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56770366 No.56770366 [Reply] [Original]

What will you do if you cant become a millionaire before the age you're aiming for?

>> No.56770374

porsches are cars for middle aged cumskin males
no thanks

>> No.56770453

Literally for me

>> No.56770487
File: 2.64 MB, 592x1088, 1673551974254059.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuke Israel

>> No.56770492

thats 2 men

>> No.56770774

unironically will kill myself

>> No.56770822
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>> No.56770894

how can AI get better than this, it must have peaked

>> No.56771260
File: 16 KB, 361x149, Screenshot 2023-11-25 115314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. foodstamp hellcat hoodnigger
also enjoy my KKK captcha you crusty nigger

>> No.56771271


>> No.56772139

and you probably don't even drive. sad.

>> No.56772213
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, The key to success is to surround yourself with positive people who believe in you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to become a millionaire by the age of 40. I did it 2 years ago at the age of 32. God is good.

>> No.56772291

i moved the goal from 30 to 35, i will make it by 2028 halving.

>> No.56772301


>> No.56772309

it's just beginning

>> No.56772319
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 96EC5EAC-2AC5-48A1-8F13-29942D7FA38D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make everyone’s life miserable by embracing spiritual boomerism. All my choices will be based on how it will fuck up another person’s life. And I got mine go fuxk yourself.

>> No.56773094

Spoilers ruin Porsches. The 911 shape is lovely without one. Even the stupid electric thing needs to stay down. That thing in the pic is horrible

>> No.56773121

you can have that porsche, or any porsche at all really, if you're content to never be a millionaire. just use debt. it's yours right now. go on, be a faggot. suffer in old age, poor. the car will surely last ten or fifteen years or so, and no one will like it anymore, but you love it more than real wealth so just have it.

>> No.56774299
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Not stressin' nigga kava staking will slowly but surely get me there. Also btc $100k Q2 next year.

>> No.56774312

Kinda based. Embrace play pretend lead poisoning, be a piece of shit and act confused when called out about it. I fuck with it anon

>> No.56774320

Always have a plan B and C just in case your imaginary "block chain" money stops existing anon. Don't forget if you become too much of a nuisance once BRICS and USA launch their respective virtual currencies, they'll eliminate you with so many arbitrary sanctions btc will go back to being like 5 bucks max

>> No.56774331

why is there always at least one npc going "its going to get better" every time ai is mentioned? why do you want it to get better other than to generate porn or whatever. weird faggots

>> No.56774338

Checked, farm anon. May your harvest be bountiful and plenty.

>> No.56774341

by the time you're 50 if the market doesn't change drastically by then to the point you lose your bags completely and end up poorer than before
>it will

>> No.56774342
File: 3.73 MB, 2864x4093, 1700578045327185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto is the revolution.
If the internet exists, it will exists.

>> No.56774343

Just look at all the middle aged cumskin males you got mad with such a simple post. FPBP!


>> No.56774345

extremely femoid behavior to be honest

>> No.56774355
File: 45 KB, 822x960, 1622604428733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but a femoid is not the one doing it so its fine

>> No.56774356

its kava. it vill be bountiful.
>t. linkie stinkie that locked himself in chastity for a year (unironically)
i didn't know how garbage 4.2% yield truly was. it's awful.

>> No.56774360

may you find your family killed when you get back home and feel compelled to follow them to the other side of the rainbow

>> No.56774364

I want to end my life

>> No.56774365
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>> No.56774587

My realistic age target is 45