriving in a once men dominated world but they still need role models in leadership roles. Women need to see and follow female CEOs and leaders of industry to ultimately see themselves and feel comfortable in leadership positions.
Men will always be an obstacle to female freedome as they've always been throughout human history and it's important women understand this.

>> No.56782450

just making sure you get that reply you wanted

>> No.56782453

Surely you can shitpost better than that anon. Have we taught you nothing?

>> No.56782459

Except women still don’t kill themselves nearly as much as men so I don’t buy this kike shit at all.

>> No.56782475

Men are bigger risk takers, if they actually want to kill themselves they will actually go through with it. Women just haven’t got the stomach for it, but women do actually attempt suicide more often even despite the diffference in risk adversion it’s just that their attempts are much more likely to be failures

>> No.56782522


>> No.56782650

Women found out the grass isn't greener on the other side. Now they're all stuck slaving away for the corporate jew.

>> No.56782931

incel thread

>> No.56782953

Remove quota laws and they crumble instantly through merit.

>> No.56783007
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In all honesty, if you take women away from men your civilization collapses. Simple as. The labor of men is way more important than the labor of women and men will not work if they do not have a woman. Why would they? They have nothing to work for, nobody to feed and protect. They cant even have kids. If they do women can just take it from them. The kids dont belong to them and they dont have the authority to raise them or discipline them. Why would they fight for their country and risk dying overseas to come back home to no one?

>> No.56783059


>> No.56783087 [DELETED] 

There's literally nothing stopping women from making their own companies and growing them. Why should women be given anything?

>> No.56783105

>What more do they want?
They want a guy who doesn't care about the consequences of anything he does, especially the sexual implications of this.

>> No.56783112

With Chad or Tyrone

>> No.56783260

birthrates trending to 0 for all first world countries, wealthiest most advanced nations have the lowest birthrates
what do women want? apparently they want their kind to go extinct, lol

it seems society finally ran out of simps who will man up and marry Chad's leftovers with Gen Y, something like 50% of Gen Y women are never going to have any children

i've recently noticed that virtually all of the married Gen X and Y parents I see are fat, or at least the woman is fat, and I mean FAT, and they're also OLD, waiting way too long to have kids
i am amazed there are so many simps willing to put themselves in this situation, but it seems we've finally reached the inflection point and a majority are refusing to marry and/or have kids

of my siblings 3/4 are childless, 1 cousin has 1 kid
both of those kids are racemixed (hapas), so yeah, women want their kind to go extinct lmao
all according to plan

>> No.56783295

>Women are unhappy
That makes me happy.

>> No.56783296

my brother made kids with some average looking latina (brown hair brown eyes, the kids are all tall and extremely handsome great proportions with green/blue eyes . i used to pick on him all the time telling him he should have madded some babies with his white /bue eyed ex gf.

i made some kids with blue eyed lady, all my kids are but ugly im jealous of his. im looking to make some babies with some latina when i go to colombia.

14 years later.
i think race mixing aint bad. the kids come out cuter healthier

>> No.56783364

If you impregnate a trash white, your kids will be trash Whites
If you impregnate a beautiful non-white, your kids will be mixed chads. But still mixed. And they will hate you for what you did to them, ESPECIALLY if you have "desirable" white features and they end up without some or all of them.

>> No.56783384

Women got hit with two massive, conflicting psyops.

1. The world is an extremely dangerous place. Every man wants to rape and murder you.
2. You don't need no man to protect you from... all the men who want to rape and murder you. Slay queen!

This has left many young women in a state of neurosis and schizophrenia

>> No.56783388

>1 post by this id

>> No.56783394

for like 3 years of life, then they become ugly. look at male HAPAs
technically true, however they can have adverse outcomes from organ donation, bone marrow transplants, etc. because those are heavily genetically influenced and a small pool of miscegenation-born people results in a DRAMATICALLY smaller pool of donors

all of that excludes the identity issues that they'll suffer from too

>> No.56783407

>white trash
Hello Tel Aviv

>> No.56783460
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Considering woman that are not working are out breeding the woman that are working I suspect there is some evolutionary pressure there. So it will probably sort itself out in the long run. Just like how the woman that left the cave to hunt with the men didn't have many babies.

>> No.56783478

>compete with men economically w/ help from the government and ESG
>dateable male supply plummets
>women won't date/marry an unemployed/underemployed guy because they're still programmed to seek a breadwinner husband

Quit your fucking jobs or marry a NEET ladies.

>> No.56783481
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>men are turning into a neutral/sis gender.
That's not what is happening, just because zoomies don't go out and spend all their time riding muscle cars and banging sluts doesn't mean they're fags
They're instead holed up inside of their rooms not interacting with anyone, they're developing anti-sociality behaviors as a rejection to the policies put in place by western Judeo governments
No shit they're gonna look more feminine than their predecessors, they don't get enough light or exercise

This isn't necessarily a bad thing either, Nor is it a new thing, but most people simply don't look at history enough to Recognize the same pattern.
It's a rejection of the current system same as it happened before but this time there are not enough Mexicans in the world to keep it running

In the past anytime America had to face any problem or issue they never actually had to improve the society in anyway
>North imports Paddies
>Quick import Chinese!
>Import every jew!
>Spic Galore!
>Open up every border!
>We need all of India!

Finally we have come to the influx point where there the maximum of human capital capable of being thrown at a problem to solve it has surpassed the amount of people able to fix said problem

>> No.56783534

humanity: extinction speedrun

>> No.56783553

I feel so lucky i popped a hymen with my highschool girlfriend.. then eventually met a good girl and had a son with her. I'm only on 4chan because i was a videogame and mecha fan years ago. Circa 2004.

>> No.56783567
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they asked for it

>> No.56783585

Name 1 other time in history where women had as much freedom as they do now

>> No.56783594

Because none of that is actually true. Women all move to THE BIG CITY and make 50k while the redneck in west virginia doesn't move and makes 40k hauling shit in his truck but lives like he makes 80k, while 50k in the city is poverty.

>> No.56783598


>> No.56783623

>they want to be housewives and just stay at home waiting for a man to come back and fuck them, even if they don't know it.
It makes more sense to think women are >>56781765 empty and stupid, so you get lulzy shit like the 42yo surgeon complaining men won't MAN UP (only doctors of course) and marry her. Because the woman thought men would be attracted to what she is attracted to, because she isn't capable of understanding people outside the self have different goals and desires than her. So by the time she realized that making 200k a year doesn't get you a husband making 400k a year she was already priced out of ever having a husband or kids just by the natural aging process. But she unironically thought that a 400k a year man would want to marry a 200k a year woman, just because she makes a lot. That made sense in her mind.

>> No.56783635


>> No.56783643
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There were always monks and shit in history. Hermits. Guys who spend their entire lives as a mercenary or trader to distant lands. Women do not have this and have only ever imitated men in hopes of finding a man that fits whatever retarded criteria she has in her head.

>> No.56783655

reading the picrel just makes me sad

>> No.56783660

>both of those kids are racemixed (hapas), so yeah, women want their kind to go extinct lmao
The problem is that if you have the unfortunate experience of knowing what a white woman's exes look like, she always had a "brownfucker" phase where some spic or nigger stuck his cock in her. Then they realize that spicnigs are not good boyfriends and swing back to the white side to cash in. Single moms with halfbreed kids are the ones who simply can't swing back for obvious reasons, but white women are dumb whores who have to get smacked around before they come ungratefully crawling back whining that Chad didn't protect them from Jamal.

>> No.56783663

I felt sorry for her until the last sentence. Things have to get a lot worse I guess.

>> No.56783675

It makes me laugh. Average millennial hole. Spends 15 years getting pumped and dumped by half the planet. Now she's fat, indebted and still thinks she deserves chad and a house and kids. Men always learn the hard way you need to have a plan at 18 to have a career or the market will spend the next 10-15 years making your life shit as you reorient into careersville. Women always find out the same thing, but when they learn it they reject it and keep pining for chad.

>> No.56783742
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>women are making more money than men and surpassing them in every field

Its not enough chuds, its time for all men to go extinct, only women deserve to own this world.

>> No.56783765

You could argue that importing germans to colonize the midwest instead of anglo-americans doing it is the same. Likewise slavery was just importing more niggers instead of industrializing or hiring whites.

>> No.56783810

the jews are feeding them lies and corrupting their beautiful souls. they are to blame.

>> No.56783867

>I'm "curvy" but want a hot chiseled guy
Every time.

>> No.56783915

most men are weak, that's why women stomp all over them

simps are meant to be stepped on

>> No.56784045

Pathetic bait, you’re somehow worse than the persona you want to portray. Impressive.

>> No.56784079

You sound like an insufferable faggot. Your wife must be hideous

>> No.56784103

Women are just more prone to mental illness and have higher rates of depression and anxiety. That's always been true across the board.

>> No.56784144

Because when men attempt suicide the roll out a tarp and shotgun their face. Women make a hot bath and down the entire bottle of sleeping pills. Only that's usually not actually enough to kill you, especially not if you make it to the hospital and they pump your stomach in time. Women usually don't go through depression in complete silence. They tell friends and family while men are more likely to keep it inside and deal with it internally and then just decide one day to end it cleanly in silence.

>> No.56784161

Except for high risk fields. Women are better at being slaves than men so all employers love to hire women.

>> No.56784271

I just want link to go up so I can fix it. FIX IT THEN! BALANCE THE SCALES!

>> No.56784383

Rural retard cope. Starting salaries are $80k for HR roasties and more for value added jobs.

>> No.56784430

>surpassing men in every field
>their own biology demands them find a man that is superior to them
>can't find any
It's a catch 22

>> No.56784463


This. My wife didn’t like her job so I encouraged her to quit. Now she’s pregnant and spends a lot of time scrolling instagram waiting for the baby to come out. It’s almost like most women need kids to have something to do. Since they don’t have autistic obsessions like us.

>> No.56784471

I live in NZ home of the most entitled female cunts in the world (first to get the vote) and I can confirm they all look miserable as shit.

>> No.56784492

Yes. That would work. Finally. Not way it could fail.

>> No.56784573

She'll find her simp chad he exists and is looking for her

>> No.56784622

lol, exactly wrong
those things were the EXCUSES to do the thing they wanted, bring in the nonwhites with some technically barely logical excuse that the gullible goyim such as yourself would believe

the plan to diversify america is older than america
fortunately for you, the next phase is to undiversify america, and very quickly, now that the browns have played their role
consider for example how Marxism and communism were made to simply silently vanish in an instant the second they had become useless

but this is far above 4chan's intellectual level

>> No.56784658

Yes goy that's the plan. Let (((us))) diversify your country then we'll quickly kill them all and implement communism that's adonai's plan...

>> No.56784719

Like how America "undiversified" itself of all the africans, slavs, celts, jews, spics, and se asians?

>> No.56784739

Hmm, this is an intriguing point of view. I could very well see this, as men have been steeped in the existential question for millennia while women are pretty much brand new to it… and they refuse to listen to male writers and male thinkers of the prior many thousands of years

>> No.56784748

>now that the browns have played their role
What was that? Piss whites off to the point we realized our destiny was an Aryan ethno-star system?

>> No.56784965


>> No.56784972

Nurturing a family that will love you and care for you is slavery.

Working 60 hours a week at a corporation so shareholders can enjoy their dividends is freedom.

>> No.56785346

>refuse to listen
more like are incapable. women are fucking retarded.

>> No.56785902

i know you won't believe me but the future is white
the whole point is that you can't believe me
the world will indeed be white in 500 years
the shitskins' role was to be perceived as they are and the "jews" ' role is to be perceived currently as they are
the people you're dealing with don't make mistakes they've been doing this for more than millennia
yes their role was to be disposable hate-sinks
i assume you know that those whites who couldnt see this are not breeding and that is no coincidence

you never ask, if jews are so powerful, why aren't whites long gone? because you've bought in to nonsensical ahistorical fake manufactured ideologies
and THAT proves everything is working as intended

what will be implemented is much closer to racial nationalist fascism
it isn't your country and it never was, you don't understand your own history
your role is to not understand the plan, to never understand the world
honestly I envy the golems who will inherit the world merely for the fact that they make for the finest serfs

post that again in 35 years, lol
i don't make the rules, goy
asians, slavs, and celts will be allowed to remain
the rest will be gone
the fact that you think it's unthinkable is proof that the project is working
you MUST not figure out that everything is planned and always has been
if it's desirable that jews be regarded as white, then they will be

PS: regarding asians, eventually their time in the sun will end, and WW4 or WW5 will be their genocide
so of course you need to be made to think they're in-the-ascendant now

>> No.56786043

For the most part only the post wall childless roasties are sad

>> No.56786246


Socializing is a hobby for women but a chore for men.

Most men do not socialize because they enjoy the act of it,they endure it with a goal in mind. It can be professional,like networking,political,financial or sexual. Our ancestors had to fight each other and nature for resources,but we have to socialize in order to trade what we have for what we want.

Women on the other hand,genuine crave for companionship. It can be from their female peers,their parents but also men and children. As they get older,their parents die and their circle of friends becomes more and more unavailable since they are moving on with their lifes and more and more the thought of having a man and children becomes a priority on their lives.

As a consequence,Men have much more resilience towards loniless than women. Men can go months if not years without a female touch. Women go 6 months without having a men and they go crazy sleeping with the first soul that shows up.

Then there is our current dating market,which is designed to exploit the vices of men and women. Hyper attractive men,which are less than 10% of the population, will fuck as many women as they physically can,essentially fostering a harem that only they can have acess to. This act hinders the ability of the bottom 90% men to "trade" with women from their league because those are likely part of the harem.

Those women waste too much time trying to "outwhore" each other thinking that if they do everything that the top 10% men asks, they will be selected as the partners to settle down with.Which is not true at all. First of all,most men at the top don`t want to settle down at all.Second, the ones who want,will settle for somebody of their league,which means the top 10% giga stacy. Instead of giving up and date the bottom 90%,women rationalize that they are in a "situationship" with the guy when in fact they are just an easy lay.

>> No.56786258


Women also are dishonest with each other. they keep giving each other this really bad advices that essentually tells them to double down on every bad decision they make.

>Another attractive guy ghosted you?

Not your fault! keep looking for another

>Should i lower my standards and settle down for an everyday guy?

Never! you`re a 10/10 and only deserves the best.

They keep retrofeeding each other with bad advices and positive unproductive reinforcement.

No surprise they are unhappy. Men can handle being alone with their hobbies,but a woman`s hobby is the act of spent time with others.If they don`t have a family by the time they`re 35 it`s over.

>> No.56786269

To not to have to work and serve my life partner and family. You know, ensure their environment is a safe haven where they can relax after providing financially to keep a roof over the head of his wife and child(ren)

I would give anything on this planet to be a stay at home wife and mother

>> No.56786540

>I would give anything on this planet to be a stay at home wife and mother
Of course, since you are a retard who got subverted. You write just like a good goy.

>> No.56786934
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>> No.56786947


What are you even saying

>> No.56786979

When they say curvy they mean morbidly obese

>> No.56787001

>another day another jewish lie

>> No.56787006

You can say the exact same thing about men

>> No.56787012

women are so useless when it's about the important jobs which advance civilizations, no amount of kike lying and pushing them and paying them more money will change how useless women are

>> No.56787055

not enough chads for all of them, not enough brains to fulfill a higher purpose or do something creative, too many brainwashed into drug abuse, lesbianism and sexual degeneracy like hedonism, many not even fit enough to have children anymore, fell for hollywood propaganda about romance which rarely exists in the real world
they are worthless and therefore unhappy and most of them chose to be what they are instead of at least sticking to what they can do

>> No.56787075

thats just how women are no matter what

>> No.56787104

even women with hobbies are miserable because women dont do things for the sake of those things. they do it to connect with other people doing those things

>> No.56787165

>this time there are not enough Mexicans in the world to keep it running
OH BUT THERE ARE. OH BOY THERE ARE. Asian and Latin nations FULL of "Mexicans" ready to work themselves to the bone to escape their Asian and Latin shit holes.

Did you miss the mass migration up from Latin America to the United States to escape their cartel infested shit hole countries?

>> No.56787184

She has to be trolling bwuahhahahah oh my god I would laugh in her face so hard she HAS to be trolling!

>> No.56787190

Thank you for your service reporting in from NZ.

>> No.56787206
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>be man
>don’t have in group preference like women meaning you lead an isolated life when it comes to your rights
>live an unremarkable life socially being invisible
>dating market is absolutely stacked against you
>job market actively prefers women over you
>higher suicide rates
>still are happier and content than women
Me bros we can’t stop winning even when we’re losing

>> No.56787221

Holy incel post

>> No.56787226

for most millenial whore I have met it goes like following
>I hate cooking, can esily buy anything
>cleaning, laundry, etc.
>pffffffffffft as if princesses would do cleaning
adding to that health issues, too little physical and mental excercise, their genetics also being shitty, it does not affect only men >>56782409
women are finished
>They weren't biologically designed to be hunter gatherers aka working.
they were collecting fruits and berries and mushrooms
men also weren't designed to be drones in the modern wagecucking sense yet here we are
it's all fucked up and only few people truly profit
percentually only very few men are the ones whom we have to thank for all the technology, knowlege, wisdom, progress we have and those men did it not for money or fame or power or women but for a personal and general enlightenment

>> No.56787282

>Most men do not socialize because they enjoy the act of it,they endure it with a goal in mind
>Men have much more resilience towards loniless than women

Most healthy men want to be apart of a group they can socialize with(for enjoyment) but it isn't as much of a necessity as it is with women

>> No.56787284

>White trash offended at being called white trash


>> No.56787301

Be careful what you wish for. Women wanted to be more like men, now they are more like men, but they can't cope with being like men because they are not men, so they are more miserable. It's like they are their own worse enemy, they are also the largest supporters of degeneracy, immigration, etc, yet they usually end up miserable and worse off.

Meanwhile the elite who took advantage of their stupidity have become richer and more powerful. Great.

>> No.56787408

>so we've developed coping mechanisms like hobbies, true friendships
>that she doesn't really do anything
>waste time in the form of empty, passive activities like watching TV.

calm down, this is too much truth in one post!

>> No.56787429

There's a correlation.
Where there's black dicks, they're almost as happy as men.
Where they have to make due with white and asian cocks, they struggle.

>> No.56787619

They were sold the lie that slaving away for Dr. Goldberg and becoming a slut for big black cock was "liberation" from the oppressive white male.
Now they are used up and cast aside like trash and it's too late to find a good man or have a family so they just stew in misery until they gracelessly expire in a pile of cat litter.
You'll never be able to undo the tattoos that cover your body.
The scars from your piercings will always remain.
The stripped thin strands of bleach blonde hairs aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.56787641
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tell me more....

>> No.56787678

>>56782409 (You)

>> No.56787692
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My coworker just gave me her phone number, but I'm not interested in her at all.

>> No.56787701
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>> No.56787881

Truth. You can recognize non-NPC women by checking if they have at least one hobby they are passionate about. Shopping and clubbing doesn't count, just as playing vidya doesn't count for men.

>> No.56787960
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perhaps it is the jews like freud n edward bernays that completely manipulated the white race as they pleased. how much respect could you have for a race that literally was raised by the television-- a programming tool invented by none other than yours truly? this board is so stuck up on whites being the pinnacle, but it is very evident that is extreme cope. all my experiences with whites to date have been very underwhelming, and i can count on one hand the number of well adjusted traditional white families that i have ever interacted with in my 30+ years of life. the number of them that i see are dysfunctional, drug addicted and flat out weird really goes against the portrayal of white elitism i see on this retarded site. its always purported to be niggers and jeets stealing and scamming on here but wouldnt you know its actually white low lives that are actually rugging people, hiding behind their screen with aliases to cover up their shameful behavior in which nobody would have held them accountable for anyway because they had shitty or absent parents. i have zero respect for white people.

>> No.56788009

I have 5 kids and my wife works as a FT professional; she started as a very ambitious worker and now she hates her career and wishes she could be a stay at home mother all along

she tells every woman she meets to not make the same mistake

>> No.56788147

Yes very spot on my friend.
However you miss the point.
Whites in 2023 =/= real whites.
They are niggerified, white trash, culturally judaic/african, fake bloodline, mongrel, low education, low drive, lobotomized shitters.

White people died in the mid 1900s.

You can even see the decline in facial aesthetics, from sharp straight noses and noble appearance into pug faced favela trash.

>> No.56788228

Lol they called cigarettes to torches of freedom, so they could sell them to women on a pursuit of freedom. Gotta give it to them they are creative asf

>> No.56788272

>Why the fuck are they like this?
>What more do they want?
they quite literally want to be subjugated, raped and impregnated until the hamster wheel in their brain stops spinning long enough to allow them the bliss of homemaking and child-rearing. Why do you think they continue to stand for borderless immigration of feral rapists - even when it has become undeniable, even for a ideological NPC, that immigrants from MENA are going to rape white women?

>> No.56788285

Wow women! Who would have thought they'd find more genuine happiness in childrearing than working 60 hours a week as a marketing director?

>> No.56788330

Nature developed women to be surrounded by, and obsessed with, their children. All of the things that we find annoying about them: controlling behavior, neuroticism, nagginess, were intended to be directed at 4-8 children. They are literally malfunctioning in a world they were never made for and that is overwhelming and confusing.

>> No.56788384

>virtually spreading her ass cheeks in the pic
>omg u guise, pls don't sexualize me.

Greetings from Kazakhstan.

>> No.56788419

Your takes are becoming increasingly more unhinged and bad.

Read the kalergi plan faggot. The future is a (((chosen))) elite ruling over dumbed down brown hordes just smart enough to pull a few levers and serve Chaim and crew their supper when time comes. After that imagine a boot stamping on the human race's face, forever.

>> No.56788628

blackpill shill

>> No.56788642

>You can say the exact same thing about faggots

>> No.56788671
File: 390 KB, 540x716, npc.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are surpassing men in every NPC indicator


>> No.56789855

Ignoring bad news doesn't make it go away faggot. I'm telling you what's real so you know what to fight back against.

>> No.56790863

>You can say the exact same thing about men
I don't see any non mentally ill men modifying its body surgically

>> No.56790872

I call bullshit
They always run these headlines to sway retarded men to even give up more of their rights to make women “less unhappy”
You are pretty naive if you don’t understand journalism by now

>> No.56790929

Ye I want to believe
I want to believe also about Hitler space empire in space (as some claims) but it is a naive man cope
Just like how zorosterian believed that one day their “messiah” will return to get Muslims kicked out and give them their land back, as they lived their lives being lower than slaves, treated like disease in their own birthplace and had their daughters stolen
Same as Muslims who believe in their messiah return and how he makes the world muslim, as in reality they lost their biggest empire (ottos) and have their holy place getting blasted by Israel (and will soon be removed to make a third temple)
You can believe in fantasy but history shows, no one will help you.
It’s your decision to rise up and do what it needs to be done and trusting the “plan” isn’t that

>> No.56790971

>fried dopamine receptors
That’s why they are “unhappy”
But it is framed as it is another “issue” that is fault of men

>> No.56790984

its from not having children. there is no need for gender if you are not reproducing, people sterilize themselves and now their gener id "worker" like a worker ant. cities are eusocial insect hives

>> No.56791033

Nailed it. Most people refuse to accept or are blind to this reality. It'll take a few decades most likely.

>> No.56791211

Come back anon, I want to keep talking to you. I'm not some /pol/ parrot, I've often considered that (((their)) plan is actually to strengthen the white race by leading us through this hall of mirrors where the weak/stupid get weeded out through a series of different vices/intellectual traps that convince them not to breed or trash their genes by mixing. The vaccine could easily be just another episode in that saga. I've also thought that the role of the elite "jews" a la the Learned Elders, was to give us an enemy to help bind us and strengthen us, but behind the illuminati/jews was actually a force trying to lead the Aryans upward on their star journey. Even in the protocols it says they want to lead the people from one disillusion to the next. Maybe I'm rambling, I should proof-read this post, but I've always believed that behind the great evil was hiding a great good, using the evil as a catalytic tool. Even if the evil is real, I believe there is a secret good which will out and betray it at some point.

>> No.56791314

Just like Zoroastrians and mzslins and Aztecs?>>56790929
I think evil is evil and good is good
I also believe that we are dealing with evil and not some “good” 4d chess
I really hope that you and that guy are correct
That this is really just a 4d chess
But looking at history, it seems very unlikely

>> No.56791400

The good news is, whichever way it is, our most prudent actions remain the same: strengthen yourself, have kids, source good food, stack crypto pms and bullets, keep learning, network with like-minded chads, etc. Basically do /sig/ shit either way.

>> No.56791437

Sure that’s the way to go in any situation, nation or society
But I also add to NEVER donate, never try to help others and NEVER help the government
Since they just see you as a number of meat shields to throw at “enemy”
I mean you saw how USA army ads for the first time featured ALL white males right?

>> No.56791551

Yeah of course, I "help" my brothers by helping myself. The best help you can give anyone who deserves it is advice on how to improve themselves.

>> No.56791556

The true chads are the ones we met along the way... somethin like that

>> No.56792150

Best post ITT

>> No.56792695

you're talking about eudaimonia

>> No.56792720


>> No.56792731

they should have thought of that before racking up a body count

>> No.56792751

retard alert

>> No.56794812

This is what i come to 4chan for, men having a need to express their beliefes and theories. I often wonder if spending my time on 4chan is "better" than spending it on reels/tiktok like most my peers. It certainly is more thought provoking. This makes me disconnected from them, and the incel mindset on this website isn't helping. I find myself often agreeing with people here, but I think most of you are filled with some kind of hate, and who can blame you? I have been fortunate enough to be born in a good country with good prospects and I'm trying my best to forsee what is going to make me happy in the long run. My battles are either in education, or in the sexual market, i would like to ask for some advice on the latter, but i feel like i would just get laughed at by incels here.

>> No.56794899

>needs to battle in sexual market
When you are at the point that you have to “battle” for pussy in your country, then it’s not a good country.
This was not norm from the day civ start to around 50 something years ago.
Maybe if you have been lucky with genes you would have a better time, for now, but it will get worse and worse.
Either way, your life. Play it however you like it, but don’t ever assume that “hustling” your way for some pussy is in anyway normal.
Infact, like many others, believe that this is the downfall of society to expecting men to contribute without providing bare minimum.

>> No.56795342

getting pussy isn't the problem, i guess i should have said romantic market instead. there were even a few women who were really intelligent/knowledgeable, but im an entp and i want someone that has something to say, that likes to make jokes, kind of challenges me sometimes. you'll probably say those are masculine traits, but how am i expected to spend my life with a meek woman who always says yes?

>> No.56795351

>tfw no NPC gf with stupid bangs

>> No.56795412

Damn I could use some free dome.

>> No.56795433

>masculine traits
>feminine traits
I don’t care. To me nothing is masculine about hustling for something so cheap they would have given you one for thousands of years .
And yet so many people are “hustler” for this and think this means they are “masculine”
You do whatever floats your boat. I don’t really care about who you rather fuck and I don’t expect you to care either.
As for your struggles with “romantic” market, that would get worse too. Mark my word.
Why would a “challenging” dude-bro tomboysque woman just want you when she can find a thousand more willing do dance at her command?
That’s the “market” for you
Nothing about it is normal, including the WAAAY more effort needed than anyone in the past (without any expected reward)
I hope you find her and don’t get to my realization

>> No.56795593

They're just being sold to by pharmaceutical companies. They aren't actually unhappy, they're just complete retards when it comes to advertising. Women join the system early with birth control and they are more willing to pursue the fast pill option to solve their problems. Unfortunately, unlike birth control, this "problem" doesn't exist, they're just told over and over that it is, actually, a problem they have! and if they have these vague symptoms, they should talk to their healthcare provider about Lexapro. And they do, and then they go on Tiktok to immerse in current drug culture and that's basically it!

Pretty easy to see why they might feel a little blue. All these millennial daughters who watched their fat, stupid moms struggle with basic housework and get treated to free vacations, homes and cars...now have to work 40-60hrs a week to have a shot at even a 1/4 of that wealth. Even if you do want a child, you'd have to have a hell of a wealth-chad husband to not be stuck working constantly. Unless you both want to retire to the third world together.

>> No.56795819

>Unless you both want to retire to the third world together.
>Come on, honey! Let's take little Michael and Olivia to Shitland and raise them with all the little Shitlets!

>> No.56795852

>They can learn to speak Shitenese, and learn all the Shit customs. They'll get a Shit education, and dress like Shit too!

>> No.56797197


Men have always had to compete for sex and female companionship. The best hunters and fighters attained the best women. The losers got nothing. That's how the world has always worked.

>> No.56797226

That part I don't think is actually true, since tightly knit communities would need a lot of cooperation to survive.

>> No.56797247

great post anon, i wish you well in your marriage

>> No.56797712

>4 friends and brother get married
>2 of them made children
>all of them got a divorced because their wives "were bored" "wanted more" "needed time off" "hate our child" or "wants to have adventures again"
>all of them had a new guy within 1-2 weeks posting how they are so in love with each other on social platforms
>all of them were bitches who drained all the money they could from my friends and brother
>the 5 of them together have now as much money left at the end of the month as me alone because they need to pay child support and whatever the judge demanded from them

Why should I get married again? I already know that women would leave me within a year because of my small dick. No need to pay money for my entire life to a woman because she got bored of me.

>> No.56797874

Skill issue, massive women L.

>> No.56797928

>activities to fill her time and we don't have kids (yet), so her options are either to hang out with me or waste time in the form of empty, passive activities like

Just wanted to chime in that my wife is flipflopping between "I want to separate" and "I don't know" and "my job is the only good thing I've got going on" it's nuts boys, they're so conflicted.

Is it unfair of me to dump her and go find a young lass like Leonardi di Caprio does? I was 100% ready to have children with her,that's the fucked up thing, now she's "too busy", she's in her early 30's theres not that much time

>> No.56797967


The top 30% of men had multiple women, the middle 30% got one, and the bottom 30% got nothing and probably had to share the village whore or something.

>> No.56798013

will you suck my dick at least twice a week? and play videogames with me and consoom a24 films?

>> No.56798039

Because they all took that vaccine and now nobody wants them

>> No.56798648

I've been telling people the same thing for years.

>> No.56798885

>the losers got nothing
the “losers” either had to be literal criminals or outright unwilling to help out in tasks
Your definition of “loser” is screwed by today standards of hustling shit. Because now instead of competing with 10 dudes on who is better at fishing, you have to compete with 100000000 men around the world who are better than you in EVERY way.
Also “muh better Hunter, muh better fighter” ye sure, that was for Hunter gatherer. Literal pre society cavemen
Ye sure, that’s how it was.
But when we made the society, we made some untwisted contracts, that as long as society provides wives, men will die for it.
Otherwise society can go fuck himself
Look at all ancient laws
Why so many of them are about punishing adultery with death? Unless they knew that if they don’t try to keep this “wives for men” contract, society would collapse?
If that was the case, where upward of. 30% of men left with no one, (and kek that you think it was like this) then why adultery laws were there? What purpose was punishing adultery if women were ABLE to choose chads and “winners”?
Adultery is punished because they know women won’t be happy with regular joe looking men. But average Joe was productive like every other men and he deserved one wife too.
Otherwise, average Joe would have left.
Kek you REALLY think a man 3000 years ago would have left around the fucking villege, toil the land, sweat, fight, and injure himself, just for the goal of “village whore”? Seriously?
No he would left, and that village would have been taken over by rapist invaders from next door tribe.
God how naive are you

>> No.56798910


>adultery laws were crafted because of the bottom 30% of limp wristed male whiners/incels

Top fucking kek. Adultery was simply a huge deal back before the age of contraception/paternity testing. Chads did not want to be raising bastards or have their wives whoring out.

>> No.56798964

>bottom 30 limp wristes
Dude you are unable to understand it
No adultery laws are not for raising “bastards”
It’s for ensuring men who were ugly yet productive (like Socrates) that they have a wife and they will keep it.
The entire story of Gilgamesh was that he was a half god king who made a law about taking virginity or EVERY new wed in his city.
That’s when the gods sent him a punishment.
The entirety of Roman republic happend Becuase their king raped one of the commanders wife.
Th Hammurabi table was also wrote about adultery punishment
ALL religions have various punishments for BOTH adulterous and pre marriage sex
Most of them enforce either one wife (even Islam 4 wives stuff is only acceptable if you can legitimately afford it)
If it was all about 30 percent chads, then why the FUCK all these laws are made?!

>> No.56799034
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My honest reaction to that information

>> No.56799048
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>heh one day they’ll see that I am the smartest for not taking the vaccine
>any day the deer prophecy will come true and my sperm will be worth BILLIONS then we’ll see who the real losers are

>> No.56799050
File: 45 KB, 375x436, 1436161175909-2935857088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely if Women are making more money then men.
Surely they will buy crypto during The Bull Run.
We need more Women and Minorities in crypto ASAP!!

>> No.56799086
File: 418 KB, 1916x956, women_midwit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Why don't men want a high-earning woman with a fancy degree and impressive job title like me?" is the female equivalent of "Why don't women want a nice guy like me?"

>> No.56799428

Not saying he's wrong but how did Nietzsche come to that conclusion? My understanding is that he had very little hands on experience with female sexual organs

>> No.56799679

They won't be happy and content until they subvert and destroy everything. Then men will have to take responsibility for female actions and the consequences will be horrendous but again, bad almost exclusively for the men. Women do be like that. It's an inbuilt mechanism fo make male lives harder.

>> No.56800227

Get off the board and get a hubby, femroach