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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56778614 No.56778614 [Reply] [Original]

>20M MC now

>> No.56778661

first time this has ever been posted on biz. kill your family and yourself

>> No.56778673

First time you pay attention.

>> No.56778752


>> No.56778762

First time I saw this here was like month ago.

>> No.56778792

>you bought <insert random shitcoin> like I told you guys to do, r-right?
This is 1 of at least 20 threads in the last couple days that popped up out of no where saying this shit, only to be followed by a massive dump. Still not buying your bags, fags

>> No.56778796

no, you didn't

poo in loo streetshitters

>> No.56778815
File: 41 KB, 643x580, safety_off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I visit /biz/ every day and this coin has literally never been mentioned here before you filthy liar

>> No.56778911
File: 102 KB, 1080x830, IMG_20231126_081142_890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the anon who brought Kaspa, imgnAI, Neurai in the beginning. Chlorine is another one. I prove.

Pay attention to the meme: Maga Trump (ETH and BSC) and the Lila and Lyncoin projects.

Kaspa will exceed $3

>> No.56778931
File: 68 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20231122_062603_597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check now : Neurai (XNA)

Keep accumulating Kaspa, Clore, Lila, Maga Trump and Lyncoin.

>> No.56778938
File: 68 KB, 591x879, IMG_20231122_045636_081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Registration for 2024 is now done

>> No.56778975
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Anon literally came from the future

>> No.56778981

Chad based

>> No.56778995

confirmed jeet nigger. explode your brain you disgusting faggot

>> No.56779016
File: 155 KB, 1280x1280, ssssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't invest in pajeetistan projects. Only reliable companies with a clear bright future. I go heavy on Liquity LQTY

>> No.56779086
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>> No.56779093
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Check now

>> No.56779183
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wrong ticker retard, LQTY!
peace out bye

>> No.56779467
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>> No.56779478


>> No.56779482
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My condolences, anon

>> No.56779517

Is it too late to fomo into this?

>> No.56779562

This looks disgusting. Kys

>> No.56780151

I remember you were also pushing RXD and look where is at now?

>> No.56780302

I am not OP but I have shilled clore at least 6x lurk moar faggot

>> No.56780538

Tell me, what can you find from publicly available czech biz gov sites (names and birth dates found this way btw):
Ondrej Smid 27.6.2003
Robert Handl 17.8.2001
Jindrich Ondrasek 24.9.1969
Andre Benda 13.10.1995
I'll wait... and if their history and history of their companies isn't sus for you, I'm sorry...

Good luck with quick bux anyway.

>> No.56781158
File: 44 KB, 465x659, IMG_20231119_224240_644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56781170

>US$ 0,100000

>> No.56781506

I'll make it even easier..

>> No.56781543

What does that mean?


>> No.56781861

It means make easy x10-x50, go away and don't look back. In case you'll seek your money through legal ways in EU, list above will help you, although some will say it's not their (shell) company anymore, never was, it was named differently back then and they have nothing to do with that.

>> No.56783448

Bumping for visibility. Btw, I limit sold at 0.125 and 0.145, bought several times in July and the unfortunate peak in the beginning of August (< 15k$ in sum). Still holding about 1/3.

Still happy for the gains, time to look further.

>> No.56784024

Thanks you so much anon
I went all in on Trump, XNA, and CLORE a week ago, and I will hold these for the bullrun, need to to resist the urge to sell because last bullrun I sold all 25 of my ETH at $300 and lost all the money late 2020 anyways

>> No.56784264 [DELETED] 

>Btw, I limit sold at 0.125 and 0.145
don't you think this will be an easy 100 million mc in the bullrun?