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56773706 No.56773706 [Reply] [Original]

Guise I posted a bread a few days ago but no-one explained. How do I short? I've looked up leverage tokens like BLVT (BTCDOWN for a example) and they seem sketchy; rebalancing (which I don't fully understand also) seems like they're all the risk and only some of the reward. So- how do I short? What is fees, what is liquidation, how is it calculated, how are profits calculated? Pls someone halp
>Pic unrelated

>> No.56773938

>How do I short?

>What is fees, what is liquidation, how is it calculated, how are profits calculated?

>> No.56774049

Thank you anon. I tried the Buhnance guides and it just scrambled my head

>> No.56774224

I think I understand a little better. But do I fund a trade with stables even it that's not the asset I'm trading? So I short BTC/USDT with DAI for a example? Have you had much experience with Tigris, are they reliable? Not running a liquidation engine like Arthur Hayes used to?

>> No.56774252

the time to short was in 2022. if you short now you will lose all

>> No.56774316

Thanks for looking out for me. I'm not shorting now. Plan your trade and trade your plan; I have 3 sell triggers each for 25% of my stack. Flip to stables and send to cold storage. The remaining 25% I plan to use to short the market when the time comes, but until I understand leverage and margin I don't know how much to put in each time and how much will be at risk. It's all just research for now

>> No.56774339

buy an ad nigger

>> No.56774466

Actually not samefagging but since your here, do you know the difference between margin and leverage and if so can you explain it to me?
Got a referral link? Level 0 or level 1, I can't promise I'll use it but might do. Minimum position size $2500 isn't putting me off, but also that's likely to mean maybe there isn't much liquidity so I might be trading against no-one

>> No.56774497

See this is me phone posting with WiFi off. Notice ID isn't >>56773938 ID

>> No.56774790

>So I short BTC/USDT with DAI for a example?

>are they reliable?

>> No.56774807

>anon asks for help
>I give help
>I get insulted by random anon who goes on every thread posting "buy an ad"

aaaaah I love biz

>> No.56774833

>difference between margin and leverage
margin is how much DAI you decide to spend

leverage is multiplying that DAI and the exchange lends it to you

more leverage = more risk of getting liquidated

>> No.56774995

Thank you. Finally, I think I get it!

>> No.56775107
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be careful though, if you use high leverage it's way riskier than spot trading

>> No.56775132

Thanks. When I work out how much funding I need to keep, I can work out my trades. It's going to be low frequency high conviction only, maybe 5k a time knowing the first few are going to get stopped out. But when I catch the big move down, it'll pay off and if not, I only lose low 5 figures

>> No.56775211

Just found this. Fees look way lower pretty much anywhere else. 0.01% to 0.02% whereas Tigris is 0.05%. You used any of these? How did you come up with Tigris, are you staking xTIG or whatever it is?

>> No.56775257

Just use gmx you retard it's the dex with the most liquidity. Theres literally no point in using these copycat shit exchanges unless they are doing a trading competition