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56780418 No.56780418 [Reply] [Original]

last scammer

>> No.56780432
File: 11 KB, 400x400, CryptoCobain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was the first crypto twitter account i followed in 2014.

>> No.56780439

add cryptodog, hsaka, loomdart, rookie, bitlord, lomah and every other scammer

>> No.56780458

sassal0x is the worst

>> No.56780461

Everyone knows once you have enough money you can afford to have morals and standards.
Almost can't see him from how high his horse is. Cronje has the same vibe.

>> No.56780508

who did cobie scam?

>> No.56780827

Yeah because he is the quintessential r edditor

>> No.56780840

His "fans". They promoted FTX. Fuck 'em.

>> No.56781003

hsaka is unironically good though?

>> No.56781202

only brown fingers could've typed this shit. you always have morals or standards.

>> No.56781393


That frientech meta revealed a lot of these fake pro CT traders having to shill their keys for weeks straight despite supposedly being 8 figs

>> No.56781404

CT.. aaaaaaall faggots, maybe imnotthewolf cuz he loses and shows it, has a public top trader account on bybit. But ye CT gay

>> No.56781419

What about cryptopath? is he still based? I think he lost it when he failed to predict last bullrun AT ALL and then shilled garbage nft projects

>> No.56781432

It's weird that his life revolves around being bad at music, being a cobain lookalike and scamming people on twitter. Anyway.

>> No.56781480
File: 251 KB, 1137x1200, 1689397976790797-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56781521

I still dont get it , if these CT traders are rich why do they still have to do all that; shill scams, paid groups, ref links, etc

>> No.56781553

idk if you noticed, but most of CT are either jews or browns.

>> No.56781711

My life revolves around being a cobain lookalike but at least I don't scam people on twitter, I'm gonna make it solo

>> No.56781790

All of these are reasonable posts which makes it all the more clear he's a conscious scammer who knows that pee pee ass fuck coin or whatever is a bad investment but he shills shit like that anyway to make a quick buck.

>> No.56782677

Don't forget Pentosh1, he's scamming again with the MC re release. He also said he audited FTX before it's collapse hahahahaha. GCR as told people to put money on FTX as he was removing his. All of these guys are larpies and frauds.

>> No.56782716

i've started to notice this more lately. was a wake up call for me.

>> No.56782721

check up on the twitterfags and find out the duck has his account hidden now, and that was about the only one i know of that actually did accurate repeated ta calls
anyone knows whats up there or if he is still even active

pentoshi really is the biggest scammer for someone supposedly into 9 figure territory he is still shilling absolute garbage
i also loved the whole i stopped living in the caribbean because i just like holland better okay
he is certainly larping

>> No.56782759

that little shit is so insufferable and reminds me of capo. Told everyone how bearish bitcoin looked like at 24k and all his followers are now sidelined. Also his arnold accent is annoying af.

>> No.56782782

He fucked over my boy on Cryptsy back in the day

>> No.56782793

I'm positive Pentosh1 is a retarded larp, everything about him is fake, like his follower count and the photos he posts. He posted a pic of himself and his girlfriend a few years ago, I'm pretty sure it was someone else's photos. It's so easy to lie on the internet.
Is the Duck the vaxxie German cuckold who had a kid with some random roastie and said he was going to buy a castle? Roflmao

>> No.56782823

Crypto twitter is so insanely lame it is pathetic. It’s also eye opening that literally NOBODY actually is a successful trader on there, none of the large accounts, they are all larps. Case in point: all the “investors” into blast, which is literally just a multisig putting money into lido. So many big accounts involved because they need to dump on their Followers since they don’t actually know how to make money.

>> No.56782846

yeah the i wanted to buy a castle but then the seller backed out at the last minute was pretty funny and yes his baby momma will take half of everything soon
but even then his calls even if he flipflopped a lot were mostly accurate cant deny that
well at least until he stopped posting them publicly

as for pentoshi if he was telling the truth about living in the netherlands he should disclose a lot more in his twatter profile or be in compliance with modern influencer rules
so if any hollandfag wants to go ahead and sue him over it while claiming personal damages

>> No.56782862

this is spot on, also crypto twitter generally has the memory of a goldfish

Case in point is AlgodTrading - that dude maliciously profited off the FTX crash. He had Bermudian citizenship so he could cash out FTX funds, he bought people's crypto for pennies on the dollar because they were desperate to get money out before FTX imploded. Slimy scummy stuff, certainly didn't seem illegal, but people were upset about it for like 5 seconds before everyone forgot and moved on

>> No.56782870

Everyone who has literally been through 1 crypto market cycle knows this. It's a midwit take.

>> No.56783825

>find out the duck has his account hidden now, and that was about the only one i know of that actually did accurate repeated ta calls

you must have missed the one where he was very confident bitcoin wasn't going to go any lower than 30K in 2022, it was just going to range between 60k and 30k

then it fell straight through like a sack of fucking bricks

another retard larp I'm afraid