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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 267x189, doitfaggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5678100 No.5678100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are you retarded faggots really that stupid?

Do you idiots understand how math works? If you have $50 dollars in bitcoin, you will NEVER MAKE IT DAY TRADING 1) because you are too stupid 2) even if you were a genius you’d never be able to time the market better than 50% of the time, effectively having the same odds as random chance 3) making 5% ten times in a row is STILL LESS THAN 1000% GAINS.

Your only chance to make it is to go ALL IN on a coin and hit a 10x. Once you do, you can split it and diversify and do it again. I started with 10k in June and now have 1.3MM, and I’ve made probably around 30 trades. You losers who sit in front of charts all day “muh day trading” and end up down 15% after 14 hours make me sick. You’re wasting an opportunity that will never come again.

Deep Brain Chain (DBC) is the next 10-20x. Your only chance is going all in on this coin. I have NEVER been so sure of a moon coin before. It is a function AI/Blockchain technology that is ready for market and has NO competitors. Singularitynet is fucking gay and run by some drugged out faggot who looks like weird al yankovich and won’t be available for months or more, and won’t be working for even longer. DBC’s team is experienced with B2B industries which is what DBC is meant for. This is a coin people will WANT to own. It will hit a 500MM market cap in weeks, which is about 9x from the current price. It will absolutely go higher but since you retards have ADHD that is what you can expect to cash out with in under a month. This is your chance to get into a 10x at basically ground floor. DO NOT WASTE THIS OPPORTUNITY.

I have returned to crypto because I’ve just wrapped up a couple hedonist months of large living, and I’m ready to make another million dollars. I am here again to help those smart enough to listen.


>> No.5678218

>shilling brainlet coin
totally believe that this Genius Millionaire is sharing real tips for free

>> No.5678283

this copy pasta is ridiculous but doesn't mean it isn't true. I'm all in in this motherfucker. Will do wonders come january.

>> No.5678342

He is right dont day trade with 50$ put in coin and wait but about this coin i dont see future pick a better one but i coud be wrong

>> No.5678442 [DELETED] 

Will this be better than fishbank?

>> No.5678503

Really nice project with huge potential and a great team backing it up. Plus they have already beenin the business so there u go

>> No.5678684
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 1513406563898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can buy brain?
buy deep brain brain?
can be smart boy if buy brain?

>> No.5678842


what's the circulating supply ?
Cause with 50% in circulation this would put the marketcap at 450MM I dont like this

>> No.5678933


There is nothing wrong with this. It mixes to two most hyped memes at the moment. AI and blockchain. It will prob 10x just make fucking sure you exit in time because this will be worth dogshit by the end of 2018.

>> No.5679311

This. OP is a fag copying the shill from last night but this is true. I’m 50% in.

>> No.5679360 [DELETED] 

Are you retarded faggots really that stupid?

Do you idiots understand how math works? If you have $50 dollars in bitcoin, you will NEVER MAKE IT DAY TRADING 1) because you are too stupid 2) even if you were a genius you’d never be able to time the market better than 50% of the time, effectively having the same odds as random chance 3) making 5% ten times in a row is STILL LESS THAN 1000% GAINS.

Your only chance to make it is to go ALL IN on a coin and hit a 10x. Once you do, you can split it and diversify and do it again. I started with 10k in June and now have 1.3MM, and I’ve made probably around 30 trades. You losers who sit in front of charts all day “muh day trading” and end up down 15% after 14 hours make me sick. You’re wasting an opportunity that will never come again.

Deep Brain Chain (DBC) is the next 10-20x. Your only chance is going all in on this coin. I have NEVER been so sure of a moon coin before. It is a function AI/Blockchain technology that is ready for market and has NO competitors. Singularitynet is fucking gay and run by some drugged out faggot who looks like weird al yankovich and won’t be available for months or more, and won’t be working for even longer. DBC’s team is experienced with B2B industries which is what DBC is meant for. This is a coin people will WANT to own. It will hit a 500MM market cap in weeks, which is about 9x from the current price. It will absolutely go higher but since you retards have ADHD that is what you can expect to cash out with in under a month. This is your chance to get into a 10x at basically ground floor. DO NOT WASTE THIS OPPORTUNITY.

I have returned to crypto because I’ve just wrapped up a couple hedonist months of large living, and I’m ready to make another million dollars. I am here again to help those smart enough to listen.


>> No.5680019

100% agreed, good luck everyone we made it

>> No.5680315

whats the circulating supply? marketcap?

>> No.5680343


>> No.5680351

if this doesnt get listed on that chink exchange tommorow its gonna dump like fuck, holding 5k brains myself.

>> No.5680375

>if this doesnt get listed on that chink exchange tommorow its gonna dump like fuck, holding 5k brains myself.
its not tomorrow, its sometime on January

>> No.5680412

its not showing

>> No.5680435

everyone's been saying 1st of jan

>> No.5680651

Terrible advice. Just because you are too stupid to know how to trade. I day trade, every day. That's all I do. You hold the bulk of your account in the stores of value while you trade 1 or two coins at a time. You limit your risk that way and keep multiplying your total sats. You don't have to catch the exact top or bottom. Just profit from the trend. Whether the market is up or down... I profit. You have to follow only what the market (whims of other people) will give you. Example - I doubled my money in 10 hours on Bounty0x the other day, took profits, put that same doubled money, took profits, and moved on. You hodlers do nothing when you are up, do nothing when you are down and eventually sell out of frustration with a fraction of what you could have. Fucking losers.

>> No.5680692

post portfolio, I'll post mine, whoever has more wins?
started with 20k back in 2016 now I have 1.25mm

>> No.5680841
File: 35 KB, 578x210, Bildschirmfoto 2017-12-31 um 15.27.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this sell order mean its gonna take a dip if it reaches that price? Its sitting right at supplylevel where the price dropped before

>> No.5680867

That works because you have NO MONEY you fucking retarded nigger. Yeah cool you turned 50 sats worth of DBC into 100. wow. good job idiot. Turning 4 cents into 8 cents isn't the same as turning 500k into 1MM.

If I tried to day trade DBC, it would take 5-7 hours to unload or buy without clearing the entire order list multiple times over.

You, being a small brained pajeet, seemed to have missed my most important point-

If you happen to not be holding DBC when it moons, like goes up 150-200% which will happen at an unpredictable time, then congrats, you've just lost terribly. Even if you successfully day traded ten times in a row, it's still not better than a 3x rise you fucking moron, AND you didn't waste all that time sitting in front of a computer screen.

And guess what? After it moons, psychologically you won't want to buy back in because you' would have lost more than half your original stack, which means you will miss the ENTIRE 10x-20x moon mission.

Day traders lose, holders win. KYS fucking idiot.

>> No.5680934

you shouldn't care about anything the stock does these few days until listing is made, it is all manipulated

even if it dips 50%, this is all in order for whales to get cheap coins.

if you ever had a good chance this is now, go in.

>> No.5681020


>> No.5681048

Op, hope you are right. Holding 130k of this stack bought at 130 eth. Sold my other token for this and the other token is mooning. Fml.

>> No.5681145

can you proof your 10k->1.3MM claim? if you can, i'll go allin DBC. also 130 eth still a buy or am i too late?

>> No.5681218

Second this. Screenshot and I'm all in.

>> No.5681273

someone tweet this coin to McAfee, he would love this shit, could get an extra pump going.

>> No.5681306

The bounty0x chart looks good. Actually thinking about buying this little dip. Someone shill me please

>> No.5681337

post your trades, cuckold

>> No.5681375
File: 250 KB, 1824x1920, for biz1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't prove I've gone from 20k to that but it is up to you if you believe me or not..
some more money on smaller exchanges

>> No.5681387
File: 37 KB, 445x348, DBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off, niggers. I'm not here to prove shit about myself to you. You want a blockfolio screenshot? People will call it fake. My money is spread over multiple wallets and exchanges, not going to go to each and snap it for you retards. Here, have a kucoin screen shot then proceed to kys you ungrateful fucking faggots. You should be thanking me for even taking the time to share what I know with you.

>> No.5681390

Circulating supply is in the 15% range right now, market cap is in the $150 million area, maybe even a little lower

>> No.5681401


>5% 10 times

But you can do it 5000 times. Sure a 10x is nice and all but it's mostly down to luck.

I could have done it yesterday with SagaCoin but since it's a Pajeetshit I hesitated and only got 2x but there's no point regretting over gains.

>> No.5681427
File: 99 KB, 1232x575, FireShot Capture 110 - 0.00000737 DBC_BTC I Kucoin - T_ - https___www.kucoin.com_#_trade.pro_DBC-BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cup and holder pattern, it's your LAST CHANCE TO JUMP IN

>> No.5681537

Boii is right
Gotti make fat moves for fat returns.

But how u gone put 100k in an exchange, 5-10x that with comfort knowing shits on some exchange out of ur control and pullin that bitch out with tier 1 accts and gov eyes on ur stash bruh nah..

>> No.5681545

ooof, thats some heavy bags

>> No.5681659

Don't buy it then. In fact, go away. Shoo. This coin is terrible, do not buy go back to your basement and buy some bounty or whatever the fuck shitcoin for children that bullshit is. Kys while you're at it.

>> No.5681739
File: 106 KB, 1227x567, Cup and Holer BDC to BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags are so blind>>5681659

>> No.5681778

That much money at exchanges?!

>> No.5681813

Yes I keep multiplying sats and have 20% to 2x gains all over the place but somehow I have no money? How exactly does that work brainlet? DBC will moon, and I will be in on that too... but I will be taking every movement and every opportunity to get the plays that are moving in the meantime. Telling a trader that daytrading doesn't work is absolute nonsense. So if you have made any money it was by sheer luck, not through any skill at managing risk/reward... but more likely than being a millionaire posting in /biz.. just another larp.

>> No.5681843
File: 87 KB, 645x773, 1514460264637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well OP, let them find the truth by themselves. They might find the brain swap they've been looking for

>> No.5681953

I sold my stack of link for this. This will guarantee best out link on short run?

>> No.5682010

you guys selling this at 2x or hodl for longer?

>> No.5682030

Thanks senpai

>> No.5682059

Are you worth over a million? No? Then shut the fuck up.

I've made over 1MM USD by making under 30 trades.

How many trades have you made, thousands? And how much have you made? Jack shit? Sound about right?

Yep, kys. I know day trading makes you feel better because it tricks you into thinking you have a job when in reality you are nothing but a drain on society, but don't talk others into doing it.

Also when DBC moons you better pray you're "in it". You're leaving all the important shit up to chance. what a giant faggot.

>> No.5682095

Thanks for making LINK pump lmao. Always happens when biztards sell their stacks

>> No.5682106

just read the white paper and i'm embarrassed for anyone considering purchasing this. it's at $1b market cap already and they can't even copy/paste python properly. if it goes anywhere it's because of shilling and nothing else.

>> No.5682149

do some research moron, have you even been on their website?

>> No.5682215

OK larper post those millions. Not like the IRS is lurking.

>> No.5682248

Why? Because a chinese company comprised of chinese AI PHDs and not english majors, catering to chinese people running on china's ethereum (neo, DBC is neo's second launch) didn't impress you with their english skills?

You must actually hate money or be retarded. It is most certainly not at "1B" market cap right now you dunce. Why am I even responding to you pajeeter, kys.

>> No.5682274

I agree with OP, day trading is shit unless you have a large capital to play with and make money on spreads consistently.

Even with large capital trading in small caps, its almost impossible to make money. Because your in and out positions will pretty much move the entire stock or eat out the sell order. So ppl would tend to slice their positions very small and slowly exit their positions to reduce trading cost. But higher price risk in long term.

So I believe fundamental wins in long run.

>> No.5682287


Kill yourself you LARPing pajeet faggot

>> No.5682412

Why do you think Binance and other exchanges have these "volume trading" competitions? They're turning into fucking casinos, that's why. They want you to day trade because they make money every time you do, and they know you will ALWAYS lose in the long run, which is what keeps you addicted to day trading. Only LOSERS day trade, it has a terrible reputation in real finance, and an even WORSE reputation in crypto. Tell a girl at a bar in NYC that you're a "day trader" and she'll laugh at you. It's common knowledge that only low IQ gambling addicts are day traders.

If you were fucking smart, you would amass funds and put it into good projects like DBC. Then you would sit back, relax, and walk away in February with 10x your money.

God damnit, you people are seriously so fucking dumb. Yes, millionaires DO come to biz, I AM GIVING BACK to this community, not everyone here is a piece of shit trying to trick you.

Everyone, listen to me. DBC. 10x in a month, guaranteed.

>> No.5682439

Yeah buy this shit just to get dumped on. No thx.

>> No.5682526

I managed to get 10k DBC. Do you think mid January would be too late to grab more? Wagecuck here, waiting on a paycheck to invest.

>> No.5682532
File: 212 KB, 1800x1578, 1468310926300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao it's like he doesn't want huge gainz

>> No.5682550

Loser detected.

Have you ever read the poem "The Hollow Men"? TS Elliot is talking about YOU.

>> No.5682552

Loaded up on DBC. Dont know shit about crypto really, but being a machine learning grad student, the implications of this are YUGE.
It will probably tank like the other poor choices I make, but I can't let this pass just because deep learning.

>> No.5682606

Yo this guy is right

>> No.5682643

OP, I love you. Please save us.

>> No.5682670

> It is most certainly not at "1B" market cap right now you dunce.
It's trading at 10cents with 10,000,000,000 coins.

>> No.5682748

oh my god man.... are you fucking for real.

can someone explain why he is wrong and how terribly wrong he is? I don't want to waste any mental energy dealing with this tard's blindness. He must be blind because CLEARLY HE CANNOT READ.

>> No.5682766

Only like 15% of them are circulating you since, that puts it around $150,000,000 market cap.

>> No.5682776

fyi dbc is demoing at neo devcon in san francisco end of jan: http://devcon.neo.org/

(you can find them at the end of the agenda pdf)

>> No.5682791

you dunce***

>> No.5682812

Yeah right. And chainlink has a marketcap of above three billion

>> No.5682858
File: 117 KB, 680x788, 1512761749476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just bought 200K DBC, waiting on order of another 50k to be filled
this will MOON 30-50% TODAY
huobi & binance listing incoming

watch UTK & ULC (non-manipulated) rise 100% from yesterday
DBC only 20%

will moon
get in now or regret not doing so

>> No.5682925
File: 60 KB, 1268x445, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are unlocking 250m coins in the FIRST MONTH after launch. they're going to dump and exit. it's all so obvious. this thread is probably a discord shill group.

>> No.5683008
File: 32 KB, 322x262, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will unlock 10% of 2.5 billion. Can you read?

Cosy Days

>> No.5683177

which is 250m, as i mentioned in my previous post. are you retarded or just pretending?

>> No.5683228

so what, now 900m are out, who cares about 20-25% dilution in crypto world?
watch XRP those retards

>> No.5683260

you sound retarded.

>> No.5683272

Big fan of this aggressive marketing.

>> No.5683283

>hello id like to jump in a boat
>ok sir but keep in mind the boat can sin-
>well then im out fuck you you fucking scammer

/biz/ normies in a nutshell

>> No.5683307

the actual state of biz

kek 0x

>> No.5683499

Alright, someone give me your referral code for Kucoin.

>> No.5683570

>) even if you were a genius you’d never be able to time the market better than 50% of the time, effectively having the same odds as random chance
>he doesn't know about risk/reward ratio
Pro-tip, you can make a fortune being right 20% of the times. Let that activate your neuron.

>> No.5683604


>> No.5683683

I got 200k DBC which isnt a lot but its still a worthy sum in fees.

>> No.5683710

No, you fucking can't. Like I explained, when you have an amount of money ACTUAL WORTH JACK SHIT, you cannot day trade without wiping out entire order books multiple times. You'd have to sit there for 5 hours slowly unloading or buying. It's the dumbest thing ever.

Yeah, take your 1k and day trade, have a blast faggot. Maybe someday you'll have 1.8k

I'll take my 100k, 200k, 300k, and park it somewhere and walk away with 1MM, 2MM, or 3MM.

>> No.5683744

lol that screenshot looks so pajeet.
>rapidly increase the incomes of token holders and sellers


>> No.5683775

Based whale, why don't you pump XRP for us?

>> No.5683822

The threat of artificial intelligence has been the sword of Damocles hanging above the human head, and
various science fiction movies have thrown out artificial intelligence to threaten the survival of human beings.
Famous physicist Stephen William Hawking and crazy entrepreneur Elon Musk have issued artificial intelli-
gence threat theory. Although technically the threat still requires years of technological development, if we can
build technical specifications from a very early stage, the benefits of human development will only be greater.
We believe that smart contracts are likely to be an important solution to future threats of artificial intelligence.
We will continue to explore to restrain some preternatural behaviors of artificial intelligence in DeepBrain Chain
through smart contract, to guard against potential artificial intelligence threat for the future.

>> No.5683824

>best memes in the game
>good dev team
>working product
>small market cap
>fills niche role
>early stages
>going to be listed on real exchanges eventually

>> No.5683860

>go ALL IN on a coin
>hit a 10x.
pick one

>> No.5683923

>Your only chance is going all in on this coin.

be ready in your PinkWojak™ pics folder.

>> No.5684033


This is not worrying in the least. You realize that most cryptos hold at least 20% of the coins within their company right? These guys are holding about the same, except it's split into 10% of their 25% holdings each year.

Meaning, their company only holds 2.5% of the coins in the first month, and this increases by 2.5% every year until we reach 10 years - when they'll hold the complete 25% of the tokens.

This is not a bad thing AT ALL, in fact it's the opposite you retard. They're keeping themselves accountable by not hoarding a huge supply from the start. I imagine the reason they're doing this ties in with their AI in some way.

>> No.5684277

to the fucking moon

>> No.5684344
File: 276 KB, 1440x1907, Screenshot_20171231-115913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it? Sincere Q and appreciate this board, when I can navigate the shills

>> No.5684446

250k* :)^

>> No.5684535

Mana is a fucking scam

>> No.5684564

>no XMR

>> No.5684631

thats a cup and handle if i´ve ever seen one

>> No.5684669


>> No.5684709

this is fucking scam, 10 bill supply. over valued fuck with current price, forgot about 10x.

>> No.5684838

some of us don't have 100K to park. Some of us barely have 1k to park

>> No.5684933

Hey OP, day one 60k bagholder here.

Been keeping an eye on the chart while listening to this in the background.

I'm excited for when it gets listed on B&H.

Question for you, after the 10x, I was thinking of selling 10k, HODL'ing the 50k.

Good call? If so, what would you suggest I diversify into next?

I might just spend the month reading other white papers when I'm back from vacation before I take the next plunge.

>> No.5684991


>this is fucking scam, 10 bill supply.

Anybody that says retarded shit like this deserves to miss out on a moon ride. I can't believe there's still people around who think like this, lmao.

>> No.5685055

circulating supply is 1.5billion.

>> No.5685548

Ok so you have about $6k invested, when that turns into $60k I'd take maybe $20k and reinvest that.

>> No.5685619

$5.1k actually, I bought most of the shares at the dips.

So approx 1/3% reinvest when it 10x's.

That was along the same line of thinking that I had.

Invest the profits into 1 or 2 other projects that I deem fit.

>> No.5685755
File: 20 KB, 624x464, c78acefc33fe91df44f8741c64ea5ae4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5685782

until what price are you still accumulating?

>> No.5685783

all good, like I said don't sweat the small stuff. Even +/- 30% is peanuts compared to a 10-20x.

Play this right and you'll have a million in 7-8 months.

>> No.5685800

Oh fuck off, I meant reinvesting into the crypto-market, not into the same project you dip.

That's the goal! Thanks senpai.

>> No.5685914

Sorry, I didn't realize you were sarcastically pretending to be a redditor.

>> No.5685993
File: 34 KB, 940x598, Circlejerk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok, thx for le upboat m'fellow gomrad, ex dee.

>> No.5686161

biz OP is actually an intellectual for once, who would've thunk.
Really making me consider changing my holdings from 50(Link)-50(DBC) to 20(Link)-80(DBC).
If you know you're right, go all in. Pull the John Paulson and fuck up the game. Best shill I've seen, and the OP actually stayed to back his shit up for once. Props to you

>> No.5686307

I am no pajeeter, my friend. I am here to win and share with you. I love biz, it has been my home for the better part of this year. This coin can not be stopped.

>> No.5686350

LOL poorfags will stay poor fags OP. Checking in with 70k DBC !! NEXT STOP MOON. Tip - buy PRL also OP, you deserve more 20x gains.

>> No.5686381

do you think that this coin has the highest moon potential in jan?

>> No.5686390

OP is right. DBC is where it's at

>> No.5686423

It's true. If you have small capital don't fucking diversify 1k into 10 coins...

I started off with 1k and now have over 100k. NOW I prefer diversifying a little. But when starting the only thing that gave me enough capital to make real money was getting in on 1 10x, and after a few 2x, 3,x etc.

>> No.5686496
File: 4 KB, 205x246, 1511451075250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never even heard of Kucoin before.. Anywhere else?

>> No.5686558

I have 8k dbc here for a min

>> No.5686611


Kucoin is the new binance faggot

>> No.5686741
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1502231227541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Kucoin more than Hitbtc and Etherdelta, but that doesn't really say much since Etherdelta is pure shit.
Also Kucoin doesn't ask any personal info when you register in, no need to submit drivers licence and shit.

>> No.5686883

Bretty much this, no personal data. Exchange looks nice and there are juicy coins to fuck with.

>> No.5687110

this is going back down to 128 buterins right? can someone come pick up?

>> No.5687260
File: 423 KB, 808x805, 1511820102016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy in but this fucking piece of shit website swallowed my order without giving me the coins. My eth is reserved but there is no pending order and no completed order. Muh next Binance my FUCKING ASS


>> No.5687285

dont worry, happened to me yesterday. you wont lose your money

>> No.5687294

you are LOL buying in right now?

>> No.5687309

That literally JUST happened to me

>> No.5687395

there are at least 2 discord groups behind this.

join us instead. it is very very early


>> No.5687407

I received my brainlet coins. Thanks anon

I chucked in $150 worth of ETH I had laying around. If this shit drops I'm averaging down until I have $300 in it. Whatever happens, no big loss.

>> No.5687418

calm your tits, same thing happened to me, it went through in a couple minutes. probably took 7 minutes.

>> No.5687459

threw some eth at it, considering rebalancing my portfolio now that this is on my radar.

>> No.5687470
File: 9 KB, 250x250, shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's 7 minutes too much for being the next Binance.

>> No.5687490

It's gonna dip when people realize DBC is not going to hit Huobi tomorrow. They never gave an exact date.

>> No.5687500

fuck off

>> No.5687517

No one gives a shit. Fuck of pajeets.

I know who OP is. He is legendary, a one man army known as fistnigger. He can’t be replicated, and all his picks moon.

Thank you fistnigger. I know it’s you.

>> No.5687630

newb question, but someone clear this up for me.

Even though people are saying that there is only 15% coins in circulation, and the marketcap is only 100M or something right now. What happens when more coins are introduced, won't this dilute the value of the existing coins?

>> No.5687653

>Thank you fistnigger. I know it’s you.
This is pasta though. Saw it posted last night, idk if that was the first thread or not.

>> No.5687659
File: 2.13 MB, 2742x775, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I though that too and then I noticed
At least I held because I thought that was happening and am now in the black.

>> No.5687676


It's going to moon Q2 - Q4 mainly. Right now there will be a mini moon mission as it gets thrown onto bigger exchanges.

Guys, remember this is a long term hold. I better not see you cunts with your pink wojaks in a week.

>> No.5687757

Hope this retards sell their fucking coins for not being able to mother fuckingly understand "after 1 Jan". Who cares man, let them sing, DBC will rise in better hands later on

>> No.5687760

lads, AI doesnt need to run on blockchain

and only 16M of 10,000,000,000 DBC in circulation?
just cement their finger into your asshole now

>> No.5687798

Obiously you don't get it. Rip your fundamentals

>> No.5687825

Day trader here. And I must be a genius, because I am increasing my portfolio by 20-30% a day. A BAD day is 10%.
Just because you can't seem to handle trading, doesn't mean that it's impossible.

Now by all means, please carry on shilling this pointless shitcoin. I'm sure it will moon. Eventually. For a paltry 10x.

>> No.5687912

How much is your portfolio?

>> No.5687920


This shitty meme "u a faggot that hates money" and all variations of it including this annoying fucking copypaste thread are the most cancerous forms of shilling ever. Worst than legit pajeet shit. I don't blame you for wanting to counter-brag at this faggot for pasting the same lame shit over and over. This thread fucking sucks. Make a new one already niggers.

>> No.5688021

which coins have you been trading?

>> No.5688057

Is it gonna dip soon?

>> No.5688113

Look at that 145 ethoshi sellwall.

>> No.5688445

Probably fake.