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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 388 KB, 1920x1004, IMG_20231125_151427_879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56772019 No.56772019 [Reply] [Original]

U mad?

>> No.56772024

That's nothing lol

>> No.56772037

why is there only poorfags like OP here. biz used to be high quality

>> No.56772054


>> No.56772058

Uncle Moshie?

>> No.56772064 [DELETED] 

if that is real send me 5 btc or you are a poorfag just like the rest of us

>> No.56772071

4*0 is 0

>> No.56772187
File: 267 KB, 1920x820, IMG_20231125_154411_611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does 100btc sound?

>> No.56772190

you won't

>> No.56772194

the only way to verify is if you send a tx right now and post the exact amount. u are only fooling toddlers and seniors with that.

>> No.56772200

testnet wallet, fk off

>> No.56772201

I believe OP because only a boomer would not know how to screencap.

>> No.56772203
File: 548 KB, 1920x987, IMG_20231125_154733_668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad do you need it?

>> No.56772205 [DELETED] 

I think you WILL do it, here you go, love you


>> No.56772212 [DELETED] 

I don't know. Please test


>> No.56772216

now sync it so it can go to what it really is, kek.

>> No.56772215 [DELETED] 


You lose every chance you don't take

>> No.56772222
File: 57 KB, 837x487, nig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one

>> No.56772223

wouldn't you need to sync it first to send the tx

>> No.56772224

Hmmm didnt know so many people wanted in on it. Maybe i shouldnt give so much to a single anon then.

Gotta be honest im kinda drunk rn, need to think

>> No.56772227

Be like Santa, a little bit to everyone

>> No.56772229 [DELETED] 

For once I feel this time its different.

Even 1 anon and you'd have literally changed a life


>> No.56772230


Quads >>56772222
You have to answer, OP

>> No.56772231

Pick the first 5 addresses itt and send 20 each.

>> No.56772239

Your mom is a hoe

>> No.56772247

Idk guys im starting to sober up and think maybe this is a bad idea

>> No.56772252

see >>56772064
are you just a poorfag?

>> No.56772253 [DELETED] 

lol why? you that cheap? change some lives:

>> No.56772262

Jokes on you ive downloaded one of those wallet.dat files where people dont remember the password of. I dont own any btc but at least im not as pathetic as you asking strangers online for scraps.

Btw ive reported you all for begging.

Mods do your job

>> No.56772265


Pls help a anon out my wife's boyfriend stopped giving me allowance after I got rugged on scam coins

>> No.56772266

Life goes on

>> No.56772271

yawn, next

>> No.56772274

lol I knew it

>> No.56772278 [DELETED] 


>> No.56772281

Just kidding its actually mine. But since you are mean you wont be getting a single sat.

>> No.56772283

nothing ever happens

>> No.56772286

the Schrödinger's poorfag

>> No.56772288

you'll also be banned dummy.

>> No.56772290

Please donate to abolishinists rising or to vegan charities Watch the chicken YouTube video too
Hundreds of thousands of children are being aborted every single year. Tens of thousands of children are being aborted completely legally in 2023 in deep red USA states.
Abortion is still legal in all 50 states and almost nobody is talking about it. The pro life movement is a controlled opposition and not your fren. Please watch this approximately 15 minute long YouTube video on abortion please whether you be pro choice or already pro life https://youtu.be/XGPv66ZqlEQ?feature=shared [Open] [Open] [Open]

Over 6 billion (yes) Chickens are tortured to death every single year in the United States alone in factory farms. And no your Canada Australia or EU country isn't much better. Billions of animals are being tortured to death in factory farms every single year and it's (partially) your fault! Please watch at least the first five minutes of this YouTube video . In it he explains that people who regularly purchase chicken for years straight will almost certainly cause the torturing and murder of hundreds of extra chickens. That blood is all on your hands and would NOT have been shed had you instead decided to boycott animal products / go vegan ! https://youtu.be/brKhhZlUoOc?feature=shared [Open] [Open] [Open]

What are the conditions like in factory farms where over 96% of all animal products in western nations come from? They are mutilated without anesthetic, crammed in dirty, uncomfortable, and crowded conditions, they are artificially inseminated / raped and jacked off, they are slaughtered. Here is a free approximately 2 hours long documentary about factory farming please watch it thank you https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?feature=shared urfff

>> No.56772292

How is this related to business and finance?

>> No.56772293

Dont care ive been banned 5 times already today

>> No.56772302 [DELETED] 


if this is real, here is my bitcoin address.

>> No.56772303

Wanna see my dick financially speaking?

Niggerniggerniggernigger jew

>> No.56772334

Im just kidding its my wallet.

The next 5 lucky anons are all getting 10btc each.

Post your address

>> No.56772341

39RUrjb6Br2ygZk5U8b6dYsPJKC3SQuvLN but i still think youre a poorfag mate

>> No.56772342


>> No.56772348

haha no, it's mine actually

>> No.56772349


>> No.56772352

But why should you deserve it?

Convince me.

How are you gonna use it to help other people?

>> No.56772356

i'm a dev, I'd give other devs a job to build cool shit

>> No.56772367

I'm going to help society by removing myself from it and neet from that money

>> No.56772369 [DELETED] 

Btw i've reported all of you too.

No begging on /biz/

>> No.56772372
File: 450 KB, 1360x692, 1585786191270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ser please give me ser please seeeer

>> No.56772376

its technically not begging if you asked for the addresses, only my first post was begging

>> No.56772379

Quite interesting to say the least.

>> No.56772399

If not larping.
0.5 BTC and you would make my year.

>> No.56772408

>downloaded one of those wallet.dat files where people dont remember the password
where do i get these?